  Secret Societes of America


Acknowledgments ix
Introduction: Born in Blood 1
Piracy: A Merry and a Short Life 9
Chapter 1 The New World Order 12
Chapter 2 Brothers to Pirates and Corsairs 32
Chapter 3 Under a Black Flag 48
Chapter 4. Skeletons in the Closet 68
The Lodge and the Revolution 91
Chapter 5 Smugglers, Patriots, and Masons 100
Chapter 6 Franklin and the Masonic Underground 122
Chapter 7 The Merchants of War 136
Chapter 8 The Bribe That Won the War 153
Chapter 9 One Nation Under the Great Architect 169
From the Sacred to the Profane 111
Chapter 10 The Slave Traders 179
Chapter 11 Red Cross and Black Cargo 188
Chapter 12 Master Masons and Their Slaves 206
Chapter 13 The Masonic Betrayal 228
Chapter 14 The Opium Brotherhood 238
Chapter 15 Opium: From the Lodge to the Den 259
Chapter 16 Wealth: The Legacy of the Opium Trade 276
Chapter 17 The Power of the New Skull and Bones 290
Notes 305
Index 317



Elite and secret societies have shaped history since the beginning of
civilization. From the time of the Crusades to the twenty-first
century, a handful of families have controlled the course of world events
and have built their own status and wealth through collective efforts and
The greatest elite society was that of the Knights Templar.
Admission to the organization often required breeding and wealth that
were the privilege of a select few. Outside the core a larger force was
needed both to fight wars and to maintain the organization's far-flung
assets. These forces would grow to include an army, a navy, various real
estate (including agricultural properties), and a banking empire.
Admission standards changed over time to the degree necessary to
maintain the needed personnel, but the elite core was always in control.
When the massive Templar organization was suddenly outlawed by
the avarice of the French king, it did not die; it simply moved underground.
The survival of the underground Templars has been touched
upon by several authors, but only recently has more in-depth research
brought the Templars' survival to light.
The Templars survived militarily. By pledging themselves to various
powers, the military orders survived their open attack by both state and
church and the mass executions and imprisonments of the fourteenth
century. The Knights of Christ, the Teutonic Knights, the Swiss Guard,
and the Scots Guard, as well as several small but powerful military
orders, outlived those who persecuted them. Hydralike, the orders
survived, prospered, and multiplied. Several are alive and well in the
new millennium.
The Templar organization survived and regrouped financially. The
massive Templar, Incorporated that would bring banking to its modern
form survived by moving to Switzerland, where a handful of bankers
maintained and often controlled the massive wealth of the European
elite. The Swiss cantons, often flying flags only slightly different from
the Templar flags, protected by the Alpine passes and the Swiss Guard,
took the role of the Templar preceptory. The neutral status and the
preservation of secrecy would attract the funds of Europe from the
fourteenth century to the twenty-first.
The Templar ideal of commitment to learning, discovery, and brotherhood
greatly affected the world over the subsequent centuries. For
example, neo-Templar organizations were responsible for advances in
various sciences. Prince Henry, the grand master of the Knights of Christ,
made advancements in the art of navigation and funded the voyages of
discovery. And various members of the Royal Society progressed in
astronomy, in medical arts, and even in the transmutation of metals, and
their accomplishments frequently became the foundation of modern sciences.
Until the early 1300s, learning and experimentation were considered
heretical and could easily place a scientist under the control of the
Inquisition. Later post-Templar organizations understood the value of
secrecy to avoid religious persecution for philosophical and scientific discussion.
The Masonic brotherhood created in post-Templar Scotland was
largely responsible for influencing the American concepts of liberty,
freedom, due process, and democracy. The concept of the "military
lodge"—in which a non-permanent lodge traveled with soldiers—
brought to America by the fighting units of Europe would further the
ideals and fight the war for independence. Secretive groups such as
those meeting at Saint Andrews Lodge in Boston would instigate the
Boston Tea Party, and they spread like wildfire throughout the colonies.
The Caucus Club, the Loyall Nine, and the Sons of Liberty would grow
into the Committees of Correspondence, the Continental Congress,
and finally fighting militia units. Many were necessarily organized in
secret. Many would preserve their secrecy by oaths taken in Masonic
fraternal lodges. The climax was when French forces, enlisted through
Masonic channels, arrived under the command of high-ranking Masons
and Knights of Saint John and defeated the British at Yorktown.
The result was an elected American president who was a Mason,
sworn in on the Bible of a Masonic lodge by the grand master of New
York's Masons and a new form of government. Another was the nation's
capitol, which was built by employing Masonic geometric principles
and was dedicated in a strictly Masonic ceremony complete with highranking
government members in Masonic aprons.
But there was a downside.
Secret societies and the elite of mainstream society would strive to
perpetuate themselves through any means possible. The higher ideals of
liberty and equality were compromised by the elite, who remained in
The breakup of the Templars was directly responsible for the dramatic
rise in piracy that plagued Europe, America, and even the Indian
Ocean. The pirates themselves were organized in fraternal brotherhoods,
they pledged themselves to the good of the group, they promised
to share equally in the proceeds, and they even fought under the
same battle flag that was flown by the Templar fighting fleet. Stranger
still, the pirate bases—ports in Scotland, Ireland, and America where
pirates could openly dock and sell their booty—were protected by
Masonic cells that extended to the courthouses and capitol buildings.
Smuggling, too, grew as a worldwide enterprise despite its illegality.
Ports from Salem and Newport to the Caribbean and Bermuda,
which harbored and facilitated the trade of pirates, had no qualms about
aiding and abetting smugglers. For the same reasons that Masonic
organizations grew into labor and artisan guilds that protected the
livelihood of their members, individuals in the smuggling business
needed to be considered trustworthy. In Bermuda, where possibly two
thirds of the eighteenth-century trade was illegal, trading partners had
to maintain secrecy. The island was and is a bastion of Masonry; the
Customs House itself more closely resembles a Masonic temple than a
government office.
Unfortunately, the slave-trading industry was also furthered by
Masonic groups. The Knights of Christ were actually responsible for
organizing the importation of human cargo to Europe and later for
licensing the trade in the Americas. The chivalric orders that controlled
the governments of Portugal and Spain sold licenses to other governments,
which in turn organized companies to propagate the trade. The
royals of Europe were the ultimate beneficiaries of the business; for a
share of the profits, they granted licenses to elite merchants and businessmen
who were part of the court. Licenses to trade in slaves were
sold by the merchants and businessmen to the highest bidders, allowing
newcomers to join the merchant class—yet connections would supersede
wealth. In America, democracy and free enterprise theoretically
allowed anyone to play a role in the buying and selling of humans, but
it was a handful of elite families, connected to counterparts in England
and France, that took over the business.
When the American Revolution broke out, Benjamin Franklin
turned to the Masonic elite of France, who controlled the slave trade,
to get arms, supplies, and military support. In the first fourscore years of
American history, the slave-trading ports from Charleston to Newport
were controlled by a handful of families bound by Masonic and family
ties. They were not like the Jeffersons and Madisons, who saw the eventual
end to the institution as befitting the new democracy; it was a mercantilist
capitalism that the slave traders put above freedom and
These merchants would not relinquish the lucrative trade and
seemed to stop at nothing in fighting abolition. The presidency was
something members of the mercantile elite felt they could buy, and
when money couldn't decide an election they used other means to
seize control. In an effort to derail abolition, Presidents Harrison and
Taylor suffered sudden and suspicious deaths that put pro-slave vice
presidents in power. When even death failed to halt abolition, the country
wound up in the most destructive war it ever fought. The Civil War
ended at Appomattox, where the armies of Jefferson Davis surrendered—
but not for the elite. A conspiracy organized by members of the
quasi-Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle to kill President Lincoln
sought to nullify the Emancipation Proclamation and its effects on the
trade with England. The postwar efforts at reconstruction would also be
stained by another Masonic group of "knights," the Ku Klux Klan.
Although piracy and smuggling were no longer as profitable in the
newly independent America, institutions such as the slave trade and illegal
drug trafficking would take their place. The latter provided riches
for the elite that would become the bedrock of the American industrial
age. The illegal drug trade that the Americans and British united to create
in the first half of the nineteenth century would be a never-ending
plague. Again, a select core of families controlled the trade, and in both
Britain and America they were organized in Masonic cells. Family and
lodge connections were the only tickets to admittance.
While it is not surprising that America's Founding Fathers were
mostly slave owners, a legal activity, it may be surprising to discover that
they were often smugglers as well. Profits from drug running, smuggling,
slave trading, and even piracy are directly responsible for the founding of
several of the country's most important banks, which are still in operation
today. New England's staunch insurance business was born and prospered
through profits earned from insuring opium and slave ships. The large
railroad system that was built throughout the continental United States in
the nineteenth century was funded with profits from illegal drug smuggling.
And one of the greatest opium fortunes would provide seed money
for the telephone and communications industry.
The European Knights Templar was a massive organization, but at
the center was a hereditary elite that controlled and reaped the rewards
of the group. Even after the reported demise of the group, it retained
remarkable clout and power, always behind the scenes.
In America the influence of a core elite was as strong. This elite class
positioned itself to control the masses no longer for holy crusade, but
rather to enrich itself. Rooted in the Masonic lodge system, a new class
formed through connections made at the most famous lodges, such as
the Holland No. 8 Lodge in New York and the Solomon's Lodge of
Charleston, where members could control politics and legitimate business
while also enjoying the profits of corrupt and even criminal underworld
The family wealth of Franklin and Theodore Roosevelt had been
built on drug running. As in all opium-smuggling families, inbreeding
was important. The Delano side of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was an
opium smuggler who made a fortune, lost it, and returned to drug running
to recoup it. Ulysses S. Grant married into an opium-dealing family
with connections in Europe and America. The first families of New
York and New England who graciously provided funds for Harvard,
Yale, Columbia, Brown, and Princeton Universities donated money
earned in the illegal drug trade. The same men would build railroads
and textile mills, found banks and insurance companies, and keep the
family wealth intact for generations to come. Besides the Roosevelts
and Grant, other presidents—including Taft and both Bushes—were
connected by a bizarre cult at Yale that was founded by and funded with
money from the China trade. That organization is as secretive, elite, and
powerful today as it was two centuries ago.
Other presidents have been connected to piracy by their relations.
John Tyler married into a family whose status was achieved on pirate
booty. Millard Fillmore's great-grandfather was tried for piracy. Like
opium trading, piracy was an enterprise that depended on a widespread
system of recognition and trust. From Cape Cod and eastern Long
Island to New York City, North Carolina, and New Orleans pirates
trusted each other and knew those in power who provided shelter, legal
protection, and a market for their goods. When on land, the pirate captains
reported to the powerful few who protected their trade. These
connections were made and preserved through the Masonic halls.
Governors, mayors, and judges licensed and invested in pirate voyages,
the proceeds of which helped build family fortunes.
Pirate ships were floating lodges where ritual, secrecy, and blood
oaths were the glue bonding the pirates. But the rank-and-file pirate
brothers were not welcome at the lodge meetings of the Holland
No. 8 in New York, where the Livingston family toasted their success
in backing pirates like Captain Kidd and were still protecting pirates
like Laffite a hundred years later.
Piracy was not the only crime on the high seas; the American
colonies also prospered through smuggling. John Hancock was a
wealthy Mason whose ship Liberty would put Boston on the path to the
Tea Party and Revolution. With one foot in the elite Masonic lodges
where shipowners and captains were welcome and another in the
lodges where the workingman was accepted, Hancock provided work
for one third of Boston. It was Britain's insistence on enforcing its laws
against smuggling that precipitated the Revolution. The colonies relied
on their smugglers to provide food, arms, and supplies to fight Britain.
The role of America's smuggling partners in the Caribbean and
Bermuda has hardly been examined by historians, but it was vital. At the
same time, smuggling and privateering provided a foundation for many
of America's political dynasties that remain in power today.
The Revolution put an end to the large profits of the smuggling
business. Piracy and privateering also ceased to be an easy road to profits.
The slave trade would provide the next avenue to wealth on the seas,
thriving in ports that were strongholds of Masonry. From Newport to
Charleston, belonging to a lodge meant access to funding, insurance, and
finding a crew for slave trading. It also meant access to the marketplace.
But Masonic membership did not merely present opportunity in
the underworld. Benjamin Franklin acknowledged that success in the
printing business hinged on just which Masonic lodge one belonged to
in the city of Philadelphia. John Jacob Astor, who once held one
fifteenth of all American personal wealth, joined the prestigious
Holland No. 8 Lodge in New York to advance his businesses. Success in
the legal profession, almost a prerequisite for government office, was
ensured to the sons of the wealthy who could study at the Temple in
London. Passing the bar is a term that originated in the Templar stronghold
in London, and it is a rite of passage that must be achieved today
in order to join the legal profession. Promotion in the military was
denied to many who would not be part of the military lodge, a portable
home to brothers that included George Washington, the Marquis de
Lafayette, and John Paul Jones.
The secret and elite structures that have built America's business
empires and family fortunes have concealed their history well. In an age
when the slightest indiscretions sometimes have the potential to disqualify
a candidate from public office, the tainted backgrounds and
family histories of the Founding Fathers of the country and its institutions
are remarkable. We have inherited colleges and universities named
for slave traders and opium dealers. We honor presidents and other
politicians whose families built their fortunes through crime. We
patronize businesses founded by men whose fortunes are rooted in illegal
Many of the families regarded as America's blue bloods, our equivalent
of aristocracy, have hidden in their ancestral closets men who
would make today's organized criminals look cherubic. They were not
mere horse thieves and snake-oil salesmen, nor were they con men who
were ridden out of town on the rail. These Founding Fathers rose to
great wealth. Their legacy was passed on to heirs who still enjoy that
wealth—and their power too, which is protected by the institutions
they put in place and ensures their participation in the future. The system,
thanks to ill-gotten gains and power, perpetuates itself.
In a country where everyone was given a new start, a fresh chance,
and an equal opportunity, it is curious that the gap between rich and
poor widened so dramatically after the American Revolution. But it
was not by chance or hard work; institutions from Europe, often underground,
established a network that would ensure the success and power
of their own. The same secret societies that had been established in
Europe for hundreds of years were imported into Europe's colonies
from the earliest days.
To understand how pervasive secret and elite societies are today and
how they played such a significant role in recent centuries, we must
begin at one critical day in 1307, when the greatest organization the
world had ever known saw its downfall.


Piracy: A Merry and a Short Life
MEDIEVAL EUROPE HAD a class structure that
divided the rich from the poor in more intrusive ways
than does the gap that divides the classes today. From the
lord of the manor to the king, life-and-death power was
wielded over the common man. Society and the Church
also played a great role in determining just what an individual
could or could not do. Strict conventions permeated
society to the point that even the clothes an
individual wore were subject to law. In colonial New
York, when pirates paraded from one tavern to another
in silk shirts and pistol-concealing waistcoats, they defied
not only a societal convention, but also the law. Wearing
silk or fur was a privilege of the landed few.
From medieval times in Europe to the colonial
period in America, society underwent a challenge that
would change the way man perceived and indeed lived his life. In
medieval times the choices for most young men (and women) were few
and unappealing. Inheritance law once gave the family estate to the eldest
son and allowed the younger brothers and sisters to stay only if they
remained unmarried. Daughters were married off and sons apprenticed
out or sent to study for the priesthood, as their fathers saw fit.
War brought opportunity. Enlisting for the Crusades gave men the
chance to leave behind a predestined life. The Crusades meant adventures
and the possibility of bettering one's circumstances. Going to sea
offered the same escape. Life at sea was adventurous, and enabled some
to return home with enough money to live out their lives. However,
most men who joined the Crusades to escape the mundane fate of
becoming priests or apprentices could not even step back into those
vocations. When Jerusalem was lost and the Knights Templar disbanded,
many had little chance of returning to society. Fearing prosecution or
simply poverty, many decided to keep on enjoying the daredevil life.
For the fighting soldier, one choice was to become a mercenary in
the newly emerging fighting orders from Scotland to the
Mediterranean Sea. For the sailor, the life of a privateer, a smuggler, or
a pirate held even more promise of reward. Both mercenary and pirate
became members of a society within the society.
Pirates have been portrayed as bands of swashbuckling, peg-legged
lunatics with homicidal tendencies since the days of the eighteenth-century
writer Daniel Defoe. The real story is less colorful—and more interesting.
Although many would live "the merry life and the short life," as
Defoe's fact-bending tales called it, others enjoyed a life expectancy
longer than that of sailors on British navy ships. They ate better, were
treated less harshly, and shared in a greater portion of their gains.
Pirates were banded together by covenants that provided more protection
than English naval law, and were regularly voted on by every
sailor aboard. The pirate ship and pirate ports like Saint Mary's in
Madagascar were the first instances of democratic rule. The one-man,
one-vote system aboard the pirate ship was not duplicated until the
American Constitution. Even then, voting was not as democratic as was
pirate rule.
Care for the injured and for the widowed, too, was usually more
reliable for the pirate than for the sailor in the English navy. The navy
embodied the most rigid of class structures and offered little in the way
of security.
Pirates bought supplies and arms, sold ill-gotten gains from wool to
jewels, and often retired to estates, or at least farms, bought with the
proceeds of their life's work. To deal with conventional society, they had
to have connections. To create such connections meant that they had to
belong to a brotherhood. The brotherhood went much deeper than a
small group banding together. As remnant Templars became organized
in lodges, old ties were restored. Masonry, more or less underground
until the early eighteenth century, provided lodging, employment, food,
and even clothes to brothers. Masonry also provided connections to a
network, underground and often above the law. When Freemasonry was
finally acknowledged, a secret oath for a Master Mason acknowledged
that masons were "brothers to pirates and corsairs."
Those who sailed under the skull and crossbones could rely on protection
in the ports and in the courts, where a secret handshake or
coded phrase required fellow Masons to come to the aid of a their
Fortunes built by pirates and by those who outfitted them with
supplies and bought their goods survived the "golden age of piracy."
Dynasties created through underworld activity and membership in
secret societies would pave the way to power that survives into modern

Chapter 1

October 13, 1307, would go down in history as the first unlucky
Friday the thirteenth. On that day the Knights Templar, who
had fought so valiantly for the cause of Christianity during the
Crusades, were ordered arrested by the French king. Operating on
orders that were sealed until the night before the arrest, the representatives
of the French crown launched an early-dawn raid on all the
Templar properties in the realm of the king. Special focus was given to
the center of the Templar organization, the Paris treasury. Within hours
both knights and servants of the order were under arrest and in custody.
Within days, interrogation under extreme torture began, and it soon
elicited confessions of many of the depraved acts and practices of the
order of warrior-monks. The greatest order Europe had ever seen soon
ceased to exist.
When it was formed almost two hundred years before, the Templars
were a military force organized like a religious order. The creation of
the Templars coincided with Saint Bernard taking control of the
Cistercian order of monks in France. Bernard was instrumental in
molding both organizations to carry out the mission he envisioned. The
rules for his order of monks were adopted by the fighting monks that
would be called the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the
Temple of Solomon. They would become known as the Knights
Templar. Bernard's vision became reality. But he was not acting alone.
Saint Bernard was a member of an elite class at a time in European
history when the feudal system ruled every facet of life. This handful of
wealthy families, mostly centered around the town of Champagne and
its count, would be responsible for the Crusades, for the rapid growth
of the Cistercian order, and for the power of the Knights Templar. There
were nine members of the original Knights Templar; three were
pledged to the Count of Champagne. One of these was Andre de
Montbard, the uncle of Saint Bernard. The count donated the land on
which Bernard built the abbey of Clairvaux, which would be the center
of Bernard's power.
Fixing on the need to take back the Holy Lands from Islam,
Bernard preached a military crusade. It was said that when he reached
a village, women would attempt to hide their husbands, as few could
resist his call to arms. The act of seeing the world may have appealed to
a peasant class that was often regarded as the property of the feudal
estates that dominated the countryside. The Crusades offered adventure—
and salvation. After thousands marched against Islam and recaptured
the holy city of Jerusalem, thousands more desired to travel to the
sacred city. The nine original Templar knights went to the Holy Lands
to protect the roads for those making the pilgrimage. After several years,
they returned to a hero's welcome.
With Bernard's seal of approval, the Knights Templar grew and
flourished, becoming the vanguard of Europe's military. Their military
exploits against Islam are legendary; their financial exploits are misunderstood
and downplayed.
Although the full name of the organization was the Order of the Poor
Knights of the Temple of Solomon, the order was anything but poor. It
was, in fact, the richest organization that Europe had even seen and the
first ever multinational corporation. The business of the Knights
Templar was business, and it was conducted in a way that Europe had
never seen before. The loyalty of the order was directed to itself. The
Templars nominally owed their allegiance to the Roman pope, but this
loyalty was more in word than in deed. They actually fought against
other Christian armies and against their rival order, the Knights of Saint
John, and during the Albigensian Crusade some Templars even fought
against the pope and his genocidal purge of the Cathari in southern
France. The Templars' true allegiance was to themselves, as together they
could become masters of any industry they desired.
Banking as we know it today was an institution founded by the
Knights Templar. Before the Templars there were certain individuals
who would attend trade fairs for facilitating currency exchange, buying
and selling shares in commercial enterprises, and lending money. Many
of the early banking groups were Italian families from Florence, Venice,
and Lombardy. The activities of these bankers were restricted by numerous
In a world where the pope and the Catholic Church made the
rules, usury, the charging of interest, was banned. For the Templars there
were several ways to skirt the laws forbidding the charging of interest.
One way was simply to charge a commission to procure the loan, but
such a thinly disguised fee would still attract the condemnation of religious
members. Another way was to call usury by a different name. The
order was allowed to charge a "crusading interest" for loans. Its clients
were often the same nobility that donated lands to the Temple, for
which they received an income from the properties. Nobles, often the
kings of England and France, needed to borrow money to fight wars
and the Temple was willing to lend—for a fee. Where usury was a practice
not allowed even for the Temple, the Temple would earn a profit by
currency changing. For instance, wool from France that was carried on
Temple ships and sold to a buyer in England was subject to a currency
change that often placed less value on the payment currency.
Deposit banking was not banned by the Church, nor was the function
of acting as a safe deposit. Who was better prepared than the
Templars, with their numerous fortresses and strongholds stretched over
Europe, to protect the wealth of the Continent's elite? The Templar bank
secured the worldly possessions of merchants, knights, and royalty alike
and held them in one country while allowing withdrawal in another.
Fees were charged for each step of the transaction, and if the fees were
not enough, wise Templar bankers would charge more if one needed to
make a withdrawal of money in another currency. There was always a
profit to be earned.
The few records found in the Paris Temple show the various transactions
that took place on a typical day. Entries signed by the Templar
cashier of the day listed the amount of a deposit, the name of the depositor,
the origin of the deposit, and occasionally to whose account it
would be credited if not the depositor's. A network of fortified houses
throughout Europe and the Holy Lands served as the predecessor of the
modern branch system of any large financial institution. Five categories
of clients were served: Knights Templar (they often received payment in
cities outside of their homeland and were not willing to carry money),
ecclesiastical dignitaries, the king, other nobles, and the bourgeois. The
records were kept in the Journal of Treasure.1 This "treasure" would ultimately
attract the interest of the French king, who was on the accounts
receivable list.
Property and estate management played a large role in Templar affairs.
Before the fall of Jerusalem, the Templars controlled nine thousand
manors that had been donated to the order by Europe's landowners. An
English property census noted, "The number of manors, farms,
churches, advowsons, demesne lands, villages, hamlets, windmills and
watermills, rents of assize, rights of common and free warren, and the
amounts of all types of property, possessed by the Templars in England
... are astonishing." In Yorkshire the Templars owned several large
manors and sixty smaller parcels of property.2 In Sicily they possessed
valuable estates, large tracts of land, and rights of fishery, pasturage, and
cutting wood. In Spain the Templars were "endowed with cities, villages,
lordships and splendid domains."3 In Aragon they had castles in
several cities, were the lords of Borgia and Tortosa, and received the revenue
of one tenth of the kingdom.4
The list of Templar property filled an entire census book; they had
lands in Germany, Hungary, and France and in the territories bordering
France and Germany. In 1180 hundreds of acres were required to
support one knight in battle; a century later thousands of acres were
necessary. Templar property was exempt from local tithes yet could
receive them. While the common man would understand that the fruits
of his labors provided support to those fighting the Crusades, a neighboring
noble was not as gracious. A common man was generally
required to contribute time, and for most this was easy. A noble
(landowner) paid a higher price. He experienced higher costs and more
challenge in finding workers, as he competed with the Templars for
available able-bodied men. And a landowner, unlike his Templar neighbor,
paid taxes. Because the Temple employees were liable only to the
order that employed them, fugitives and felons could find refuge from
the law by working for a Templar estate.
The amalgamation of an international military force and a religious
order in the form of a business never again appears in the history of the
world. In addition to reaping profits, the Templar order was the beneficiary
of gifts that were meant as penance for sins. The greatest gift to
the Templar order was required of King Henry II of England as a result
of the murder of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas a Becket.
Henry donated funds to equip two hundred knights a year, as well as
more money in his will. The Templars had every advantage and no one
to report to.
The Templar fleet was another source of profits that aroused the envy
of the shipowners and merchants of France's port cities. In the early
years of the Crusades, the Templars required massive movement of men,
arms, and horses. They would contract with merchants of Italian citystates
like Venice and Genoa. These merchants, especially those from
Genoa and Pisa, had merchant colonies in Barcelona, Marseilles,
Mahdia, Ceuta, Tunis, and Tripoli. Their ships brought in wares from
China, India, and Ceylon. Because minor kingdoms would coin their
own money, the Italian traders were also money changers and lenders.
The bankers from Venice, Genoa, Lucca, and Florence were called
Lombards, and they replaced the Jews as Europe's merchant bankers.
Loan rates could range from 15 percent for a business loan to 100 percent
for a personal loan. Templar, Inc. would move to take business from
the Italian merchants.5
In 1207 the Templars became shipowners. When they weren't using
ships for the transport of men, they would use the vessels for trade. The
profits and the fleet itself began to grow in size. By 1233 the city of
Marseilles was complaining that Templar ships were taking business
away from their own.6 The Templars soon had many preceptories in
port cities including Brindisi, Bari, Barletta, and Trani and on Sicily at
Messina. The trans-Mediterranean trade often involved transporting
goods and animals to the eastern Mediterranean Sea and returning with
slaves, who would work for the Templars in the West.
The Turkish port of Ayas in Cilicia was a center for the slave trade,
and the Templars established a wharf there. The Knights Templar and
the rival Christian order the Knights of Malta became the largest
European slave traders in the Mediterranean, and they established
themselves in Venice. Perhaps the most important slave port of the
Templars was the city of Acre in the Holy Lands. There all the slaves
were called Muslims, regardless of their religion; this was the result of
the pope in Rome declaring a ban on Christian slaves in the kingdom
of Jerusalem. Muslims who sought to convert were denied. Pope
Gregory was told of this and complained to the grand masters of both
orders, but the trade in all its avarice continued.
The Templar fleet served both to generate profits for the order and
as part of the Templar war machine. Flying the skull and crossbones as
its battle flag, the Templar fleet was used in military operations against
Egypt, the coast of Asia Minor, and throughout the Mediterranean Sea.
In addition to transporting troops and carrying weapons and supplies
for their military operations, as well as slaves and goods for trade,
the Templars engaged in piracy. Piracy was defined as the act of capturing
another ship on the seas. But a Templar ship taking on an Islamic
warship was not considered piracy, as the two were at war. There were
few ships designed strictly for battle, as all shipping boats needed to be
armed. Thus the act of capturing an Islamic merchant ship would be
considered privateering. There was a fine line between piracy and, later,
privateering, which meant that a ship's captain had the permission of a
ruler, and later a letter of marque, to engage in piracy.
An English ship engaged in plundering English ships would be
defined as a pirate ship, even if it shared the spoils with the English king.
If an English ship took a French ship without the English king's permission,
it was still a pirate ship. If, however, an English ship sailed with
the permission of the English king to plunder the ships of other
nations, it was a privateer ship.
The Templars answered to no one except the pope, who did not,
according to record, issue letters of marque. When the Templars captured
enemy ships, they claimed they were acting on behalf of their
nominal ruler, the pope. But the ships of the Templar order did not stop
there, and often the ships of other Christian kings were fair game.
Most of the Templar fleet was originally the low-lying galleys,
which were similar to those used by the Muslim pirates of the Barbary
Coast. They were ideally suited for the coastal trade and equally suited
for piracy, as they could maneuver into shallow waters and were not
forced to depend on the winds. The Atlantic fleet of the Templars used
the sail, which allowed it to navigate the oceans as well.
Christian Europe and Muslim Africa and Asia were at war for hundreds
of years, but on a cultural basis many connections were made.
Simon Dansker, a Flemish adventurer, showed the North African pirates
the use of the long-range sailing ship in piracy Dansker started his career
in the French port of Marseilles but soon changed sides and names. As
Dali Rais, which means Captain Devil, Dansker switched to the side of
the Barbary pirates and captured Christian ships. Under his tutelage the
Muslim pirates extended their range into the Adantic. A Muslim fleet
even sailed to Iceland, where the pirates took slaves and plundered. But
Dansker changed sides one too many times and was hanged in Tunis.
The Templar fleet was made up of whatever ships could be built or
bought or captured from its enemies. The range of the Templars' sailing
ships extended from the North Atlantic to the eastern Mediterranean.
The ships carried goods and pilgrims from Italy to the Holy Lands.
With no fear of reprisals, the Templars engaged in piracy when profit
could not be made in legitimate ways. For those who manned the
Templar fleet, the career jump from privateer for the order to pirate for
one's own gain was small.
One early Templar-turned-pirate was Roger de Flor.The son of the
falconer of Emperor Frederick II, the eight-year-old Roger was taken
on as a cabin boy in the Templar port of Brindisi. Working his way up
through the ranks of the Templar navy, he soon assumed command of a
ship bought from the Genoese. He named his ship the Falcon. When the
final stronghold of Acre was being besieged, de Flor learned a new skill:
extortion. He used his ship to raise money for his future career as a pirate
by charging to rescue "ladies and damsels and great treasure."7 De Flor
eventually fell out of favor with the order and his ship remained in
Temple hands, but he had earned enough money to buy a new ship.
Through piracy and later mercenary work, he built a fortune and an
army. The renegade Templar even earned the hand of the niece of the
Byzantine emperor.
It was not only renegade knights who would resort to piracy; both
orders, the Templars and the Order of Saint John, profited from their
ability to loot Mediterranean ports and merchant ships, just as the
Muslim fleets profited from their capture of Christian ships.
For hundreds of years different ports around the world played host
to pirates and resisted or ignored the authority of any governments.
Ports such as the pirate kingdom of Saint Mary's in Madagascar, where
the only government was that of pirates in exile or hiding, served the
European pirates who preyed on the silver ships of the Moghuls of
India. In the Americas, Tortuga and the Bahamas would enjoy shorter
periods as pirate refuges. Even where ports had an official government,
they were often ruled by those who supported piracy, such as those in
Port Royal, Jamaica.
One of the greatest pirate ports of the medieval period was Mahdia,
on the North African coast. In the three hundred years that the Knights
Templar fought the Islamic conquerors of the Mediterranean Sea, there
were numerous periods of truce during which Arabs and Christians
exchanged ideas. The Europeans learned about history, religion (including
their own), science, mathematics, and medicine from their enemies.
The greatness of such interchange of culture cannot be measured, but
the Crusades had an enormous effect on Europe. Academic knowledge
was not all the Templars learned; they also picked up new military and
naval skills and a tolerance for their Islamic counterparts. The result was
that many ex-Templars simply switched sides and joined the Barbary
pirates. Author John J. Robinson suspects the Scottish "Mason's word"
mahabone is a corruption of Mahdia the good, just as the French Marie le
Bon (Marie the Good) survives in English as marylebone.8
Templar sea power is often downplayed in comparison to their military
land maneuvers. The Templar navy and merchant fleets were well
acquainted with the Baltic Sea, the British Isles, large portions of the
African coast, the Mediterranean Sea, and even the Black Sea. They
sailed as far as their Norman predecessors, and their purpose was not
only trade and plunder; supplying food and munitions, carrying troops
and pilgrims, and playing host to kings and their goods were important
in the long conflict against the Islamic nations.
When the war with these countries abated, the war between the
Christians filled the gap. In 1256 two Christian factions formed over
who should possess Acre. The Hospitallers came to the aid of the
Genoese and Catalan merchants to fight the navy of Venice, which was
joined by the Templar fleet.9 Despite the fact that one of the Templar
rules forbade killing a Christian, turf wars existed and the act of killing
fellow Christians was "absolved" by the necessity of preserving the
wealth and power.
In 1291 Acre fell to the armies of Islam. The Templar order would have
just sixteen years before it too would fall. The knights had already lost
Jerusalem, and now their last fortress was captured by their rivals. Public
opinion quickly turned against the order. In the eyes of the world the
Templars had lost their mission and were now simply a fat organization
of creditors, landlords, and competitors with an attitude to boot.
"Haughty as a Templar" was a phrase coined by Sir Walter Scott. His
novels describe an order that turned its back on its founders. Once dedicated
to poverty and obedience, the Templars became guilty of pride,
arrogance, and, by the beginning of the fourteenth century, possessing
more wealth than European kings. Pope Nicholas IV, the theoretical
commander in chief of the order, publicly directed his anger against the
Templars, blaming their squabbling with the rival Hospitaller order as
the reason that the last Christian bastion in the Holy Lands was now in
Islamic hands. The Templars allowed themselves to be viewed as uninterested
in protecting the most sacred possessions of the Christian
A Church council had decided that the only way to fight an effective
war against Islam was to have a unified force of its own. The council
proposed merging the fighting orders, but the orders refused. The
Teutonic Knights of Germany and Prussia returned to Marienburg.The
Knights of Saint John moved to Malta. The Templars moved to
Although the Templar order had abandoned Acre, it would not
abandon its own possessions. To an outsider, the Templars seemed to be
on a crusade only to protect their enormous wealth.
In a watershed event that would become known as the Eperstoun
Affair, a knight who pledged half his wife's estate to enter the order
died. When the order came to claim the murdered member's property,
his widow refused to leave. Templars were sent to evict the widow, and
they had to literally drag the woman from her home. As she clung to
the doorpost of her house, the knights chopped off her fingers. Even
before public media, this was a "media" event so compelling that it
reached the ears of King Edward I. When he heard about the treatment
of the widow, he interceded to restore her property. Not yet comprehending
the concept of public relations, the Templars would go so far
as to kill the widow's son for revenge11 and seize the property after his
Set against a backdrop of military losses, the transgressions of the
order were becoming too much to defend. In 1306 a new pope,
Clement V, was elected. Before becoming the pope he was Bertrand
de Got, the Archbishop of Bordeaux. His elevation to the highest rank
in the Church was engineered by his brother Beraud, who was the
Archbishop of Lyon. In June 1305, when the kings of France, England,
and Naples had representatives bickering over who should be the next
pope, the choice came down to the least objectionable person12;
Bertrand de Got had achieved that distinction. The French king certainly
did not object to de Got, and to the dismay of the Italians, he
never left France. He was considered weak and ineffective, and the
Italians believed that in establishing his papacy at Avignon he gave proof
that he was simply a puppet of the king of France.
The new pope was in an awkward position. On the one hand, he
was related on his mother's side to Bertrand de Blanchefort, a Templar
grand master. On the other hand, the power of the French king
appeared more threatening. He would stall as long as he could in making
decisions. It is possible that Clement V already saw the writing on
the wall that told him that unless he took action he would lose both of
his orders. His first act was to ask the new grand master of the Templars
and the grand master of the Knights of Saint John for a written summary
enumerating the reasons for and against a merger of the orders.
Jacques de Molay, the leader of the Templars, answered the pope, and
may have been aware that the ultimate goal of the French king was to
head a united order as the rex ballator, the warrior king. At the very least,
Molay knew he would be out of the number one position.
Despite the less-than-satisfactory answer, the pope hesitated to take
action. He was not unaware that agents of the king of France had been
responsible for the death of Boniface VIII and possibly the death by poison
of Benedict XI, according to rumor.
King Philip of France decided the time was ripe to remedy the
impasse. Because France was the home base of the Crusades and had
borne the heavy cost of war, Philip was impatient to repair his finances.
Earlier preachers such as Saint Bernard had often cleaned out a town of
its men, inspiring them to take up the crusade. The orders had been the
beneficiaries of thousands of donated estates. The Church had declared
that the state should not tax the fighting men or the estates of the order.
The net result to the French king was a depleted treasury. He took back
from the Templars the management of his own finances in 1295, creating
the Royal Treasury at the Louvre. He then debased the currency
and turned on the Italian banking families.
How close the Italian banking families were connected to the
Knights Templar may never be known. They initially played a role in
financing the Crusades and in transporting the crusaders. In Florence,
where the city minted its own coins, they would pay respect to the
patron saint of the order, Saint John the Baptist, on one side of the
coins. The other side depicted the lily, hinting at a royal bloodline.
Florence is one of the very few places where an octagonal baptistery
stands. This unusual style of baptistery was borrowed from Jerusalem
and taken to many Templar strongholds. From Tomar in Portugal to
Drogheda in Ireland, these structures represented the original baptism
of Jesus Christ by Saint John. The baptistery in Florence was dedicated
to Saint John the Baptist.
After maneuvers against the Lombards, Philip the Fair would prove
himself to be anything but fair when it came to replenishing his treasury.
He forced the Jews out of France in an attempt to seize their property
and restore his wealth. But the Jews hadn't been as prosperous as
he thought, and the move accomplished little. Philip was deeply in
debt—and mostly to the Templar bank.
What better way to fix the situation than to seize that bank?
On October 13, 1307, Philip's forces descended on all the Templar
preceptories in France. The pope was dismayed; technically, only he had
jurisdiction over the Templars. But Philip's forces threatened the pope,
so he quickly went along with the king. Philip would soon be dismayed
as well. Templar spies had gotten wind of the impending arrests. Having
commanded a large fighting force, a large navy, and a large merchant
fleet, and having possessed the world's largest bank, through which they
were close to aristocrats and clerics around Europe, the Templars had
intelligence operations that were certainly superior to those of the
French king. Jacques de Molay called in the order's books and had them
burned. Many knights went underground. And perhaps most significantly,
the treasure held in Paris, the second most desired possession of
King Philip, vanished.
The combination of the missing treasure, the burned books, and the
meek surrender of the Templars is intriguing. If the Templars understood
that arrest was imminent, why didn't they all flee or prepare to
fight back? The only explanation is that the order believed that Philip's
target was strictly monetary, and that once deprived of the Templar
bank, his suppression of the order would be short-lived.
If this conclusion is correct, then the members of the order who
stayed behind were simply unprepared for the incredible horrors to
which the arrested knights would be subjected. Under torture that
included the rack, the strappado, and the burning of fat-smeared feet,
the Templars confessed to anything. Because the charge was heresy, the
arrested had no right to counsel. Normally torture would be allowed to
the extent that it would accomplish its goal but not cause mutilation or
permanent injury. For the Templars, however, an exception was made.
The torture was "carried out with a barbarity which even medieval
men found shocking."13 Confined to dungeons, sustained with bread
and water, accused of the most heinous perversions, and tortured
beyond endurance, many knights lost their ability to reason, several
committed suicide, and most confessed to anything.
Those who survived the two years of imprisonment had little to
look forward to other than their death. In May 1310 the soldiers of
Philip bound fifty-four Knights Templar to carts and brought them to
fields near the convent of Saint-Antoine outside Paris, where they were
stripped, tied to stakes, and burned to death.
The king of France broke the order but failed to confiscate their
treasure. He was further disappointed by the reaction of his fellow
kings; instead of the other nations suppressing the Templars within their
borders, they had to be goaded into taking any steps against the knights.
In England, Edward II was very slow in reacting to the demands of
the Roman pope. The new king was simply uninterested, as his focus was
on the continuing war with Scodand and on his lover. After persistent
pressure from the pope, Edward made a handful of arrests and later succumbed
to the Church's demand for torture, which was forbidden by
English law. Edward did not shield the Templar organization and allowed
its property to be seized. To the disappointment of the Church, however,
the property seized did not revert to the Church but instead was distributed
by Edward in his own fashion, most likely to his creditors and allies.
Scotland finally agreed in principle to an inquisition of the Templars.
The country had continually fought the pope, who would eventually
excommunicate both the king and the nation. The degree of compliance
in Scotland was minimal, with a total of two knights questioned.
In Spain and Portugal the Templar fighting force was important to
the kings. After a few arrests and seizures, the Portuguese quickly reincorporated
the order into the Knights of Christ, which now reported
only to the Portuguese king. In the parts of Spain controlled by the
Inquisition there were arrests and torture, but the order and its men were
soon incorporated into several other orders of the Spanish military.
In Germany the Teutonic Knights, which had been formed separately,
marched into the court at Metz armed to the teeth and challenged
the court to bring charges. They were not Templars but
presented their case to head off similar charges. The court assured the
order its existence was not in danger.
Although all this frustrated Philip, his greatest frustration was the disappearance
of the treasure from the Paris Temple Bank. It had reportedly
been loaded on a wagon train that raced for the port of La Rochelle.
There the treasure was placed aboard the Templar fleet, again flying the
skull and crossbones, from which it disappeared once more. While many
of the French Templars who were captured suffered long imprisonments
and gruesome tortures, many others, who were now regarded as
outlaws, used the Templar fleet as their home base. It was difficult for a
large, armed group of men to escape detection on land, but the ships
provided a mobile hideout as well as a place to live. With their immense
treasure supplemented with piracy, the Templars who had escaped
France survived.
The final act against the order was committed on March 18, 1314.
The four surviving officials of the order—the grand master, the visitor,
and the preceptors of Aquitaine and Normandy—were burned on an
island in the Seine River in view of the Royal Gardens.
While the arrested French Templars suffered imprisonment, torture, and
often execution, the remnant Templar organization became like the
mythical Hydra; one head was cut off at the neck and others sprouted.
The new organizations in Germany, Portugal, and Spain were all various
Templar reincarnations.
In Germany the Teutonic Knights needed their own raison d'etre,
and they quickly found one. They turned their attention from the armies
of Islam, which were apparendy too strong for Europe, to the more easily
conquered pagan Lithuanians. A new northern "crusade" found the
well-equipped Teutonic Knights doing battle with the Lithuanian peasant
farmers and converting or killing them in short order. This new crusade
was less an instrument of the Catholic Church for converting the
world than a weapon in the German war of expansion.
In the Iberian Peninsula the war against Islam was still an active
conflict. The kings of Portugal and Spain needed all the help they could
muster. Spain's most sacred pilgrimage spot was Saint James of
Compostela. The order of the Knights of Santiago (whose name was
derived from the Spanish Santo Iago, or Saint James) performed activities
that were similar to the original efforts of the Templars: It protected
pilgrims along the world's second most important route. In neighboring
Portugal the "new" Knights of Christ were allowed to keep the
properties and preceptories of the former Templar order and even the
Templar banner, a red cross on a white background. The order has survived
in that form to the present.
In England the Templars' survival would not be as simple. The
English version of suppression united the Templars with their rival
order, the Knights Hospitaller of Saint John. This order pleased the
demands of the Church, but according to some sources it was a charade.
Templar property was administered separately for years.
East of France, the Alpine regions that would later become
Switzerland provided refuge to the Templar knights. When their trading
routes were not by sea, the Templars used the same Alpine passes to
reach Italy and Germany that other merchants had used for more than
a thousand years. The order had fortified preceptories in various cantons,
and the power of the order soon grew. Three months after the fall
of Acre, three of the cantons formed a military alliance. They were
quickly joined by others, and the unified state of Switzerland would
take on many of the characteristics of the order. They were respected
for having a fierce army that defended itself against the expansionist
German states to the north and the avaricious France to the west. The
knights' reputation grew rapidly, and soon the Swiss Guard, as it became
known, was contracted to defend the Vatican, just as the Templars had
defended the Catholic religion.
The Swiss, of course, soon earned another reputation: that of
banker to the world. In The Warriors and the Bankers authors Alan Butler
and Stephen Dafoe point out that, although the treasury in Paris might
have been the Templars' greatest central bank, the order would certainly
not have kept all its valuables in one location. Switzerland grew in
importance because of its political neutrality and its position as the central
bank of the world. While the bank would no longer have the advantage
of state and religious backing, it possessed a very advantageous
geographical location. Few would underestimate the ability of a country
with a well-trained military and the access of the Alpine passes.
Anyone who has had to deal with an Alpine banker might be reminded
of the "haughty" description of the Templars given by Sir Walter Scott,
as more than one trait was passed from the Templars to the Swiss. The
discipline and secrecy maintained by Swiss bankers, however, allowed
them to achieve dominance both for their bank and for their currency.
The Swiss franc took on a mantle of stability that was possibly second
only to gold.
Butler and Dafoe refer to the survival of the Templars as well as
Switzerland's inheritance of the world banking industry. The authors
observe the stunning resemblance of the Templar red-cross motif to the
emblems of Switzerland—the country as well as its cantons. The Templar
cross has been simply reversed in color to become the flag of a united
Switzerland, and other variations would become the canton flags.
Most dramatically, the post-1307 Templar order took the form of a
huge underground organization. This form developed in the north
where the resurrected French Templars who sailed with the Templar
treasure fleet to Scotland reunited under the Anglo-Norman cousins of
the French Normans.
In France, the St. Clair family had been one of the handful of elite
families that were instrumental in founding the new Templar order. The
Scottish branch of the St. Clair family, which had Anglicized the
spelling of its surname to Sinclair, would preserve the order. They allied
themselves with Robert the Bruce, of the French Norman de Brus
family, whose name had also been Anglicized. At Bannockburn, Robert
defeated the English in the most decisive battle the Scots had ever experienced
against their oppressors. The victory came shortly after a fresh
force of Templar cavalry charged onto the battlefield.
But the Templars remained underground in Scotland, even after the
end of the War of Scottish Independence. Some of the more noble
knights continued their careers as mercenaries. Evidence shows that
twelve years after the Battle of Bannockburn the Scottish mercenaries
returned to France under the employ of the D'Anjous, another
Norman family that helped found the Templars. There they fought
under Joan of Arc in a war that history has done little to explain.
Others, more often the rank and file, put their skills of construction
and engineering to work in the trades. As a military force, the Templars
spent more time building than fighting. Thus the knights learned the
building trades by constructing houses, bridges, and castles. After 1307
they put these skills to work in building many of Europe's finest monuments,
including cathedrals.
French Templars had little trouble fitting in, as the French language
was spoken in the British Isles and was for years to come the language
of the court. French Templar words were corrupted into their British
counterparts. Remnant Templars, while fighting as paid mercenaries,
building bridges, or working in the trades, remained organized in
underground lodges. They often employed secret words and handshakes
to recognize each other and came to one another's aid. Their sons, too,
would keep up the tradition.
The term Freemason entered the English language in the same century
that the Knights Templar, as an order, was officially dissolved. The
term was another corruption of the French language; the Templar knights
originally referred to each other as brother, or frere in French. What was
frere macon in France became Freemason in English. When the Templars
traveled they erected quarters, and these became lodges, so named after
the French loges. The guard posted at the door of the lodge during meetings
was the tyler, in English, derived from tailleur, meaning "one who
cuts." But the term Freemason soon took on a new meaning. Unlike most
of the populace, which was shackled to the land by the feudal system that
prevailed in England and France, the former Templars became working
craftsmen who were free to travel to find employment.
At a construction site, which could be a cathedral, a castle, or a public
building, the masons would band together and erect a lodge. Most
lodges were not permanent, but would be built to protect the property
of the traveling men. Masons promised that if a brother mason came to
them, they would find him work, give him money, and, when he was
ready to leave, direct him to another lodge. Why would this be such an
important charge for Freemasonry? Because in a feudal system, finding
a home was nearly impossible for the remnant members of an outlaw
order. All their old ties were broken and there was no home to return
to—certainly not back in France. Freemasonry was created to protect
those whose lives were threatened because of their association with the
Knights Templar.
A Masonic initiation specifically states that the brothers are there to
feed you, to clothe you, and to protect you from your enemies. The initiation
also enigmatically states, "We will keep your secrets."'4 Why a
simple stonemason would attract enemies and have secrets that needed
protecting is questionable. But it is not so hard to understand the need
for secrets and protection from enemies for an outlaw Templar.
The building trades and crafts were an opportunity for ex-Templars
and later for their sons. The name Lewis came from a term meaning
"son of a mason," a status that was usually the only requirement needed
for entrance into a lodge. It was also helpful in gaining employment. In
The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas write, "Now
we are certain, without any shadow of a doubt, that the starting place
of Freemasonry was the construction of Rosslyn Chapel."15 This chapel
was built on Sinclair property under the direction of the Sinclair family,
members of whom would become the hereditary grand masters of
the crafts and guilds and orders of Scotland. For many former knights,
Scotland was now home and building was their trade.
Some ex-Templars did not fit into the new way of life. Not all the
former Templars were masons and craftsmen; some took to the highways
as brigands and some to the seas as pirates. The skull and crossbones,
the same battle flag that had been used for piracy by the
Templars, remained the flag of choice for pirates after the Crusades. The
skull and bones announced the ship was a pirate ship. While it had a
religious significance, to the elite order it also had a more practical use:
to instill fear in the hearts of those under attack. It warned that there
was not to be any other action except surrender. If that was not heeded,
an all-red flag declared no quarter to be given. Like many of the Scot
Templar words that have been derived from French, the battle flag was
called the Jolly Roger, from the French joli rouge (pretty red). Later, the
name Jolly Roger was given to both flags.
The black skull and crossbones flag would come to be recognized
as an indicator of a pirate ship. The skull and two bones, however, had
a much deeper meaning to the original Templars who sailed under the
flag. Their insignia represented resurrection. The Catholic Church
taught that the resurrection of man was a bodily resurrection. But the
Templars believed, contrary to the Church, that only a skull and two
bones needed to be buried in order for a person to be admitted into
heaven. The skull and crossed bones became a popular motif on Templar
graves. To those who had dedicated their wealth and committed their
lives to the Templar order, the skull and bones suggested that the
Templar organization itself had been resurrected. The Templar fleet, in
particular, was alive and well. It had survived the army of the French
king and the Roman pope and would conquer again.
Just as the Templars had used military organization during the long
war against Islam, they now used military organization against their new
enemies. Upon coming into contact with a ship, the skull and crossbones
would be raised. If this was not enough to make the pursued ship
surrender, the Templars raised the red flag, the Jolly Roger, meaning that
"no quarter," or no mercy, would be granted. The message was quickly
learned by the captains who plied the seas with the wares of merchants.
Few would wait for the red flag.
The skull and crossbones continued to rule Europe's seas long after
the Templar order was officially in the grave. The New World too would
be threatened by the skull and crossbones, and well after America's
independence the remnant Templars would still exert their influence
and power.
Chapter 2

Under the skull and crossbones, the fleet of the ex-Templars
roamed the seas. The menacing flag that to the Catholics had represented
resurrection now represented the resurrection of the outlawed
order. Lacking the same allegiance to the pope in Rome, the order now
served mostly to preserve and enrich itself. The ships that were once
manned by knights and sworn to protect religious pilgrims now threatened
anyone who traveled, transported goods, or traded on the high
seas. Rarely was retaliation considered. Even more rare was the capture
of a pirate ship; it was said that in that event, a flash of a secret signal
might allow a pirate ship a pass from its captors. Templar power was not
to be underestimated.
The fragmented Templars had succeeded in the goal of resurrecting
the order. At the same time, the pirates who ravaged the seas would
keep alive the Templar ideals of liberty, equality, and the protection of
their own. Ironically, the ideals of a corrupt organization would become
the basis of American democracy.
Pirates aboard a former Templar ship ran the ship in the same fashion
as a Templar preceptory, a model that was based on life in a
Cistercian chapter house. What did monks, pirates, and Templar knights
have in common? Democracy. While there was no example of a democratic
nation at that time and writers such as Voltaire, Jefferson, and
Rousseau would not be born for another four hundred years, Templar
pirates and Cistercian monks practiced democracy. Within the confines
of the monastery, the preceptory, and the pirate ship, leaders were
elected by their peers and could be removed by them. It was a concept
foreign to a feudal system, where birth and property determined title
and position. No one person was absolute; leaders were expected to act
in the interest of the group.
The Cistercian monks, ex-Templar pirates, and Templar knights had
other interesting similarities. In a world dominated by a feudal order
that used taxes and duties to force all wealth to the top, the Templars,
the Cistercian monks, and the pirates held wealth in common for hundreds
of years. This is not to be confused with a vow of poverty or even
with socialism. Rewards such as greater amenities were given to those
who exercised more responsibility. A pirate captain was often entitled to
a double share of booty, and the quartermaster might get a share and a
half for his role. It was strictly a result of merit. The failure to lead or a
propensity for greed could bring down a knight, an abbot, or a pirate
The ultimate irony is that democracy arose within orders created by
feudal powers. In this new social experiment, title, family name, and
appointed power were all secondary to the ability to lead and bring
benefit to all. The ideals of liberty and fraternity surfaced despite the
intentions of the feudal rulers.
Of course, not all pirates were Templars, and the order did not
invent the art of robbery on the high seas. The ex-Templar pirates, however,
were very distinct from other organized pirates. The pirates who
served aboard the ships of Islam, or even on the ships of the rival order
of Saint John, had more in common with the later English navy. The
captain of the ship, who was most often appointed as a result of high
birth or favor, would get the majority of the spoils; the common seamen
were often treated only a little better than the galley slaves who
served the fleets of Rome.
Life aboard the pirate ship was democratic, but it was still a feudal
world on the shores of the civilized world. Pirates were still forced to
deal with this reality. For example, ships were enormously expensive,
and therefore piracy was an institution that was generally not open to
the average man. In a world that knew no form of capitalism, there
were few ways to accumulate the funds to buy a ship. If a ship was captured,
it still had to be allowed to land in a safe port and to sell its captured
wares. This meant having the right connections. In the world of the former
Templars, connections often came in the form of elite families that
served to assist the remnant Templars and benefited from the role played
behind the scenes. Both the Templar version of piracy and the non-
Templar version of piracy depended on hidden guardians. The institution
of piracy was allowed to exist by the various states and kingdoms
as long as it could be officially denied and it provided a benefit to the
monarch who had domain over the pirate's home port.
Pirates often enjoyed the lackadaisical approach of the various monarchs.
Well before becoming the ruler of the high seas, England had one
of the poorest defense forces. Dutch, Flemish, and Breton pirates raided
the English Channel from the twelfth through the sixteenth centuries,
simply because it was frequently easy to do. The king would benefit little
by wasting resources to protect the goods of merchants.
Prior to the arrest and prosecution of the Templar order, Henry III
ignored the piracy the various French states inflicted upon English
merchants.1 English pirates were given carte blanche to plunder if they
would offer a share in the spoils to their corrupt monarch. This pattern
repeated itself in the American colonies centuries later when governors
turned not a blind eye but a greedy eye on the profits made by pirates.
A share in the spoils was usually enough to buy clemency.
Edward I, the successor to Henry III, attempted to attack pirate
bases by land, as England had no real navy at the time. He was alternately
at war against the Welsh and the Scots, who considered English
merchants easy targets. Failing in his attempt to fight a war against the
pirates by land, Edward I instituted the practice of issuing marques, or
letters of reprisal. Such letters granted a merchant or shipmaster the
right to attack the pirates or their home port if the merchant or shipper
could claim to have suffered a loss at the pirates' hands.2 Other ports
would then have their monarchs issue the same type of documents,
which allowed them to plunder an English port should they be the victims
of an English pirate.
Edward's lack of ability to rule the seas was matched by his ineptitude
at ruling on land. His interference in the morass of bloody politics
that was Scotland led to many wars. The wars against Scotland and the
lack of centralized order in England would allow Scotland to flourish
as a pirate haven.
A simple act would serve as the catalyst for new hostility between
England and Scotland. Alexander III, the Scottish king, had preserved
neutrality, but in 1284 he was killed—not in battle, but from falling off
his horse after a night of partying. Six guardians were appointed to ease
the successorship, and for a brief time these guardians ruled Scotland.
But Edward I of England exercised his right to choose who would succeed
Alexander. Of the handful of claimants to the Scottish throne, the
leading candidate was John Baliol, who was supported by the powerful
Comyn family. The other main candidate was Robert the Bruce, who
had the support of his country.3 Edward's court picked Baliol.
When Baliol and the Comyns would not back Edward in internal
conflicts, Robert would support Edward, which gave Robert the
opportunity to reclaim his lands from Baliol and the Comyns. After the
Wallace Revolt, Scotland was controlled by the triumvirate of Bishop
William Lamberton of St. Andrew's, Robert the Bruce, and John
Comyn. On February 10, 1306, Robert somehow managed to get
Comyn to meet him at the Church of the Greyfriars in Dumfries.
While neither side trusted the other, the hallowed sanctuary made
Comyn assume he was safe from violence. He was wrong.
Robert the Bruce eliminated Comyn in the church by stabbing him
and leaving him to die on the stone floor. There are several versions of
what transpired, but it is very likely that the attack was spontaneous.
When Robert ran from the church and told his confederate what he
had done, the man ran into the church. Seeing Comyn already in the
care of the friars, the confederate rushed to the wounded man and
stabbed him again until he was sure Comyn was dead. Robert then had
himself sworn in as king by Bishop Lamberton in the Abbey Church at
Despite the official coronation, both England and the Catholic
Church made sure that Robert the Bruce would not take a throne. For
several years he was an outlaw king, pursued first by Edward, who died
in the campaign against Robert, and then by Edward's son, Edward II.
Robert spent the early years of his reign living in caves and traveling in
disguise. He was not only outlawed by the king of England, he was also
excommunicated by the pope.
Robert's exile did not last forever. His salvation was realized at the
Battle of Bannockburn, but events that took place hundreds of miles
away from the battlefield helped tip the scales in his favor. The same
papacy that made Robert an outlaw of the only official religion in
Europe had also declared the Knights Templar to be outlaws. The
Templar fleet and the remnant organization that managed to escape
from La Rochelle in the nick of time found refuge in Scotland. The
St. Clair family of France, a powerful force behind the Templars, had
most likely negotiated an alliance with Robert through its Scottish side
of the family, the Sinclairs.
The French had probably been arming Robert since 1310 by
smuggling arms into Ireland and then into Scotland. At this point they
smuggled an entire army to aid Robert. While the history of Scotland
both before and after Robert the Bruce is riddled with one defeat after
another at the hands of much more organized and better-equipped
armies, the Battle of Bannockburn was the exception. In this historic
battle, which was contested on June 24, 1314, a sacred day to the
Templar knights, the battle at first seemed to go well for Edward's army.
He had at his disposal twenty thousand soldiers and three thousand
knights on horseback, who fought against a force less than half their
size. But just when victory seemed at hand, a fresh contingent of
knights came charging from the rear of the Scottish force to soundly
and spectacularly beat Edward's troops. The remnant Knights Templar
led Scotland to victory over the English army, which made Scotland
independent of its overlord.
An elite group that was at the core of the Knights Templar existed
in France and Scotland prior to the arrests, and they remained united
afterward. At the heart of this group was the family of St. Clair. In
Europe they started as part of the Norse wave of conquerors that
changed the face of the continent. The St. Clairs and their Norse countrymen
were called Normans, and they settled in northern France,
where the king handed over great amounts of land in exchange for
being allowed to keep the rest. Under William the Conqueror, the
Normans successfully invaded England.This resulted in members of the
St. Clair family being granted tracts of land in England and Scotland.
The St. Clair branch eventually changed its name to the more
Anglicized Sinclair, but the family connections in France, Scotland, and
even to a degree in their Norse homeland remained intact.
The St. Clair/Sinclair family became a very strong presence in the
politics of both France and Scotland. Although they preferred a secondary
role in the public eye, they often controlled the politics from
behind the scenes. The loyalty of a strong military was one component
of their power.
After Bannockburn, Henry Sinclair, a descendant of the French noble
St. Clair family, organized the remnant Templars into military units and
guilds. They would become the integral force of his power base, and he
in turn would become their guardian. In 1320 Sir Henry signed a letter
to Pope John XXII asserting the independence of Scotland. This was a
unique document in the history of the world, predating the American
Declaration of Independence by more than four centuries. While Sinclair
never played the leading role, he ruled quietly from behind the scenes,
and the remnant Templars were his "big stick." They would remain
united, and cemented their loyalty to their benefactor.
In times of peace the ex-Templars used their skills as masons, carpenters,
bridge builders, and merchants. The guild brought together members of
a single trade. As the guilds became specialized, the Templars who had
been seamen under the Templar flag now organized into a group that
manned the Sinclair fleet, which was among the largest in Europe. The
sea remained a gateway to riches, often more so in turbulent times. A fleet
needed merchants, and the merchants themselves were also organized in
guilds, which were the models for later companies.
The concept of guilds was originated by merchants and craftsmen.
Their work often included secretive operations, as they had to deal with
the prying eyes of the tax man, the competition of other guilds in the
same craft, and even the Catholic Church. The Church had declared
that a person who bought something with the intention of selling it at
a higher price was cast out of "God's Temple."4 Towns were actually created
by the guilds to employ workers in the manufacturing process and
for the purpose of meeting to buy and sell their wares. In modern Italy,
the guild system and its secrecy prevail. Some towns are still dominated
by one industry, and workers in that industry will reveal absolutely no
information to an outsider.
Guilds grew into larger merchant "companies" licensed to sell
goods abroad. Because Scotland and Europe exported wool, shipowners
would transport the merchants who wanted to carry the products
to continental Europe. In this less-than-golden age of freebooting,
pirates attacked ships even for such mundane cargoes. Therefore, merchants
needed a strong ship or fleet of ships to navigate the pirateinfested
waters. The Templars, inheritors of a military organization,
provided the strength.
Post-Bannockburn, the seas of commerce were anything but conducive
to trade. The Dutch pirates would attack the English wool
fleet—and often under letters of marque issued in their own country.
The English king Edward II had temporarily stopped issuing such privateering
papers, instead opting not to patrol the Scottish shores.
Unrestricted piracy against Scotland grew, but it had the effect of making
the illegal business more lucrative. Privateers and pirates from the
Low Countries, from the Hanseatic League, from France, and from the
Channel Islands now regularly attacked English ships. Because the relations
between Scotland and England were at best tense, the Low
Countries could also be counted on to provide military equipment and
food to Scotland, an act that the Scots regarded as necessary trade and
the English considered smuggling.
The history of Scotland is murky at this time, and naval history
even more so, as it was in no one's interest to record piracy. The fleet
of Sinclair in the post-Bannockburn years is known to have been one
of Europe's greatest; Sinclair had at his command more ships than
Edward II of England. The same irregular coast and innumerable island
hideouts had protected and hidden ships for hundreds of years before
the reign of Edward II, and it continued to do so for hundreds of years
after. In 1919 the German fleet was scuttled at Scapa Flow in the northern
islands rather than surrender from its hiding place.
The Sinclair fleet underwent a major change in the years after
Bannockburn. Sinclair ships had been built like those of their Norse
relations, in the thin, overlapping oak-planked style that made them
light and flexible. But Sinclair now had to react to the heavier style of
ship being built in England. He built a castle in Kirkwall, in the northern
islands, imported the necessary lumber, and built thicker-planked
warships to accompany his Orkney galley ships.5
The fleet of the Sinclairs was now so strong that it was used to
defend possessions of the king of Norway, who had a much smaller fleet
that was "too weak to defend her own coasts against pirates."6 At this
time Stockholm had been seized by a pirate navy called the Victual
Brothers, or the Victualleurs. They soon raided the Norwegian coast and
sacked the city of Bergen.
The Templars who had come to Scotland to the protection of
Robert the Bruce and Henry Sinclair found employment aboard
Sinclair's neo-Templar fleet. They also served in their military tradition
in newly formed land fighting units—and for the same elite masters.
The backlash against the wealth and power of the Catholic Church had
started long before Martin Luther. In France the Cathar movement was
a desire to return to a "pure" Christianity not obstructed by indolent
priests and avaricious bishops. The Church quickly moved to stamp out
the heresy and sent Saint Bernard, the Templar proponent, to investigate
the Cathar sect. He discovered the movement to be larger than the
Church thought, and he also believed it to be a most Christian example
of living. The Church disregarded his report and sent Simon de Montfort
of Leicester, England, to lead an army against them.
The viciousness of the war may be evidence of just how severe
Rome regarded the threat. At Beziers the papal legate was asked how
to recognize the Cathari. He responded, "Kill them all, God will know
his own."7 Simon de Montfort was brutality personified, burning many
at the stake and blinding or cutting off the noses of those he allowed to
The order of the Knights Templar, sworn to obey only the pope,
was not only visibly absent in the war against the Cathari; in some cases
members fought on the side of the heretics against Rome. At
Montsegur sixty knights served against the papal army. The Cathari, like
the ex-Templars in the next century and the Freemasons thereafter, had
secret signs and words to recognize their members. When the knights
arrived in Cathar territory the password was "Have you brought the
hatchets?"The answer was "We have eleven, freshly honed." Montsegur
would end in defeat for the Cathari, but the anti-Rome sentiment simply
went underground.
The Templar organization had less than a century to survive until
Rome would turn against it. The Templars may have had more than
ample reason to harbor anti-Church sentiments, but these would
remain underground from the time of the battle at Montsegur until the
Templar persecutions.
The Reformation that would thrive in Germany and Switzerland
as a reaction to the all-powerful Catholic Church was based on religion,
but the bitterness of the hundreds of years of the Inquisition, merciless
taxation, and numerous wars against any non-Catholic people played a
role. The Reformation also divided the former Templar knights on both
political and religious grounds.
As the Reformation took hold in Scotland, the original core
Templar group remained Catholic, including the Sinclair family, which
was described as ardently Catholic and suffered as a result. In France,
where the church and state had persecuted the Templars the most, former
seaport stronghold La Rochelle would become, like many French
ports, Huguenot—that is, Protestant. The religious wars pitted brother
against brother, as did any civil war.
The Freemasons, the surviving ex-Templars, would remain underground,
the lodge system not yet in its official (post-1717) period. The
symbols of the anti-Rome movement among the Cathari and the symbol
of the French Protestants in the north of France were often shared.
The dove (the symbol of personal enlightenment), the eight-pointed
cross, and the hatchet would grace the apparel and equipment of
Huguenots and Freemasons. The wars also divided the ex-Templars and
Masons along political lines, placing members of the descendant orders
on both sides. The English king Edward III managed to pit his country
against Catholic France in what would become known as the Hundred
Years War. Some of the original founding Templar families acted for the
Catholic side. The Scottish-French alliance created by the family connections
behind the Templars set the ex-Templars and their heirs alongside
the French in fighting England. But not all ex-Templars were
seagoing warriors. On land the Scots Guard became the inheritors of
the Templar tradition.
In 1445, one hundred years after the Templars were abolished and
the French Templars fled to Scotland, the neo-Templar Scots Guard, or
the Compagnie des Gendarmes Ecossis, returned to France to intervene
in French military adventures. The "auld alliance" renewed by the
Robert the Bruce—Sinclair power base brought Scotland to war on the
Continent. The Templar descendants often took the names of the men
to whom they pledged themselves in feudal Scotland, but generations
later they often kept their language and their patriotic leanings to their
homeland. In France they were organized under French names. They
were paid in livres toumois. And their officers and commanders were
often invited into a new knighthood, the Order of Saint Michael.
When the French dauphin was ready to flee Catholic France and
allow the victory of newly Protestant England, it was Joan of Arc who
intervened. A vanguard of Scottish soldiers helped Joan's armies reverse
the tide in one spectacular victory after another. The Scots Guard, a
neo-Templar organization, would become the King's Guard and the
King's Bodyguard, and play important roles in both military and state
affairs for almost another two hundred years.
The Hundred Years War was a particularly difficult time in Europe,
and England may have never seen a century of such lawlessness. On
land petty thefts were innumerable; on the seas piracy reigned. Bribery
secured judges and juries alike, and the ever-present tax collectors'
palms could be greased. Greed was the most significant force, and even
poets like Chaucer, who once denounced greed, now practiced it.8
The effect of the avarice was widespread poverty and economic
disruption. In England the fourteenth century ended with a massive
rebellion that would go down in history as Wat Tyler's Revolt.
Wat Tyler was actually Walter the Tyler, a Masonic name derived
from the French word tailleur, meaning "one who cuts." Each lodge of
Freemasons had an appointed tyler, and unlike the tailor who cuts
clothes, the tyler was designated to guard the door with a sword. While
it is often claimed that mob violence is spontaneous, Winston Churchill
in his Birth of Britain and author Barbara Tuchman agree that beneath
the mob violence was organization. By whom? The answer is obvious
according to some, as "no single group suffered losses comparable to
those inflicted over the next few days on the Knights Hospitallers, who
seemed to be on an especially aggressive hit list of the rebel leaders."9
Three generations after the Templars had been officially dissolved, they
was still taking revenge on their rival order.
The Crusades were over, yet the Templars remained a force both in
the public eye and underground. History records the achievements of
the military units such as the Scots Guard, but history leaves uncovered
the role of the ex-Templars in various forms, from merchants and
craftsmen to pirates. And the Templars were not the only order to
engage in piracy, although they were the only order to use the skull and
crossbones as their battle flag.
The main rivals of the former Templars, the Knights of Malta and the
Teutonic Knights, also turned to piracy to finance their orders. In the
period just after the Battle of Bannockburn, when Scottish and English
pirates ravaged the wool trade, the Hanseatic League turned to the
Teutonic Knights to protect its shipping. The envoys of Henry VI of
England who were sent to meet with the order's grand master to discuss
a truce were actually captured by Hanseatic pirates. England then
turned to the Knights of Rhodes, later the Knights of Malta, as they
were known to provide assistance with negotiations. Oddly, two orders
that had faced a common enemy during the Crusades were now enemies
with each other.
The Knights of Rhodes had been organized by merchants from
Amalfi.The order was created before the Knights Templar with the goal
of providing medical assistance to the crusading knights and the pilgrims
in the Holy Lands. The Knights of Rhodes first dedicated its
order to Saint John and was called the Order of the Hospital of Saint
John, or the Hospitallers. After the fall of Jerusalem, they went to
Cyprus. In 1306 the master of the order, Foulques deVillaret, who had
been the knights' first admiral, joined forces with a Genoese adventurer.
With their combined fleet they captured the island of Rhodes. The tiny
island that had served as a nest for Greek, Italian, and Saracen pirates
became the order's privateer base. But the order had little to do now
that Jerusalem was lost. It protected Christian shipping and attacked
Muslim shipping.10
The Knights of Rhodes developed a distinctive style of warfare at
sea, using grappling hooks and powerful soldiers to lock together ships
and immediately board them, pirate-style. Little better than pirates, they
launched an attack on Cairo. The first stop was in Alexandria, where
twenty thousand men, women, and children were killed before the conquest
erupted into an orgy of pillage and rape.11 Many of the military
contingents refused to go any farther because they enjoyed the spoils of
war and "some Brethren turned pirate." 12
From Rhodes the Hospitallers continued to harass Muslim shippers
until three successive sieges by the Turks dislodged the knights. They
then moved from port to port operating as pirates—even to the point
of allowing the "brethren" to share in the booty. In the sixteenth century
the Hospitallers resumed their naval operations from Malta. They
harassed Islamic shippers. They were at war, so in their eyes the piracy
was just privateering.
The Knights of Malta was very close to the various nation-states of
Italy, and was often allied with other states to carry out raids. Members
became known as corso, a word that later was Anglicized to corsair, or
pirate. Their sea caravans enriched the order through spoglio (prize
money) obtained in the sale of the goods they captured, including
slaves, and through ransoming captives.
Both the underground Knights Templar and the legitimate Knights
of Malta continued their piracy on the high seas and even in the
Americas. It is surprising that the role of these religious military orders
in the French settlements of the Americas largely remains secret.
The Knights of Malta, which is active today, was influential in the settlement
of Canada, in early colonization of the New World, and even
in the American Revolution. In 1632 a knight of Malta, Commander
Isaac de Razilly, organized the expedition to Acadia and Quebec.
History records Samuel de Champlain as one of the earliest explorers
but pays little attention to his top lieutenants, Marc-Antoine Brasdefer
de Chateaufort and Charles-Jacques Huault de Montmagny. After
Champlain's death, Chateaufort and then Montmagny served as gover
nor of New France. Other French-Canadian knights would also play
significant roles in the early history of Canada.
The counterpart of the Knights of Malta in France was the Order
of Saint-Sulpice. Founded by the Abbe Jacques Olier, the order invited
wealthy patrons to form another group, the Society of Notre Dame,
which would in turn become the founding Seigneurs of Montreal in
Canada. Serving the same role as the Cistercians in relation to the
Knights Templar, the Order of Saint-Sulpice at times played a very
powerful behind-the-scenes role in international affairs. Unhampered
by the vow of poverty, the order grew in wealth and power. Many of
Montreal's streets, named for luminaries of the Sulpicians, remind citizens
of the order's key position. In the 1660s, when the overlords of
Montreal, the so-called One Hundred Associates, proved themselves to
be absentee landlords inclined to tax the city, the Sulpicians had them
expelled and took over the governance of Montreal. To their credit,
their wealth has been committed to good works, and the order remains
as wealthy today as it was three centuries ago. In France the order also
remains wealthy, powerful, and able to play a political role from backstage.
The Knights of Malta also colonized the Caribbean, including
Tortuga, Saint Croix, and Saint Barthelemy—islands that later passed
into the ownership of the French West India Company.
Another knight, Admiral Francois-Joseph-Paul de Grasse, delivered
the coup de grace to the British at Yorktown. His fleet arrived from the
Caribbean just in time to trap Cornwallis and the British army, who
were in full retreat. The British, waiting for reinforcements and supplies
that would never arrive, surrendered to George Washington and ended
the war. The admiral was a Knight of Malta, and he learned his seamanship
skills under the tutelage of the order. Of the French ships that
battled the British, several were commanded by members of the
Knights of Malta, including Admiral de Grasse's chef d'escadron at
Chesapeake Bay, Jean-Louis-Charles de Coriolis d'Espinousse.
After the war fourteen of the twenty elite Knights of Malta who
fought for the American cause became members of the Society of the
Cincinnati, a closed group formed by George Washington for his officers.
13 Despite criticism that the order was a version of European aristocracy,
membership was limited to a handful and future membership
required that an individual be a descendant of a member of the founding
The French Revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic Wars saw
the Knights of Malta defeated in battle. Napoleon seized the home base
of Malta in 1789 because the French knights had provided Louis XVI,
his rival, with funding. The Russian czar Paul I offered the knights
refuge and asked them to create a new order that would answer to him.
Napoleon immediately ended the order's income from its French property
and evicted the knights, forcing them into a brief sojourn in
Russia. In 1834 the order moved again to Rome and came under papal
protection. The pope restored the office of grand master in 1879.
The order slowly rebuilt itself in the twentieth century. The Knights
of Malta order survived and grew to the point that it became a very
powerful, albeit secretive, force in modern world politics. In 1921 it had
two hundred knights and 1,800 members of all grades.14 Today the
group is headquartered at Palazzo Malta on the via Condotti in Rome,
and it has a worldwide network of nine thousand knights and thousands
more lower-grade members.15 It is the most elite of the Catholic
orders, and although it remains behind the scenes, it has great power.
While the Knights of Malta does not own any property outside Rome,
the order is recognized as a sovereign state, complete with its own passports
and stamps.
The European press often regards the order as an old boys' club for
aristocrats, but it is actually active on several continents in both charitable
works and political action. In the United States, a branch of the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) was started in 1927, under
the leadership of New York's Cardinal Spellman. Since its founding, the
group has included the likes of Joseph Kennedy, Joseph Grace of W R.
Grace, and presidents of companies such as General Motors and U.S.
Steel. The SMOM has an influence in politics and has taken activist
roles from its earliest days, starting with opposition to the New Deal of
Roosevelt. In post-World War II politics the group has always leaned to
the right, sometimes to the extreme. In supporting the right wing the
SMOM has not shied away even from assisting Nazi war criminals.
After World War II the order granted its highest honor to German army
general Reinhard Gehlen, which might sound shocking but is nonetheless
in line with supporting a monarchist agenda. Although the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta does nothing to hide its existence or
membership and does little to disguise its right-wing political agenda,
it receives almost no recognition in post-Crusades history texts.
The rival order of the Knights Templar, however, is a much more
secretive entity. Because it is forced to stay underground, the order goes
to great lengths to conceal its existence and membership and to disguise
its activities. Nevertheless, it has survived.
The Americas presented great opportunity to the remnant Templar
factions. For many of the rank and file, the new lands represented a
place to survive the religious wars and start a new life. Jacobin Catholics
from Scotland, Huguenots and Catholics from France, and various dissenters
from England found peace and brotherhood in the Americas.
And the wealthy who had found power in the changing feudal hierarchy
of the old order also found new types of power in the Americas. A
handful of these people pulled the strings and enjoyed the fruits of
criminal activity from their secret positions.

Chapter 3


Execution by hanging was a gruesome affair in the days of Captain
Kidd, and for the convicted pirate there was no reprieve. In the
city in which Kidd had lived while attempting to secure his privateering
commission, he undoubtedly passed the execution dock at Wapping
numerous times. Had he ever thought his own neck might end up in a
Public executions were fascinating to the people of seventeenthand
eighteenth-century England. In order to have the opportunity to
see the law exercise its ultimate power over man, the power to take life,
people would flock in from all over London. The poor arrived on foot
and the wealthy by carriage to see the wretched plead for their lives.
No pains were taken to spare the public the crudeness of the death
penalty. A particularly barbaric highlight was having the executioner,
most likely a large specimen of a man, actually carry the condemned up
a ladder to the noose. There the hooded figure would place the neck of
the condemned in the noose. The victim might be given an opportunity
to speak his last words, to plead for his life, or to ask forgiveness.
Or he might simply have the rope tightened around his neck and be
dropped to his death.1
If he was lucky, the convicted felon's neck would break immediately
and he would be spared the horror of suffering a slow choking
demise. If the convicted was able to manage it, he might tip his executioner
beforehand, ensuring that the executioner would use a longer
rope and thus hasten the death. If the condemned didn't have any
money, he might have family or friends present who could rush in to
pull on his hanging legs so that his suffering would end faster.
In all, hanging was wonderful entertainment. At Tyburn the weekly
hangings drew two hundred thousand spectators. They would gather
the night before outside Newgate Prison to drink, dance, and fornicate
in the streets. In the morning the crowd followed the condemned in a
parade through the streets of London, all the while cheering or jeering
at the unfortunate criminals. The wealthy would pay as much as ten
pounds sterling to sit ringside and eat and drink during the execution.
This event, which might be the ancestor of the modern tailgate party,
was so popular it became known as the Tyburn Fair, and the rulers made
a very unpopular decision in finally ending such spectacles in the midnineteenth
A pirate could expect treatment worse than that of the common
criminal. On occasion the executioner quickly cut down the hanging
pirate and disemboweled him while he was still alive. His entrails would
be burned before his eyes, and if he survived any longer, he could be
drawn and quartered. Women were spared from this indecency because
they were considered the "fair" sex. Instead they were burned to death.
On Friday, May 23, 1701, it was William Kidd's turn to provide the
entertainment; the stairs at Wapping would be his place of justice. The
body could be displayed for all those who traveled the Thames to see.
Kidd had no plans to repent and no plans to ask for mercy. To the end
he told all who would listen that he was a pawn of wealthy men.
Members of the elite ruling class on both sides of the Atlantic had outfitted
his ship and helped him get a commission, and they were due a
share in his gains. But none of his wealthy backers was called before the
judge. None of his elite partners stood before the executioner. All were
at home in landed estates, breathing a sigh of relief that they would not
be tarnished by their role in Kidd's crimes.2
Kidd himself was once a man of property, an owner of real estate on
what would become the financial capital of the world, Wall Street. He was
not a career criminal, although he was certainly not without blame. He
simply thought his ties to the men who pulled the strings of colonial
New York government allowed him to get away with murder. But the
political tide had turned. Piracy against the Muslim trading partners of
the East India Company caused trouble for many who had been shareholders.
While Kidd plied the seas for booty, a power play in London put
the interests of the East India Company above those of other would-be
adventurers. Pressure was applied to those who interfered. Kidd was the
scapegoat. The ties he relied on to protect him instead cut him loose. To
his surprise, Kidd was separated from those who commissioned him.
Now a convicted pirate, Kidd was at the dock in Wapping.
Those who came for a show were not disappointed. Kidd arrived
drunk and unrepentant. His last words were a speech against the liars
who testified against him. He was carried to the hangman's noose and
dropped. The rope broke. Dazed by the fall but still alive, Kidd was
quickly carried up the ladder again by his executioner. This time the fall
killed him.
The legend of Captain Kidd has grown out of proportion with its reality.
Kidd was no swashbuckler; he was a businessman pursuing wealth
in the fashion of the day.
New York City in the 1690s could be equated with the Wild West.
The governor, Benjamin Fletcher, was appointed to office by the military.
He arrived in New York in August 1692. As befitting a fat, greedy,
minor tyrant, Fletcher attained his wealth by being corrupt. He controlled
the exchange of real estate, and real estate was the first source of
wealth in the colony. In a short period of time citizens understood that
to favor the governor with a bribe earned them his favor. Fletcher allied
himself with Stephen van Cortlandt, William Nicoll, and Frederick
Philipse by giving them large pieces of land.
Fletcher soon turned his attention to another opportunity. In 1696
England passed the first of a series of ill-conceived laws limiting the
colonies' ability to engage in commerce. Defying such laws built some
of America's greatest fortunes and started a tradition of giving the
wealthy the right to be above the law. Smuggling quickly became an
accepted way to earning a living. With the European countries at war
and all shipping in danger of encountering an enemy, smuggling was
scarcely more dangerous than honest shipping.
Pirates and smugglers were always at risk when landing in a foreign
port. Their cargoes were subject to seizure and the pirates and smugglers
were subject to arrest. Governor Fletcher provided a safe haven for
all who were willing to pay his personal tax. This bribery greased the
wheel of commerce, and New Yorkers were able to get imported goods
from anywhere in the world. Local shops in the small port city offered
goods from exotic places around the world. Items such as teak furniture,
Oriental carpets, and Madeira wine could be found beside the
simple homespun goods of colonial New York. Currencies of European
and Asian countries were exchanged by the English, Dutch, French,
Jewish, Irish, and Scottish settlers in the city, which was already a melting
pot. Elsewhere the British, French, and Dutch men-of-war preyed
on the smuggler and legitimate shipper alike; in New York City, all who
paid Fletcher's fees were safe.
Fletcher, who "undertook to mine all the known veins of gubernatorial
graft, and to stake claims on some new ones,"3 backed all forms of
crime at sea. Fletcher found a way to profit from all aspects of pirate commerce.
The pirate captains dined at his table while their crews swaggered
around town spending their ill-gotten money. The pirate Edward Taylor
is on record as having paid Fletcher £1,700 to be allowed to land in New
York City and sell his wares. (In modern purchasing power, £1,700
would be about $250,000.) The privateer who applied to Fletcher for a
commission to attack enemy shipping would then attack anything he
could defeat. Such a commission could be procured for five hundred
pounds; the pirate John Hoar is on record as having bought one of these
commissions. The merchants who supplied New York's shops with exotic
goods bought from pirates and often had a stake in their voyages as well.
An example of Fletcher's liberal interpretation of his powers is in
his relationship with Thomas Tew. The legendary pirate was from an
English Quaker family that had settled in Rhode Island. His history has
not been recorded before his arrival in Bermuda, a smuggling capital,
in 1692. According to sources, Tew was already enriched by piracy.
There he bought a share of a ship called the Amity with gold he carried
in his pockets. Other shareholders were Thomas Hall, Richard
Gilbert, John Dickinson, and William Outerbridge, who was a member
of the governor's council. Tew received a privateering commission from
Governor Ritchier and headed for French West Africa to attack slave
ships. On the way, Tew "turned pirate," with the backing of his crew.
They headed for the Red Sea and attacked Arab shippers before settling
in the kingdom of pirates, Madagascar. After several adventures, Tew
returned home. He sold his Indian textiles in New York City and then
headed to Newport, sent for his partners, and divided the spoils—some
of which was buried near Newport and the rest in Boston.
Tew's Bermuda backers reportedly received fourteen times their
investment.4 Tew's share amounted to eight thousand pounds, enough
to provide a high-style retirement. For a while Tew took part in the
good life in Rhode Island, untainted by the same crimes that would see
Kidd hanged. But the governor of Massachusetts denied Tew another
privateering commission, so he applied to the governor of Rhode
Island and for five hundred pounds received his papers.
The first order of business was sailing to New York to meet with
the Philipse family. Frederick Philipse was the seventeenth-century
equivalent of a venture capitalist. He provided the equipment needed
for a pirate voyage, and in turn was entitled to a share of the gains. His
only risk was monetary and he hedged his bets by making numerous
investments. Those who came to him risked life and liberty. With
Frederick Philipse's backing, Tew outfitted his second pirate expedition,
one that would immensely benefit his patron.
Tew's second adventure found him capturing ships of the Great
Moghul and keeping one hundred unmarried girls as well as treasure.
After a sojourn in Madagascar, Tew and his crew headed home again for
the quiet life. This time his treasure was said to be more than a hundred
thousand pounds. Philipse, who risked only money, in comparison to
the pirates who risked their lives, would earn more than a hundred
thousand pounds backing numerous voyages.
Tew's weakness was that he could not retire. He sought another privateering
commission, this time from the new governor of Rhode
Island, John Easton, who refused. Tew then applied to Governor
Fletcher of New York. Fletcher knew that Tew was a well-known sea
rover, but felt justified in commissioning him to sail against the French.
When later defending his actions, Fletcher claimed he did not know of
Tew's reputation, but that the "stranger" had planned to attack the
French at the mouth of the Canada River. Such commissions against
the French were nothing unusual. But Tew saw the situation differently.
Tew outfitted his ship and then sailed between New York and
Boston recruiting fellow pirates and adventurers for his fleet. Fletcher
claimed the commission was for attacking the French in Canada, but
Tew openly acknowledged there was more money to be gained in the
Indian Ocean and that this area was his destination.
Thomas Tew made his final voyage to the Indian Ocean, where he
reportedly had some early success against Indian trading ships. But he
may have pushed his luck. He was never again seen in New England.
On occasion, Fletcher had to make a token charge against a pirate
or smuggler to confuse his enemies. In 1694 he seized a ship that had
returned from a Caribbean voyage. The ship was owned in part by one
of New York's wealthiest men, Robert Livingston. Livingston not only
beat the charges, but also sought a way to get rid of Fletcher at the same
time. It would take four years and the efforts of two partners. It was into
this early version of the "world trade center" that Captain Kidd sailed.
Born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1645, William Kidd climbed up the
career ranks as a seaman and finally a captain. Scotland was pirate central
after the Templar fleet had sought shelter there centuries before, and
the country, along with Ireland, would be regarded as a pirate haven for
another two centuries. Before the so-called Golden Age of Piracy,
pirates were more likely to be found capturing ships loaded with wool
or fish—but certainly not capturing the Spanish treasure fleet,
plundering the ports of the Golden Main, or chasing the fleet of the
Moghul of India. But piracy, like smuggling, was a living.
As Templar soldiers and their descendants remained in the military
service as mercenaries, Templar sailors and their descendants spawned a
culture of both legal privateering and illegal piracy. In the seventeenth
century, many Scottish seamen were commissioned to battle Dutch
attackers who preyed on English and Scottish shipping and fishing.
Later, after one more attempt to attain independence, Scottish Jacobites
swelled the ranks of the pirates in Europe and the Caribbean. It is little
wonder that the best pirate literature was also spawned in Scotland;
Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the classic Treasure Island and fellow Scot
J. M. Barrie wrote Peter Pan.
Participation in piracy and smuggling was a frequent occurrence in
Scotland, despite laws that called for the highest penalties against these
offenses. The laws were only sporadically enforced and convictions were
nearly impossible to achieve. An underground society prevailed; it was
not necessarily hereditary, but it was so prevalent that it was not threatened
by a justice system. From the days of the Templar demise until the
eighteenth century, the lodges of men dedicated to a specific craft or
occupation enforced their own codes and often exercised power that
reached to the highest levels of government. These guilds of lawyers, sea
captains, craftsmen, and soldiers were individual cells, or lodges in
Masonic parlance, that operated independently yet assisted one another
in ways that those outside the brotherhood would never suspect.
Freemasonry was not yet public. Before 1717 it was truly a secret
society in which it was a violation of oath to admit membership or discuss
anything that went on in a Masonic meeting. A major event took
place less than twenty years later, when four of England's lodges met at
the Apple Tree Tavern in Covent Garden in London to form the Grand
Lodge. Shortly afterward the Irish, French, and Scottish lodges emerged
as public societies. There is no satisfactory reason why Masonry came
out of the closet, but the most plausible explanation is that the distrust
those in power had for the secret organizations encouraged the orders
to reveal themselves. Scotland's Masons hid a vast underground of
smugglers, pirates, and revolutionaries. Rather than risk being accused
of plotting against the king of England, the English lodges welcomed
royalty and toasted the health of their kings and queens. Scottish
Masonry was the preserve of such people as Andrew Ramsay, the tutor
of Bonnie Prince Charlie. Ramsay publicly spoke of the former
Crusaders setting up Masonic lodges upon returning from the wars.
The lodges survived the persecution of the Templars by remaining
underground. And the Bonnie Prince led a revolt by the Scottish
against their English overlords.
The Scottish version of the Masons had strong political overtones,
while the English version, which had distanced itself from politics, did
not present such a threat. Because of this threat, the Scottish secret
organization needed to remain underground.
Kidd was a Scotsman and was partnered with fellow Scotsman
Livingston, and both men became Masons as well. After a few short
years, Livingston was very public with his membership in the guild. His
family is still known as active proponents of the Masons. Kidd, of
course, did not have even a few short years.
The massive immigration of Scots to America and Canada was
resented by the earlier colonists. This Scottish "invasion" of America was
a direct result of constant war with England, and it increased dramatically
after the failure of the Jacobite Rebellion. A prejudice against Scots
existed from Massachusetts to Virginia, although these immigrants still
had a significant role in the formation of the new country. In 1776 a
play produced in Philadelphia was dedicated to "Lord Kidnaper . . .
Pirates and Buccaneers, and the innumerable clans of Macs and Donalds
upon Donalds in America."5 The dedication was in jest but the sentiment
was real, and the Scots-as-pirates stereotype was not helped by the
prominence of Captain Kidd in pirate lore.
In August 1689 Kidd had been on the island of Nevis in command
of a sixteen-gun privateer he had taken from the French. Two years
later, in another English expedition, his men—mostly former pirates—
had left him ashore, and he lost command of a ship. Later that year he
received another command to take on the French.
By the time Kidd arrived in New York, his reputation had preceded
him. He helped build the first Trinity Church and bought a lot on Wall
Street. William Kidd, man-about-town, then married a well-to-do
Dutch widow, Sarah Bradley Cox Oort.6 It was his wife's third marriage;
in fact, the marriage license was received just days after John
Oort, her second husband, died. Sarah Oort brought a nice dowry to
the new marriage, including a house on Wall Street and another on
Pearl Street. Kidd must have felt that he was a worthy catch, and titled
himself "Gentleman" on their application. Oort and Kidd lived in the
fashionable part of town, their home complete with furniture and carpets
that were imported from Asia. Kidd could have remained simply a
gentleman, but he didn't.
As luck would have it, the acts of piracy committed around the
emerging British empire were bringing complaints to the ears of King
William III. Especially irritating to the court was the role that Governor
Fletcher was playing in North America. King William met with his
Privy Council and Richard Coote, the Earl of Bellomont.They decided
that Lord Bellomont would be sent to New York to replace Fletcher as
governor and stamp out the pirate haven he had created.
Piracy was a worldwide problem for empire-building Britain. In Asia
the same countries that England was trying to trade with were complaining
about American pirates attacking their shipping, and they held
the British responsible. All the legitimate trade was carried on through a
royal-sponsored monopoly called the British East India Company.
At the end of the seventeenth century, the British East India
Company was trying to further establish itself in Asia. The company had
been doing well and had the favor of James II until his death. With a
royal monopoly, the average dividend was 25 percent in the last ten
years of the century. But this monopoly inspired jealousy. Other
European traders, American merchants, and even pirates were hindrances
to business. In the new market the British East India Company
was trying to develop, it also did not help that the company had little
the customer wanted. It introduced cheap opium, and tried to hold its
own against invaders and pirates.
Ironically, in this newly declared war against piracy Kidd was
enlisted to fight for the cause of the British. While visiting England with
New York's most respected merchant, Robert Livingston, Kidd was
introduced to Lord Bellomont, who desired the job of New York's governor.
Livingston, Kidd, and Bellomont plotted to get rid of Fletcher.
For his part in the deal, Kidd was commissioned to fight against the
Pirates sailing out of New York, commissioned by Fletcher, frequently
attacked the Moghuls' ships. John Hoar actually attacked the
British East India fleet and captured and burned two company ships.
Tew's attacks on the Indian fleet caused rioting in the streets. The
account of Henry Every's pirate crew kidnapping and raping Indian
women, some of whom committed suicide rather than submit, caused
the offices of the East India Company in Surat to be attacked by mobs.
Several key employees were imprisoned, where they received harsh
treatment during the six months of negotiation between the Moghuls
and the British East India Company. Several did not survive.
Whatever the real intentions of Kidd, Livingston, and Bellomont,
the plan was first to capture the pirate Tew. Kidd, Bellomont, and
Livingston would be entitled to whatever goods were taken in the
Robert Livingston built a dynasty as fast as he could and in any way he
could. He was a Scot who had lived in Rotterdam for a time and
learned the Dutch language. He sailed to America in 1674. At that time
the Dutch still controlled New York, and the largest patroonship was
owned by Nicholas Van Rensselaer, who had joined another very
wealthy Dutch family through an arranged marriage to Alida Schuyler.
Van Rensselaer was the son and namesake of the man who had actually
received the grants of land and built the family wealth. Like many sons
of ambitious men, Van Rensselaer had no interest in the business or his
upstate lands; instead he fancied himself a mystic. He hired Livingston,
an obvious go-getter, to run his empire.
A trader by profession, Livingston caught on quickly and acquired
the ability to speak the Iroquois language—an ability many traders didn't
have. He also helped build the Van Rensselaer fortune.
In 1678 Nicholas was only in his early forties, but he began aging
rapidly. He took to his sickbed with an illness that could not be diagnosed.
One day he decided the end was near and called for a servant to
bring a pen and paper for his will. Instead Livingston appeared. "No, no,
send him away; he's going to marry my widow," cried Van Rensselaer,
just before he died.7 If ever a will was composed, it was never found.
But some have suggested that "if you believe a Van Rensselaer rumor,
still circulated to this day, Nicholas was poisoned."8
Nicholas the mystic had been right: Within eight months Alida and
Robert Livingston were married. Livingston acquired his boss's widow
and became the wealthy man he had designed to become. When he met
Kidd, Livingston was the wealthiest man in New York. As a Scot,
Livingston was embroiled in the religious wars that raged back home
and that spilled over into the colonies. His relatives in Scotland, the
Earls of Callendar and Linlithgow, had fought on the wrong side of
what became the Glorious Revolution. It was a precarious time
because of the religious upheaval, and many Scots and French
Huguenots were forced to leave the country. The hostilities did not end
once the immigrants reached America.
In New York the war was between Jacob Leisler and the Catholics.9
In his frantic effort to keep the pope from controlling New York, Leisler
seized the city. When Britain later sent a new governor, Leisler
attempted to defend New York against him. His rabid anti-Catholic
sentiment ended with his trial and that of five confederates. The same
evidence admitted in trial freed four and sentenced two to hanging.
Jacob Leisler was hanged on the land where the Manhattan side of the
Brooklyn Bridge would be built.
A bit of jury tampering may have helped the four who were acquit
ted. One of these possible beneficiaries was Peterse Delanoy. His family
subsequently dropped the last letter of their name and become the
Delanos.A later alliance through marriage would result in the Delano-
Roosevelt family.
With Leisler out of the way, the power vacuum allowed Huguenot
families such as the Delanoys and their allies among the Dutch power
base, including Livingston, to prosper. Livingston was now in prime
position to expand his empire. He traded with whomever he could and
owned outright or owned shares in several merchant ships. One of these
returned 500 percent in one 1694 voyage alone. But success had its
downside: Through a customs agent of the mayor of New York City,
Livingston was charged with the crime of trading with the French. It is
possible that the charge was correct, as not all legitimate voyages yielded
such high returns. But the mayor simply wanted a share in the profits.
The case was brought before the grand jury, whose chairman was
William Kidd. It is not known if this case also involved jury tampering,
but Livingston was spared. Jury chairman Kidd refused to indict.
Kidd and his new friend Livingston went to England to increase
their fortunes. The deal that was struck with Richard Coote, Lord
Bellomont, involved several other figures who moved in commercial
and government circles. The list included John Somers, the Lord
Chancellor; Edward Russell, the Earl of Orford, who was the First Lord
of the Admiralty; Henry Sidney, the Earl of Romney; Charles Talbot,
the Duke of Shrewsbury; Edward Harrison, a director of the East India
Company; and Richard Blackham, who would later be imprisoned for
bribery and currency manipulation. King William III was destined to
claim 10 percent of the return in exchange for his blessing of Kidd's
pirate-hunting enterprise.10
Livingston and Kidd were the core partners of the agreement, and
together they were required to put up six thousand pounds to purchase
and refit a ship named Adventure Galley. This was approximately one
fifth of the funds needed for the voyage, and in turn the partners would
receive one fifth of the prizes captured and get to keep the ship. The
men who signed on as crew members were on a no-purchase, no-pay
contract. This type of contract was used by whalers and pirate ships, and
it stated that if no prizes were obtained, no pay would be given.
Therefore, the inducement to capture something was great.
Kidd and crew were commissioned to capture pirate ships. Their
papers specifically targeted Thomas Tew of Rhode Island and two New
York-based pirates, Thomas Wake and William Maze. For good measure
the commission added any and all pirates, freebooters, and sea rovers.
Commission in hand, Kidd sailed out of London to New York. Along
the way he captured a French fishing ship—not much of a catch, but
perhaps practice for his new crew.
In New York, Kidd recruited more men for his adventure and
finally started his planned voyage on September 5, 1696. The destination
was the Indian Ocean, where the large island of Madagascar was
actually a pirate nation.11 The onetime French station Fort Dauphin had
become the home base of the pirate Abraham Samuel, who was called
King Samuel. The pirate king welcomed other pirates who presented
him with gifts. His kingdom and other pirate strongholds, as well as
slave ports run by merchants with no national affiliation, made
Madagascar a truly wild locale.
Saint Mary's was a small island off the coast of Madagascar where the
pirates formed a democratic nation called Libertalia. It may have been
the world's first true democracy, in which each man had an equal vote.
It just happened to be a pirate nation.
Upon reaching the mature age of about thirty, many of the pirates
retired to Libertalia. Land was free, exotic Polynesian-African women
were plentiful, and the locals were not hostile. Plantations were started
and trading posts were established. Even though each man might be
able to return to his home port with a small fortune, many chose to live
on the island.
It is a mystery just why Kidd sailed into Saint Mary's if by this time
he did not intend to "go pirate." As a pirate hunter, he apparently had
no intention to attack the pirate port; instead he landed, to repair his
ship and recruit new men. But once he landed, his situation grew
worse. A greater enemy than the English would attack Kidd's crew: disease.
On the small island in the Indian Ocean, one fifth of the crew succumbed.
Kidd needed to replace even more men than he originally
intended. He took on new members, all of whom were most likely
experienced pirates.
The major distinction separating the privateer from the pirate was
a piece of paper. The commission that gave the privateer captain the
right to take certain prizes made his actions legal, whereas seizing
bounty without such a commission was an offense punishable by hanging.
Commissions would occasionally be honored, and sometimes
would expire because of the end of a war. Unfortunately, the privateer
at sea had little way of knowing that hostilities had ended and that a
truce voided his commission. Another difference between privateers
and pirates was the conditions in which they lived and worked. On a
privateer ship the captain was chosen by the owner. He had to be tough
and able to make difficult decisions, but he also had to be intelligent.
The men on both merchant ships and privateer ships received very little
pay, were treated as inferior by the owners and officers, and were
subject to physical abuse at the whim of their masters. Such abuse was
legal, and more men died of being flogged than died in battle.
Alexander Falconbridge, a surgeon who served aboard the ships of the
Royal African Company, reported that one captain flogged a man to
death for losing an oar. Another captain forced men to eat live cockroaches
for his entertainment. Falconbridge is quoted extensively for
such cruelties to both seamen and slaves in Hugh Thomas's The Slave
Trade and Patrick Pringle's Jolly Roger, the Golden Age of Piracy. The slaves
aboard such ships often were of more value to the captain than his own
crew. The average mortality rate for slaves in the seventeenth century
was 25 percent; it was often as high as 40 percent for the crew.
The officers of the British navy treated their own crews just as
It was no wonder that when a pirate ship attacked a merchant ship,
the crew was eager to surrender. The pirates treated them better. Those
who came aboard were treated as equals. Many were invited to join,
some were simply impressed by their lifestyle, but all were treated better.
Four hundred years after the Templar fleet left France, the lodge system
spawned in Templar preceptories and Cistercian monasteries was
alive aboard the pirate ships. The ship's rules were determined by articles
that each man signed. The men voted on such rules in a democratic
fashion: one man, one vote. Rules included not taking women aboard,
as they could cause friction; not discussing religion, as it too could cause
conflict; and spelling out tasks and duties.
On a pirate ship the captain was elected by the entire crew. Like a
privateer captain, he had to be tough and intelligent. He had to be well
liked, too, as his crew could simply unelect him. Shares were determined,
and the job of the captain and the quartermaster was to ensure
equal shares to all members of the crew.
The crew on both pirate and privateer ships would sail for a share
in the voyage. On the privateer ship the captain's share and that of the
high-ranking officers were greater than the crew's. On many pirate
ships all bounty was shared in a fairer way. The captain and the quartermaster
might get a double share; a highly proficient crew member
could get a share and a half. An injured pirate who was unable to return
to sea might be given a greater share to aid his retirement. The average
sailor on a pirate ship had a better chance of making a windfall profit
for the risks and hardships he endured. Some took their shares and went
back to the farm. Sometimes an agreement was struck so that all sailors
remained together until every man had a certain amount of money.
Life was potentially dangerous for the pirate, but the dangers were
not in attacking enemy shipping. Very rarely was a merchant ship willing
to mount a defense, and few pirate ships were ever captured outside
of ports. One pirate historian reports that brothel casualties were higher
than battle casualties. The greatest risk a pirate might endure was expulsion
by his fellow sailors. Marooning, or expelling a pirate from a crew,
took place on a desert island or sometimes on a sandbar that would disappear
at high tide. Pirates were usually marooned only for the worst of
offenses, which included abandoning their posts during battle. The term
maroon was coined from what the Spanish called Cimarrons, the group
of people created from the marriage of escaped black slaves to native
Amerindian women.
Life at sea was equally dangerous for the criminal pirate and the
legitimate privateer, as the common threats—injury, imprisonment, and
death—did not favor one type of sailor. For example, a privateer sailing
against Spain was a criminal in the eyes of the Spanish crown, as was a
pirate operating anywhere. Both could suffer equally for their offenses,
and death was the most common punishment. The difference was that
the pirate stood a better chance of making a profit. As a result, pirate
ships often had little problem defeating better-armed naval ships, merchant
ships, and privateer ships. Many times the crew of the captured
ship was happy to join the pirates—and they were often delighted to
see a cruel captain subject to his own medicine.
Kidd knew the risks and the rewards of piracy. What happened aboard
the Adventure Galley to induce the captain and crew to "go pirate" will
probably never be known. But Kidd was low on supplies, had little to
trade, and had a crew that was most likely unhappy with the long
months at sea and his harsh leadership and lack of profit. With his leadership
and judgment in question and his reward system poor, it is surprising
that he was able to recruit veteran pirates. However he did it, he
set out from Saint Mary's as a pirate.
Twice Kidd brought his ship to within threatening distance of
British-protected shipping, and twice he was turned away. Finally he
captured a lone trading ship from Bombay flying the English colors.
Upon meeting the ship's captain, Kidd found out that he was already
considered a pirate. Word traveled quickly.
Kidd soon took three more ships, including the valuable Quedah
Merchant in January 1698. With his new fleet, he now broke all the rules
and attacked an East India Company ship. He left the coast of India
with his prizes and headed for Madagascar, where he spent six months
before heading back to North America.
It is hard to believe that an experienced captain such as Kidd would
think that he could return to New York and escape punishment because
of his connections, but that appears to have been the case. The Earl of
Bellomont, now the governor of New York, actually came to Kidd's
defense. The governor said he received reports that Kidd was forced by
his men to act as a pirate. But Bellomont was in an awkward position.
Having replaced Fletcher, who had given a commission to the pirate
Thomas Tew, Bellomont had to be careful not to cast himself in the
same light. He also was entitled to a large commission should he issue
a pardon. Kidd, however, had gone too far.
The capture of the Quedah Merchant had caused rioting in the
streets of Surat, where the British East India Company maintained its
offices. The company was already blamed for any acts of European
piracy, but this time the ship belonged to a member of the Indian
emperor's court. This news eventually reached New York—well before
Bellomont had to distance himself from the situation and cut his
losses. The governor of what is now New York and Massachusetts had
never seen Boston, and he traveled there on May 26, 1699, for the first
time. It appeared to his critics that he was on his way to meet his piratepartner
Kidd, who had just reached Delaware Bay and was heading
north. Bellomont later explained that he wrote Kidd a letter that purposely
did not threaten his arrest, as he didn't want to scare Kidd away.
Joseph Emmot, a New York lawyer whose specialty was admiralty
cases, advised Bellomont that Kidd had treasure aboard and had left
treasure behind in the Caribbean. Emmot also delivered two passes
granted by the French that Kidd had taken from the Moorish ships he
captured. These documents were evidence that the act of capturing
those ships, at least, was not piracy. Had these passes made it to Kidd's
trial, he might have been acquitted. But somehow Bellomont or
another backer of the voyage allowed the passes to disappear.12
While he was conspiring to have Kidd convicted, Bellomont sent
two men to get a statement from the pirate. They met with Kidd off
Block Island. Afterward Kidd seemed confident he could still trust
Bellomont. He set sail for a tiny island off the coast of eastern Long
Island called Gardiner's Island. He unloaded three or four small boats of
booty and then sent for John Gardiner, in whose care Kidd placed a
chest for Bellomont.
Gardiner's area of eastern Long Island was one of the two favorite
pirate places to anchor in summer; the other was across the mouth of
Long Island Sound, on the islands between Cape Cod and Martha's
Vineyard. Both were locales where ships, both pirate and merchant,
could rendezvous to trade and exchange cargo and supplies. It was an
illegal floating market at times. The mouth of Buzzards Bay was also
passed by ships cruising between New York and Boston, but docking a
ship there would mean drawing the attention of the navy.
As Kidd sailed around the eastern end of Long Island, he dropped
treasure in various places. One stash was delivered to an old pirate by
the name of Thomas Paine, who lived on Canonicut Island off Rhode
Island. When the governor of Rhode Island got wind of the story, he
searched Paine's house, but the gold was not there. It may have already
been moved back to Gardiner's Island, but proof against the Gardiner
family was not to be found.
Kidd's plan was to hedge his bets. If he hid enough treasure before
meeting the authorities, it would be something to use in striking a bargain.
As Kidd's real history grew into legend, people would tell tales of
him dropping his treasure as far north as Nova Scotia and as far east as
the South China Sea. But it's more likely that what he did not leave in
the Caribbean he hid around Long Island Sound.
Kidd was also attempting to deftly play the cards he was dealt. He
knew after meeting with Emmot that the situation was vastly different
since he had left New York. The British were cracking down on piracy,
the ships returning to New York were being seized, and the ships' captains
and crews were being hunted and arrested. Kidd had put his partners
Bellomont and Livingston in a very complicated position.
Bellomont, in fact, had much to gain either as Kidd's friend or as the
arresting officer of the court. Both scenarios allowed him to be
rewarded either financially or in reputation.
Not having all the treasure available for confiscation was one of the
strategies Kidd employed; the temptation to have more would serve as
an inducement for Kidd's apprehensive partner. Kidd's second play was
delivering to Lord Bellomont's wife an enameled box with four jewels;
he hoped it might tip the scale and make Bellomont back his partner.
But Bellomont did the math. Allowing that Kidd's charges might be
false and pardoning him—and thereby keeping his legitimate share—
could equal a thousand pounds. But seizing Kidd and claiming his legitimate
share as arresting governor gave him thirteen thousand pounds.
Bellomont's advisers warned him not to go against the British East
India company and the powers the company represented. Thus
Bellomont decided against his onetime partner; Kidd was to be
arrested. The other partner, Robert Livingston, was dismayed by
Bellomont's decision. He stood to gain all if Kidd was pardoned and
nothing if Kidd was arrested. In fact, Livingston had posted a bond
guaranteeing Kidd's behavior. Bellomont alleged that Livingston threatened
him, saying that Livingston would take reimbursement from
Kidd's treasure if Bellomont didn't return the bond. Did Bellomont
make up this accusation to distance himself from the crime? Or as
Bellomont might have feared, were Kidd and Livingston, brother Scots,
involved in a conspiracy against him?
Both Bellomont and Livingston had to bear the weight of public
opinion. In America the arrest was an exciting event; in England it was
a political event as well. The Tory party, closely tied to the British East
India Company, wanted Kidd convicted. The Whigs, several of whom
were backers of Kidd's voyage, were in a corner. In the end, all but Kidd
got their way. At the trial the book listing the owners of Kidd's ship, his
partners, and his instructions was missing. So were the vital passes
obtained from the Moorish ships, which might have acquitted him.
(The passes were discovered two hundred years later in a London
records office.) The letter from Bellomont to Kidd was also missing.
There were only two eyewitnesses against Kidd: Robert Bradinham
and Joseph Palmer. Both were military deserters who turned pirate.
Today an American lawyer might point out that such criminals may not
be credible witnesses, as they are not men of reputation, and they were
very obviously testifying against Kidd for their own reprieve. Their pardons
came days after Kidd's conviction.
It appears that a deal had been struck, one that convenienced all
except William Kidd. Kidd was the scapegoat and, as such, was hanged.
Livingston was cleared of all charges. Bellomont was enriched for his
role in arresting Kidd. The other Whig partners were unsullied by what
might have been a scandal, although they lost their stake in the ship and
any proceeds they might have expected. For England and the ruling
class, the bottom line was that Tory shipping was safe from Whig
Livingston made out better than he thought. He received his bond
back, although remarkably he was forced to pay off fellow partner
Robert Blackham for his stake in the venture. The members of Captain
Kidd's crew were mostly pardoned, and some died in jail. Kidd's wife,
Sarah Bradley Cox Oort Kidd, was jailed and her house seized on
Bellomont's order. Oort was known to have some of Kidd's loot, but it
was never found. She was eventually released and married a fourth time.
Those who had received the treasure were targeted by Bellomont,
who stood to gain a share of the recovered valuables. The greatest
amount of treasure was on Gardiner's part of Long Island. Threatened
with an enemy landing on his tiny kingdom, John Gardiner presented
Bellomont with bags of gold and silver. Thus, Kidd was killed, and all
those associated with him prospered.

Chapter 4


The lifeless body of Captain William Kidd would join the bodies of
other captured and convicted pirates left to greet those who sailed
into London's port. The hanging criminals served as a warning for
prospective sea rovers that crime did not pay. The real message, however,
was that crime did pay, and it rewarded those who could pay others to
do their bidding.
The feudal system that gave birth to the Knights Templar gave rise
to noble ideals such as liberty, equality, and fraternity. Among those in
power, however, corruption ruled. Freemasonry developed from the
noble ideals of the Knights Templar, and the lodge system was created—
underground—to protect its members. Some lodges became more celebrated
than others, and membership in the more prestigious lodges
offered greater rewards. While Livingston would survive into days of
public Freemasonry, Bellomont would not. Almost twenty years passed
after Kidd's body hung over the Thames before Freemasonry went public.
From London to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, the lodge system
separated those who pulled the strings from those who were left
hanging. Through the right connections family dynasties could survive
and build on fortunes made from nefarious crimes. Profits from piracy
became investments in more acceptable enterprises, and fortunes made
in seventeenth-century crime were the bedrock for wealth in the
twenty-first century.
Among those who benefited from the criminal activities of the
"expendable" was the Gardiner family. It is hard not to suspect the
Gardiners of running a sort of pirate bank on their tiny kingdom. They
owned Gardiner's Island itself and larger tracts of land stretching from
East Hampton to Smithtown on Long Island.
The progenitor of the family was an Englishman, Lion Gardiner,
who was born in 1599. He came to America in 1635 as a soldier, a
builder of fortifications, a trader, and a fighter against the Indians.
Gardiner's son David was the first white child born in what would
become the state of Connecticut. In what is now known as the Pequot
War, Gardiner was instrumental in enlisting opposing tribes to join a
small English force that sought to exterminate the Pequots. Gardiner's
principal ally was Wyandanch, a sachem from Long Island. Gardiner
agreed to trade with Wyandanch's group if he would "kill all the
Pequots" that came to him and "send . . . their heads." 1 From his new
friends the Montaukett tribe, Gardiner bought the self-named
Gardiner's Island, a 3,500-acre island kingdom (part of modern-day
East Hampton), for cloth, a gun, some gunpowder, and a dog. He added
to his Long Island holdings by rescuing Wyandanch's daughter from an
enemy tribe; for this feat he was given the land that would become
Smithtown, bringing his holdings to a hundred thousand acres.
Rights to Gardiner's kingdom were confirmed by King Charles I.
In the seventeenth century and later, Gardiner's eastern holdings provided
a great haven for pirates and smugglers, and evidence appears to
indicate that the early Gardiner heirs were more than simply willing
In 1672 a report indicated that a Massachusetts pirate named Joseph
Bradish set sail for Gardiner's Island with his loot. In 1692 the governor
of Connecticut reported that pirates were anchored off East Hampton
and engaging in trade. In another report, a prominent Connecticut citizen
was accused of receiving stolen property and selling it in Boston,
and it was noted that the shore of eastern Long Island was the haunt of
pirates and smugglers. Still another report stated that a pirate ship called
the Sparrow had taken on eighteen passengers under an agreement
made in the Caribbean. The master, Richard Narramore, then carried
the passengers to Gardiner's Island, where they disembarked, chests and
all. As the story spread, the unnamed men, who were suspected to be
pirates, were brought before a magistrate. Christopher Goffe was one of
the few accused men who appeared. He confessed that, as suspected, he
was a pirate, but he was able to obtain a pardon.2
The Gardiner family has maintained its wealth throughout the centuries
by the right connections to England prior to the War of
Independence and by more secret connections that lasted to the middle
of the nineteenth century. While many Whig families were able to
avoid losing their lands after the American Revolution, the Gardiners,
like their neighbors and often partners who had been Tories, walked a
thin line and were not subject to the postwar land grab. Many of these
families showed their reluctance to break from mother England, and
some of their actions bordered on treason.
The War of 1812 became a second war of independence, as Britain
had never ceased treating America as a colony. Her navy regularly
impressed American seamen. Her army armed and incited native border
tribes against her lost colony. Many families had prospered through
their relationships with British firms, and such pro-British Whig families
found themselves at odds with President Jefferson. A handful of
New England merchant families, who had survived the Revolution and
even prospered, proposed that New England leave the Union. Their
loyalty was not to their country but to their mercantile interests, which
were often shared with British counterparts.
In the decades before the Civil War, America was again threatened
with secession, this time from several southern states. One great secret of
American history is that the same New England merchant families who
had tried to leave the Union earlier were joined by New York merchant
families in aiding the breakup of the Union. Despite this treasonous activity,
few of the powerful families were held accountable. The Gardiner
family was one such family that straddled the two sides of the Civil War.
The Gardiner family, while always flying under the radar of public
comment, was a power base in New York and part of the Cotton Whigs.
The Whig party was divided on many issues, and the so-called Cotton
Whigs allied themselves with the powerful families of Virginia and the
Carolinas who by the nature of their business, cotton, remained close to
English banks and merchants. When Gardiner interests merged with the
interests of the planting families of Virginia and South Carolina, the
Gardiner family itself merged with the Tyler family of Virginia.
While American politics has evolved over the centuries, in the
nineteenth century it was not unusual for a president to be at odds with
his vice president. As the result of compromise within the Whig party,
William Henry Harrison and John Tyler ended up on the same ticket.
Harrison was regarded as a politician in the mold of loyal Virginia leaders
such as Washington, Jefferson, and Madison, and so was against the
divisive politics of South Carolina, which was first to threaten leaving
the Union. Tyler was part of the secessionist movement in Virginia that
was based at the College ofWilliam and Mary. Although he was a member
of the Whig party, he had no inclination to support Whig policy. He
agreed with admitting Texas as a slave state, and he was against abolition.
Harrison and Tyler still managed to take the White House, using
the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too"; this motto referred to one of
Harrison's triumphs over the Indians.
Harrison assumed the presidency on March 4, 1841, and one
month later he died. His death was attributed first to intestinal illness
and later to pneumonia, though no autopsy was performed. Described
as robust, the war hero and sturdy farmer was somehow brought down
by a head cold. After his long inaugural speech, which was given in the
rain, the apparently healthy president became ill; many believe that his
cold turned into pneumonia.
InVictorian times it was not uncommon for doctors to misdiagnose
arsenic poisoning as "gastric poisoning," as the symptoms of arsenic
poisoning usually started with gastrointestinal disorders including
abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. But both of the president's
physicians were suspected of pro-British sentiment. Dr. Frederick May
was trained by the Freemason Dr. John Warren. May's son was an outspoken
Tory and close friends with Benedict Arnold. The other physician,
Dr. William Eustis, was also trained by Warren. He had been fired
by President Madison because of his actions in the War of 1812. Dr.
Eustis helped plan the defense of Detroit with General William Hull.
On the way to Detroit, Hull was ambushed. His supplies gone and
morale low, he surrendered Detroit as soon as he reached it. Madison
believed the British had been tipped off. When the War Department
conceived a plan to attack England's supply base in Nova Scotia, Eustis
would not allow it to happen. With Harrison dead, the pro-secessionist
Tyler was elevated to the presidency in 1841; John Tyler was the first
president of the United States to get to his post without election.3
Harrison was the first president to die in office. His suspicious death
started what was later called the "Twenty-year Curse" or the "Zero
Curse," which postulated that every president elected in a year ending
with a zero would die in office. The "curse" lasted 160 years before it
was broken by Ronald Reagan. Reagan, however, barely missed being
assassinated by the mentally disturbed son of a friend of the vice president.
Some said the curse was put on Harrison by Tecumseh, the Indian
warrior whom the president had defeated. But it is more likely that the
death was engineered.
Caleb Cushing, whose political leanings were influenced by profit
potential, was no stranger to political manipulation and subtle bribery.
He was a thirty-third-degree Mason, the highest level to which a
Mason could rise, and an opium smuggler. His fortunes were tied to the
pro-British mercantile smugglers, slave traders, and drug traffickers.
Cushing wanted to hold a government office.
Tyler claimed he was not a party man and had accepted his nomination
reluctantly. But after Harrison's death, Tyler immediately repudiated
most of the Whig platform that had brought Harrison to the White
House. As a result, the new president was not popular; in fact, he was
derided as "his accidency."
Tyler's first order of business was pushing for Caleb Cushing to
become Secretary of the Treasury. The Senate rejected his nomination
three times, with the third ballot securing only three votes for Cushing.
Tyler then proposed sending Cushing to China. This move was greeted
heartily, possibly because it was the farthest place from the seat of government
that the devious politico could be sent.
Harrison's death was the first of three during Tyler's stay in
Washington. The second death was that of Tyler's wife, Laetitia. Tyler
did not spend too much time grieving; instead he opted to unite his
Virginia plantation family with a northern merchant family. Julia
Gardiner, the spoiled daughter of the wealthy and prominent David
Gardiner, was Tyler's target.
After returning from a grand tour of Europe, Julia Gardiner became
part of the Washington social whirl, dating several congressmen, including
the future president James Buchanan, two Supreme Court Justices,
and a naval officer. She met President Tyler at a White House party, and
he invited her to return. Although she was thirty years younger than the
president, their first date ended with him chasing her around the White
House. He wasted no time in proposing to Gardiner, but her mother
stood in the way of the marriage. She was concerned that the president
was not a good enough catch for a Gardiner. The Virginia farmer and
plantation owner simply had no money when compared with the
Gardiner fortune.4
Tyler was not one to give up. The deaths of "Old Tippecanoe" and
Tyler's wife had paved the way down his new path, and a third death
would allow Tyler to get what he wanted.
The stage was set aboard the USS Princeton, where the navy
wanted to display a new cannon, which was dubbed the Peacemaker
because of its size. Several important personages were aboard and the
gun was fired numerous times. David Gardiner, a friend of Tyler's and
the New York State senator at the time, brought his attractive daughter,
Julia, to witness the scene. She quickly became bored and invited
the enamored president belowdecks for a glass of champagne. The
overheated gun was to be fired one more time as a salute to George
Washington as it passed his Mount Vernon home, but it instead
exploded and killed Secretary of State Abel Upshur, Secretary of the
Navy Thomas W. Gilmer, and Julia's father, Senator David Gardiner.5
The fifty-four-year-old president and the twenty-four-year-old
Julia Gardiner became secretly engaged shortly after her father's death.
They later married privately. The huge difference in age presented more
fodder for public opinion and the media, but Julia Gardiner Tyler won
the hearts of the public even as her husband was the butt of their jokes.6
During Gardiner's "reign" as First Lady, as she called it, she revived
the formality of White House receptions, which had gone out of style.
She welcomed guests with plumes in her hair and surrounded by
twelve maids of honor dressed in white. She also instituted the playing
of "Hail to the Chief." Gardiner bore several children with the president:
David Gardiner Tyler, John Alexander Tyler, Julia Gardiner Tyler,
Lachlan Tyler, Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Robert Tyler, and Pearl Tyler.
As president, Tyler's major accomplishment was repaying the favors
of his chief promoter, Caleb Cushing, among the Cotton Whigs. He
managed to make Cushing an ambassador of sorts, sending him to
China to reap the rewards of the British Opium War. The signing of a
treaty with China kept the American opium traders in business—a
trade that benefited a handful of New England and New York families.
Tyler was booted out of his own Whig party and had all but one
member of his cabinet resign. The remaining cabinet member was
Daniel Webster, who was deeply in debt to Caleb Cushing and at his
beck and call. Tyler was even impeached for not signing a tariff bill,
although the impeachment was eventually defeated. His lack of favor in
Washington went so deep that he didn't attend the succeeding president's
inauguration. Tyler left American politics to join the Confederate
government, making Tyler the first American president to bear arms
against the federal government. After his death in 1862, Julia returned
to New York and worked to promote the Confederate cause.
The Gardiners survived prosecution for assisting pirates, had survived
pro-British sympathies after the Revolution, and survived prorebel
sentiment during the Civil War. Today the sixteenth lord of the
manor still defends his preserve from more modern dangers, such as
taxes and disrepair. Gardiner's Island is the oldest family-owned estate
of its kind in America. The Gardiner estate is now in the hands of
eighty-eight-year-old Robert David Lion Gardiner, who divides his
time between estates in Palm Beach and East Hampton. With the
exception of having to comply with taxation, he is the lord of his
manor, just as a lord from another century. He regularly invites guests
to take part in a hunt to reduce the island's deer population.
For the first time in the Gardiner family history there is no direct
heir. Robert Gardiner's niece, Alexandra Creel, married into another of
America's first families, the Goelets, and will inherit the island. The
Goelets have been in America since 1676, and they built their fortune
in real estate, along with the Philipse and Roosevelt families. One of the
Goelets founded Chemical Bank with a grandfather of Theodore
Roosevelt. The Goelets and the Gardiners have been rivals for years, and
the last lord of the Gardiner manor has recently been quoted as saying
he is not happy to see his ancestral lands end up in Goelets province.
The bitter Gardiner-Goelet feud was covered extensively in Steven
Gains's Philistines at the Hedgerow, and some very colorful anti-Goelet
quotes are on, the local newspaper covering the longstanding
While both families maintain a high degree of secrecy, Robert
Gardiner recently opened up his life and his struggle to the prying eyes
of the media. Historians and reporters alike were treated to a rare
glimpse of the island, visiting it aboard a Gardiner estate boat, the
Captain Kidd III.
Robert Livingston, another of Captain Kidd's partners, was for the most
part unscathed by Kidd's arrest. The Livingston family would go on to
play a major role in the politics of New York and the nation, and its support
base was Freemasonry, which allowed members to also operate
from behind the scenes. Several early scandals connected them to
piracy, theft, and smuggling, but their power, which was always just
below the surface, allowed them to grow and prosper to modern times.
Just as Robert Livingston was breathing a sigh of relief that Kidd
was in the noose, Livingston's daughter Margaret married a Scotsman,
her cousin Samuel Vetch. The new son-in-law brought more notoriety
to the family, which apparently was not a concern for the Livingston
clan as long as the notoriety was matched by enterprise. The Vetch family
and the Livingston family had already been connected by marriage
in Scotland. Reverend John Livingston brought Samuel Vetch's father
into the Presbyterian Church. William Livingston, the older brother of
Robert, had also married a Vetch. Samuel Vetch was despised by many
in Scotland, and it is unlikely that the Livingstons and anyone else in
Scotland were unaware of his criminal activities.7
In Scotland a project had been created to found a new colony in
America. The Scotland Company Trading to Africa and the Indies was
formed in June 1695 with the goal of bringing to Scotland what the
British East India Company brought to England. The subscription
books, which allowed anyone with money to buy stock in the company,
were rapidly filled with the names of merchants, shipowners, and
wealthy individuals from physicians to widows. The plan was to buy
ships and bring Scottish settlers to their own colony, which would be
in Darien, on the coast of Panama. Little attention was given to the fact
that the land was claimed by Spain, and the company was not really in
the favor of England.
The project was plagued with disaster after disaster. Ships packed
with soldiers and colonists were provisioned poorly and would see forty
dead before reaching the New World. When the colonists reached
Panama they were nearly starving, as their worm-ridden food could
barely be tolerated. More were sick than healthy, and few had the ability,
the desire, or the knowledge to build a settlement. One ship hit a
rock in harbor, sank, and took with it half its crew. Crew members on
other ships attempted mutiny and many simply deserted. By the end of
the first rainy season, there were no plantations planted, no fortifications
erected, no trade established, and a government of five quarreling men.8
There were, however, two hundred graves in New Edinburgh.
After ten months the colonists were ready to give up their settle
ment. Over one third had died. Two ships left the colony to sail to New
York City in order to sell goods and buy provisions. Samuel Vetch was
on one of the ships. In the East River he tried to seize another ship, an
act of piracy that he would explain was his right by charter. Two friends
of Robert Livingston came to Vetch's aid. Stephen Delancey and
Thomas Wenham were Livingston associates who had built fortunes
financing the pirates of Madagascar. Livingston had to maintain a low
profile, however, as he was already under suspicion from his partnership
with Kidd.
Vetch, like his cousin Robert Livingston, was not likely to pass up
a lucrative opportunity. He decided to keep the shipload of goods that
was meant to buy provisions for the starving colonists in Darien.
Livingston helped him sell the stolen goods.
Of course, Vetch could not return to Darien or to Scotland; the
news of the fiasco would cause riots in Edinburgh. Hardly a family
below the Highland line would not have the loss of a family member
or friend to haunt them as a result of the ill-conceived expedition.
A second voyage saw three hundred of 1,300 dead before reaching
the devastated colony. Few made it back to Scotland. Because Vetch
would likely be hanged on the sands of Leith along with several other
criminals related to Darien, he decided to stay in New York. He married
Livingston's daughter, and the magnanimous Livingston gave the
young couple as a wedding present a house that was once the property
of Captain Kidd.
Samuel Vetch and John Livingston went into the smuggling business
together. They bought a ship and named it Mary, then sailed to Canada
to import French brandies and wines. On their second trip they were
smuggling cargo onto eastern Long Island, not far from Gardiner's island
kingdom, when they encountered problems. This early version of the
gang that couldn't shoot straight" left their ship beached without
anchoring it and then took off, presumably to find assistance. The ship was
swept away by the tide to Montauk, where it was seized—complete with
cargo, logs, and all the evidence required to bring charges against the pair.
No one was hanged; all were let off simply with the loss of a ship
and its cargo. The incident did, however, bring unwanted attention to
Robert Livingston, who was still hoping the Kidd affair would blow
over. Livingston called in his markers, and Edward Hyde, Lord
Cornbury, who took over for Governor Bellomont, had the charges
against the younger Livingston and Vetch dropped. He also repealed the
Bill of Confiscation, enabling Livingston and Vetch to keep their cargo.
Not coincidentally, Cornbury's six-year rule was highlighted by accusations
of bribery, mismanagement, and even attending parties dressed
in women's clothing.9
Samuel Vetch learned from his cousin and soon become a wealthy
merchant. Unlike his new in-laws, however, his luck did not last.
Fortune caught up with him and he died in debtor's prison in London.
Robert Livingston would do much better.
Livingston's life took an odd turn when he traveled to London to
plead the case of the Iroquois tribes in New York. On the way his ship
was accosted by French privateers, who had no idea they held at their
mercy the backer of the world's most infamous pirate. Their advantage
was short-lived, as the sudden appearance of a British man-of-war
turned the tables.
The immense amount of land held by the Livingston family was of
little value if it could not provide an income. In 1710 the opportunity
to change the idle lands to profitable lands came with a new governor.
While Robert Hunter was reputed to be honest, he may not have been
too smart. He had been warned on both sides of the Atlantic about
dealing with Robert Livingston. It mattered little to Hunter, whose task
was to provide a place to settle German refugees. After the first winter,
the starving palatines were in open rebellion against their landlord. The
English government refused them permission to leave, and Robert
Livingston admonished his wife, Alida, for wishing to give them bread.
A second freezing winter found the settlers fleeing across the Hudson
in the hope of escaping their feudal lord.
The eighteenth century was marked by wars between the British
and the French and ultimately between the colonists and the British.
For the Livingstons the century was marked by uprisings by their ten
ant families. They used the French and Indian Wars to increase their
wealth after being appointed to the lucrative position of provisioning
the British troops. When the American Revolution came, the family
straddled the fence for as long as possible. Then some members went
home to Scotland and others fortuitously gambled on the side of the
One of the great-grandsons of Robert Livingston was Robert R.
Livingston. He played a pivotal role in politics and in the Freemasons,
of which he was the grand master for the New York branch. On April
30, 1789, he swore in the country's first president, George Washington.
Livingston had hoped for an appointment to Washington's new government
but none was forthcoming; it was possible Washington recognized
the Livingston clan as playing both sides. Several Livingstons had
left New York for the West Indies. Alida Livingston Gardiner, who was
married to Valentine Gardiner, had left for England.10 Robert R.
Livingston kept his own power base behind the scenes. The Livingstons'
power grew by dynastic marriages, as one Livingston married John Jay,
another married an Astor, and another wed a Roosevelt. But Masonic
ties were at least as important.
New York State's most influential and powerful lodge was the
Holland No. 8. Jacob Astor was aware of the power wielded by the
Masonic lodges in both his home in Germany and in London. When
he reached New York City, he used his marriage to a member of the
Brevoort family to gain entrance to the Holland No. 8 Lodge. There he
made connections with New York's governor, George Clinton, his
nephew and later mayor of New York City, De Witt Clinton, land baron
Stephen Van Rensselaer, and the Livingston family.11 De Witt Clinton,
in particular, was an ardent Mason, and among the offices he held were
lodge grand master, high priest of the Grand Chapter, a grand master of
the Great Encampment of New York, and grand master of the Knights
Templar of the United States. Clinton's power base, however, would
remain the Holland No. 8 Lodge.
When Robert Livingston was grand master of the Holland No. 8
Lodge he founded ten other lodges; still the Holland lodge remained
the most powerful. The old guard of New York was firmly in control as
the Masonic order and the Holland lodge grew in power. Many would
advance their careers through Masonic connections, including Charles
King, former president of Columbia University; Cadwallader Colden,
grandson of the provincial governor; and John Pintard, the secretary of
the Mutual Insurance Company. Masonry rewarded the Livingston
family well, and the family did not turn away from the craft even during
its unpopular years. Today the Livingston Masonic Library is maintained
on West Twenty-third Street in New York City.
New York was a power center for the Livingston clan, but its influence
was not limited to that state. Robert R. Livingston was disappointed
because he did not receive an appointment in Washington's
administration, but during Thomas Jefferson's administration he did join
James Monroe on a mission to France. They went to negotiate the purchase
of New Orleans, and they were reportedly surprised when
Talleyrand, Napoleon's minister, asked, "What will you give for the
whole?"—meaning the 825,000 square miles offered for sale.12 Without
permission and without the time to contact Washington, the two men
offered fifteen million dollars. Livingston later assumed full credit for
the purchase, altering his journal entries to say he was given the offer
three days earlier, before Monroe reached France. The government
issued a vigorous denial and published Livingston's real itinerary, and
the disgrace cost him whatever credit might have been due.
The area that was open thanks to the Louisiana Purchase was an
early equivalent of the Wild West. New Orleans was the gateway. Very
close to the city was a pirate kingdom second only to the one in
Madagascar a hundred years before. The new Libertalia was called
Barataria, and Jean Lafitte controlled the territory like a king. From
India to the Caribbean, Lafitte's career stood out among pirates. Since
his navy was so large it could not sail into any port, his kingdom, with
protective estuaries, became his home base. At Barataria the pirate created
a marketplace where pirates, smugglers, and legitimate traders
could buy and sell silks, wines, spices, furniture, and slaves, all of which
had been taken at sea. The pirate market at Barataria became so large it
threatened the merchants of New Orleans.
Weeks after the Louisiana Purchase was made official a new governor
William Claiborne, was appointed. He rode in with a military
escort to assume his office. The city turned out for the occasion: two
thousand Americans, French, Spaniards, Italians, blacks from Haiti and
Jamaica, Orientals in silks, Hindus in saris—and the brothers Lafitte.13
In a short time the newly appointed governor of the area was
goaded into offering a bounty for Lafitte and his brother, Pierre. Lafitte
posted his own bounty for Governor Claiborne. When Pierre Lafitte
was captured, District Attorney John R. Grymes quit his job. Instead of
prosecuting Lafitte he would became the pirate's defense co-counsel.
Robert Livingston's brother Edward, an active Mason and the mayor of
New York City, left New York to join the defense team. The two
defenders were allegedly offered twenty thousand dollars.
Edward Livingston had several reasons for leaving New York, all of
which had something to do with money, specifically his lack of it.
Livingston's land speculations and other ventures had left him in debt.
His position as mayor was not as lucrative for him as it was for past
mayors. New Orleans would be the start of a new life. He quickly married
a nineteen-year-old French widow, Louise D'Avezac de Castera
Moreau de Lassy, whose family was the owner of plantations in Haiti
and had been driven out by the slave insurrection. As grand master of
New York's grand lodge, Robert Livingston had influence that spread
far beyond the state borders. Edward Livingston became grand master
of the Louisiana lodge upon arrival.
Jean Lafitte was no ordinary pirate. Said to be a French nobleman
whose parents lost their lives under the blade of the guillotine during
the Reign of Terror,14 the swashbuckler was also an educated man who
could speak four languages. Called "the gentleman pirate," Lafitte was
described as tall, black-haired, and sporting a black mustache. He left
France aboard a privateer ship that he would later take from its captain,
and he began indiscriminately to raid ships of all nations. Lafitte started
in the Seychelles, where he bought a boatload of slaves for trade. On
the way to sell them in India he was chased by a British frigate. In desperate
need of supplies, he captured other British ships, including one
of the East India Company's. The privateer soon had a fleet.
Lafitte's reputation grew to gigantic proportions after he used one
of his ships and forty of his men to battle a very large, forty-gun British
ship manned by four hundred sailors. Lafitte's forty men, with daggers
in mouths and bandanna-clad heads, boarded the ship in a frenzy. Lafitte
commandeered a cannon and aimed at the men who remained on
deck, threatening them with certain death. They all surrendered.
From the Indian Ocean, Lafitte and his navy sailed to the Spanish
port of Cartegena, where he was given a commission. The city had just
rebelled and authorized him to attack Spanish shipping. At one point
Lafitte's navy had fifty ships and one thousand pirate sailors. From there
he built his kingdom in Barataria. Derived from the Spanish word
barato, the name refers to the part of the winnings a gambler gives to
the poor for luck. Lafitte's pirate city had a cafe, a bordello, a gambling
house, and warehouses. He would widen waterways to facilitate ships,
dig canals, and even build barges that would sail to the port of New
Orleans to sell their merchandise.
Lafitte survived the prosecutions of the governor and went on to
join the Americans in the Battle of New Orleans in 1812. Besides having
the legal protection of lawyer and Mason Edward Livingston,
another noted Mason would come to the pirate's aid. Andrew Jackson
rewarded Lafitte's crew with citizenship, and Lafitte tried to settle
down. When his crew could not give up their old ways, Lafitte sailed to
Mexico and was not heard from again.
The Livingstons, of course, would be heard from again. Today the
Livingston dynasty is remembered in the names of locations in New
York, New Jersey, and Louisiana. And the family is still active in politics.
During the Clinton administration, for instance, Robert L.
Livingston, the sixty-third man named Robert in the Livingston family
tree, was a candidate for the job of Speaker of the House. He is part
of the tenth generation, descended from the first lord of the manor in
New York. Other members of the Livingston clan still own vast tracts
of land in New York. Modern-day relations of the Livingstons include
the Bush family and Thomas Kean, the former governor of New Jersey,
who makes his home in Livingston township, New Jersey.
The Livingstons were not the only landed family to have made their
start in piracy. The progenitor of the Morris family also made his fortune
capturing ships and used the proceeds to obtain vast tracts of land.
Locale names still exist on the maps of New York and New Jersey that
recall the extent of the Morrises' property.
Lewis Morris was a pirate who had a king's commission that
allowed him to prey on shipping in the colonies and split his prizes with
the crown. His nephew, also named Lewis Morris, was involved in the
triangle trade. Between running sugar plantations in Barbados and using
the labor of imported slaves to create end products like rum, Morris's
lucrative trade gave him an estate back in the colonies. The younger
Morris would later be a signer of the Constitution.15
The younger Lewis Morris was also part of an unusual rivalry that
developed into an important American historical landmark. In the early
1730s Morris served as the chief justice of the three-man Supreme
Court in New York. A fellow wealthy merchant named Rip van Dam
had become governor and then retired his post. The new governor,
Colonel William Cosby, was as corrupt as they come. He demanded
that van Dam return his salary as governor and give it to Cosby. The
case made it to Morris's court, where he cast the one vote in three
denying Cosby his claim.
Cosby, in control of the state publication, the New York Gazette,
relentlessly went after both van Dam and Morris. Friends of the pair
backed a rival newspaper and hired John Peter Zenger as editor to retaliate
in print. Cosby didn't like playing the role of editorial victim and
threw Zenger in jail. After a lengthy and much publicized trial, Zenger's
acquittal started the process that later developed into the freedom of the
press. Coincidentally, one of the other two men on the Morris court
was merchant and financier Frederick Philipse.
The Philipse family was one of New York's landed aristocracy. Frederick
Philipse was also a pioneer in another way; he built the family fortune
supplying pirates with goods and money. He had already been in the
business before Fletcher assumed the governor's position, but under
Fletcher's rule New York grew as a pirate haven and Philipse profited.
And many knew about Philipse's business. A Salem minister named
Reverend John Higginson once wrote in a letter to his son, "Frederick
Philipse of New York, it is reported, has a pirate trade to Madagascar for
near twenty years." 16
Philipse was well acquainted with Kidd and hired Samuel Burgess,
who had sailed with Kidd as a privateer. Burgess was recruited out of
retirement to sail to Madagascar with goods for the pirates. Clothing,
liquor, naval supplies, and ammunition were the imports of choice on
Saint Mary's. These goods were in turn exchanged for slaves, one of
Madagascar's only exports.
Another employee of Philipse was the pirate Adam Baldridge, who
was for a while one of the pirate kings of Saint Mary's. While his title
did not entitle Baldridge to rule in a monarchal way, it did make him
the number one fence for items stolen by pirates—a very lucrative position.
Baldridge bought goods at attractive prices and put them aboard
ships to Frederick Philipse. He would also serve as a travel agent, assisting
retiring pirates in making their return passage to England or the
North American colonies.
With the pirate king Baldridge on Saint Mary's and Burgess sailing
back and forth to New York, the aristocratic Philipse had his own trading
empire. The pirate Thomas Tew was also in his employ, and Philipse
did little to hide his role in piracy. One of his ships that sailed the Indian
Ocean for slaves and contraband and to engage in piracy was named the
But life would not always stay simple for Philipse. After Kidd's
arrest, Bellomont was on the prowl for pirates, and he was not above
turning on acquaintances like Philipse. When Bellomont became aware
that two hundred pirates were being given passage to New York from
Madagascar on a Frederick Philipse—owned ship,18 he decided money
was thicker than friendship. The fee charged to each ex-pirate was an
expensive fifty pounds, but presumably that was the tip of the iceberg
of their personal wealth; the men were most likely loaded with booty
intended to provide for them in their retirement years. Luckily for both
Philipse and his cargo, Bellomont would not survive long enough to
intercept it.
Next Philipse's number one captain, Burgess, was captured at sea. It
was the second time for Burgess, who had previously survived arrest
being pardoned by Bellomont. But that was before the backlash against
piracy started by the British East India Company and the arrest of Kidd.
This time Burgess was brought to London, where he was condemned
to death. To his credit, Philipse sent to London his son Adolph, who
worked for three years to save Burgess from suffering the same fate as
Kidd. Burgess returned to sea, and later lived out his retirement years in
London as a consultant for the British East India Company.
Unlike the Livingstons and the Gardiners, the Philipse family's
power and wealth was divided after the Revolution. They had started in
the colonies as part of the landed aristocracy of the Hudson Valley,
which entitled them to the patroon system that granted lands to
favorites of the royalty back in England: Pelham Manor for Thomas
Pell, Philipsborough to the Philipses, Morrisania to Lewis Morris,
Cortlandt Manor to the Van Cortlandts.The families in control of these
extremely large tracts leased farmland to tenant farmers, who were
often kept in poverty and indebted to their land.
In 1766 the Philipse tenant William Prendergast started mob
actions along the Hudson that would affect both the Livingston clan
and the other patroon families' holdings. At his trial Prendergast said
that he was charged more for his small farm than were all the other
Philipse tenants. It didn't matter. He was found guilty of treason and
ordered hanged, drawn, and quartered in the feudal fashion of the lords
of the Hudson manors. When no one would come forward to perform
the execution, Prendergast received a stay and finally a pardon from
King George III.
King George disappointed the Philipse family a second time by losing
the War of Independence. The Philipses were part of a New York
contingent that declared their loyalty to the king and signed the
Declaration of Dependence. Frederick Philipse III was arrested by
Washington's troops and so he fled his home. Washington confiscated
the lands. The Morris family somehow ended up with one third of the
original grant. Tenant farmers were allowed to buy the farms on the
other two thirds after the Revolution.
Some of the Philipse heirs fared better than Frederick. Like the
Livingstons, some fled to England after the war, while others managed
to avoid being branded as Tories and stayed in the colonies. Also like the
Livingstons, at least one Philipse heir would marry into the Roosevelt
family. Another Philipse heir, Jacobus Goelet, started his own landed
dynasty that eventually united with the Gardiner family's.
Jacobus Goelet had been raised by Frederick Philipse, the lord of
the manor. Peter Goelet, the grandson of Jacobus, established himself in
business and in politics during the Revolution. Instead of being arrested
or deported, Peter Goelet used his close relationship with those in
power to remain in New York and prosper. Goelet's relationship with
the city controller, Benjamin Romaine, allowed the Goelet clan to
acquire real estate as favorably as had the Astors and other large-scale
investors like the Rhinelanders, Schermerhorns, and Lorillards.
Romaine was a failed schoolteacher who found his true calling as
an early member of the Tammany Society, which was founded as a fraternal
charity for Revolutionary War veterans in 1789 shortly after
Washington was inaugurated. Washington's Society of the Cincinnati
was for officers only and later for those with aristocratic family lines.
The Tammany Society was meant to be for men of all classes, although
it quickly emerged as a corrupt organization that helped only a handful
to loot government coffers. While the history of New York points
the finger at Boss Tweed and others who were the most corrupt, the
major beneficiaries, such as New York's first families, emerged with
larger fortunes, little criticism, and no criminal or civil penalty for their
Goelet's two sons married daughters of the Scottish merchant
Thomas Buchanan and furthered the family's rise. The younger Goelets
founded the Chemical Bank of New York at a time when there was an
antibanking sentiment in New York. It was nearly impossible to get a
charter for a bank, so several companies got a charter for a certain type
of business and then later amended the original charter. New York
Chemical Manufacturing Company was a small company formed to
produce dyes, paints, and drugs. One year after getting a charter for this
business it became a bank. Chemical Bank counted several generations
of Goelets on the board of directors.
The next Goelet generation would collect fortunes topping the
$100 million mark when their lands, including Union Square and Fifth
Avenue, appreciated. Families like the Goelets, Astors, and Rhinelanders
became "Old New York," as they owned so much property. And their
fortune grew with the population of the city.
When Newport, Rhode Island, began to attract the likes of the
Astors and the Vanderbilts, the Goelets too built their own mansion.
Goelet daughters married well, including the marriage of Hannah
Goelet to Thomas Russell Gerry. Goelet-Gerry descendants made ties
to the Livingstons, Harrimans, and Gallatins, as well as to British royalty.
Robert Goelet's yacht rivaled the yachts of the Astors, the
Vanderbilts, and the J. P. Morgans.
In 1870 J. Pierpont Morgan founded his own elite society, which
he called the Zodiac Club. Membership, like that in the private clubs to
which Morgan's father belonged, was limited to twelve Anglo-Christian
white men. Pierpont, J. P. Morgan's father, had claimed the family tree
included the pirate Morgan, and to drive home the point he called his
yacht the Corsair and flew the Jolly Roger. One hundred years after the
Zodiac Club was founded, Robert Goelet shared one of the coveted
chairs with eleven of the mid-Atlantic's most powerful businessmen.19
Despite the dilution caused by marriages, the wealth of the secretive
Goelet clan is far-reaching. They have been involved with Guaranty
Trust, Equitable Trust, the Illinois Central Railroad, and the Union
Pacific Railroad and institutions like the Metropolitan Opera and the
Museum of Natural History in New York. Through the Goelet
Corporation the family has interests in mining, oil, and gas.
The Knickerbocker Club once represented the highest level of
wealth in the city of New York. Because New York is a financial capital
of the world, entrance to this club is no longer simply for pillars of
New York society such as the Goelets and the Astors. In 1965 the ranks
of the Knickerbocker included the Aga Khan, Giovanni Agnelli, C.
Douglas Dillon, the du Ponts, the Goulds, the Huttons, the Ingersolls,
the Rockefellers, Alfred Sloan, and William Vanderbilt.20
When the Knights Templar were disbanded in the fourteenth century,
they had at their core a handful of wealthy and noble families that had
always acted from behind the scenes. Although the illiterate Jacques de
Molay was burned at the stake, the elite core remained alive and well.
The majority of the rank-and-file Templars also survived—not in their
estates in France but in hiding. They were protected by the heirs of the
Norman families in France that held power in Scotland. And they were
protected by their sworn loyalty to one another. On land some ex-
Templars found work as mercenaries and others in the building trades.
They established a system of secret passwords and handshakes and a
lodge network that protected them from disclosure and from being
unemployed in a feudal world. They were sworn to feed and shelter
each other until work could be found.
As there had been a handful of core families behind the Templars,
there would be a handful of core families behind the ex-Templars. The
best known is the Sinclair family of Scotland. The network of lodges
created in the aftermath of the Templar downfall emerged as
Freemasonry and the Sinclair family was named its hereditary
guardians. Former Templars were employed on land by the Sinclair
family as construction workers and on the sea as sailors on the massive
Sinclair fleet. The same men who sailed under the skull-and-crossbones
flag as Templars continued to ply the seas.
The Reformation played a harmful role in dividing the Catholic
Stuarts of Scotland, England, and other elite families who had backed
the Templars in France. After a century of displacement and massive
warfare, Europe experienced a breakdown in morality. America was
populated alternately by whatever religious group was out of favor in
Europe. The French Protestants known as Huguenots, the Catholic and
Protestant Scots, and Englishmen would meet in America and in some
cases continue the wars started at home. Masonry, however, would serve
to breach the religious divide.
Masonic lodges provided a refuge for many and were places where
the ideas of tolerance and brotherhood prevailed amid an intolerant
world. For many the lodge system offered the possibility of breaking
out of the caste system. The pirate community went a step further:
Democracy in its pure form, brotherhood, mutual protection, and
equality existed among the pirates in a way that was rarely seen elsewhere.
The Kingdom of Libertalia might have served as a model society
if it had not been colored by pirate fiction and tainted by its
prosperity being linked to stolen goods. In Libertalia all men had a vote,
wealth was held individually, and all provided for the community. The
old and infirm were provided for by all. Crime against fellow pirates
was rare; not only was each man armed and dangerous, but also each
had signed articles that did not allow for such activity. The presence of
any man who caused disruption in the community was not tolerated in
law or in practice.
At the same time both the Masonic lodge and the pirate life were
gripped by the same evils that pervade the human condition. Pride and
greed guaranteed that some were at a higher level than others. While
equality might exist within an individual lodge, the lodges soon separated,
with the sea captains and shipowners belonging to one and the
dockworkers and ship's crews belonging to another.
As in the earliest days of the Knights Templar, some core families
were able to use and discard the rank and file at will. The pirates who
sailed under the same flag as the Templars needed to rely on the elite
few who could walk in both worlds. Like the Sinclairs in the Old
World, the Livingstons, Gardiners, and Philipses in the New World
could operate and profit through their connection to the underworld.
At the same time they could retreat to their manor houses while the
Kidds and the de Molays bore the blame.
Although the seed of a democratic society had formed aboard the
pirate ships and among the Templar fighting units, the remnants of a
feudal society remained. Ex-Templars and elite families continued their
symbiotic relationship in America in the years to come. Family wealth
would be built through secret societies. Profits would be made from
smuggling, the slave trade, and even the opium-trafficking business,
where the fleets of the China traders would still sail under the skull and
crossbones. As in the fourteenth century, the risks were often borne by
the many, while the gains were enjoyed only by the few who could
exist in both worlds.


The Lodge and the Revolution
order was outlawed by the papal authority, it was still
alive in the form of numerous entities. Despite being
fractured by the religious squabbles of Europe, the order
still retained many of its goals, which included survival,
resistance to the overbearing religious powers of the day,
and a conspiratorial brotherhood of self-protection. By
the early eighteenth century there were several institutions
that could claim direct descent from the original
Knights Templar. Among these groups were military
orders that could exist in the open and secret societies
that survived underground. The secret society of underground
Masonry in Scotland was the most authentic
remnant Templar group, and it would later call itself the
Ancient Lodge.
The underground lodge system had been the refuge of the ex-
Templars; for decades it helped many survive and evade arrest. Through
the centuries, however, the lodge system became more open, and it gave
birth to the more public Freemasonry. The world and the Masonic lodges
would then become divided as a result of religion, politics, and economics.
No longer would every Mason be welcomed in every lodge.
Europe and Masonry would be torn apart by the revolt against the
papacy. The conflicts that had started in Europe found their way over
the Atlantic, as did the solutions. The revolt against the Church led to a
revolt against the aristocratic system that kept the majority in a peasant
caste. This economic revolt gave rise to a middle class in which anyone
could participate provided he could find a means. Secret societies and
law breaking provided the fastest route to economic prosperity.
Europe was rife with conspiracies great and small. Men conspired
to protect themselves from the horrors of the constant wars over religion.
They conspired to protect their own industry by keeping competition
out. They conspired to break a multitude of trade laws that did
little to foster trade and much to enrich the kings. And everywhere
there was conspiracy, there were places for conspirators to meet. The
lodge system provided that refuge.
Not all conspiracy could be considered bad. Joining a secret society
in America provided the means to raise one's station in life, to find
work, to belong to a community, and to transcend the religious squabbles
of the Europeans. At the same time, it also provided avenues to
wealth through breaking the law, and it bred dissent and stirred the
mobs against the weak government. Once the hostilities against the
crown started, secret societies allowed the colonists to create a spy network
and to strike the enemy in the most unsuspecting way.
The American Revolution began as a reaction to Britain cracking
down on smuggling. Those whom the British declared smugglers were
considered by the Americans simply to be merchants, although these
merchants had something in common. Like pirates, the smugglers
needed connections to survive. This meant belonging to the right
lodges. While smuggling was done by individual merchants, it required
The Lodge and the Revolution 93
a support system that was anything but small. Merchants buying even
basic commodities from any of the numerous European possessions in
the New World were almost always breaking the law. A system of trust
evolved through a secret society: Masonry.
The American Revolution was fought by a network of spies, diplomats,
smugglers, Freemasons, and slave traders. Although they were rarely
united politically, they did share an interest—and the means to accomplish
their interest. Masonic ties allowed conspirators from England, New
England, New York, and the Carolinas to find a common ground and
make critical moves behind the scenes. One prominent example is
Benjamin Franklin, who moved freely through Masonic circles that
stretched from London to Paris and Nantes. Franklin was able to stir dissent
among the British, bring in supplies from the Netherlands, and ultimately
bring the French into the war. From Britain, Franklin enlisted
members of a hedonistic entity known as the Hellfire Club, whose
orgiastic activities would shock even modern Britain to muster public
support against the war and for the Sons of Liberty. Through a smuggling
network that operated in the Caribbean from Bermuda and from
Europe, American sea captains supplied the Revolutionaries with munitions.
Franklin's Masonic connections in France were wealthy slave
traders, often Huguenots, who operated through lodge systems that
reached everywhere their ships sailed. Friends were also found among the
aristocratic class in France, with Masonry again paving the way—even as
the royals were ardent Catholics.
In a most audacious move, a wealthy French family bribed the
British admiral heading the war effort to deny support to Cornwallis at
Yorktown. At the same time the French contingent led by the Knights
of the Sovereign Order of Malta supplied the American side. The
American Revolution was won not on the battlefield as much as in the
secret meetings of numerous conspirators like Benjamin Franklin and
his lodge brothers.
With the war won, the architects of the new republic gave birth to
a government steeped in Masonic symbolism, while Washington
founded an aristocratic society where breeding and heredity were the
most important tickets for admission. Strange? Yes, but less so as one
understands the maelstrom of the eighteenth-century world, in which
the old ways of religious and aristocratic authority were being challenged
on a regular basis.
The dramatic changes that affected everyone's daily life created a
nation while also fostering a new elite. The new elite, unfortunately,
promoted an elitist attitude long after the independence that allowed
criminal activity, as long as they were the ultimate beneficiaries.
John Hancock might serve as the best example of a well-connected
Mason who became a great patriot for the sake of his own fortune.
With one foot in an elite lodge and the other in a workingman s lodge,
he somehow was able to present himself as a champion of liberty and a
prince of industry. Hancock rode in a well-appointed carriage around
Boston clad in the aristocratic purple that was his trademark, yet he
would be a hero to the thousands of hardworking dockworkers who
depended on him for employment. One could argue that the American
Revolution started when a ship belonging to Hancock, the Liberty, was
seized. The event and the actions that followed connected the wealthy
Hancock and his lodge to the working class, who belonged to numerous
other lodges, and to Sam Adams.
John Hancock was born into a wealthy and connected mercantile
family. He became one of the wealthiest merchants through inheritance
from an uncle. He understood from early on that a merchant needed
connections, and one very important way to develop those connections
was through Masonry. Hancock's uncle became a Mason in an aristocratic
lodge in Canada. By being admitted to a lodge in one city he
could then attend lodge gatherings in other cities. In Boston, Hancock
would attend the meetings of a working-class lodge known as Saint
Masonry was undergoing a great change. The craft in America and
England had seen a dilution of its original values, which had included liberty
and equality. While liberty was prized by all, equality was not present
in the new class system. What would be called "modern" Masonry
shared much with the rising mercantile and professional classes that
The Lodge and the Revolution 95
formed the English Whig party in the political arena and a bourgeois class
in the economy. With new Masons accepted by invitation and common
agreement, individuals in the lower echelons of the changing society—a
stonemason, for example—were not always welcome. This was a repudiation
of the Masonic ideals, and the effect was that an elite class was
allowed to develop and service the careers of its members.
Politics and religion were still inseparable, and the Modern Lodge
Masons were pro-Parliament and very much Protestant at a time when
the world was still fighting a constant series of wars over the religious
leanings and marriages of its kings and queens.
On June 24, 1717, representatives from four English lodges met at
the Goose and Gridiron alehouse in London and created the Grand
Lodge. By going public the Grand Lodge, also known as the Mother
Lodge, ended centuries of underground operations. Instead of being a
craft guild where members of the same trades could meet and act to
serve one another's interests, no longer was a particular trade required
for membership. Masonry in the Grand Lodge style became "speculative"
masonry; this modern interpretation eliminated the titles and tools
of a working craft and made them into mystical symbols. There were
four major lodges in England that went public to create the Grand
Lodge. They had been meeting for years, so it was not much of an event
at the time. Within two years the number of lodges increased tenfold,
but as many as twenty-six had been already in operation.1
When these lodges met, they toasted the Hanoverian king and sang
patriotic songs. Because this was just a short time after the most recent
Scottish rebellion, the Modern Masons hoped that going public would
distance them from the Scottish Masons and help them avoid suspicion.
The establishment of the English Modern Grand Lodge as a public
institution served more than one purpose: It allowed English masons to
publicly distance themselves from Jacobite Masons, and it also may have
forced the Scottish and Irish lodges to go public. In a very complicated
world where the change of the monarchy would often lead to war,
these lodges were ostensibly pro-Catholic and pro-monarchy; in
England they were the basis for the Tory party. But at the same time as
these lodges were accused of being reactionary, they actually held the
finer Masonic ideals to be true.
Although they often fell on the Catholic side of the never-ending
religious wars, the Grand Lodge had more to do with Templar tradition
than adherence to the papal authority. The Grand Lodge had three
degrees: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. The
Scottish Rite Masonry claimed higher degrees and direct descent from
the Templar organization.
In 1603 James VI of Scotland became James I of England. James was a
Stuart, and his family was connected to the Guise-Lorraine families of
France, who had been instrumental in the creation of the Knights
Templar. The old Templar sword and the trowel of the master builder,
which were so important to the roles born hundreds of years before, were
now part of the Stuart heraldry. The Stuart ascension to the throne
attempted to undo the losses of both Scotland and Catholicism. Noble
Scottish families played a strong role in England's affairs, and two families,
the Hamiltons and the Montgomeries, moved to Ireland to start the
Ulster Plantation.2 James I was Catholic and a Freemason, and in the early
seventeenth century his status would politicize Masonry. James constantly
fought with Parliament, which tried to increase its influence in matters
such as taxation, foreign policy, and religion. The Stuart rule would not
last the century; it ended with the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
Charles I, the son of James I, ascended the throne in 1625. The Parliament
of 1640 to 1641, however, declared that it and not the king had the
power to tax. This threat to the king's power might have led to the 1641
rebellion in Ireland against the Protestant rule. While Charles I was actually
Anglican, his wife and his Stuart family were Catholic. Parliament saw
the Irish rebellion as a conspiracy; they felt the king was using the rebellion
to raise troops to form a counterrevolution against Protestantism.
Parliament attempted to end the king's power to raise troops, but the king
ordered soldiers to arrest certain members of Parliament. Civil war broke
out, and it ended with the Stuart king being beheaded.
The alternative to Charles's actions was worse, however, with
Cromwell attacking not only Catholics but extremist sects of Protestants
as well. His Commonwealth did not last the decade, and, remarkably, the
son of the beheaded king, Charles II, was put on the throne. Charles II
abolished many of the privileges of the monarchy, but when his Catholic
brother, James II, took the throne the old religious bugaboo reared its
head again. James was dumped in the Glorious Revolution.
Charles and James had a sister, Mary, who had married the Dutch
prince of Orange. James also had a daughter named Mary, who was a
Protestant and who also strengthened the family bond with the Dutch by
marrying the son of the Prince of Orange, William III. The Dutch House
of Orange was united from earlier times with the German House of
Nassau, a region bordering on the state of Hesse. It would shed the designation
Nassau-Orange and come to be called simply the House of
Orange. German families were especially adept at the art of strategic
marriages, and after the hard-won struggle to get the English throne,
the Stuarts would lose it to the House of Orange.
A new Bill of Rights was established under William of Orange and
Mary, but it did not resemble the later American Bill of Rights, as it
banned Catholics from the throne. The rule of William and Mary also
gave rise to the Tory and Whig factions. The Whig faction was made up
of several powerful English and Scottish families and was based in
Protestant Holland, which was under the rule of the House of Orange.
A brotherhood modeled on Masonry was established and called itself
the Order of Orange. It was anti-Catholic, and its legacy lives on today
in Belfast, where the no-longer-secret order has one hundred thousand
When William died (years after Mary passed away), the daughter of
James II, Anne, took the throne. When Anne died, the House of Orange
relinquished the throne to the rulers of the German state of Hanover.
From that point on the Hanoverians provided England with all her
monarchs, though they did change the family name much later to the
House of Windsor to appear less German. Anne was succeeded by the
grandson of Elizabeth Stuart and Friedrich, Count Palatine.
The Stuarts clung to the belief that they could regain the throne.
For the purpose of putting a Stuart heir back on the throne, a new
branch of Freemasonry was created by Michael Ramsay, a Scottish mystic
and the tutor of the children of James III. His plan was to resurrect
the old ideals. He modeled the new branch after the Knights Templar,
and for the first time in three hundred years he would publicly claim
what many in Scotland and Ireland had kept secret: that the Masonic
organization was the direct heir of the original underground organization.
One of Ramsay's co-organizers, the Earl of Derwent Water,
claimed that the authority to create the Knights Templar lodge came
from the Kilwinning Lodge, Scotland's oldest lodge.
The Kilwinning Lodge was actually formed before the arrest of the
Templars. It dates to 1120, and by the seventeenth century it was practicing
speculative Masonry, meaning it wasn't simply a craft guild. The
history of the Kilwinning Lodge is complicated, as it was first independent,
then joined, then separated from, and then joined again the
Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Following the creation of the new lodge, a series of pro-Stuart
Jacobite uprisings of the early eighteenth century began, which culminated
in the horrible defeat at Culloden in 1746. To the English,
Culloden was meant to be the last attempt by Scotland. After the battle
the survivors were hunted down and killed. Their families, too, were
prosecuted, and a massive Scottish emigration ensued—much of it to
the Americas.
Events in the not-so-United Kingdom affected the American continent
in many ways: European wars became American wars, Protestants
increased their suspicions of Catholics, and the displacement of populations
and religious intolerance caused waves of migrations by
Puritans, Huguenots, and Scotch and Irish Catholics. These events also
forever changed Masonry. Masonry was linked to the Stuarts in
Scotland, as the craft had developed and lodges had met since the
ancient days of Henry Sinclair's guardian status. It was not, however, a
Jacobite conspiracy, as lodges met in England as well among the anti-
Jacobite, pro-Whig, pro-Parliament system that was in power.
In America the Grand (Modern) Lodge was established early.
Though accurate records remain undiscovered, one of the earliest
appointments was by the Duke of Norfolk, who in 1730 granted to
Daniel Coxe of New Jersey the grand master title for New Jersey, New
York, and Pennsylvania.
In 1733 Henry Price founded a Grand Lodge in Boston.4 James
Oglethorpe, known in American history as the founder of the colony
of Georgia, established and became master of his colony's lodge in
Savannah. His family included active Jacobites, and his less than enthusiastic
command of English forces led to his court-martial.
By 1738 there were established lodges meeting in Boston, New
York, Philadelphia, Charleston, and Cape Fear, North Carolina.5 They
attracted and admitted the merchants and shipowners while excluding
the average worker. This was not the intent of Scottish Masonry, which
stuck to the principles of an egalitarian society.
In Boston and Philadelphia new lodges sprang up, seemingly without
any authority. The most celebrated is the Saint Andrew's Lodge in
Boston, which met at the Green Dragon Tavern. It received its warrant
from the Scottish Rite Lodge rather than the Grand Lodge, and a fissure
was created in American Masonry. The ancient lodges attracted a
handful of the merchant class but were made up mostly of craftsmen,
artisans, carpenters, and shipwrights. The notable exceptions in the
Saint Andrew's Lodge were Dr. Joseph Warren, who became grand master,
and John Hancock. Both men served important roles in the early
conflicts that ignited the war.
Masons played roles on both the English and the American sides of
the conflict. In the confusion, a revolution started by the Boston Whigs
operating out of a lodge chartered by a Scottish lodge system found as
opposition the Catholic Scots that had remained Tory. As brother fought
brother and neighbor fought neighbor, Masons too would fight on
either side of the American Revolution.
Masonic influences started the war, and Masonic connections tipped
the balance toward the Revolutionary side. When the war was finally over,
Masonry played the single most important role in creating the new nation.

Chapter 5


On November 16, 1776, the first salute acknowledging the sovereignty
of the United States of America was fired. It might have
been fired by France, which was just days away from joining the fighters
for the American colonies. It might have been fired by Spain, which
was next in line and being wooed by American agents. Or it might have
been fired by any number of European countries that wished to see
Britain suffer a setback in its conquest of the world. But it wasn't.
The shot was fired by the tiny Dutch possession of Saint Eustatius,
an island in the Caribbean that was unknown at that time except to sea
captains and traders, and is hardly known today despite the Caribbean's
appeal to travelers. The shot was fired in reply to a national gun salute
by the American brig Andrew Doria. While few have even heard of the
tiny island commonly called Statia, it was pivotal in deciding the
American Revolutionary War and, as a result, American independence.
The Golden Rock, as the island was also called, was the central headquarters
of a massive smuggling operation that had gone on throughout
the century and that provided guns and ammunitions to the
struggling Continental army.
At a most critical time of the American Revolution, the British
Admiral Rodney was in command of a fleet of British warships. He had
been instructed to rendezvous with Cornwallis at Yorktown, where the
British were dug in and waiting for reinforcements and supplies.
Rodney was responsible for bringing help to Cornwallis from his fleet
and instructing the fleet in New York to bring more help. Had Rodney
reached Virginia, the combined ragtag war-weary Americans and their
new allies may not have succeeded.
Rodney decided instead to punish the tiny island of Saint Eustatius.
He later justified his action by claiming, "This rock of only six miles in
length and three in breadth has done England more harm than all the
arms of her most potent enemies, and alone supported the infamous
American rebellion." Instead of speeding toward Virginia, Admiral
Rodney took his time in attacking and then looting the island's hundreds
of merchant ships and stores. The tiny "free" port, the home of
smugglers of several nationalities, paid the price for aiding the American
cause. It wasn't until 163 years later when the president of the United
States, Franklin Roosevelt, a Dutchman by descent who was born into
a family that was no stranger to the smuggling business, would honor
the Dutch island for firing this first salute. A plaque honoring Saint
Eustatius and its governor, Johannes de Graaff, who had ordered the
salute, was presented.
It is very possible that Saint Eustatius managed to play two roles:
being one of the key supply depots of the war and providing Admiral
Rodney with a diversion. The actions of the island may have caused
Rodney to miss the most important role he might have played in the
Revolution—as well as the ability to emerge from the battle with his
wealth and prestige intact. It was no accident that Rodney was not present
to save the war.
There is no question that the Battle of Yorktown was the single
most critical battle of the ten-year war. After Saratoga was lost by the
British, the English public began to lose its appetite for a protracted
war. Yorktown cinched victory for the Americans, and it was a true
defeat of the British military, thanks in no small part to the French army
and navy. It disheartened the English populace and finally tipped the
scales in the Parliament. The surrender of Cornwallis accompanied to
the tune of "The World Turned Upside Down," played by the military
band as the army turned in its weapons, marks the beginning of the end
of the war, although the peace treaty would have to wait another two
years. It also marks the recognition of American independence.
But the war that ended with the diversion provided by a smugglers'
haven also started with an attempt to curb smuggling.
In May 1768 the Liberty, a sloop carrying a cargo of wine imported
from Madeira, entered Boston Harbor. The captain told the customs
agent, Thomas Kirk, that it contained twenty-five casks of wine, but the
agent knew that the ship could carry much more cargo than declared.
It was, after all, a ship belonging to John Hancock. The customs agent
decided to look for himself.
Once aboard the Liberty, Kirk was shoved into a cabin by a gang of
men who then nailed the door shut. While the agent was locked on
board, the ship was unloaded. When Kirk was released he was warned
by another captain that his life and property were in danger should he
ever open his mouth about what happened. He might have complied,
except that the British warship Romney had also pulled into Boston
Harbor. Kirk filed his report, accusing one of the city's most prosperous
merchants of smuggling.
The captain of the Romney landed troops, seized the Liberty, and
towed her out to his own ship. He underestimated the anger of the
Boston mob, however. One thousand men made their living because of
the ambitious firm run by the Hancock family. They took to the streets
armed with clubs. Their first targets were the customs agents. Several
were beaten by the mob. One, Joseph Harrison, had his own boat at the
wharf, which the mob burned. While the crowd stoned the customs
house, the Madeira wine of John Hancock was safely removed from the
It is no coincidence that Boston would become the headquarters of
the American Revolution. Boston's economy, and in fact the economy
of the entire eastern part of Massachusetts, depended on its maritime
interests. The king of England depended on the income he could
siphon off the business of trade, and he passed laws that hindered the
profitability of trade. As a result Boston was also the epicenter of
American smuggling.
The resistance was financed by a handful of men including John
Hancock, Josiah Quincy, Elbridge Gerry, James Bowdoin, and Richard
Derby2 Smuggling served as both the cause of and the solution to the
problem. What would be regarded as free trade for the New England
merchants was actually smuggling under the laws of Great Britain. The
economic life of the colonies depended on breaking the laws. America
became so adept at smuggling that it was the primary means of supplying
itself for the long war.
Britain had passed a series of laws over the course of the previous
hundred years, starting in 1660 when the king put restrictions on certain
commodities. Tobacco was the first smuggled item, and later
molasses continued a lively business. In 1707 Parliament forbade any
commerce that did not sail through Britain and sail out on a British
ship. In 1733 the Molasses Act closed the loopholes that allowed the
Caribbean trade, as well as trading with the French.Virtually all trade in
molasses was illegal under British maritime trade rules, although they
were rarely enforced.
A commodity such as sugar cost 30 percent more from a British
island in the Caribbean than in a French-controlled island. In fact, the
available sugar produced for export in the British West Indies was not
enough to keep the Rhode Island distillery business supplied. On the
other hand, a ship loaded with lumber from New England would not
find enough of a market among the British islands. Trading with the
Dutch and French was a necessity made illegal by regulation.
The Molasses Act, which specifically targeted the rum and sugar
trade, appeared to New England merchants as intentionally designed to
aid the British West Indies plantations at the expense of the New
England merchants. But from the English king's viewpoint, he was
merely treating American merchants equally. He regarded merchants as
ripe for the plucking. In fact, American merchants were possibly better
protected at sea than were English merchants at home.
The merchants of the newly formed colonies would steadily accept
their positions as smugglers as the law became entirely counterproductive
to business. Those who complied were soon out of business; those
who defied the law succeeded. For the people seeking freedom from
religious persecution, necessity brought such changes. The colonists
were already persecuted by the very nature of their religion, so being
on the wrong side of the trade laws mattered little.
The Huguenots in Europe had already made a very strong presence
in the ranks of the merchant traders. They were often French, but under
constant threat of the Catholic monarchy, they were a mobile population.
Exiled for years in the Netherlands, they became allied with
Walloon-speaking peoples, and together they migrated across the
The anti-Rome reaction that later became known as the
Reformation began long before Martin Luther. The Cathar movement
in the south of France had been more of a threat to Rome than Islam
represented. The Cathari believed in a purity in which man and woman
shared in directly relating to God. This purity was made possible without
a patriarchal hierarchy of priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes. To
the papacy the threat of losing power and the implied threat of loss of
revenue produced by Church taxes were more important than the
armies of Islam. The purists Cathari took as their symbol the dove,
which even in Catholic art represents knowledge. The same Gnostic
sentiment was shared by the Knights Templar. Their worship of an
alleged severed head called Baphomet was actually an appreciation of
wisdom, or sophia in the Greek translation. Although under torture
some Templars confessed to worshiping a severed head, there is no proof
of its existence.
When the pope decided the Cathari would be the victims of a crusade,
he had to get support from England; the Templars of France had
refused. Ironically, the Templars, who were supposed to take direction
only from the pope, fought against their master. The end for the Cathari
came at the siege of Montsegur, where Templar knights defended the
Cathari until their surrender.
While both the Templars and the Cathari were victims of the
Church, the tradition of a more humanistic Cathar religion continued.
The blood of the Cathar defenders watered the soil of southern and
western France, and when the seed of the reformers was planted three
centuries later, it bore the most abundant fruit in those lands. Both the
Templars and the Cathari carried their ideas into exile into nearby
Switzerland, and this group of cantons became a country that protected
the reform movement.
Although Martin Luther of Germany and John Calvin of France,
who were both exiled to Switzerland, were better known for the
Reformation, it had begun earlier among the populace of France.
Hughes Besancon, a preacher, may have gave his name to the people of
the Reformation, the Huguenots. They were often more than just spiritual
descendants of the earlier attempts at reforming Christianity. The
Templar eight-sided cross became the cross of Languedoc and subsequently
the Huguenot cross. Combined with the descending dove, the
symbolism of the cross and dove is hard to miss.
As a large contingent of French Templars had survived in what would
become Switzerland, it is not surprising that the Protestant Reformation,
under leaders like John Calvin, would find refuge in Switzerland at the
same time that the religious revolution was spreading rapidly through
France and into England. Within twenty years of Calvin's proselytizing,
Huguenots were established in France; in Kent, England; in the Channel
Islands; and in the New World. The reaction to the conversion was
equally swift. In 1545 Protestants were massacred—often burned at the
stake—in twenty-two towns. It seemed like the anti-Cathar crusade was
starting all over again. The powers behind the original Knights Templar
were often found on both sides of the reform movement. The Guise family,
which owned the border state of Lorraine, were militant Catholics.
The duc de Guise instigated anti-Huguenot massacres and toppled any
peaceful initiatives that the French king attempted.
When Charles IX became king of France, the Queen Mother,
Catherine de Medici, controlled France. While she was allied with the
Guise family, there was no peace. Through the century the Christianversus-
Christian wars worsened, highlighted by high-level assassinations
and ultimately the St. Bartholemew's Day Massacre, where tens of thousands
of Huguenots were slaughtered. Finally Henry of Navarre became
king. He owed his political survival to the Huguenots but needed to
remain Catholic to be king. He could appease both groups by bringing
peace and religious tolerance to France with the Edict of Nantes in
1598. Religious freedom was granted in degrees to Christians in seventyfive
towns. By this time the port of La Rochelle, once a Templar stronghold,
was now a Huguenot stronghold. Reportedly the Catholic mass
was not said for forty years in La Rochelle.
The cross of Lorraine and the eight-pointed Maltese cross came to
represent both sides of the religious conflict. To the Huguenots the cross
with a descending dove represented the freedom to seek God through
individual knowledge. To the Catholic orders, such as the Knights of
Saint John, the same cross represented the feudal order in which the
Church and the king were the masters.
The protection granted under the Edict of Nantes was suddenly
revoked a century later, and fifty thousand families fled France for their
safety. The Huguenots were a mobile population, but they were also
highly organized in lodges or guilds. They would dominate many
industries, such as thread and lace making, glassmaking, and cloth manufacturing.
With no homeland, many took to the sea as merchants and
traders. As merchants they were under threat of both piracy and English
customs; many turned to piracy, to smuggling, and to the Americas. The
Huguenots were among the largest groups to settle both French
Canada and English America. From Nova Scotia to Boston, New York,
the ports of the Carolinas, and even south to Florida, Huguenots
escaped the volatile climate of Europe.
The colonies of the New World did not always offer the freedoms
desired, but religious and social prejudice was minor in comparison to
the repressive religious wars of the Continent. Economic repression
became the threat to the colonists' newfound prosperity. The series of
laws designed to raise the king's taxes or protect his friends, such as the
British East India Company, affected the colonies—some more than
For Virginia the laws weren't much of a detriment, as the state's products
were shipped directly to markets in England. New England in general,
including Boston, was self-sufficient in comparison, a mercantilist
entity that had the materials and manpower to build ships and trade
with the world. The currency of the time reflects just how important
trade was. The most common currency in New England was the
Spanish dollar, the famous piece of eight. While many currencies traded
hands, including money from France, the Netherlands, and Portugal,
they were all valued against the Spanish dollar.
Merchants who understood their business profited from the
unworkable policies and unenforceable rules. A typical starting point
was the British-owned island of Saint Kitts, which specialized in false
British documents. On Saint Kitts a captain could pay a cash-only fee
to secure the necessary documents showing that his cargo was sold in a
British port. From Saint Kitts he would then take the cargo to
whichever foreign island paid the best for his commodity.
Trade with foreign nations was so ingrained in New England that
smuggling was just a natural consequence. The restrictive laws, enacted
one after another, were hardly enforced, as Britain did not have the
means. Customs agents in general were receptive to bribes, as were
many officials. The numerous ships of the Boston merchants carried
restricted items such as gunpowder, paper, and luxury goods along with
bulk commodities like sugar, molasses, and spirits aboard the same ships
as those carrying legal commodities.
The damage done was twofold. The British presented arbitrary
rules that were apparently designed to sacrifice the interests of some to
the interests of others. The Americans, an apparently principled people,
were developing a deeper disrespect for the law. By the time of the
Revolution, smuggling had been a way of life for two generations.
John Faneuil, whose name is immortalized in Boston's Faneuil Hall,
was a French Huguenot whose fortune was built on disobeying the
laws of the absentee government. He was a Freemason at a time when
most Masons belonged to lodges that were composed of people in similar
trades. Faneuil's lodge consisted of sea captains and merchants. John
Hancock was another merchant, shipowner, Mason, and smuggler.
John Hancock was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, in 1737. He
was seven when his father died, so he was sent to live with his uncle
Thomas. Thomas, an apprenticed bookbinder, had married into one of
New England's wealthiest merchant families, and as a result became rich
himself. While he claimed he was in the whale-oil business, he did
much better than other legal commodity merchants. The whale-oil
business was one of the few legal trading businesses in which a person
could sell to Britain and get cash, in the form of sterling, rather than
trade credits, which depended on the solvency of other houses.
Thomas Hancock's ships carried foodstuffs to Newfoundland, then
took on whale oil in exchange and sailed for England. Others, however,
engaged in the same trade, and because of the volatility in the prices of
these commodities, the merchants would not always do well. Hancock
had a larger house, dressed in a more dignified style than his fellow merchants,
and was rapidly building a small navy of trading ships.
Hancock's secret was that he was importing tea from Saint
Eustatius. He had his agents in England, in the Netherlands, and on the
island that came to be called the Golden Rock. A Hancock ship would
sail south to the Dutch port on Saint Eustatius with legally exported
items and return with contraband. Hancock maintained a high degree
of secrecy aboard his ships to avoid attracting attention. His men were
cautioned never to speak of their business, and were not allowed to
write home to their wives.
As a smuggler, Hancock was also a visionary. Most likely he
received news of Europe through his agents in various ports. When he
came to the conclusion that war in Europe would spread to the
colonies, he anticipated the profits it could bring from importing arms.3
During the French and Indian Wars, the poorly supplied British troops
came to Hancock's firm to buy munitions.
Hancock's sudden rise in wealth thanks to sound business practices—
and illegal trading practices—eventually brought him attention. While his
contemporaries were mystified by Hancock's wealth, the governor,
Thomas Hutchinson, was not. But finding proof was another issue.
Thanks to the wealth of Thomas Hancock and his firm, his nephew
John, whom he adopted, was sent to Harvard and graduated to a partnership
in the company. Thomas died in 1764, and John inherited the
business. Today the value of his inheritance is estimated at more than
$100 million.4 While not yet thirty, John Hancock was at the helm of a
thriving business.5 He emulated his uncle in every way; he valued his
ostentatious home, he rode in a fine carriage, and he made his money
in the smuggling business.
One of the goods Hancock smuggled was tea. With the opening of
trade in China, Americans, like their British cousins, became addicted to
the exotic beverage. The colonists drank an estimated six million pounds
of tea per year. In 1773 Hancock supplied one million pounds. It was, of
course, good business, but although it was very profitable, it was also illegal.
The British East India Company was given a monopoly over the tea
business, and as coincidence would have it, Thomas Hutchinson, the acting
governor of Massachusetts, was an investor in the company. In fact, he
committed all his capital to company shares.6 In addition, his pay was
linked to how much tax he collected on the tea.
The British East India Company was the second largest British
financial institution, second only to the Bank of England. It was also
near bankruptcy, as it had not managed to addict China to opium yet.
The company set the price of tea at three shillings a pound, compared
with the two shillings a pound set by the Dutch. The company so
important to the British aristocracy then had the British government
ban all other tea. It was a move that served only to make smuggling
profitable and to pit the governor of Massachusetts against her wealthy
citizens, who rose to the occasion.
Hancock remained a member of the Grand Lodge for a year, and
when he received his inheritance he returned to a Grand Lodge, mingling
with people of similar newfound merchant status. His business,
however, depended on the labor of the dockworkers and shipbuilders,
warehousemen and carpenters, so he could not separate himself completely
from the common men of Boston. Hancock remained close to
Sam Adams, who had the ear of the worker populace on which
Hancock prospered. Carefully treading his way in both circles was a
necessity, and when it came time to putting his workers between himself
and the British law, Hancock didn't hesitate.
If Hancock's motivation for rebelling against the crown seemed
only monetary, he was fortunate to meet men whose motivations were
Sam Adams was born in Boston. His father, Samuel Sr., was a pillar of
the community and was called the Deacon. He was a merchant who
owned a wharf, he was a brewer, and he was an investor in land and
property. His high status did not keep him above renting houses that
were used as brothels. However, young Sam had grown up with an
aversion to sin; he didn't smoke or drink. Born into a family of twelve
children, he enrolled in Harvard at age fourteen and placed fifth in his
graduating class of twenty-two scholars.
High standards did not mean great fortune for the son of the Deacon.
Samuel Sr. had lost one third of his money in the early 1740s as a result
of a currency crisis. Sam Jr., who was studying law at the time, had to
leave school. He waited tables. He went to work in a countinghouse but
left the position by mutual consent with the owner. He borrowed
£1,000 to start a business, but it failed and the debt remained. Adams
then went to work in his father's brewery. But it appeared that Sam Jr. was
not career bound; he dressed badly, often wearing the same clothes for
days. He had no money, and whatever money he occasionally had he forgot
to carry with him. He had few prospects.
Adams did have a strong sense of values, in both personal life and
political affairs. When he was not allowed entry in the Caucus Club,
which dominated political affairs, he started his own. While the Caucus
Club appealed to the wealthy shipowners and merchants like Thomas
Hancock, Sam Adams's club allowed in the dockworker and the mill
worker. Within his circle were the Loyall Nine, who would manipulate
mobs, sometimes by simply putting up signs all over Boston to bring
out the mobs the next day. Sam Adams was not a Freemason, but his
circles overlapped with Masonic groups and his own secretive cells. He
manipulated Masons, dockworkers, shipwrights, and shipowners for his
When Sam Jr. was twenty-six, his father died. Sam inherited the
brewery, as well as enough money to pay off his debts. He also had
enough money to get married; the next year he wed Elizabeth
Checkley. But the idyllic life didn't last long. Adams's poor management
of the brewery caused the firm to fail.
Adams was elected tax collector of Boston a short time later, a job
that would last until he was forty-seven. It was, however, not a pleasant
career. He was accused of malfeasance, sued several times, and almost
lost his own property at auction. His failing was his inability to collect
from many people, as Boston had suffered severe recessions that kept
many unemployed, yet Adams would still count them as having paid.
His crime, according to one biographer, was being kindhearted,
although at the same time he was considered a poor handler of money.
When Elizabeth died, Adams was at least solvent enough to marry
a second time. In 1764 he owned a home, received income from the
wharf, and had a new wife, two children, and a Newfoundland dog that
had acquired a hatred for anyone in a British uniform. If his personal
financial status was rocky at best, Adams's political thesis always
remained solid. He believed the loss of a single liberty was the first step
to enslavement. He would never back down from this ideal, even when
other Revolutionary War leaders modified their own thinking after liberty
had been achieved. He wrote that every man had the right to life,
liberty, and property, as well as the right to support and defend such
rights. While most of Boston's merchants were going around the laws
of England, Adams believed in confronting the laws. Three years before
the Liberty was seized in Boston's port, Adams and John Hancock had
started a letter-writing campaign to fight the Stamp Act.
The meeting of Adams and Hancock may be one of the most critical
events of the war for independence. Hancock provided the money
to keep Adams's political clubs afloat while Adams validated the ideals
and enlisted the mobs that would make sure everyone heard about
them. Following the Stamp Act, an Adams-incited mob from the waterfront
attacked the Admiralty Court and attempted to destroy all its
records. Then it turned on the home of Justice Hutchinson, who years
earlier had outlawed paper money, bringing ruin to many including
Adams's father. A Sam Adams editorial the next day condemned mob
violence and pointed out the unfairness of the Stamp Act. In the editorial
he called the mobs the Sons of Liberty, naming them after a
speech in the English Parliament by Isaac Barre sympathizing with the
American cause. Chapters of the Sons of Liberty were then started in
every city in the North.
When the Liberty was seized, Sam Adams again aroused the mobs,
telling them, "If you are men, behave like men."7 He also started a celebration
to commemorate three years of resistance to the Stamp Act.
Free beer flowed thanks to his brewery. But even as Adams was responsible
for inciting the mobs, he and a handful of patriot leaders later
negotiated peace. Hancock was acquitted of smuggling charges and the
mobs went unpunished. This rebellion, along with a general boycott of
British goods in Boston and Philadelphia, led to the repeal of the
Townshend Acts, but Britain would still quarter troops in Boston.
Although the situation quieted, the mobs were given plenty of fodder
for future riots. While the officers of the British were welcomed in
Tory homes, the common man had no room for the common soldier.
Bar brawls and street fights were started among commoners, and many
British soldiers deserted as a result of the harsh treatment and the hostile
daily life.
Two years after the Liberty affair, a mob armed with snowballs containing rocks went after the British. The fight resulted in gunfire from
the redcoats, and four Bostonians were killed. As was Adams's style, the
confrontation was orchestrated; three days before the incident, posters
appeared informing that the British would be attacking townspeople.
Adams's newspaper had been publishing incidents of boys being
roughed up by soldiers and of rape committed by the occupying army.
The day of the massacre church bells all over Boston rang to alert people
that something was happening. Adams would dub the incident the
Boston Massacre, a name that has survived in the history books.
Remarkably, the patriots again brokered the peace. John Adams,
who had defended John Hancock in the Liberty incident, defended the
captain of the British soldiers in the Boston Massacre.
The confrontations worked, but even after repealing the Townshend
Acts, the king of England decided not to lose face and keep the exclusive
right of the British East India Company to sell tea to America. He
would also appoint just which agents could import the tea in America.
The colonies responded by boycotting tea. Consumption of tea
dropped dramatically. In 1769 the colonies had imported tea costing
900,000 pounds sterling, a figure that dropped to 237,000 pounds sterling
three years later. This drop of almost 75 percent did not help the
British East India Company, which was nearly bankrupt. The king
decided that the tea would be forced on the colonies.
In October 1773 Philadelphia was first to hold meetings and
appoint a committee to challenge the authority of the king and the
British East India Company. They forced the British tea agents to
resign. In November meetings in Boston attempted to force a similar
action, but the colonial governor was opposed to their resignation.
Three ships sailed into Boston Harbor, and despite the colonists' refusal
to unload them, Governor Hutchinson demanded that the city pay the
tax on the tea aboard the ships, even if they sailed away unloaded.
Sam Adams addressed a crowd of eight thousand to rally the opposition
to the tea tax, but that was just part of the plan. At the Green
Dragon Tavern, later called Freemasons Hall, Saint Andrew's Lodge and
other groups, some clandestine, would meet. While the Masonic groups
were aboveboard and signed in at every meeting, other groups such as
the Committee of Correspondence, the North End Caucus, and the
Sons of Liberty (with their core group, the Loyall Nine) could not
always afford to be so open. The Freemasons, which was an ancient
order-chartered lodge, had the largest and most open membership, and
often membership overlapped between it and other organizations. The
North End Caucus consisted of the wealthier shipowners; the Masons
were more a working-class group.
Adams and his Sons of Liberty decided to dress up as Mohawks
and board the British tea ships. They cracked open ten thousand
pounds' worth of Darjeeling tea and dumped it into the water. The
night of the event, which became known as the Boston Tea Party, was
a regular lodge-meeting night. Only five members showed up for the
meeting, however, signing their names and leaving a notation in the
book that the meeting would not be held on account of the lack of
attendance. These members were most likely Tories or were at least
opposed to the planned activity, and their signatures would possibly
serve as alibis. At least twelve of the thirty known "Mohawks" were
Saint Andrew's Lodge members, although Sam Adams was not, and
twelve more would join the lodge after the Tea Party. At a time when
the Modern Lodges were often Whig and Protestant and the ancient
lodges were more Tory, Stuart-leaning, and often even Catholic, the
ancient lodge of Saint Andrew's defied the classification of American
Sam Adams was the one to be contended with, and the king knew
it. In a late attempt to stop the resistance, Adams was visited by General
Gage, who, on behalf of King George, offered Adams a deal he wasn't
supposed to be able to refuse. The choice was to make peace with the
king and be paid for backing down or to risk the wrath of the king.
Adams's reply was, "Sir, I trust I have long since made my peace with
the King of kings."The Sons of Liberty sent New England horsemen
south to the other colonies, posting handbills with a skull and crossbones
warning them of the British reaction.8
Adams, while not a Mason, displayed the traditional ideals of the
craft: liberty, fraternity, and equality. Meanwhile Hancock, a Mason, an
elitist who favored a class structure even within the craft, was an active
attendee of both a modern and an ancient lodge. A third brand of
Masonry was also developing in the Americas: the Military Lodge.
Shortly after the Grand Lodge went public in the early eighteenth century,
Freemasonry began to grow in both the colonies and the English
army. Within the army the "lodge" was now mobile and the paraphernalia
of Masonry carried by the regiment. The commander of a unit
was typically the master of the lodge, and both officers and common
soldiers were brought together by the brotherhood of the lodge. It often
allowed the common-born to advance in rank to officers, an option not
available before becoming a lodge brother. Commissions of officers
were still purchased, but the commander would frequently lend the
candidate the funds for his commission.
The Irish Grand Lodge, not the English Grand Lodge, authorized
the military field lodges. In 1754 the French and Indian Wars began as
a result of French and English hostilities in Europe. The population of
the colonies had been growing by leaps and bounds, due to immigration
from Scotland and Ireland. The new lands offered an escape from
the religious war and from post-Culloden persecution, and provided a
way to increase one's standing in the world. Many served in the military
specifically for the social advancement, and it was no secret that
being admitted into a lodge was the ticket—and not just for the common
Jeffrey Amherst began his career in the military during the War of
Austrian Succession. His military prowess earned him recognition, but
by the end of that war he was a middling officer without the prospect
of advancement. Although he had been aide-de-camp to General John
Ligonier, Amherst was serving as a procurement officer. The outbreak
of war gave Ligonier the chance to recommend his protege for a position,
yet Amherst did not have the funds to buy a commission. The
funds were loaned by Lionel Sackville, the First Duke of Dorset.
Sackville's two sons were very active in Masonry; Charles Sackville
founded a lodge in Italy and was a close friend of Sir Francis
Dashwood, and George Sackville was a regimental lodge master who
would later become the grand master of the Irish Grand Lodge. With
the help of friends in high places, Amherst was put in charge of the
siege of Louisbourg in Nova Scotia. Amherst's victory at Louisbourg
and Ticonderoga and his efforts in attacking Montreal led him to the
position of commander of all the British forces in the colonies.
Wherever Amherst served he established a field lodge, and his influence
grew because of his military exploits. Amherst was one of the earliest
commanders to establish the different fighting methods that would
work well in the Americas. Instead of two opposing regiments simply
picking away at each other, the new tactics of sharpshooting, camouflage,
skirmishing, and scouting were employed in the heavily wooded
hills of Pennsylvania and New York. Under Amherst's command many
of America's prominent Revolutionary War heroes received their training.
These included Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold, who fought at
Ticonderoga; Israel Putnam, who later would be the hero of Bunker
Hill; Charles Lee, who participated in the attack on Montreal; and the
New York patrician Philip Schuyler.9 Amherst captured Louisbourg,
Ticonderoga, and finally Montreal in 1760 in the coup that would
cause France to admit defeat and sue for peace.
Amherst was not the only high-ranking military officer to spread
Freemasonry throughout the English forces in America. Under his
command was Lieutenant Colonel John Young, who fought at
Louisbourg and Quebec. Young had been appointed deputy grand
master of the Scottish Lodge by William St. Clair of Rosslyn. In 1757
Young was the provincial grand master for all the Scottish lodges in
America and the West Indies. He was succeeded by Augustine Prevost,
who became grand master of all the warranted lodges in the British
army that were Scottish Rite.10 From Amherst to Young, Prevost, and
further down the command, the Temple and the Lodge systems show
how junior officers have been promoted and subsequently put in
charge of lodges that would later dominate Canadian provinces.
When the American Revolution broke out, many high-ranking
British Masons refused to play a role in defeating the American
colonists. Sir Jeffrey Amherst turned down a command. Because the
Freemasons fought on both sides of the war and Tory-leaning Masons
even attended the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, it is not possible to
reach the conclusion that a massive Masonic conspiracy was responsible
for the defeat of the British. However, numerous minor conspiracies
swirled that certainly thwarted the British military effort.
Between the Boston Tea Party and the outbreak of war, the groups
that Samuel Adams created built up a guerrilla movement that operated
from the inner core, the Loyall Nine, and spread to other cells. From
there a militia was created and munitions were obtained in secrecy and
kept hidden. English intelligence was active too, and soon the English
decided to seize the munitions and the patriot leaders. They sent troops
into the countryside. The famous "one if by land, two if by sea" warning
was given by Paul Revere, a descendant of a French Huguenot family
and a master craftsman and a Mason.
War broke out on April 19, 1775, when the Massachusetts militia,
alerted by Revere, attempted to head off an advance guard of British
troops. This first battle of Lexington and Concord would go down in
history as "the shot heard round the world." Three weeks later Ethan
Allen and Mason Benedict Arnold captured Fort Ticonderoga in New
York to obtain badly needed supplies and ammunition. In June the
Battle of Bunker Hill exposed the weaknesses of both sides. The British
"won" the battle at a tremendous cost, leading many to question the
motives of General Gage, who could have cut off the Americans from
reinforcements and didn't, and General Howe, who had let the
American forces withdraw intact.
The American forces had their own doubts as well. Men were not
brought into battle at critical times, the command structure was a shambles,
there was a lack of discipline among the soldiers, and there were
inadequate supplies or inadequate means of getting the supplies to
where they were needed. Among some of the militia, officers were
elected, and at critical moments the soldiers huddled together to decide
their plan.
Two days before Bunker Hill, John Adams decided that the
colonists needed a "Continental Army" and a commander. His choice
for the latter was George Washington. Within days the Continental
Congress appointed Washington general and commander in chief of the
American army.
George Washington was initiated into Masonry on November 4,
1752, at the age of twenty, in the lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia. His
entrance fee was a steep twenty-three pounds sterling, an amount the average
man would be unable to afford. But Washington was not an average
man, and although his lodge was an ancient lodge, it still attracted men
of greater means. George Washington's life seemed set for that of a
modest landowner until 1752, when his brother died. George had
looked up to his brother, Lawrence, who had sailed to the West Indies
under the command of Admiral Edward Vernon (the namesake of
Mount Vernon) to fight the Spanish. When Lawrence suggested George
take a seaman's job, their mother prevented him. His brother's family,
however, was soon hit with tragedy: Lawrence's three children succumbed
to tuberculosis. George went to Barbados with Lawrence in
the hopes of alleviating his brother's condition, but the climate change
did not help and Lawrence soon died too.
Through inheritance George's landholdings grew to 2,500 acres.11
Through marriage he would add another 17,500 acres, increasing both
his wealth and his social standing. He rose quickly in his lodge as well,
attaining the rank of Master Mason within a year. But it was an ancient
lodge and not particularly influential.
From his brother George had stood to inherit a military rank, that
of the colony's adjutant general. The position was divided into three,
and George was forced to lobby for a lower rank. He intended to use
the position as a starting point and quickly volunteered for action
against the French. On his first expedition against the French he was
promoted to lieutenant colonel, and he was made second in command
for another expedition. The driven young commander, who constantly
set plans and rules for himself in writing, had broken from the rules of
his family. He was a natural leader because of his impressive bearing and
his understanding that keeping a certain distance encouraged respect
from his men. From his earliest time in the military George looked to
his Masonic brothers to fill positions of importance. He brought a
Dutch interpreter from his Fredericksburg lodge on his next expedition
against the French. This Masonic brother, however, would let
Washington down after the loss of Fort Necessity.12
Negotiating the terms of surrender of the fort was difficult because
of the language barrier between the French and American commanders.
The interpreter rushed through a document in the rain, and since it
was poorly translated, it appeared to frame the English not only as the
provocateurs but also as assassins. The French had already claimed the
English were the aggressors, and Washington's initial foray was unprovoked.
Washington was then put under review and demoted. When he
went to war he would go back to the Fredericksburg lodge only once,
instead becoming active in the military lodges.
Before long, another engagement in the French and Indian Wars
allowed Washington's bravery to shine through and restored his briefly
tarnished reputation. The war had spread to Europe and claimed nearly
one million military casualties. The loss of pounds sterling was equally
distressing to England, which raised taxes. Unable to collect the necessary
taxes at home, Parliament turned to the colonies. The series of
repressive measures that would lead to the seizure of the Liberty, John
Hancock's ship, and to the beginning of revolution in Boston had their
roots in the actions of the French and English wars from years earlier.
Washington returned home from war to live the life of a country
gentleman. He was elected to the House of Burgesses on his third try—
possibly because of his engagement to the wealthy widow Martha
Dandridge Custis. Her 17,500 acres did much to increase his social
standing, and there is evidence that this is what the young military officer
sought in a marriage. Just before settling down, he visited another
young heiress, Eliza Philipse, for the last time. She was one of the inheritors
of a real-estate empire built by the profits earned from supporting
piracy. Washington had been courting Philipse for a while before her
family's Tory stance distanced them from the Washington family, which
was decidedly Whig.
While Boston's ancient lodges often represented the more common
working man, Virginia's lodges usually leaned toward the aristocratic
elite. Washington himself was no exception. When Washington's stepson
John Parke Custis attended Kings College in New York, the boy ate
with the faculty—a privilege not granted to any other student.13
After Washington was appointed military commander, he immediately
set out to create a real army. He asked the men of the various militia
groups to commit to an enlistment of one year, only to discover that
few were willing. In fact, the entire Connecticut militia decided to head
home. Washington wrote, "Such a dirty, mercenary spirit pervades."14
He then turned to his Masonic brethren for officers. He hoped that the
unity found in the lodge system could be brought to the ragtag continentals.
According to Lafayette, Washington "never willingly gave independent
command to officers who were not Freemasons." At least
twelve of the generals in Washington's army were Masons.15
Washington first looked for candidates from his own
Fredericksburg Lodge, later called the No. 4 Lodge, from which he
appointed several of his commanders. General Hugh Mercer of
Virginia, who would die of wounds at Princeton, was a Mason in the
Fredericksburg Lodge. Brigadier General William Woodford was a
member of the same lodge, while Brigadier General George Weedon
was made a Mason at the Port Royal Kilwinning Cross Lodge, which
was affiliated with Fredericksburg. Brigadier General Paul Muhlenberg,
who was a member of the Royal Arch Lodge No. 3 of Philadelphia, was
also from Virginia.
The British gave Washington a year to put together a fighting force.
Why they had not pursued the weak and nonunified colonials in New
England is one of the major questions of the American Revolution.
Instead they abandoned New England and made brief inconsequential
forays elsewhere in the colonies. Washington anticipated that New York
City was where the British would attempt to get serious, and he was
right. A massive fighting force of thirty-two thousand troops, the largest
the colonies had ever seen, was on its way to New York.
Washington had fortified Brooklyn Heights, only to be faced with
a force that threatened to end the war in one fell swoop. While
Washington made a mistake by positioning his troops with their backs
to the water, fishermen and sailors from Massachusetts rescued 9,500
men by ferrying them to Manhattan. At the same time, General Howe
stopped his advance and sipped tea for two hours in Murray Hill at the
residence of Mrs. Robert Murray. Washington continued his retreat to
White Plains, then across the Hudson to Fort Lee and west across New
Jersey. The British followed slowly.
The British clearly had the advantage: a superior land army complete
with nine thousand foreign mercenaries, a large navy, ample supplies,
a large treasury to buy more supplies, and even a large loyalist
population, the Tories, who aided their efforts. The Americans had an
inferior force, no navy, inadequate supplies, and no means to buy more.
Their own population had divided loyalties, as did their leaders. So how
did the Continental army defeat the British? The war was won by the
efforts of a handful of men, often bound by Masonic ties and sometimes
united by religious events, often operating illegally and almost always
acting in a self-serving way. In the end the crowning achievement, victory
at Yorktown, was accomplished by an audacious act of bribery that
was not atypical of the times.
Chapter 6

One of the greatest untold stories of the American Revolution
involves the behind-the-scenes intrigues of Benjamin Franklin
and his European cohorts. Had it not been for Franklin's efforts to keep
the colonials supplied and funded and to bring French and Spanish
allies aboard, the war might not have turned out the same. Franklin
operated through Masonic groups in England and France, and his partners
in the pro-American war effort were more often than not hedonists,
occultists, Rosicrucians, slave traders, and spies.
Franklin had made his fortune by a young age, mostly through his
ownership of newspapers and Poor Richard's Almanack. He was a Quaker
but also had occult tendencies. Franklin could be called a pioneer of the
New Age, as he meditated every morning and evening, occasionally
practiced vegetarianism, and was concerned with life after death and
the possibility of reincarnation. He was a self-assured, happy extrovert
who popularized hard work and frugality while enjoying the high life
and a liberal sexual code. He enjoyed the company of women and
wrote about the joy of sex with older women.1
Franklin was a joiner and a founder who would start his own political
club, the Junto, as well as the Philosophical Society. He planned to
create the United Party for Virtue when he was introduced to Masonry.
The craft employed the ideals that Franklin valued, and it also attracted
him because of its esoteric roots. And being a Freemason had a practical
side; Franklin was able to observe how jobs and contracts were awarded
to other Masons in Pennsylvania and neighboring New Jersey. While it
had no social barriers, the craft did place an emphasis on assisting the
already elite gentlemen of the city. How else could a printer's apprentice
meet the Penns and Shippens of Philadelphia?
Franklin became a Freemason in the Lodge of Saint John in
Philadelphia in 1731. The lodge was made up of the leading merchants
of the city; in fact, 75 percent of its members were merchants or sea
captains.2 Franklin jumped in with two feet, using his intellect and his
printing presses to promote Masonry, writing pro-Masonry articles,
drafting the lodge's bylaws, and printing the first Masonic book in
America. Masonry brought him contacts and contracts, and he attributed
his being awarded the contract as assembly printer to his "friends
in the House."3 His fortunes soared in the ten years after his initiation.
As an independently wealthy publisher, Franklin was ever the student,
"majoring" in philosophy and "minoring" in politics. He rose to
master of his lodge and shortly afterward to grand master of the
province. He was among the first to speak out against taxation without
representation and went to England in 1754 for that purpose. It was
Franklin who drew up a plan of union that included a large house of
Franklin established firehouses, hospitals, libraries, and street lighting.
He was occasionally self-serving, and his post office was started in
part so his newspapers could be delivered for free. He owned eight
newspapers in places from New York to Antigua, including a Germanlanguage
newspaper in Pennsylvania. In 1748, at age forty-two, he
retired from the newspaper business to devote his life to his science and
politics, although he never stopped writing.5
While Franklin is remembered for his public works and practical
proverbs, another side of him is generally ignored. His world straddled
both the practical day-to-day existence among the new colonies and
the esoteric secrets of science. His connections to philosophers,
Rosicrucians, occultists, and especially Masons allowed Franklin to
move freely around all sides of the conflict.
Among the men Franklin met on his pre-Revolution travels to England
was Sir Francis Dashwood. Dashwood was the chancellor of the
exchequer and also the founder of his own society, the Dilettanti, and
later another semisecret group called the Friars of Saint Francis or the
Monks of Medmenham. Neither group bore any resemblance to a religious
order. Dashwood s parties were infamous and were said to have
included prostitutes dressed as nuns, satanic rites, goddess worship, and
Dashwood was the son of a wealthy businessman, a Mason who was
initiated in Italy at a very early age and who married into aristocracy.
Dashwood sat in the House of Commons for more than twenty years
and held numerous posts, including chancellor of the exchequer, treasurer
to King George III, and postmaster general. This Mason's money
allowed him to rebuild his family's ancestral home in West Wycombe in
a way that would make Caligula proud—complete with statues of
Greek and Roman deities, ceiling murals inspired by ancient Rome,
and even a lake created to stage mock naval battles. The west wing of
the building was a re-creation of a classical temple to Bacchus, with
Dionysus and Ariadne in leopard-drawn chariots. Another room in
Dashwood's mansion was designed like a Masonic temple. His pagan
theme extended to the garden, with erotic depictions of classical gods
and goddesses in stone.
Nearby was the Abbey of Medmenham, which Dashwood also
modified into a pagan monument, with a carving over the front
entrance advising, "Do as thou will." The dining room, however, with
its statues of the Egyptian and Roman gods of silence, advised visitors
not to speak about their adventures. His strangest conversion was in
excavating a network of caves under West Wycombe Hill, where it is
said that his fellow "monks" could pair off with female guests. An
underground inner sanctum it is believed to have served as the setting
for Black Masses that were part of the entertainment.
Having been initiated in Masonry and dabbled in the black arts
while founding one society after another, Dashwood moved within the
highest circles in England, which became known as the Hellfire Club.6
He was, however, too strange for some. Once a member of a druidic
order founded in 1717 to revive the Celtic religion (members also
included the poet William Blake, a druid and the grand master of a
Rosicrucian order), Dashwood was expelled as the stories of the West
Wycombe activities spread.
In 1758 Franklin was in England and West Wycombe, and he and
Dashwood met to discuss their vision for the colonies. Franklin was
admitted into the Hellfire Club, where he mingled with luminaries
such as John Stuart, the Earl of Bute; John Wilkes, a radical politician,
member of Parliament, and later Lord Mayor of London; John
Montagu, the Earl of Sandwich; the son of the Archbishop of
Canterbury; and the Prince of Wales.
John Stuart, the third Earl of Bute, was born in Edinburgh and was
the first Scottish-born British prime minister. Educated at Eton and the
University of Leiden in the Netherlands, Stuart married Mary Wortley
Montagu. His status was elevated further when he met the Prince of
Wales at the races and became a member of his card-playing clique.
Frederick Louis, the Prince of Wales, was the son of King George
II, who was then the ruler of England. George II detested his son, as did
the queen, and neither wanted anything to do with him, despite the fact
that he was heir to the throne.Young Frederick was small, frail, and ugly,
with a low receding forehead, bulging eyes, baggy eyelids, and a flabby
double chin. In effect, he was a Hanoverian.7 Frederick and his wife,
Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha, were evicted from Kensington.
Frederick found refuge in the weeklong orgies at West Wycombe, and
Princess Augusta would give birth to George III, the boy who would
be king during the revolution in the colonies.
John Wilkes, the young Parliament member, was, like Sam Adams,
the son of a malt distiller. He married a much older woman, the heiress
Mary Meade, for the convenience her money offered. She owned a
large estate at Aylesbury, although Wilkes spent little time there. Instead
he lived the lifestyle of many English aristocrats: as a rake and a gambler.
Wilkes soon lost his wife's fortune and then separated from her and
turned to politics. Despite his active participation in the Hellfire orgies,
he came to hate the English king and the Earl of Bute. When the earl
was made prime minister, a large number of members of Parliament
were unhappy, as Bute was considered incompetent. Wilkes in particular
turned on his old friends at the Hellfire Club and went public,
speaking out in Parliament against the monarchy and for a constitutional
In his most famous speech, published in issue 45 of the North Briton,
a journal he distributed, Wilkes declared: "The prerogative of the crown
is to exert the constitutional powers entrusted to it in a way, not of blind
favor and partiality, but of wisdom and judgment. . . . The people too
have their prerogative." Interpreting the last line as an invitation to revolution,
the king had Wilkes imprisoned in the Tower, although his
Parliamentary immunity soon earned his freedom. After returning to
Parliament, Wilkes continued to write, and his later writings, which
mixed obscenity and power, earned him expulsion. In England and
America, however, Wilkes was viewed as a hero.8 In 1774 he was elected
Lord Mayor of London. The active Freemason served as a secret British
representative of the American Sons of Liberty and raised money for
the Continental Army, which would be passed through Franklin.
Another member of the Hellfire Club was the Earl of Sandwich,
John Montagu. Educated at Eton and Cambridge, well traveled, and an
active member of the Royal Society, Montagu was also a rake and a
gambler. He is rumored to have refused to leave the gaming tables even
to eat, instead placing meat between slices of bread and thus inventing
the sandwich. His personal life was as tragic as his public life was full of
accomplishments. His wife, Dorothy, left him while she was suffering
from progressive mental illness. His mistress, Martha Ray, was a popular
seventeen-year-old singer when they met. Montagu shared his home
with Ray for seventeen years, until the singer was murdered by a
deranged clergyman who wanted to marry her.
Montagu had several military appointments including Lord
Admiralty of the English navy. He was responsible for modernizing the
navy, but his navy still lost the Revolution to upstart American fighters
and their French allies. Montagu was almost immortalized when he
sponsored the expedition of Captain Cook, who discovered the
"Sandwich Islands" in the middle of the Pacific. The islands would later
undergo a name change, however, to Hawaii.
Sandwich met Dashwood in 1740 and became a member of the
Dilettanti and the Order of Saint Francis. Sandwich met Benjamin
Franklin when he headed the navy, and they became fast friends, as both
enjoyed the parties at their mutual friend s West Wycombe home. With
Montagu in charge of the navy, Dashwood in charge of the English mail
system, and Franklin heading the Committee of Secret
Correspondence, the men were an odd threesome.
At such an early period of the mail system, postmaster would also
mean "spymaster," as the chief postman had access to all the mail.
Franklin had been in England for years as an agent of Pennsylvania and
later as spokesman for America, and he was brought up on charges and
ordered before the Privy Council at the time England was receiving
news of the Boston Tea Party. Franklin was charged with attempting to
create an American republic, but he suffered only the loss of his office
as postmaster for the colonies. The spy was also being spied on, his own
mail being opened and read.
The contributions of Franklin and the anti-Tory support in England
cannot be overestimated. From behind the scenes a propaganda war was
launched to keep English public opinion divided. When American
intelligence got wind of the hiring of Hessian mercenaries, Franklin
went into action. He worked with Jefferson to fight the Hessians on
two fronts. In Europe Franklin penned a letter allegedly written by a
German prince to his American commander, arguing that the British
figures for the Hessian dead were too low, and that he was being
cheated out of his payment for each of the dead soldiers. He encouraged
the officer to allow the wounded to die, rather than send home
crippled and thus burdensome wounded. In America Jefferson distributed
notices offering Hessian deserters land grants in the colonies. In
the end, more than five thousand Hessians deserted.
It is possible that friends in high places—and in low ones—helped
Franklin avoid being hanged as a traitor. He soon established his
Revolutionary War headquarters in Paris. Franklin and family did not
traffic with the common French people; instead they were wined and
dined, entertained, and boarded by the aristocracy. The high-born of
France and England were well acquainted with each other and the
backstage intrigues would frequently cause embarrassment to those
involved. One of Franklin's acquaintances, Caroline Howe, was the sister
of General Sir William Howe, who had fought at Quebec and was
rumored to be getting a command in America.9 Another brother,
Admiral Lord Richard Howe, was already the commander of the
British navy's efforts in the colonies. General Howe's sister brought
Howe and Franklin together, a move that led later to accusations against
General Howe.
Franklin understood the value of the people who plied the seas in
trade. They were an all-important means of supply and communication,
they were generally supportive of the cause of liberty, and
because almost all of them routinely broke the ever-changing series
of trade laws, they operated in secretive brotherhoods. Masonry ruled
the seas, and even Franklin needed an entry to gain the trust of
the merchants.
In France such connections were made through Sieur Montaudoin
of Nantes and Dr. Jacques Barbeu-Dubourg of Paris. When Franklin
reached France, he headed straight for the Masonic stronghold of
Nantes. The busy port was controlled by merchants, and few had any
intention of following the rules that hindered trade. They communicated
through a series of codes that kept outsiders from penetrating
their cabal. Nantes was also a slave-trading port—France's largest—and
the triangular trade that brought slaves and munitions to America
depended on the Caribbean merchants, who were often Americans.
The relations between French and American smugglers would be very
important in the fight for independence. The French slave traders were
heavily armed and often carried letters of marque that allowed them to
take a British ship. Franklin's new friends were valuable assets to the
American cause; Dubourg bought the badly needed supplies, which
were carried on Montaudoin's ships.
In Paris, Franklin's wartime acquaintances were all Masons, and they
helped gain him membership in three Masonic lodges. The most prestigious
was the Lodge of the Nine Sisters. Franklin was rapidly admitted
into the lodge, which was a nest of political activity. The lodge had committed
itself to the politics of the reform of French society. One of its
goals was to provide an alternative education system, which would take
control from the Catholic Church. Public lectures were given on history,
religion, and science at the lodge-sponsored College of Apollo. One
Masonic writer even credits Franklin with creating the Apollonian
Society to further his goal of uniting science and religion. Later revolutionary
zeal caused the college to rename itself the Lycee Republicain.
Members included the duc de La Rochefoucauld, who translated the
American Constitution into French,10 Captain John Reinhold Forster,
who would sail with Cook, and the philosopher Voltaire. Franklin, in fact,
would be present at the initiation ofVoltaire into the lodge in April 1778.
Dr. Edward Bancroft, a friend of Franklin's as well as an agent for Lord
Auckland, the head of the British spy network, was another member.
After the war, John Paul Jones was admitted into the order.
The intrigue that assisted Franklin in building his support network in
France defies full understanding. At once the high-ranking Masons of the
Lodge of the Nine Sisters appeared to be both pro-Church and anti-
Church. Many of the members met at the salon of the wealthy and
eccentric Anne-Catherine de Ligniville d'Autricourt Helvetius, who was
despised by John Adams and was also the target of Franklin's amorous
interests. Her salon was regularly attended by members of Catholic religious
orders and by men of business and science. Such an ambiguous circle
would have similar government and religious leanings.
Franklin, ostensibly a deist (a nonallied believer in God), was active
with the aristocracy in France who had desired a gradual move from
the monarchy. The most suitable form of government, they believed,
was a constitutional monarchy that maintained a king, as well as a strong
relationship with the Catholic Church.
The headquarters for this intrigue was at Saint-Sulpice in Paris.
Here met the priests who would later be ostracized because they
refused allegiance to the Revolutionary (anti-Catholic) state. Instead,
they allied themselves with the Knights of Malta, who also found themselves
threatened by the mob state and later by Napoleon. A cure of
Saint-Sulpice would one day be the confessor to the wife of the
Marquis de Lafayette, Marie Adrienne d'Ayen de Noailles. Lafayette
had fought for freedom from the tyrannical monarchy in England but
found new problems at home after the war. His refusal to take the oath
of the new government became a dividing line that forced the Lafayette
family to take a stance. They sided with the Catholic Church and paid
the price.
Many aristocrats and Church leaders literally lost their heads as a
result of the Revolution, which was as much against the Church as the
monarchy. But Saint-Sulpice and its secret Company of the Sacred
Sacrament survived. After the French Revolution, an order of the company
called the Ladies of the Sacred Heart enjoyed the support of the
d'Ayen family. Their duty was a constant devotion to the sacred sacrament,
an unveiled host. Every hour a sister would replace the last sister
in the perpetual vigil. Even this order of sisters was forced to operate in
Such steadfast devotion to the mysteries of faith contrasted with the
practical realism of men of science, but this was not an issue to Masonic
cabals like the Nine Sisters and religious centers of influence such as
Saint-Sulpice. Whatever Franklin's opinions might have been, he kept
them to himself. He had a role to play, namely the securing of supplies
for the struggling colonies. For this reason Franklin also joined the
Lodge of Saint Jean of Jerusalem, the Loge des Bons Amis," and a mysterious
conclave called the Royal Lodge of the Commanders of the
Temple West of Carcassonne. Such connections were invaluable, and
helped procure badly needed supplies that were then shipped on
Mason-owned ships such as the Jean Baptiste, which was named for
Masonry's greatest saint. Ninety percent of the gunpowder used by
Washington's army originated in France.
Through the efforts of Franklin and his Masonic collaborators in
Europe, other traders and even pirates joined the American war effort.
When the participation of the French merchants became known
among the merchant underground, the Dutch were quick to follow. As
a nation they had lost their command of the seas and their colonies to
the English. The Crommelin House of Amsterdam was more than
happy to tweak the nose of the English king and make a profit securing
gunpowder for the Americans.12 To maintain the appearance of
neutrality, Dutch ships sailed directly to the tiny island of Saint
Eustatius, where they would unload their cargoes of ammunition and
tea for the American ships. When British ships posted themselves in the
Netherlands' waters and British spies uncovered their mercantile plots,
the Dutch used Portugal as a go-between. Goods were shipped to
Portugal and then reshipped to the Caribbean. The British soon understood
the problem, but they had no solution. Rather than risk a further
breach in relations and face a war at home, they sat back and watched
as Dutch ships were repainted, changed flags, and transported their cargoes
to the Americans.
The British had larger problems than stopping the trade; the country
was concerned about the revolution and the war spreading to other
colonies. It may have been only the relative distance from the original
American colonies to some of England's other colonies that kept the
revolution from spreading. The West Indies, Canada, and the isolated
outpost of Bermuda all had their own interests, and their loyalty was
never a sure thing.
The Masonic underground that united one smuggler with another
bound Americans to their English cousins on Bermuda. Men like John
Hancock needed to maintain a certain amount of secrecy in order to
maneuver around the customs ships of the English, as well as the series
of constricting laws. Masonry provided the protection of a wide-ranging
brotherhood. To be able to make connections in the far-flung islands
from Bermuda to Barbados, a ship's captain or merchant needed to
connect to those he could trust. The Masonic brotherhood that existed
on the high seas allowed many to straddle religious and political conflicts
and survive. The Tuckers of Virginia and Bermuda are one example
of how duplicity, questionable loyalties, and blatant crimes didn't
impede prosperity—providing the right connections were in place.
The history of Bermuda is very much linked with American history.
Discovered first by the Spanish in 1503, the Isles of the Devil, as they
were called by Juan de Bermudez, remained unsettled for a hundred
years. King James I awarded a land grant to the islands to the Virginia
Company. In 1612 a group of sixty Englishmen became the first settlers.
From the earliest days of settlement the economy was based on
smuggling and piracy, tobacco trading and whaling. Freemason lodges
on Bermuda recently celebrated their two-hundred-year anniversary,
but the craft was established on the island for at least fifty years before
the Lodge Saint George officially received its warrant in August 1797.
The Earl of Strathmore, the grand master of the English lodges, had
appointed a provincial grand master for the islands around 1544. Lodge
Saint George is, however, the oldest continually working Scottish lodge
operating outside of Scotland. The prevalence of Masonry is visible
even today where the Customs House at Saint George resembles a
Masonic temple more than an official government building.
With an estimated one third of all trade in colonial Bermuda considered
smuggling, it was no small wonder that very strong connections
existed between the American colonies and Bermuda. In 1775 a small
delegation from Bermuda attended the Continental Congress in
Philadelphia. Bermuda remained loyal to the crown, but that did not
stop the residents from providing assistance.
The Tucker family of Bermuda and Virginia represented the leader
ship of the resistance movement. The Tucker dynasty traces its history
from the Norman invasion of William the Conqueror. Seven hundred
years later, as Britain expanded its role in the New World, the clan again
played a role in the invasion. The Tuckers landed in Charleston, South
Carolina,Virginia, and Bermuda, where they rose to power and privilege.
Colonel Henry Tucker was the agent for Bermuda during the
American Revolution. In July 1775 the Continental Congress gave
permission to trade foodstuffs for gunpowder. Washington told the congress
that his army would desperately need the gunpowder, while residents
of Bermuda desperately needed food. In August of the same year
two patriot ships rendezvoused with Colonel Tucker's men. The
Bermudians helped the Americans break into their own Fort William
to steal one hundred barrels of gunpowder, which were quickly loaded
on Bermuda whale ships and then transferred to American ships. The
gunpowder thieves were never apprehended, as England was afraid the
populace was looking for an excuse to join the American cause. It also
helped that Colonel Tucker's son was the governor of Bermuda, and
despite his potentially treasonous actions, he remained governor well
after Britain lost her colonies. In addition, the grandson of Colonel
Tucker, Henry St. George, became the chairman of the British East
India Company.
During the Revolution, American diplomat Silas Deane had recommended
that the island of Bermuda be used as a supply port and a
harbor that could keep America's very small navy provisioned and protected.
In exchange, the Bermudians would receive food. The island
provided the Americans with fast ships made of Bermuda cedar.
St. George Tucker was a Virginia relative of the Tucker clan with strong
business ties to the island, and he suggested a takeover of Bermuda to
George Washington in 1780.13 St. George would serve at Yorktown as
interpreter for Rochambeau; his help was apparently more valuable off
the battlefield, however, where the French commander needed help in
meeting women.
The combined efforts of the Tucker family in the Revolution,
which may have been considered treasonous from a British standpoint,
did little to tarnish Tucker's prestige. The Tucker House in Saint George,
which was named for Henry Tucker, the colonial treasurer and
Governor's Council president who purchased it in 1775, is a part of the
Bermuda National Trust and a current tourist attraction. The Tuckers'
prestige and connections helped them to survive almost any scandal.
"India Henry," as Henry St. George Tucker was known, spent six
months in jail for an "attempted rape" committed while he was chairman
of the British East India Company.14
John Randolph, the son of the prominent Virginia statesman (also
named John), and his wife, Nancy, were charged with the murder of
their infant child. Related to the Tucker clan, they too had the charm
of surviving any scandal. The Randolph "dream team" of lawyers
included Patrick Henry, Alexander Campbell, and John Marshall.15 The
Randolphs were acquitted of the murder.
In America the Tuckers married well. In 1778 St. George Tucker
married the widow of John Randolph (of the Jefferson-Randolph
clan). He received 1,300 acres on the Appomattox River. Ann Tucker
married Lyon Gardiner Tyler, son of the president and heir to the owners
of the pirate refuge at Gardiner's Island.
Wherever the Tucker family was prominent, it imported Scottish
Rite Masonry. In Bermuda the Tucker clan was instrumental in bringing
the Scottish Rite Freemasonry to prominence over the Grand
Lodge Masons. In Charleston, where belonging to the right lodges was
the ticket to mercantile wealth, Scottish Rite ruled. And in Virginia,
where the secessionist movement orbited around the College of
William and Mary, the Tuckers, the Tylers, and others who played key
roles in the Confederate side of the Civil War were prominent Masons.
It may have been Scottish Rite Masonry that allowed the individual
Tuckers to avoid the ultimate penalty for treason against the British from
their Bermuda base during the Revolution and again in the Civil War.
For example, Nathaniel Beverly Tucker, serving as the U.S. consul in
Liverpool, used his office to start constructing Confederate ships for use
against the government that paid him. During the war he was part of the
"Canadian cabinet" that instigated draft riots in U.S. cities. Tucker would
even be indicted for playing a role in the Lincoln assassination.16 But
somehow the charges were dropped, and when Tucker returned to the
United States, he served with the Pennsylvania Railroad as a lobbyist.
From Medmenham to Nantes and from Bermuda to Boston, the
men who were the forces behind the Revolution were not always
motivated by pure or singular interests. Of questionable morals and
unquestionably law breakers, many of these men were at least as corrupt
as those they fought against. The power of elite groups as well as
rank-and-file Masons, however justified, served to forever change the
political landscape of the eighteenth century.

Chapter 7


While it is surprising that those who played major roles in the
war abroad had to turn to Masons, occultists, slave traders, and
smugglers for support, it was hardly different back in the colonies. Men
like Sam Adams, George Washington, and Patrick Henry would risk life,
liberty, and property for the cause, but the motivations of others were
not as pure. When war with England became a reality, many American
merchants lined up to make their fortunes. People who built fortunes
from the importation of arms and supplies included New York's
Livingston clan, Marblehead's Elbridge Gerry, Philadelphia's Stephen
Girard, Boston's Thomas Cushing, and Virginia's Benjamin Harrison.1
Benjamin Franklin put together what became known as the Secret
Committee. Gaining an appointment to it was getting a license to steal,
or at least to overcharge. The Secret Committee was supplied with an
immense amount of funds from the newly formed Congress, and it was
made up of merchants who knew the ropes and were not above breaking
the laws for their own gain. These men were responsible for keeping
the colonies supplied. The first chairman of the Secret Committee
was the business partner of Robert Morris, Thomas Willing. The first
contract went to his own firm, which raised an outcry from the other
merchants and members of the new Congress.
Despite the criticism Morris, at age forty-one, became the greatest
supplier of military goods in the war. He was born in Liverpool, the son
of a Chesapeake merchant. After his father's death he joined the firm of
Willing and Company; he later became a partner. The firm of Willing
and Morris had a fleet of merchant ships in the West Indies, which
meant they participated in the underground economy that thrived
under a mass of complex and ever-changing rules and regulations. The
partners both had reputations for being clever and honest, as smuggling
was not considered a dishonest act. While Franklin realized that the
combination of the firm's experience in the Caribbean trade and their
network of agents around the world made Willing and Morris capable
of transacting the business, Congress estimated that the firm would be
making an exorbitant gain at the same time. Morris, in fact, wrote to an
associate remarking that he stored powder until prices improved before
delivering it to Congress.2 Merchants did not see any moral dilemma
in making a profit while defending the country.
It did not help that the very first assignment went badly. The commissioned
ship, the Lion, reportedly could not find any goods to be
bought in Europe and returned empty It was highly suspicious that a
seasoned captain would return with an empty hold from such a long
voyage. Morris offered to return the thirty thousand pounds sterling
(eighty thousand American dollars) advanced by the Congress, but
instead a new assignment was given.3
The second assignment went better. Ammunition and powder were
bought in England, shipped to Saint Eustatius, and then sent to the
colonies. The firms taking the contracts were entitled to 2 1/2 percent on
both the exported goods and the imported supplies. It was actually a
very small commission considering the risk that the ship's owners were
taking. This did not stop the committee from handing the contracts to
their own firms, to friends, and to family. Robert Morris was quick to
learn which angles could maximize profits and minimize losses—such
as shipping the firm's goods alongside goods that Congress was paying
for aboard American warships. Morris and Willing are not on record as
ever having paid the freight for their company's exports of indigo and
rice to France. Having Congress pay the insurance for the entire cargo
of the ships was an opportunity Morris could not pass up.
Franklin, with his great experience as a Philadelphia business leader
and his connections with English and American merchants, was quick
to recognize the talent and administrative abilities of Morris. Congress
would soon come around to accept Morris as the best man it had.
It comes as no surprise that other members of the committee,
which included Silas Deane of Connecticut and Robert R. Livingston,
John Alsop, John Dickinson, and Francis Lewis of New York, gave the
assignments to themselves or to friends. The Browns of Providence
increased their slave-trading fortune by war profiteering. Samuel Otis,
Thomas Cushing, and Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts also participated
in profiteering. Arthur Lee, a Virginia planter, was the biggest
critic of the commercial side of arms procurement, in part because he
mistrusted merchants. His brother William, however, took part in the
double-dealing with speculations of his own. But the greatest amount
of mud being slung at the profiteers was directed at Silas Deane.
Silas Deane was born in 1737 in Groton, an early seaport town on Long
Island Sound. His father was a blacksmith. Deane, however, managed to
put himself through Yale and was admitted to the bar. Teaching school
in Hartford while also practicing law, Deane's career path took a dramatic
turn when he settled the estate of Joseph Webb. Whether it was
opportunity or love, the young lawyer met and married Webb's wealthy
widow, Mehitabel. Her family was active in the West Indies trade, and
Deane gave up teaching and the law. Instead he began making voyages
to the West Indies and learning the trade. After his first wife died, he
married Elizabeth Saltonstall, the granddaughter of a governor and
daughter of a general. While her family had also been active merchants,
their political influence was greater and the opportunist Deane went
into politics. A member of the new Congress and a merchant, Deane
was in the right place at the right time to get assignments as a munitions
When Deane lost his congressional seat because of a dispute with
fellow Connecticut delegate Roger Sherman, Deane's close friend
Morris found a better assignment for him: He went to Europe as an
envoy to the French and a merchant, and his mission was to enlist the
French in the American cause, or at least to procure supplies for the
war. By some accounts Deane exaggerated his accomplishments with
the French, but he did well in the war supplies department, where he
was entitled to a 5 percent commission. At home his enemies grew and
Congress not only failed to pay his commissions but also charged him
with misappropriating funds. His letters to a British correspondent suggesting
a negotiated settlement of the war earned him the accusation of
treason. When Deane finally left Europe to return home, he was
gripped with a violent abdominal attack that led to his death within
hours. It was believed that he was poisoned by the British double agent
Dr. Edward Bancroft.
Whatever truth is in the accusations of Deane's detractors, he
deserves credit as well. Early in the war Deane contracted for thirty
thousand rifles, four thousand tents, thirty mortars, and clothing for the
troops. He was responsible for the introduction of more than one young
French aristocrat to the American cause. One of Congress's problems
with Deane was his giving of contracts to French officers who desired
high ranks and believed they were getting them by enlisting in the
American cause. One such officer was Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-
Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette. Born in 1757, Lafayette's
father was killed in the battle of Minden at the age of twenty-seven by
a battery commanded by the English general Phillips. Lafayette was
only two at the time, but he was destined to get revenge. Twenty-two
years later he commanded a battery in Richmond, Virginia, and
bombed a house where General Phillips reposed.4
The future major general was raised by his mother and grandfather,
but they too met an early demise when Lafayette was thirteen. He was,
however, one of the wealthiest men in France and had advisers who
looked after his numerous holdings. At fourteen he was committed to
an arranged marriage with his 12 1/2-year-old cousin, Marie Adrienne
d'Ayen de Noailles, and they soon set up home in Paris.
De Noailles's family was equally noble and of ancient lineage. Her
grandfather was the Marechal duc de Noailles, which gave him a
hereditary right to maintain his own cavalry regiment. Lafayette and his
brother-in-law, the Viscount of Noailles, met for dinner in August 1775
with the Duke of Gloucester, who was the brother of King George III.
In a candid moment the duke announced that the insurgency in
America could actually escalate and provoke France to start new hostilities
against England. The marquis and the viscount called on a third
relative, the comte of Segur, who married into the d'Ayen family, with
their plan to join in the fray. The trio, dubbed the Three Musketeers by
their family, quickly rushed to the home of Silas Deane to enlist.
The young marquis had the rank of captain of the reserves when
he sailed to America. Described as an overgrown boy stuffed into a
handsome uniform, he was pudgy, red-haired, and already balding and
had a long nose. He supposedly proclaimed, "The moment I heard of
America, I loved her; the moment I heard she was fighting for freedom,
I burned with desire of bleeding for her." Such sentiment, as well as a
shipload of munitions and supplies, endeared him to Congress and
especially to General Washington. Washington and Congress may have
also been endeared to the family that Lafayette brought with him: His
brother-in-law, Viscount Louis-Marie de Noailles, also came to the
colonies and was second in command to one of France's legendary
fighting units, the Soissonnais. Lafayette was commissioned a major
general, one of the highest ranks in the Continental army. When he was
wounded at Brandywine, Washington instructed the surgeon, "Treat
him as if he was my son."5
The meeting of Washington and Lafayette began a long friendship,
and Washington lived to repay the favors. When the marquis's ideas on
liberty and equality backfired in a faction-driven madness that is called
the French Revolution, only funds from America bought Lafayette's
release from prison.
Although Lafayette served with distinction and earned the respect
of the regiment he was given to command, not all such foreign volunteers
were welcomed. Massachusetts was a closed society that admitted
few to its cliques. While New York City was an open society at the close
of the eighteenth century, Boston was always English. Prejudice against
Irish and Italian immigrants would arise later, but in the colonial period
simply being from Scotland was a barrier. Masonry would overcome
that hurdle.
John Paul Jones is an odd hero. He was born John Paul in
Kirkcudbright, Scotland, in 1747, at a time when there was not a world
of opportunity awaiting those who stayed home. His father was a gardener
who was married to a housekeeper, and they were both
employed on the estate of William Craik. Many believed John Paul's
real father was James Craik, the son of William. Craik and John Paul's
mother, Jean, got married a day apart to other people, and Craik provided
Jean with a cottage to start her new family. Even biographer
Samuel Eliot Morison points out that Craik's activities "suggested"
Jean's relationship with him was as more than housekeeper.6 From
birth a cloud hung over John Paul because of his unclear parentage. At
age fourteen he started his career aboard a ship engaged in the Barbados
trade of rum, sugar, and humans. By age seventeen he was a third mate
on a blackbirder, the term for a slave ship, having proved himself able at
sea. He would sail aboard slavers for another two years before quitting
the "abominable" trade. It was not as much the morality that assaulted
his sensibilities as it was the smell. A slave-trading ship that confined
sometimes hundreds of men and women in its hold without sanitary
facilities could be smelled for miles away.
Upon sailing home from Kingston, Jamaica, the master and mate of
Paul's ship died, so he brought back the ship on his own. In doing so
he earned the appointment of master, a great achievement at the early
age of twenty-one. Paul did all he could to live the part. He tried to
drop his rural Scottish accent and he learned to read and write well—
in fact, better than his peers. He dressed the part of an officer and
sought out the company of other officers. He also enforced discipline.
At five foot five inches tall, command did not always come easy
for Paul. Over the course of his career, he would more than once
single-handedly quell a mutiny. Discipline, however, had its risks. On an
early voyage as captain, Paul ordered the son of a wealthy merchant
whipped three separate times. The man pressed charges, of which Paul
was acquitted, but later died aboard another ship heading back to
Scotland. The father then pressed further charges against Paul and had
him arrested. Again Paul was cleared, but he came to understand the
value of connections.
Within days of his release from the Tolbooth jail, Paul applied and
was accepted to the Saint Bernard Lodge of Freemasons in
Kirkcudbright. As a member of that lodge, he was welcome to visit and
sometimes find accommodations in other lodges around the world. He
also made connections in the lodges that would advance his career and
even save his life.
Three years later, Paul was again charged with murder. His version
was that the leader of a mutinous crew was about to hit him with a club
when he ran the man through with his sword. The incident occurred
on Tobago, where the small population of whites was mostly Scottish
and the lieutenant governor was a friend. However, the young captain
chose to flee. He disappeared for two years and then turned up in
Virginia with the new surname Jones. Most likely he hid in Edenton,
North Carolina, where he had a hometown friend, Robert Smith. He
then moved to Virginia, where Robert's brother James, also from
Kirkcudbright, was a shipowner and an officer in the local Masonic
With a new name and a new life, Jones found safety and acceptance
in Scotchtown, Virginia. Smith was a partner in a shipping firm with
Joseph Hewes, who would become Jones's patron throughout the
Revolution. Another friend was Dr. John K. Read, who was related to
Ben Franklin's wife and was also active in Masonry. Jones knew Patrick
Henry and would compete for the hand of Dorothea Dandridge in
marriage. When war broke out, Jones called on Hewes and another
Kirkcudbright Mason, David Sproat, for an appointment in the first
American navy.
Before meeting the enemy, Jones had many battles to fight. He
encountered hostility from the New England bluebloods who resented
a Scotsman; in fact, they resented anyone who was not a Saltonstall or
a Winthrop who rose above his caste. Incompetents such as Dudley
Saltonstall, brother-in-law of Silas Deane, who was descended from the
Winthrops, received command instead of an upstart like Jones. It was
only after others proved their incompetence that Jones received choice
ships. Another battle was finding men. The American navy paid less than
it did to sailors aboard the privateers. When a prize was taken, a privateer
sailor could get twice the share.
Jones overcame his first hurdle by lodging with Boston Masons
such as Thomas Russell and Abraham Livingston and Portsmouth
Masons like John Wendell. Wendell was a member of the very important
Saint John's Lodge of Portsmouth and introduced Jones. Jones in
return hired Wendell's son, David Wentworth Wendell, cousin to both
John Hancock and John Adams, as a midshipman. Repaying Abraham
Livingston would be tougher, as Livingston "ordered" twelve cases of
claret, a Chinese tea set, tableware, decanters, glasses, almonds,
anchovies, capers, and olives from Jones's voyage to Europe.
The second hurdle was overcome by "impressing" sailors, forcing
them into service at pirate hideouts like Tarpaulin Cove in the
Elizabeth Islands. It didn't win him friends, and in fact almost caused his
arrest in Providence until he pulled his sword on the local sheriff.
Jones made his career in Europe, shocking England with attacks on
her ports and ships. Timing is everything, and Jones's timing was excellent.
France was beginning to question the American chance at independence
when news of Jones's exploits hit. When Jones landed in
France he was the toast of the town and was accepted in France's most
prestigious Mason group, the Lodge of the Nine Sisters. Benjamin
Franklin and Voltaire were also brothers of this mysterious group, which
met at Saint-Sulpice.
Jones spent his time in France accepting medals, dining with his
new Mason brethren, and shopping for war supplies and tableware. After
having denied Virginian Arthur Lee passage home because of his enormous
baggage and retinue of servants, Jones made a new enemy. Once
home he had to answer to charges of delaying the needed war supplies.
His hero status allowed him to answer in an abbreviated style, avoiding
mention of anything but the condition of his ship.
The war was then being fought on several fronts. Washington's
Continental army went from one defeat to another, retreating across the
rebel country, while the British took advantage of the loyalist Scottish
Tory factions in the south to demoralize the American forces. In
Europe, American agents like Franklin and Deane labored behind the
scenes to find America friends. And at home a handful of wealthy elite
took advantage of their appointments to build fortunes.
Benjamin Harrison was a Virginia aristocrat whose family had prospered
most likely from both being politically connected and being one
of the first families in Virginia. From 1632, when the first Harrison
landed, the family was represented in Virginia's governmental body, the
House of Burgesses, By the time of the Revolution the Harrisons'
property, called the Berkeley Hundred, was a kingdom within the state.
A one-and-a-half-mile road bisecting the property wound past tobacco
fields and slave quarters before reaching the great Harrison mansion.
Benjamin Harrison was by this time related to every aristocratic
Virginia family, including the Lees, the Carters, and the Byrds. Besides
being a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a governor of
Virginia,7 he was also a secret partner in the Willing and Morris firm.
In 1776, with the war just starting, Harrison the planter and Willing
and Morris the merchant traders bought most of the American tobacco
crops. The prices were low because everyone believed shipping the
product to Britain for sale would be impossible at a time when a war
was happening. But Morris and Harrison understood that at the same
time that prices were falling in Virginia they were rising in England.
Tobacco represented half the value of America's exports, and the stakes
were huge. Morris hired ships from New England, Deane insured them,
remarkably, in London, and they set sail. They did not have to go far;
the free-trade market in Saint Eustatius was the market. This helped
make Morris extremely rich during a time when he was competing
against the Secret Committee, on which he served.8
Harrison fathered seven children, including William Henry
Harrison, who became the ninth president. William's record in the War
of 1812 and the family's patrician status helped him gain notice. The
publicity surrounding his involvement in the small skirmish called
Tippecanoe might have gotten him elected, but Harrison wasn't really
a war hero. He had marched his thousand-man force against a Shawnee
village half the size in a punitive measure. Despite his force being twice
the size and his army losing more men in battle than did the Shawnee,
Harrison claimed victory. The media took his word for it, and he was
considered a hero. His campaign for the presidency was not going so
well until he came to Richmond on a stop. There a pickpocket being
hauled off to jail yelled "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," which became
Harrison's campaign slogan. Harrison was soon elected America's shortestterm
Harrison's administration lasted only one month, as he became the
first of two presidents to cross the Cotton Whigs. Both Harrison and
Zachary Taylor died of stomach distress after very public events.
Harrison's death, first declared to be from a stomach ailment, was later
blamed on his catching a cold during the inaugural address. Taylor's
death was blamed on his eating cherries and drinking milk. Both deaths
conveniently paved the way to significant policy changes in
The family wealth and status remained, and the great-grandson of
Declaration signer Benjamin Harrison, who was also named Benjamin,
would become president. At the time, Harrison s party was divided. At
its convention the party went through seven ballots without a leader. At
the critical moment James Blaine, who has been credited with putting
the previous president, Grover Cleveland, in the White House, sent a
cable from Scotland that read, "Take Harrison." Because he was
perceived as a man who could be manipulated, Blaine got the job of
Secretary of State. Benjamin Harrison, like his grandfather, would
deliver his long inaugural address in a March rain, but he survived. His
accomplishments are few. His pet causes were high tariffs, banning Asian
immigration, and overthrowing the government of Hawaii in order to
annex the territory.
Elbridge Gerry was one of the Marblehead aristocracy. In a time when
and a place where merchant shipping paved the way to wealth, Gerry's
father was a wealthy and politically active merchant shipper. His mother
was the daughter of a British merchant. Marblehead was known more
as a fishing port, and a great deal of the Gerry business was shipping
codfish to Barbados to be used as food for the newly imported slaves.
Before the war Marblehead rivaled Salem in importance, and Gerry was
one of its richest citizens.
As a man of wealth who was dependent on trade, legal or otherwise,
Gerry did not agree with the growing anti-British feeling building
in Boston. He was outraged by the Boston Tea Party and left his
low-level political job as a result. Under the influence of Sam Adams,
however, Gerry returned to politics. But like Hancock, his motives were
often designed to increase his pocketbook. He served as the chairman
of the Committee of Supply, a post that suited him perfectly. In addition,
he sat on a congressional board that regulated finances. When
Congress was stingy in doling out money to suppliers like Gerry, he
walked out. He became considered the "soldier's friend" for his
demands for better equipment and supplies, although he did nothing in
the debate for soldiers' pensions. During the war Gerry could not have
been luckier. The British closed the harbor of Boston, yet somehow
they left Marblehead alone. Marblehead's importance soared as patriots
around the colonies donated goods for Boston and Gerry shipped
Haughty and aristocratic, Gerry was never popular among the
Massachusetts voters. His interest had always been in his own wealth
and property. The night of the British march against Lexington and
Concord, Gerry hid in a cornfield in his nightclothes. Before the Battle
of Bunker Hill he tried to persuade Dr. Joseph Warren, the president of
the Provincial Congress, from joining the battle.10 Warren said to Gerry,
"Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori," meaning "it is a sweet and glorious
day to die for one's country." Warren then went to his death. Gerry
Although he was publicly for independence, Gerry had his doubts
about signing the Declaration. Benjamin Harrison joked with Gerry
about the danger of signing, saying his own weight would ensure a
quicker death at the gallows than the slender Gerry's.11 Gerry may have
taken this to heart, as he was absent when the Declaration was signed;
he put his signature on the document months later. Gerry's strongest
effort in the Provincial Congress was getting the Congress to issue letters
of marque. This allowed shipowners like him to legally capture
British ships and profit from the goods seized.
To keep himself and his favorite politicians in office, Gerry redrew
the lines of various districts to manipulate the effect of the vote. One
district was drawn to resemble a salamander, and the term gerrymander
entered the vocabulary.
The Cushings represented the American aristocracy. Thomas Cushing
was an active merchant and a political ally of Sam Adams's father.
Cushing, whose nickname was Death's Head,12 saw no need to separate
politics from profit. As a businessman he attempted to serve both
"gods." He gathered intelligence information on the Tories but was
sometimes reluctant to share it. He was equally reluctant to elevate the
conflict, and checking the "violent designs of others" was his goal
before the war.
The men in charge of supplying the military might today be accused
of allowing themselves excessive commissions and profits. In the
eighteenth century it was almost expected that these men and their
friends would use their posts for personal gain. While Cushing and Gerry
made fortunes in the war effort, those who supplied them thought nothing
of marking up goods 500 percent. The smaller merchants saw little
wrong in selling to the British as well, and in overcharging the French,
who had entered the war to save the colonists' efforts.13
The Cushing clan raised self-interest to the most treasonous levels.
After making profits during the war, the Cushings, led by Caleb Cushing,
acted in a step-by-step method to defeat the interest of the United States
and to enrich themselves. Caleb Cushings mentor was John Lowell, who
served as an agent for many of the wealthy British forced out of Boston.
He would go on to play a leading role in New England's Essex Junto,
which attempted to incite the region to secede from the newly formed
United States because the merchants did not like the policies of Jefferson.
Shortly after going to work for Lowell, Cushing married the daughter of
a leading member of the secessionist movement.
Cushing became a power broker and apparently would stop at
nothing to turn a profit. He was a one-man Masonic conspiracy. As a
thirty-third-degree Mason of the Scottish Rite, he used his influence to
enrich himself, bring his country to war against China and Mexico, and
finally lead the United States to the breakup of the Union. Publicly
Cushing was an abolitionist, yet at the same time he fought for the
annexation of Texas, which most of the northern states feared would
tip the balance in the conflict. Cushing, as a Cotton Whig, saw no problem
in a divided Union if trade with England was secure. That trade
depended on cheap cotton as a key export; cheap cotton depended on
cheap labor. Soon after it became obvious that President Harrison had
no intention of furthering the cause of annexation, he was dead. Not
everyone believed it was from natural causes.
A book titled The Adder's Den was published in 1864. The author,
John Smith Dye, claimed that the agents of the pro-slavery South had
poisoned Harrison to put Tyler in the White House. Harrison had been
a farmer, had served in the army, had marched through wilderness for
months at a time, and had fought as a soldier. It would seem unlikely
that spending two hours in the rain could lead to his death. After the
suspicious death of President Harrison, the accidental president John
Tyler appointed Caleb Cushing to be Secretary of the Treasury.
Cushing, however, was not liked or trusted, and the Senate rejected his
nomination. Tyler then appointed him as a commissioner to China.
Cushing's family was made wealthy by the opium trade in China.
Shortly after the British began a war against China to impose its right
to sell the country opium, Caleb Cushing ordered American ships to
enter Canton with guns blazing to further humble China. His next act
was to push for war against Mexico. Admitting Texas and other states to
the Union as "slave states" helped slavery to continue. New England
and the Brahmin families depended on the South s ability to provide
cheap cotton. The cotton could then be spun into textiles in New
England's mills, of which Lowell was the preeminent force.
When support was needed to rally certain Southern states against
the abolitionist movement, Cushing dispatched other New Englanders
to the South. Albert Pike, from Cushing's home base in Newburyport,
Massachusetts, was sent to Arkansas. He too would be raised to the
thirty-third degree in the Scottish Rite, and he played a key role in formation
of the Ku Klux Klan. Another friend, John Quitman of New
York, was sent to Mississippi, where he started Scottish Rite
Freemasonry and a secessionist movement.
After the war against Mexico, Cushing invited his Mexican war
generals, including Jefferson Davis, to Massachusetts, where he
informed them that he wanted Franklin Pierce to be president. Zachary
Taylor had been the hero of the Mexican War but had alienated the
Cotton Whigs by opposing the extension of slavery into California.
Nevertheless, he was elected. After sixteen months in office, Taylor participated
in the decidedly Masonic dedication of the obelisk known as
the Washington Monument. He allegedly became sick after eating cherries
and drinking milk and died shortly afterward. Again a war hero
who had survived both the travail and the rigors of war was brought
down by a simple problem.
Cushing still played a strong behind-the-scenes role in the
Buchanan White House, and once war became inevitable he supported
Lincoln. Despite the fact that he had planted men in the South to lead
the way to secession, Cushing's duplicity was never enough to keep him
out of government.
Stephen Girard started his career as a pilot of a French ship in the
Caribbean trade. His first voyage was aboard the Pelerin to Port-au-
Prince in Saint Domingue.This slave port was one of the capitals of the
triangle trade. Slaves were brought from Africa to work on the sugar
plantations. Sugar was the return cargo, having been produced there for
almost two hundred years, when the Portuguese built many of the mills.
The pilot was the man in charge of the trading, and he was often given
carte blanche by the ship's owner to make a profit in any way he could.
Selling the sugar to the American colonies brought higher prices
because the trade had been outlawed by the British.
Girard made six such voyages before being promoted to captain.
On his last trading voyage from France he decided he had done poorly,
as commodity prices had dropped. Instead of returning to France with
a less-than-profitable stake for his backers, he simply sold the goods and
kept the money. With the ill-gotten proceeds he took on a cargo of
sugar and brought it to New York. There he joined Thomas Randall in
the New Orleans trade, but it was the British blockade that would
finally plant Girard in Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love was
especially warm toward its Masonic brothers, and Girard, who had
become a Mason in Charleston, quickly joined his city's lodge. The
lodge would serve as an old boys' club for merchants like John
Wanamaker and ship captains like Girard.
An ugly man with one bad eye, Girard married a penniless Irish
maiden, Mary, at age twenty-seven. Five months into the marriage he
caught her cheating with a British colonel. His brother visited and left
him with a black concubine called Hannah, whom he would name in
his will. His wife was committed.
During the Revolution the wealthy merchant and shipowner added
to his fortune by acting as a privateer for the American side while also
trading with the British. Girard had taken an oath of allegiance to the
colonies, but his allegiance had been first and foremost to himself. His
treasonous trade with the British, his participation in the slave trade, and
his later role in the opium trade made him the fourth richest American
After the war Girard hired a new eighteen-year-old mistress. His
wife, who was still in the asylum, gave birth to a daughter he never
would meet.
Girard's fortune grew, as he was a pioneer in the China trade.
Biographer George Wilson says, "He eventually derived more profits
from the China trade than any of those who were in on the ground
floor."15 When the British were banned by the Chinese government
from smuggling opium into the country, American ships such as
Girard's took up the trade. Girard raised capital through a British banking
house, Baring Brothers, to finance his entry. From both legitimate
trade and smuggling Girard became one of America's richest men.
During the War of 1812 he put up half of the sixteen million dollars
the country needed to get through the conflict, charging his country a
10 percent commission.
At age seventy-seven Girard hired his fourth and last live-in maid
and mistress. He lived four more years. His will provided generously for
those who worked for him; housekeepers, servants, and sea captains all
received lifetime incomes. Girard's Masonic lodge received twenty
thousand dollars. The orphans of Philadelphia received a school to
house and educate them that remains to this day. Today Girard's living
will is still more than two hundred million dollars.
The American army marched from one defeat to another and was
forced to subsist on minimal rations and without proper uniforms or
even shoes. At the same time the American procurement effort was in
the hands of Cushing, Gerry, Girard, and other profiteers who thought
nothing of cheating and overcharging their own side. The British side,
however, had no shortage of self-serving and inept politicians and military
leaders who managed to steal defeat out of the jaws of victory on
several occasions. The responsibility was then left to the French, and in
particular a small circle of French aristocrats and Masons, to tip the

Chapter 8

The story of how one French aristocrat may have been responsible
for the American victory has never before been told.
The American Revolutionary War is an illustrious tale of victorious
moments. The first was the remarkable turning point at Saratoga, which
served as the catalyst for bringing in America's potential allies. The second
was the surprise crossing of the Delaware at Christmas, where the
ragtag starving American army defeated the well-trained, wellequipped
Hessians. The climax came at Yorktown, where the Americans
and their new allies, the French, surrounded the army of General
Students of the war, however, see another side. They see the few
victories weighing against the multiple losses of the Americans through
Brooklyn, Manhattan, and White Plains; the English chasing
Washington from one defeat to another; the starvation and deprivation
of untrained continentals, and their subsequent desertion and mutiny.
The army of freedom fighters was half destroyed in battle and nearly
finished off by starvation and sickness, but the colonies were still populated
by many who were not loyal to the new cause. Tories dominated
the population of eastern Long Island, where the British army was able
to buy cattle. New Jersey was mostly Tory and provided food for the
English army while Washington starved across the river in Pennsylvania.
Tory landowners dominated the Carolinas, their loyalty often to their
personal pocketbooks, which were closely tied to England. Many
Americans, while loyal to the cause of liberty, still put their personal fortunes
first, denying food to Washington's army and refusing the
Continental as a currency.
Despite the state of the economy, the constant defeats in skirmish
after skirmish, and the loss of most of the American army to disease, capture,
and desertion, the outcome of the war was an outstanding victory.
The serious student might be led to wonder just how this was possible.
There is a third side of the story that might seem even stranger. Sir
William Fraser once said, "The Battle of Waterloo was won on the
playing fields of Eton." His statement refers to the school where
England's future leaders were trained. It may be valid to paraphrase
Fraser when discussing how the Revolutionary War was won: The battle
of Yorktown was lost on the playing tables of a London gambling
house known as White's.
At a time where the sun never set on Britain's empire, London society
may have been at its most decadent. It was the largest city in the world
and England, of course, was the master of the ocean. While the poor
starved in the streets, the upper crust of society delighted in heavy
drinking, wild gambling, practical jokes, and bawdy behavior. As the
world's largest port city, there could be as many as eight thousand ships
in the Thames at any one time. The number of drinking houses and
brothels to serve the thousands of sailors and officers was staggering.
The upper classes distanced themselves from the lower classes even in
partaking of London's vices.
From an establishment called Shakespeare's Head, a Covent Garden
tavern popular with sea captains and directors of the British East India
Company, John Harris published a list of the better prostitutes and
where their services could be found.1 But for those at the pinnacle of
London society, there were gentlemen's clubs.
The fashion of eighteenth-century London gentlemen was to
belong to one or more of the gentlemen's clubs. Many of them moved
from place to place; others were anchored in a specific tavern or hall. A
handful of the clubs were as spectacular as modern-day casinos, and
becoming a member was everything to the aristocratic class. Almack's,
Brooke's, and White's were among the top clubs. Almack's had a large
ballroom that could accommodate seventeen hundred of London's
fashionable dandies. Gaining admittance was important to London's
young social scene, and the Duke of Wellington was once turned away
because he arrived in trousers rather than the required knee breeches.
Women were admitted at Almack's, and it became a marriage mart for
London's most eligible.
The main attraction of the gentlemen's clubs was gambling. At a
time when the average wage earner was paid a pound a week, it was
not uncommon to see ten thousand pounds sterling on the table.
Brooke's and White's were strictly men's clubs, and the chief amusement
was gambling. They kept an open betting book where one could wager
on anything, and seats at the card tables were occupied all night. Whist,
loo, faro, and hazard were the favorite games, and the size of the wagers
ruined many of England's young elite.
White's and Brooke's would occasionally attract members divided
by politics, and in the years before the American Revolution Brooke's
was regarded as a Whig club and White's a Tory club. White's members
included the Duke of Devonshire and the Earl of Rockingham.
Brooke's members included Charles James Fox, Lord Robert Spencer,
and Sir Joshua Reynolds.
Charles Fox may epitomize London's macaronis. Born with the
proverbial silver spoon, Fox's wealth brought him election to the House
of Commons at the age of nineteen. At the time of his election he was
traveling throughout the Continent, so he did not suffer the boredom
of a campaign. In fact, according to his own letters, he was laid up with
a bout of the clap in Nice. Back in London, Fox would spend days hopping
from Brooke's to White's to Almack's to other clubs, where a bad
night might cause a loss of ten to fifteen thousand pounds and a good
night might see its return.
While the Fox family fortune supported such excess, the same
could not be said of all of the young dandies who made up the Saint
James Club scene of London. A massive gambling debt incurred at the
gaming tables of White's in London led to the bribery of the one man
whose role would be so pivotal in the final outcome of the
Revolutionary War: Sir George Brydges Rodney.
Born into a Somerset family that traced its lineage for twenty generations,
Rodney studied at Harrow. Like many other naval commanders
of his day, he left school at an early age, twelve, to train in the navy.
But prestige and profit did not always go hand in hand. An elegant,
handsome figure, Rodney was a rake and a gambler without any of the
inherited wealth to pay off his losses. The young dandy lost his family's
fortune on the playing tables of White's.
Even worse than his losses were the debts he incurred. Rodney
planned to go to sea in order to share in the booty that was promised
to the commanders. In one early action in the West Indies he was able
to partially repair his finances. While the income bought him time, the
sea would disappoint him as much as the gaming tables of White's.
Rodney spent his remaining funds to get into Parliament, but even this
campaign failed. His debts were all too often to men in office, and his
connections soon became a detriment to his career.
Unable to stay away from White's or regain his finances, Rodney
was forced to flee London and his creditors. While in exile in France he
heard that he had been picked to head the British navy. But he owed
French creditors as well, and was told he would have to pay off his debts
before he left. The prospects were gloomy indeed. Even if he found
enough money to get out of France, he could still be thrown in a
debtors prison in England before he even saw a warship.
Taking command of the navy was the light at the end of Rodney's
tunnel. In his darkest hour Rodney was approached by a representative
of one of the wealthiest families in France. Rodney would be provided
with enough money to satisfy his monumental debts, but what was
required for such a favor was equally monumental.
The winter of 1777 to 1778 was particularly hard for the American
army under Washington's command. Many soldiers had little more than
blankets to keep out the cold, as their shirts and pants were in tatters.
Shoes were a luxury, and many soldiers lost their feet and legs to the
cold. Often those on sentry duty stood in their hats to keep their bare
feet warmer. The food was so scant that the Thanksgiving treat was four
ounces of rice cake.2 At the same time, German farmers in nearby Valley
Forge were driving cattle to Philadelphia for the British.
Washington himself had to contend with the constant excuses of
Congress when he pleaded for food, clothing, funds, and medicine. And
a handful called the Conway Cabal plotted against Washington. The
army was undernourished and poorly clad and had been forced to
retreat from one defeat to another for years. It appeared that if victory
were to be had, it would be a miracle. That miracle finally became a
reality with the arrival of assistance from Europe.
The efforts of American agents in Europe brought the French on
board as allies. Early in 1778, while Rodney was hiding in Paris, the
French had signed an alliance to join the Americans. They would not
actually declare war against England until July, however. One of the first
conflicts featured the French navy and the English fleet near the island
of Ushant. The two forces were equal, but the English were used to
winning. When the French fleet was forced to retreat, the two English
commanders somehow confused their signals and also retreated. In a
move that was very reminiscent of the numerous land battles fought in
America, it appeared that the English refused to press the advantage.
Because the battle was so close to home for the English and the failure
was so public, the citizens rioted in the streets of London and both
commanders were court-martialed. Each blamed the other for the failure
to exact a victory.
The English army appeared unable to press its advantage on land,
as well, although the public was less aware of what occurred across the
Atlantic. There had been worse blunders. After the war Sir William
Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, and Lord Charles Cornwallis were blamed
for incompetence. The famous story of Howe sipping tea while letting
the defeated Continental army escape Long Island is one that most
likely plagued him. But Howe was competent. He had served with
Amherst, who had taught the American commanders and Howe alike
the values of guerrilla fighting. He was a knowledgeable battle-hardened
commander who had fought at Montreal, Louisbourg, and Quebec
before the American Revolution. Howe did make serious mistakes. He
had allowed Washington, whose army spent the night in the rain without
tents and low on ammunition, to escape Long Island. And this was
not the last time Howe allowed the American army to escape. He followed
Washington across New Jersey, where desertions reduced the
small force to less than ten thousand. With victory again simply a day
away, Howe allowed Washington to cross into Pennsylvania.
When winter came, Howe's army was camped within twenty-five
miles of the Americans, but Howe had no desire to shiver through winter
in a camp. Instead he headed back to New York City, where his mistress,
Elizabeth Loring, kept the general warm. Her husband had been
sent by Howe to Boston to watch over the prisons. A London newspaper
accusing the general of ineptitude was brought to Howe. He
decided to turn in his resignation, and while he waited for it to be
accepted, he and Loring enjoyed dinners, concerts, and ballroom dancing
in Philadelphia. When Franklin was asked by the French if Howe
had taken Philadelphia, Franklin replied that Philadelphia had taken
General Howe.3
Sir Henry Clinton was a military man as well. He started his career
at the age of thirteen in the Coldstream Guards, where he was commissioned
as a lieutenant. He also distinguished himself in battle and
rapidly rose through the ranks to become a major general in 1772.
When he took over for Howe, he was more interested in being in New
York than in commanding his troops in the field. After the war Clinton
was called on to explain his failure as a commander. He blamed
Cornwallis and the other generals, even going as far as writing a book
about his actions. He claimed that three times his army was in danger
of starving, although compared to Washington's forces, starving was a
relative term. With twelve thousand pounds to cover his salary and
expenses, Clinton's provision orders included brandy in ten-gallon lots,
beef, veal, mutton, fish, sweetbreads, and eggs.4 He held four houses in
New York City, which, he claimed, were used for hiding because his life
was in danger, and he also had a mistress in the city.
Cornwallis was a very well-trained military commander born into
a wealthy and prestigious family. His grandfather had been awarded a
baronetcy by Charles II, his father was the first Lord Cornwallis, his
mother was the daughter of Lord Townsend and was related to Prime
Minister Robert Walpole. Charles Cornwallis likely chose the military
at an early age. He enrolled at Eton, where the younger classmen were
the object of harsh treatment by older classmates. Cornwallis, a tall man,
thrived at Eton and went on to be tutored by a Prussian officer. He
bought an officer's commission in the Grenadiers Guards. At age eighteen
he took a tour of Europe with his Prussian tutor and then enrolled
in the Military Academy of Turin. It was one of Europe's finest, and the
young officers combined military strategy with ballroom dancing in
their curriculum. Over the course of Cornwallis's career, his training
helped him serve with distinction in the Seven Years War, in Ireland, and
in India. After he married he took a brief respite from the military and
enjoyed the estate lifestyle with his bride. He was favored by King
George III but at the same time counseled against the harsh measures
exacted by the king against his colonial subjects. Cornwallis's loyalty
was never in question, however, and when war broke out he volunteered
for his command against the American rebels.
Cornwallis lost heart soon enough. His wife at home in England
had taken ill, and his commanders, Clinton and Howe, disappointed
him. Cornwallis had outflanked Washington on Long Island only to
watch Howe allow his escape. Cornwallis beat the Americans at
Brandywine in 1777 and Monmouth in 1778, and was then sent south.
Clinton, with Cornwallis as the field commander, effectively stopped
the resistance in the South, so Clinton headed for New York, leaving
Cornwallis in charge. The war heated up as Cornwallis fought several
major battles and worked his way north. From New York Clinton
ordered Cornwallis to find an area where his army could position itself
to be supplied. He chose Yorktown, which turned out to be a fatal decision
as the French, by sea, and the Americans, by land, surrounded him.
Eight days under siege ended the war. Cornwallis's actions in the
Revolution did not hurt his career for long, however, and he went on
to serve with distinction in India and to quell rebellion in Ireland.
Baigent and Leigh's The Temple and the Lodge examines how the
effect of Mason fighting Mason may have hindered determination.
Howe had served with Amherst, where most of the officers were brothers
in the craft. Twenty-nine of the thirty-one regiments under
Amherst's command had field lodges. Cornwallis served in two regiments
that had military lodges. His brother Edward had served as well,
and was the founder of a lodge in Nova Scotia. Clinton served as aidede-
camp to Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, one of the most influential
Masons of his day.5 Three seemingly capable British commanders chose
to avoid making the coup de grace at every turn, instead simply continuing
the war until, like America's Vietnam War, the soldiers in the
field and the citizens back home despaired of ever seeing victory. If
conspiracy is the secret behind defeat, then the final battle ofYorktown
was the stage. Nevertheless, there is no evidence that Cornwallis had
planned for anything less than victory. But there is evidence that one
man would serve to destroy the chances of the British.
As the efforts of the Americans Franklin and Deane in France paid off,
a French fleet and French soldiers headed to America. When the
American effort was exhausted, France stepped in to provide most of
the troops, the arms, the food, and the money to fight the final offensive
of the war.
The commander Rochambeau was one of the first and most
important figures of the French effort. He was quickly followed by the
troops of Count William Deux-Ponts, who led a regiment from the
Saar Valley; the Viscount de Noailles, from whose regiment in France
Napoleon would later emerge; Count Mathieu Dumas, who would
become a hero at Waterloo; the Marquis Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon;
and the Duke de Lauzun. All had been enlisted through the diplomatic
efforts of Franklin and Deane and had supplied clandestine aid before
France officially committed to war with England.
Rochambeau and his troops were ferried by seven transport ships to
Rhode Island in July 1780. They stayed for a brief time, with the wellfunded
army enjoying the good life, but they were shocked with the
allies they came to save. The Americans overcharged them for supplies,
openly traded with the British who blockaded their coast, and on occasion
shot at them. The first French troops did not see any action until
Yorktown; however, when it came time for action, the French impressed
both the Americans and the English with their order and discipline.6
General Jean-Baptiste-Donatien deVimeur, the comte de Rochambeau,
was a career military man with a mission. He, like Lafayette and
others, wanted to see the rebels break their ties with the monarch of
England. When the French king Louis XVI signed a treaty with the
Continental Congress, his first act of assistance was to supply America.
His second was to send over a six-thousand-man army called the
Expedition Particuliere under Rochambeau s command.
Rochambeau had entered the military at age seventeen and fought
at the siege of Maastricht in Holland during the War of Austrian
Succession, in a French expedition against Minorca, and during the
Seven Years War. Rochambeau was fifty-five when he brought over
three regiments to fight the decisive battle at Yorktown. One unit was
the Deux-Ponts. Under the command of Rochambeau, this thousandman
unit was recruited from Germany. It was a typical unit in that the
officers were often adventurers. Many sailed aboard the French fleet
accompanied by their wives and children, and at least one officer, Baron
Ludwig von Closen, brought his servants.7
Other military leaders who commanded troops in America were
interested in the social experiment that became a new country. Saint-
Simon's cousin became the founder of French socialism. Like Lafayette,
the duc de Lauzun was very interested in the New World's social experiment.
His desire was to be present at the birth of a new age, to fight
for the cause of liberty. Like many French nobles, the contradiction of
the noble class fighting for democracy did nothing to dim his enthusiasm.
Lauzun was from an ancient family that had titles from the time of
the Crusades. As was tradition in such a titled military family, adventure
called first. At age thirteen Lauzun became an ensign in the elite French
Guard. At eighteen he married into another French royal family. Lauzun
went to Corsica and proved himself in battle. He was rewarded with the
title of colonel of the Legion Royale. But peace bored him, and he was
among the first to volunteer to aid the American cause.
Lauzun sailed from France as part of the fighting force that joined
Rochambeau. Lauzun's cavalry and infantry joined the ancient regiments
of the French military, the Bourbonnais, the Deux-Ponts, the
Saintonge, and the Soissonnais, and they marched to Yorktown.
Lauzun's Legion, as it was called, was made up of men from various
European countries. Most had come from the Alsace-Lorraine corridor
between France and Germany; others came from Sweden, Italy,
Poland, and Russia. They spoke eight different languages, and by tradition
they would curse in Hungarian. They were volunteers, and often
adventurers; many were from noble families, others were rakes and
thieves. They were the predecessors to another French fighting force,
the French Foreign Legion.
For the duc de Lauzun, the American Revolution was just one
more adventure. His exploits in both the battlefield and the boudoirs
of Europe were legendary. He was said to have made love to every
woman he met in France and Newport, Rhode Island, where he was
first headquartered. His men followed his example, and despite their
prowess against the British they also achieved the dubious distinction
of fighting the most duels among themselves, typically over women.
Lauzun continued to have great adventures after fighting in America,
including becoming Marie Antoinette's lover. While Lauzun was aware
of his rank and his importance—he was even privy to Rochambeau's
and Washington's discussions of strategy—he may not have been aware
that his presence in the war was the single most critical factor in its
While the Marquis de Lafayette, the duc de Lauzun, Count William
Deux-Ponts, Count Mathieu Dumas, the Marquis de Saint-Simon, and
the other nobles eagerly awaited battle, their supreme commander,
Rochambeau, debated strategy with Washington. Washington thought
that a move to recapture New York would advance the war effort.
Rochambeau argued that a decisive victory against the English in the
Chesapeake Bay would end the war. Rochambeau's logic won, and the
focus was turned on beating the one commander who was a serious
contender: Cornwallis. Rochambeau and Washington marched to
Virginia to catch Cornwallis while both the Americans and the English
were depending on the navy to arrive on time.
After the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, the forces under
Cornwallis's command were low on supplies. At Yorktown, Cornwallis
spent three months digging in while waiting for his rendezvous with
Admiral Rodney. The British fleet commanded by Rodney was supposed
to be the most important factor in the outcome of the showdown
between the British army and the combined forces of the
Americans and the French. Supplies and reinforcements were to be
brought by Rodney; this was the reason Cornwallis hadn't marched farther
Rodney had other plans. Instead of sailing north when he had the
advantage over the French, he launched a vicious attack on tiny Saint
Eustatius. While Cornwallis's army had its head in an ever-tightening
noose that could be relieved only by Rodney's ships, supplies, and fresh
troops, Rodney stayed to loot Saint Eustatius. His army spent valuable
time confiscating everything from almost every citizen of the tiny
island. In fact, he instructed his men to go as far as looting graves, claiming
that valuables had been buried.
Meanwhile, Washington and Rochambeau used the three months
well, coordinating their cross-country march and the arrival of the
French fleet. Lafayette used a small force to block an English retreat,
Washington and Rochambeau rushed to cover five hundred miles, and
Admiral de Grasse sailed up from the Caribbean with twenty ships and
three thousand fresh troops.
Francois-Joseph-Paul, the Marquis de Grasse-Tilly and Comte
de Grasse, had joined the fleet of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem,
also known as the Knights of Malta, at age twelve. This was the original
order known as the Hospitallers of Saint John of Jerusalem, and was
established even before the Knights Templar. While both orders were
ostensibly Catholic, the exposure to different faiths may have had a lasting
effect on the Templars, who supported the Cathari during the papal
crusade and were accused of heresy. The Hospitallers had no such crisis
of faith, but they needed a reason to exist after the Crusades. They
took refuge in the Mediterranean, where they waged endless wars
against the Barbary pirates to protect Christian shipping.
After six years of training, de Grasse was attached to the French
navy. Like his fellow Knights of Malta, de Grasse had an interest in the
American cause of liberty. He was joined by nineteen other knights in
the effort. After the war, fourteen joined Washington's Society of
Cincinnati.8 Admiral de Grasse became part of the French Revolution,
retiring when the excessive bloodshed stained the cause of liberty.
Admiral de Grasse had overnight become a key figure in the
Revolutionary War.9 With a fleet of twenty ships, he sailed from France
in March. His fleet, including the Ville de Paris, the largest warship in
the world, guided a convoy of 150 merchant ships carrying supplies for
the war. De Grasse reached Martinique in late April and sent thirty
ships with troops and supplies to Rochambeau. The resupply included
the infantry of Marquis Claude-Henri de Saint-Simon, and the ancient
regiments of Agenais, Gatinais, and Touraine. De Grasse's fleet found
action almost immediately after landing the merchant ships.
In late April, de Grasse encountered the British navy. This first brief
action was later described as indecisive, but the British lost six warships,
which had a lasting effect. De Grasse had outmaneuvered the fleet of
Admiral Hood, which was under the command of Admiral Rodney.
Hood blamed his early loss on Rodney's incorrect positioning of his
ships; it was Rodney's second mistake but certainly not his last.
Five weeks later Rodney again ran into the French fleet. On June 5
Rodney's navy reached the French fleet, counted twenty-four ships
and five frigates, and chose to do nothing. Rodney had the advantage
of size, yet he failed to pursue de Grasse, allowing the French admiral
to head north to Virginia. But Rodney was aware of the crucial importance
of French naval and military support in determining the outcome
at Yorktown. Still, he failed to give priority to stopping or even slowing
the French assistance. The most critical engagement of the war was
decided on which side was more prepared for the battle. The American
and French side needed Admiral de Grasse; the British side needed
Admiral Rodney. There is ample evidence that both naval commanders
were aware of their importance.
Admiral de Grasse was scheduled to rendezvous with thirty
American pilots who were necessary for navigating Chesapeake Bay.
De Grasse supplied his food stores in a hurry and chartered fifteen new
merchant ships to carry food. Not wishing to wait for letters of credit,
he paid for the supplies with his own money.
While it seems that Rodney had failed to understand the implications
of his delay, his actions prove otherwise. He dispatched a warning
to Admiral Graves in New York, stating that the French navy was on the
way. He told Graves that both fleets needed to link up to prevent the
French navy from supplying Rochambeau and Washington. The first
message was intercepted; the second arrived days after the French fleet
had already destroyed part of Graves's fleet. Rodney even wrote to his
wife that he would attack the French if given the opportunity, and that
the "fate of England may depend upon the event." Given the evidence
of Rodney's letters, it is shocking that he chose to then split his forces
and sail home with his loot from Saint Eustatius. This final action can
hardly be deemed a mistake; Rodney deserted his post. At the same
time that he abandoned his mission, Rodney warned his charge,
Admiral Graves, of just how important it was to bring the fleet to
Yorktown. Rodney's actions, combined with the lack of timeliness of
his warnings, contributed to the American and French victory.
Historians have pointed out that Rodney's errors may have been
attributable to problems with his health. But the true cause of the victory
at Yorktown is that Admiral Rodney allowed himself to be defeated
on purpose. In doing so, he ensured the French-American victory,
which was allowed to repay a monumental debt.
As mentioned earlier, in 1774 Rodney fled to Paris to escape debtors
prison.10 The gambler was still in Paris in 1778 and still an admiral,
though he did not have a post. Rodney had been put on a half salary
by his superior, the Earl of Sandwich. The Earl of Sandwich, when not
at the gambling tables himself, served as Lord of the Admiralty. The earl
was also a friend of Benjamin Franklin's through their shared adventures
at Wycombe.
After nearly four years in exile, Rodney was informed that he was
being recalled to active duty. It was an opportunity to rebuild his fortune
and his career, but because of new debts incurred in France, the
down-and-out admiral could not return to England to accept his command.
Even worse, he could not rebuild his fortune without the command.
Then, seemingly out of the blue, a French noble and commander of
the French Guard offered to help Rodney. The Marechal duc de Biron
offered Admiral Rodney the money needed to pay off his debts and
assume his command. Some historians call it a loan; others call it a gift.
In either case, the implications are staggering.
It seems that at least one of the two parties was committing an act
that could be deemed treason. While Rodney's reasons were evident,
one must wonder, What was the French commander's motivation?
When the offer was made, the duc de Biron's nephew was Armond
Louis de Gontaut, the duc de Lauzun. It is unreasonable to think that
the duc de Biron actually wished to help Rodney take his post; in doing
so the duke would be aware that he might be contributing to his
nephew's defeat or even death. Apparently the well-timed loan or gift
to Rodney was the one way the duc de Biron could ensure his
nephew's success. The loan was a bribe. And that bribe won the war.
Rodney upheld his part of the bargain. When he could have pursued
the advantage, he chose to wait. When he could have stopped the
French fleet, he chose to defend Tobago. When he could have raced to
Yorktown, he decided it was time to punish Saint Eustatius. Finally, he
simply headed home.
Rochambeau and Washington continued to tighten the siege around
Yorktown. Lafayette had been reinforced with the fresh troops of Saint-
Simon. Meanwhile, four thousand British troops sat in New York
Harbor and Rodney's partner Graves waited. When Rodney's message
arrived, the Brits set sail. It was then two days after the surrender at
Yorktown; when the British fleet was informed of Cornwallis's defeat,
they simply turned around.
After losing the war, Britain would go through a long series of
blaming people. While others pointed their fingers at their fellow commanders,
Rodney seemed above the fray. The reason was that before any
charges of incompetence, cowardice, or treason could be leveled against
him, he returned to the West Indies to become a hero.
Despite the surprising victory at Yorktown, it would still be more
than a year before Britain ended the hostilities. Clinton in New York
still had a standing army during this lull, and Rodney returned to pursue
the French fleet. He sighted the French fleet under de Grasse sailing
for Jamaica; the same French commander that he avoided meeting
prior to Yorktown he now chased. For three days Rodney followed the
French fleet until he was in position in the passage between Dominica
and Guadeloupe known as the Saints. He had thirty-six ships against
the French fleet of thirty-three, and the battle was a standard line battle
in which ships form a line and fire directly at each other. A fleet captain,
Sir Charles Douglas, recommended Rodney break the line after
the French left a gap in their formation. But this was against the Fighting
Instructions, the British navy's rules of engagement, and it was a gamble
that could result in a court-martial or even a firing squad if it failed.
Rodney was not even sure his captains would follow such an order.
Years of gambling, however, inspired Rodney to take such a great
bet, and he won. Five ships followed him and he circled several French
ships to fire upon them from both sides. His other captains also
exploited gaps in the French line. Even the Ville de Paris, the world's
largest fighting ship, was overtaken, abandoned by its crew, and set on
fire by the British. Of course, this had no effect on the outcome of the
war in the colonies. It did serve to make Rodney a hero, however, and
so his motives would not be challenged after the war.
The deal made between the duc de Biron and the indebted Admiral
Rodney worked out very well for both men. Admiral Rodney had his
fortune back, and despite abandoning Cornwallis at Yorktown, Rodney
was still regarded as a war hero for the naval battle he chose to win. The
duc de Biron's nephew was safe, for the time being, and was now regarded
as a hero in a war against England. However, the duc de Lauzun's
status would not save him from the terrors of the French Revolution.
He would go to the guillotine, but not before offering his executioner
a glass of wine. The deal that allowed Rodney's gambling debt to be
repaid also allowed America to win independence.

Chapter 9
Even though the war ended in February 1783, it would still be
almost ten more months before the peace treaty was signed in
Paris. The new nation then turned to winning the peace.
From the very beginning of American history it was evident that a
handful of Masons would exert a powerful influence both in the open
and in secret. The Declaration of Independence was drawn up by the
non-Mason Thomas Jefferson. It was first signed by a Mason, John
Hancock, and on its first vote on July 1, 1776, the document was
approved by nine of the states—a clear majority. The next day the vote
reached twelve, with the New York delegation not voting. (John Adams
had predicted that July second would forever be celebrated as the day of
independence for the American colonies.) On the fourth New York
voted and the Declaration was signed by the president and the secretary
of Congress, not by Hancock or any of the other fifty-six signers, which
would come later. When the Declaration was signed, up to forty-one of
the signers were Masons, even though not all of these Masons were publicly
acknowledged as such. Among Masons July 4 was held as a sacred
day. It marked the rising of Sirius, which in ancient religions was related
to the god Thoth, who brought knowledge to man. It was also considered
the guardian to the goddess Isis; as such it was the most important
star in the sky, and at least seven major Egyptian temples were oriented
to it. The Fourth of July was now sacred to the new nation, as well.
1The Constitution was also drawn up by several influential
Masons—including Washington, Franklin, and Randolph—and by
non-Masons John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. All of them had been
influenced by the philosophical movement that swept Europe and
included Sir Francis Bacon, Rousseau, and Voltaire. The Founding
Fathers, however, had ambiguous feelings toward the secret societies
that spread these philosophies. Washington was known never to willingly
promote a non-Mason in the military, but John Adams, on the
other hand, wrote several anti-Masonic tracts. Adams believed Masonry
was one of the greatest moral and political evils, and regarded it as a
conspiracy of the few against the many.
2 Jefferson was not a Mason, although his attendance at Masonic
meetings has been documented. There is some evidence of his flirtation
with Rosicrucianism, including some Rosicrucian codes that were
found among his writings.
3 There is stronger evidence that Franklin was
connected to the Rosicrucian group that was centered in
Germantown, Pennsylvania. And certainly there is no shortage of evidence
of Franklin's numerous Masonic affiliations.
Of the forty men who signed the Constitution, many were already
Masonic brothers and others would become Masons afterward.
Masonic lodges claim that nearly all the signers at least participated in
lodge activities, but most historians agree that several were not Masons,
including Madison and Jefferson.
The Illuminati group was the most secretive and possibly the most
conspiratorial entity in Europe, but members did not make headway in
the colonies the way the Masons did. Washington spoke out against that
group, condemning them as "self-created" and unrelated to
4 But Washington could trace his own family's aristocratic
roots, and despite his efforts on behalf of a democracy, he was an elitist
who would create the Society of the Cincinnati, which admitted only
those with aristocratic backgrounds. This elite society caused widespread
fear of a new aristocracy, and even fellow Virginian Thomas
Jefferson immediately distrusted the institution. Washington later
stepped back from the aristocratic leanings of the group.
One Nation Under the Great Architect 171
On April 30, 1789, George Washington was inaugurated as president.
The oath of office was administered by Robert Livingston, who
was the grand master of New York's Grand Lodge. The marshal of the
day was another Freemason, General Jacob Morton. Yet another
Freemason, General Morgan Lewis, was Washington's escort.
Washington, the master of the Alexandria lodge, took his oath of office
on the Bible from Saint John's Lodge of New York.
Soon the nation's new capital was laid out. The location was in a
wilderness more suited for hunting grouse than for administering the
new country, but it had its advantages. Washington feared that New York
would serve as a bad example and allow the money men like Hamilton
to control the country, and he did not want to place the capital there.
6 Jefferson enjoyed the proximity of the new capital to Virginia. The city
was blueprinted in a Masonic plan, designed by the French Mason
Pierre-Charles L'Enfant, who had volunteered to fight for liberty. He
was close to Washington and a member of the Society of the
Cincinnati. The ceremony commemorating the laying of the Capitol's
cornerstone was strictly a Masonic event. Washington served as master,
wearing the apron and sash of his lodge. Members from lodges all over
Maryland and Virginia were in attendance and accordingly dressed in
Masonic regalia. The ceremony itself was a Masonic ritual performed
with baptism by corn, wine, and oil to signify nourishment and refreshment.
Masons were also called on to design, plan, and build university
buildings, state houses, bridges, and war memorials, which they then
consecrated with their corn, oil, and wine blessing.
7 The Capitol building and the east-west axis of the new city were
oriented in a complicated way to correspond with the arc of the sun.
The dome of the Capitol is "a symbol of the half-arc of the visible
heavens . . . where the equinoctial and solstitial points meet."
8 The tradition of incorporating arcane geometry and esoteric symbols continues
to modern times. In May 1974 Senator Joe Biden of Delaware
172 The Lodge and the Revolution
made an official inquiry into the astrological symbols on the ceiling of
the Senate post office and the Civil Service Committee Room.
9 The Great Seal of the United States was designed at the same time.
It had been proposed that Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson design the
new seal, but their suggestions of heraldic devices, twin goddesses, and
the illuminati eye of God in a triangle were rejected. Two new design
committees would be employed before the designs were acceptable to
all. The final Great Seal is also full of arcane symbolism.
The bald eagle is said to represent Scorpio, who is associated with
death and rebirth. The eagle holds a scroll that depicts the thirteenletter
motto E pluribus unum, meaning "one out of many." Some believe
this motto represents one nation arising from the thirteen colonies, but
others believe that it refers to the concept of one God over all gods—
a Masonic tenet. The reverse of the seal is a truncated pyramid, a common
Masonic symbol. The pyramid has thirteen steps, one for each
colony. Its face has seventy-two bricks, representative of another number
that is sacred in religious writings from the Rig Veda to works of the
Babylonian Berosus to the Finnish Kalevala. The pyramid without its cap
is said to be the loss of wisdom by humanity because of the long reign
of the Church over knowledge. This symbol first appeared on colonial
money. The seal also depicts the all-seeing eye, which was a cult symbol
that can be traced back to ancient Egypt. Many believe the eye represents
the goddess Isis, who is also regarded as a personification of
Another thirteen-letter motto, Annuit Coeptis, is taken from Virgil's
Aeneid and is a prayer to the pagan god Jupiter to bless the new undertaking.
In Virgil's work the prayer is annue coeptis, which contains twelve
letters, but the spelling was purposely modified to give the phrase thirteen
10 In addition the Great Seal contains the words Novus Ordo
Seclorum, meaning "the new order of the ages."
11 This phrase too is taken from Virgil, and in modern times the New World Order has ominous
meanings, although its Masonic meaning was a breakaway from
the religious intolerance of Europe.
The eighteenth-century Masonic architects of the American nation
One Nation Under the Great Architect 173
did not stop using arcane symbolism with the Great Seal. The modern
one-dollar bill includes the same Masonic symbolism of an unfinished
pyramid topped by an all-seeing eye. The all-seeing eye was on
American currency as early as 1778.
There are numerous claims regarding just how many of America's
Founding Fathers were actually Masons. Washington and Franklin were
documented and active members of Masonic organizations, while
Jefferson and Adams were not. They all shared a common belief, however—
a variation of faith known as deism.
Adherents of deism believed that a superior power created the
world and established nature as his law. Masons believed the supreme
power was the great architect of the world, and his law was reflected in
and revealed by science. The G symbol, which is so often debated, may
simply be representative of the science of geometry. Deists, especially
the eighteenth-century followers, held in contempt the wars between
Christians in which people were killed over minor points of doctrine.
Men of science, treated with suspicion by the Church, also held dear
the respect Masonry held for science. This new religion, the deist religion
of the Masons, found a conciliation between God and science, and
the G symbol was revered as a sign of this progress.
The ranks of American Revolutionaries that held deist beliefs
included George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson,
Thomas Paine, Ethan Allen, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and
John Quincy Adams.
12 Paine was one of the most outspoken, and his
Age of Reason is an anti-Church treatise. Washington attended the
Episcopal Church but usually left before the communion. Jefferson
regarded Christianity as a tyranny over the mind of man. Franklin, as a
member of the Nine Sisters Lodge, was a brother to Voltaire, who, along
with Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is given the credit for being the leading
proponent of this "natural" religion.
Deism did not require a structured religion, nor did it oppose
174 The Lodge and the Revolution
adherence to one. Although Franklin still called for prayer at the
Constitutional Convention and Hamilton opposed it, both were
Masons. Masonry allowed its members to transcend the divisions of
religious pettiness and unite with each other. At the same time, there
was a dark side to Masonry.
Like organized religion, Masonry preached equality and practiced
elitism. The American government itself was formed not so much as a
democracy as a hierarchal organization that could bar representation.
For example, the right to vote was typically limited to men of property.
Those "inalienable rights" declared in 1776 were not a desire of all
people. When Thomas Jefferson and George Mason pushed for a Bill of
Rights for individuals, they had to overcome the staunch opposition of
men such as the elitist Alexander Hamilton. George Mason believed
slavery to be a crime and an abomination, but there were many opposed
to any attempt at ending that institution. But Mason was joined by
Virginians Richard Henry Lee and James Madison in overriding
Hamilton, and the Bill of Rights was accepted.
Masonry had been born in the feudal Dark Ages when a small portion
of the population had life-and-death control over the people in
their realm. Liberty and equality were ideals that were not always shared
by those higher up the food chain. The great American gamble
achieved a result that somehow eluded countries that chose to follow
its example.
Writers like Franklin and Jefferson had seemingly declared that
challenging government by violent means was acceptable. Revolts
ignited throughout Europe and South America and were mostly led by
Masons. In some countries, new republics were formed quickly and
without violence, such as in the Netherlands, in Switzerland, and among
the various states of Italy. In Italy, the grand master and thirty-thirddegree
Mason Giuseppe Garibaldi fought to unify Italy and place
another Mason, Victor Emmanuel II, on the throne.
13 In Russia Freemasons were the primary leaders of the Decembrist Revolt, which
was planned in Masonic lodges. In Latin America, Freemason revolutionaries
included Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Benito Juarez.
One Nation Under the Great Architect 175
In France, where Rousseau and Voltaire inspired freethinking and
Masonic ideals, the revolution took bizarre and bloody twists, turning
the country into a mob bent on murder and destruction. Sadly, many
of the champions of the American cause suffered dearly, including the
marquis de Lafayette and the duc de Lauzun.
In America, elitist concepts and an "end justifies the means" philosophy
allowed a handful of men to steer the membership of lodges. The
product of such organization would rear its ugly head in massive organized
criminal activity. From the slave trade to Asian opium smuggling,
the elite would prosper while the rank and file took the risks for them.


From the Sacred to the Profane
of the Knights Templar and the dissolution of their order,
the secret society became a powerful force in world
events. No longer was the secret government as organized
as it had been prior to 1307, but despite its fractiousness,
its power had not diminished.
Several European countries and states were in direct
control of the knights of various surviving ex-Templar
orders. Portugal, Spain, and the not yet united German
states serve as examples. In other countries, most notably
Scotland, the orders exercised control over the military.
The soon to be united cantons of Switzerland preserved
both the military tradition and the institution of banking
that had descended from the Templar organization.
Banking, international trade, statecraft, merchant guilds,
and even the average worker's job would soon come under the influence
of organizations that were typically closed to outsiders and often
above the law.
While these secret societies, which included the Knights Templar,
had rebelled against autocratic government, the power and misrule of
the Church, and the hostility of the organized religions to science, they
were becoming the new establishment. As such they would be as corrupt
and powerful as those they sought to change.
Piracy and smuggling were more often the province of the wealthy
and powerful than of the colorful individuals that history portrays. The
same is true of the institution of slave trade and the trafficking of drugs.
In both cases, the religious orders have played a role in the creation of
these institutions, and lodges and merchant guilds continued the trades
well after they became illegal. The toll that the slave trade and drug trafficking
took on the world is well known. The fact that both institutions
were controlled by a handful of wealthy individuals whose names were
often carved in marble in libraries and at universities is America's darkest
The so-called pillars of society were such a force to reckon with
that even the president of the American nation was disposable when his
programs threatened the profits of those with more organized power.
While there is no denying the assassination of Lincoln was a conspiracy,
at least two other presidents would fall victim to the cabals that
desired to control the government as well as they controlled the most
profitable trades.
Chapter 10
Antigua was barely out of sight when Captain Hopkins, the leader
of the brig Sally, realized there was a problem. The small crew was
getting sick with the flux, a disease later known as dysentery. The weakened
state of the men was alarming, as belowdecks in the hold was a
live cargo that outnumbered the skeleton crew. The cargo was a boatload
of African slaves who had been captured or sold into slavery in
Africa, branded, and then delivered to a coastal port for export. Beaten,
underfed, and bound in chains, the slaves usually were placed aboard a
British ship for the transatlantic passage. Many did not survive the journey.
Those who did survive were then placed in holding pens in another
port. There they were fed and bathed, as the smell of confinement was
enough to make the neighboring farmers complain. The slaves were
then brought to market to be resold to an American trader, beginning
the process of confinement at sea yet again.
When the crew was outnumbered by as much as a hundred to one,
it was never safe to allow the Africans on deck. The condition of the
Sally, however, was becoming desperate. Captain Hopkins decided to
take a chance; he allowed a handful of his slaves to be brought topside
in order to augment the efforts of the crew. The Africans quickly realized
they had the advantage, and they began freeing the others in an
attempt to take the floating prison. The captain was armed and quickly
killed or wounded several slaves and began ordering the others to jump
overboard. After eighty men were forced into the Atlantic, order was
The owner of the ship, Nicholas Brown and Company, was quickly
notified of the loss, which it had the foresight to guard against with
insurance. The Newport Insurance Company, the Bristol Insurance
Company, the Mount Hope Insurance Company, and other large companies
that dominate the New England economy got their start from
marine insurance. One modern insurer, Aetna, recently issued a public
apology for its role in insuring the lives of slaves. While that does not
sound unlike modern life insurance, the difference is that the slaves
were being insured as property.
1 A myriad of rules on just what could be collected from the insurers
often put a burden on shipowners. A cargo of very sick Africans rendered
worthless by their passage was not covered. One enterprising
captain decided to throw his sick passengers overboard, as cargo lost at
sea would then be covered. The Supreme Courts in Louisiana and
North and South Carolina regularly heard cases in which a shipowner's
claims were denied because of mitigating circumstances. In Aetna's policies,
such exclusions included slave suicide, slaves being worked to
death, and slaves being lynched.
In 1781 the slave ship Zong, which was owned by two prominent
merchants from Liverpool, carried 440 slaves from Sao Tome. The captain,
Luke Collingwood, erred in his sailing directions and the voyage
took longer than expected. When disease hit the ship, sixty slaves died
and almost half of the ship became sick. The captain ordered 132 slaves
thrown overboard in order to capitalize on the insurance. The insurance
company, Gilbert, et al., turned down the claim and the owners of the
Zong brought the insurers to court. The shipowners argued that cargo
was thrown overboard to save the rest of the goods, making their claim
legitimate. The Zong's owners won. Even the judge was surprised at
how easily the jury accepted the concept that sacrificing the slaves was
no different from if they had been animals.
2 In New England owners of slave ships took any means available to
hedge their bets; they organized and invested in the marine insurance
companies that would provide for such losses.
Nicholas Brown and Company was also in part responsible for the
The Slave Traders 181
early development of another New England business: banking. The
company played a role in establishing the Providence Bank, which
allowed it to finance its own ships, and out of this institution the modern
Fleet Bank, one of the country's largest banks, developed.
The Brown family began its ascent to fame and fortune in the New
England whaling business, in which ships sometimes had to be out at
sea for years with the goal of transforming whales into spermaceti candles.
Needing funds for his business, Nicholas Brown fitted out the first
Guineaman—a name given to mean a slave ship trading with Africa—
the Mary, for the slave trade. In 1736 his son Obadiah Brown signed on
as the supercargo, or head trader, on what would become Providence's
first venture into the slave-trading business. Obadiah soon came into his
own and fitted out another ship, the Wheel of Fortune, to join in the
trade. The young man then brought the entire family into the business
and developed a colony-wide reputation. Virginia planters like
Revolutionary War statesman Carter Braxton wrote to the company
requesting to participate in a joint venture with the Browns.
3 For the Browns, wealth led to greater power, and John Brown
became a congressman representing Rhode Island; fellow slave trader
James De Wolf represented the state as a senator. Profit from the trade
brought all the trappings of wealth. When former President John
Quincy Adams visited the Browns' home he called it the "most magnificent
and elegant mansion that I have ever seen on this continent."
Today the house still stands at Fifty-two Power Street in Providence,
where it is operated by the Rhode Island Historical Society,4 which
would like the family's slave trading mentioned as little as possible.
The fact that the Brown family fortune was made in the slave trade
is a matter of historical record. In August 1797 John Brown became the
first American to be tried in federal court for violating the Slave Trade
Act. Brown's legal maneuvers and favors from cohorts did not save him
from reaching the court, as his brother Moses was the person pressing
charges. Moses had seen firsthand the horrors of the slave ship and subsequently
quit the family business and became its greatest opponent.
His efforts stopped the importation of slaves into Rhode Island, and he
helped enact a federal law against it. A bill freeing the children of slaves
and completely banning the trade would have succeeded, but William
Bradford of Bristol removed the clause on the ban. His rum business
depended on the slave trade. The business of his son-in-law, James
De Wolf, depended on it more. John Brown died in 1803, before the
trade was banned forever.
The profits from the slave trade helped the Brown family reach
immortality. Near the Power Street house stands Brown University.
Because the Browns were such great benefactors, the school originally
known as Rhode Island College showed the family the ultimate gratitude
by changing its name to Brown University. Although Brown
University is the great monument to the profits of the Browns' slave
trade, a lesser known monument to John Brown is the Fleet Financial
Group of New England. Brown was one of the founders in 1791 when
it was called the Providence Bank. It merged with Samuel Colt's creation,
the Industrial Trust, and underwent a name change to Industrial
National Bank. In 1982 the Rhode Island bank changed its name again
to Fleet Financial. Finally it merged with the Bank of Boston to
become the seventh largest financial holding company in the United
There are many secrets surrounding the slave trade. The profits from
dealing in human cargo built a great deal of American, and particularly
New England, industry. The trade brought together a handful of tightly
knit families bound by Masonic ties and intermarriage. The same families
still have inherited fortunes and inherited power that dominate the
economic landscape. While being a Mason was often a necessity to get
hired by a shipowner or a shipbuilder, the lodges that the workers were
welcomed into were not the same as the lodges that the owners joined.
An elite layer had once again risen to the top of society, just as it had in
the feudal period.
The French Normans did not invent the feudal system. The elite
Normans, however, did thrive by controlling every aspect of the economy.
They exported this type of economy to England, Scotland, and
Ireland, where Norman overlords impoverished and evicted entire populations
in order to establish their estates. They brought the feudal
economy to Italy as well, where Norman armies had wreaked more
havoc than the Celts had a thousand years before. The same Norman
families that had amassed huge estates had created the Knights Templar,
which became Freemasonry. Yet liberty and fraternity within the organization
had its bounds; membership in the powerful lodges was centered
first on the aristocracy, and only when industrial society replaced the
feudal economy would a professional class come to power within the
organization. The rank-and-file trade lodges, in turn, remained at lower
levels in both public society and Masonic society.
Entry into the upper crust of society could be accomplished by marriage,
but more often members of one shipowning family married members
of other shipowning families. Only the captains of the ships had a
chance of being upwardly mobile, as they shared in the profits of their
voyages. The captains started as members of the lodges that included
dockworkers, carpenters, wrights, and sailors. Unions, which came much
later, did not invent the closed shop. The unions, however, built on the
concept of the union hall and joined together in quasi-Masonic groups
like the Knights of Labor. Being admitted was the all-important first
step. Being accepted by the captains who did the hiring was the next
step. For this a laborer had to be considered trustworthy and focused on
the goals of the captain and his masters, the shipowners.
The geometric terminology employed by Masons was just as
important as a secret handshake. Being regarded as "on-the-level" or
"on-the-square" meant that a prospective hire was a lodge member.
This showed the owners that they had the employee in their control as
surely as if they were feudal lords in fourteenth-century France or
Scotland. Being included meant having a job and surviving the harsh
economy of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; being excluded
could mean being homeless.
The irony is that where the populace had played such a critical role
in igniting a war of independence and creating a democratic society, the
elite were still able to retain their roles as the power behind the economy.
Masonic principles of brotherhood and equality were lost as the
Masonic organizations gave a handful of masters the ability to control
their organization.
Americans today have a particular view of history that grants New
England the moral high road. The Pilgrim myth tells how the Pilgrims
landed, made friends with the Native population, and soon invited
them to celebrate Thanksgiving after a particularly harsh year. The
Pilgrim reality was that the Pilgrims landed in the wrong place, fought
among themselves, nearly starved to death, and were rescued by a
Native population. The Natives—not the savages later portrayed in
books and films—instructed the Pilgrims in the science of agriculture.
The survivors then repaid their hosts by subjecting them to a land grab
that would not stop until the "savages" were confined to reservations.
The Puritan culture is thought to have steered America into creating
a democracy, but religious freedom and tolerance were not hallmarks
of the early Massachusetts colony. Citizens were placed in stocks
for dancing, sent fleeing to other areas because of minor religious differences,
and frequently burnt as witches not for any religious reason
but instead to settle feuds with neighbors. While it cannot be denied
that New England, and, one could argue, Boston, was the cradle of
American democracy, the region soon became the high command of
the Federalists, who replaced the values of the Revolution with those
of a merchant-class elite that introduced slavery, furthered smuggling,
invented child factory labor, and nearly overturned the Bill of Rights in
a short-lived attempt to end dissension.
The American dream was tarnished by the unbridled power and
unquenched thirst for money that led those we now call the Boston
Brahmins into slave trading, opium trading, and labor abuse. In this
Brahmin-like class, members preserved their status through Masonic
societies that excluded the average worker and through intermarriage
between New England elite and occasionally aristocratic English families.
The elite class had access to both financial and political power
because of the enormous wealth the trade brought. The same elite class
exists today.
The basis for many of the fortunes of today's political leaders can
be traced to a handful of Founding Fathers. They built fortunes in criminal
conspiracies that were as illegal and immoral then as they are now.
They plowed the profits into factories and railroads. When their empires
were threatened, they became politicians and lawmakers. And along the
way they decided that there was value in public relations, and so they
endowed schools from Brown to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.
The world of the Cabots, Lodges, and the rest of the Boston Brahmins
would never have existed if not for the slave-trading Brown family and
a more powerful but lesser known family, the Perkinses. The Browns
developed their empire on the slave trade, on banking, and through the
most remarkable act of industrial piracy, the textile industry. The
Perkinses went even further. By starting as slave traders, they took New
England to its highest level of wealth by introducing the region to the
opium trade. The Perkins family united the Whitneys, the Tafts, the
Roosevelts, the Cushings, the Appletons, the Bacons, and others in the
criminal enterprise that would form the bedrock of New England and
American wealth.
It is little wonder that the Perkins family roots were in the slave
trade, specifically in Saint Domingue, an island where in the late eighteenth
century thirty thousand white planters and their soldiers controlled
a half million black workers. Control was maintained by harsh
treatment, and this control made Saint Domingue wealthy. While it was
ostensibly governed by the French, the island was made up of eight
hundred sugar plantations that were often owned by Americans. The
island, which would one day become Haiti, was responsible for two
thirds of all France's overseas trade. Saint Domingue outranked all the
agricultural exports of the Spanish Indies combined. Commerce with
the mother country employed a thousand ships and fifteen thousand
sailors. Cotton from Saint Domingue kept the cloth mills of France in
operation. Historians estimate that in France, one person in five
depended on the overseas trade for employment. This staggering wealth
was the envy of all the European countries.5 The Haitian plantations
maintained a higher degree of profit than any other island in the
Caribbean. One third of the plantations returned to their owners 12
percent each year, compared to an average of 4 percent in the Britishowned
The media of the day often supported business against its detractors,
as happens today. While Adam Smith wrote of the superior treatment
of plantation workers by the French, it was a fantasy, and the
mortality rate of slaves proves it.6 One survey shows a plantation going
through four times its original slave population; this means that the act
of killing 80 percent of one's workforce through harsh treatment was
somehow acceptable in sugar plantation economics.
Workers were poorly housed and underfed. The food for slaves was
often the stock fish brought in on the four thousand or more American
ships that registered in Saint Domingue. The American ships were
mostly from New England and returned with sugar and molasses. The
American ships also traded slaves. Industry in New England and France
prospered as those who engaged in slave trading plowed their profits
into the factories, the railroads, and the mines.
In order for a small population to control such a large population,
violence was commonplace. For a minor infraction, whipping and the
application of salt and pepper on the wounds was typical. Branding,
mutilation, and death were typical as well. A runaway slave could expect
to be hamstrung. The act of eating sugarcane was punished by being
forced to wear a metal muzzle. Women could be raped without
recourse. Documented cases exist in which disobedience was curtailed
by nailing a man by the ear to an object. And in one case a slave's ears
were cut off, cooked, and forced upon him as food.
Common slave tortures included spraying the slave with boiling
wax or cane syrup, sewing the lips together with wire, binding men
glazed with molasses in the paths of ants, and sexual mutilation. Death
was a blessing to many, and hundreds committed suicide to avoid being
burned alive or hanged by the planters and their overseers.7
The Perkins family plantation might have been typical of any Saint
Dominguan plantation. Although lucrative for the owners, it was a living
hell for those forced to work for them. In the Memoir of Thomas
Handasyd Perkins, Thomas Perkins spared future readers the details of
the sugar plantation business and his participation in the slave trade.
Instead his memoirs simply mention that the Perkins brothers had a
"house," or company, in Haiti, but found the climate not agreeable and
so returned to Boston.8
The "climate" Perkins referred to was a revolution of the black
slaves against their white overlords, in which two thirds of the whites
were killed or forced to flee and one third of the blacks were killed. It
was the third in the series of revolutions starting with the American
Revolution, which then spread to France and to Saint Domingue.The
Perkins family and its heirs survived the carnage and became pillars of
New England society.
The slave trade was not invented by the Perkinses or even by the
New England merchants. Instead it had existed in Europe, Africa, and
Asia for thousands of years. Europe's involvement in the African trade,
however, did grow and thrive after coming under the control of the
post-Templar military orders.
Chapter 11
Modern history attributes the beginning of the European slave
trade in America to the Portuguese. The Knights Templar, reincorporated
in Portugal as the Knights of Christ, were under the control
of Henry the Navigator, the Portuguese grand master who saw an economic
opportunity developing as the reconquista, the reconquest of the
Iberian Peninsula, pushed the Arabs out of Iberia. Henry didn't invent
the institution of slavery; it was already thousands of years old when he
became master of his order. But Henry did modernize slavery so that
he could incorporate it into his quest for new lands, just as he had
incorporated the trade in a number of other commodities. He licensed
slavery. He developed a system in which the trade would grow and he
could collect royalties from it.Yet slavery as an institution is as old as civilization.
Prince Henry and the Knights of Christ "improved" the trade
and institutionalized the business, but neither Henry nor the Knights
can shoulder the blame for inventing slavery.
Aristotle wrote that humanity is made up of slaves and masters.
Plato, who believed no honest man could ever be rich, saw nothing dishonest
about the slave trade and believed only in regulating its role in
the marketplace. Pre-Christian Rome employed slaves in galleys and
the proverbial salt mines, where they worked under horrid conditions.
Roman Christianity did not question the slave trade, as yielding to
Caesar's decisions was still the rule. The barbarian Alaric raided Rome
with the aid of forty thousand captured slaves. Later Anglo-Saxons and
Vikings traded white slaves who had been captured in raids and war. In
Ireland slave girls were an actual unit of exchange or currency, and were
valued more highly than male slaves.1 In an early version of enlightenment,
Venice was one of the first city-states to ban slavery, in A.D. 960.
Slave trading prospered all the way through the spread of Islam. While
Europe participated in the age-old institution, it used mostly white
slaves from European lands that had been conquered rather than African
slaves. The Arabs simply made the slave trade more international. When
the tide turned against Islam, the Italian merchants and then the fighting
crusader orders stepped into the trade. In fact, Italian shipowners
had a reputation for simply selling a boatload of passengers to an Arab
trader. Such acts led to Templar ships being considered safer from the
passengers' viewpoint, as the Templars were more likely to protect their
pilgrim passengers. Later the Templar orders and the Knights of Saint
John joined the slave trade to fund their operations.
In Iberia, the Arabs used black slaves to cultivate the land and to
fight against the Christians. During the reconquista, much land was given
to the military orders, including those of Calatrava, Alcantara, and Aviz
of Spain and the Knights of Christ in Portugal. Estates were also given
to the Cistercian order of monks, who saw no moral conflict in cultivating
the land with slave labor.2 With the Arab invaders mostly pushed
out of Europe, the Templars' chief business became business. When the
Templars were suppressed, the order underwent both a name change
and a management change. The Knights of Christ re-created the
Knights Templar at their worst. They became an international business
cartel with the approval of the government. Henry and his intrepid
explorers understood the opportunity to profit by taking over the
lucrative slave-trading business. They then licensed the trade for royalties,
and ships of the order and ships owned by others but licensed
through the order soon plied the seas from Angola to the Slave Coast,
buying or stealing slaves from the Arab merchants.
Henry the Navigator had the benefit of being highborn. As the
third son of King John I of Portugal and Queen Phillippa of Lancaster,
Henry was given the title of grand master of the Knights of Christ. The
Knights were one of four military orders in Portugal, all of which were
the remnants of the Knights Templar, which had been disbanded by the
efforts of the king of France and the Catholic pope. While the French
knights were arrested, tortured, and burned at the stake, the Portuguese
knights simply changed their name and were born again with the blessing
of Pope John XXII. The knights kept their wealth, their status, and
even their regalia: a red cross on a white field.
Although he was called the Navigator, Prince Henry did very little
navigating. He did, however, pilot his order from a castle in Sagres,
Portugal, where he gathered all the nautical wisdom of his day. He
improved on the nautical instruments, gathered maps and perfected the
art of cartography, developed new vessels such as the caravel (a small,
graceful, two-masted ship built to navigate shallow seas and make longdistance
crossings), and trained would-be mariners to sail.
Henry's navigators, possibly with the aid of ancient maps, soon
rediscovered Atlantic islands such as the Azores and Madeira and then
set their sails toward Africa. In 1441 Henry's first caravel reached
Africa—and returned with black slaves. The trade was not new to
Africa. Black tribes had enslaved each other for thousands of years. The
Islamic Berbers and Arab Moors then took over the trade.
The costs of outfitting a fleet and a world-class university at Sagres
were great, and the sugar trade with Madeira and the slave trade would
defray some of the high costs of maintaining both. Henry also had agricultural
projects, dye works, soap factories, fish pools, and coral fisheries,
but he was still forced to borrow money.3 Where Henry's ships pioneered
the rest of Europe followed. Lions were brought to Ireland.
Parrots and monkeys were carried to Bruges. The king of Denmark was
given the tusks of an elephant, and an entire expedition was launched
with the goal of capturing a live elephant. The expedition was never
heard from again, but Europe's fascination with Africa only increased.4
Anticipating the future criticism of capturing, buying, and selling
human beings, the Knights of Christ was given spiritual jurisdiction of
Guinea, Nubia, and Ethiopia. As "Master of the wealthy Order of Christ
which had inherited the riches of the Temple," Henry now had a mission.
5 Europe's entry into the African slave trade became official and
was placed under the elite order that not only still exists but also flourishes
today, with the president of the Republic of Portugal as its current
grand master.
If the Portuguese were responsible for bringing the black slave
industry to Europe, the Spanish were more than equally responsible for
expanding the trade. Columbus had finally sailed for America in 1492
after years of negotiating for a sponsor. The marriage of Isabella, queen
of Castile, and Ferdinand II, king of Aragon, united much of Spain. In
the conquest of Granada, which unified a great deal of what is now
modern Spain, the government was quick to employ what we would
today call ethnic cleansing. The Islamic conquerors were first to go.
Next were the Jews; they had thrived under a more tolerant Islamic rule
and were allowed to be educators, merchants, and bankers. The third
target was the heretics. Even before the 1492 capture of Granada, the
Inquisition was in place, its goal to drive out pagans and Christian
heretics alike. By 1492 Dominican tribunals were operating in eight
major cities. Christians and conversos, the converted Jews, were regularly
consumed by flames in city squares. August 2, 1492, the day before
Columbus left Spain, was the final deadline for all Jews to convert or
When Spain ran out of people to expel, it sent an expedition to the
Canary Islands. There the Spaniards met a culture they called the
Guanches.With an armed expedition, the Spaniards went to war against
the isolated people and eliminated the entire population of two hundred
thousand.6 The Canary adventure served as a blueprint for what
would happen in the Americas.
Columbus himself is of interest more as a man of mystery than as an
explorer. His first biography, written by his son Ferdinand, questions
even their surname. Columbo, meaning "the dove," was a chosen name,
says Ferdinand, as it was the symbol of wisdom and of Saint John the
Baptist. Saint John was sacred to the Templars.7
Columbus's first service outside commercial expeditions was for the
Good King Rene. Little was written regarding the Columbus-Rene
d'Anjou connection. The book Holy Blood, Holy Grail claims that Rene
was a grand master of the Priory of Sion, the secret organization that
was behind the formation of the Knights Templar. Certainly Rene was
involved in some very select chivalric orders, including the Order of the
Crescent, the Order of the White Greyhound, and l'Ordre de la Fidelite.
It is not known whether Rene played a role in introducing Columbus
to the secret orders. More likely the circuitous route that led Columbus to
a connection with the resurrected Templar order was through marriage.
In 1477 Columbus sailed north to Iceland, where the Vikings had
settled hundreds of years before, and used the area as a way station
between Greenland and the Americas. He sailed to Ireland, where in
Galway Bay "flat-faced" natives, leading Columbus to believe they were
Asians, had washed up dead. These were possibly Inuit from Greenland
or North America. Columbus also sailed to the port city of Bristol,
England, which was once a stronghold of the Knights Templar and later
a stronghold of the English slave trade.
Columbus was more than well read; for his time he was a scholar
extraordinaire. At his bedside was a book titled Imago Mundi, by
Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly, which Columbus had read and reread and
whose margins he had filled with notes.8 He also read Marinus of Tyre,
who had divided time into twenty-four hours. Columbus found support
from Strabo and Pliny, who estimated the world at one-third less
than its true size. And the adventurer read Aristotle and Seneca, who
believed the Indies were just a few days' sail from Cadiz.9 In Medea
Seneca wrote, "An age will come when Ocean will break his chains, a
huge land will be revealed."10 Columbus also owned a copy of the
Book of Ser Marco Polo and an Italian translation of Pliny's Natural
Like the other famous Genoese explorer John Cabot (born Giovanni
Caboto), Columbus married well. After being shipwrecked in Portugal,
he settled in Lisbon and attended mass at the Church of All Saints. The
Moniz-Perestrello family had come from Genoa a hundred years before
and settled in Portugal to work as merchants, traders, and adventurers. By
the time Columbus reached Portugal, the family had achieved wealth and
status. It had also endowed the Conventos dos Santos, where Columbus
met the widowed Felipa Moniz. Dona Felipa was twenty-five; Columbus
was twenty-seven. Within a year they married.
How the son of a weaver married into a family of the Knights of
Christ is a mystery that has never been solved. Moniz's father,
Bartholomeu Perestrello, was trained by Henry the Navigator at Sagres
Castle and had taken part in the exploration of the Atlantic islands. He
was given the title of governor, or capitano, of Porto Santo, where he
received the revenue from all trade and commerce. His son later inherited
the title, the position, and the revenue.
Columbus and his new bride honeymooned on Madeira, accompanied
by his new mother-in-law, Isabel Moniz. Her family also had a
long distinguished history with roots in the Algarve. Although marriage
into the Moniz-Perestrello family brought Columbus status, Isabel
Moniz gave Columbus something even more appreciated by the
explorer: the books and charts of her husband. The successive discovery
and rediscovery of the Canaries, the Azores, Madeira, and the Cape
Verde archipelago revealed an ocean full of islands just as Plato had
written.12 Armed with the knowledge of geography that was available
to the few who could read, as well as the maps and charts of the Atlantic
known to a few and protected by the secrecy of the Knights of Christ,
Columbus sailed west.
The New World was not as Columbus expected. First, it was not
China, then called Cathay, or anywhere else in Asia. There were no
spices, which were at that time as valuable as gold.There was some gold,
but it was around the necks of the particularly warlike Arawak tribe,
who first greeted Columbus. In search of gold they were convinced
could be found somewhere else, Columbus's expedition searched the
Caribbean Sea.
Along the way they discovered that the Taino natives of the larger
Arawak group on the island of Canoa, a province of Hispaniola, had
seagoing vessels that could hold forty-five people. The Spanish called
these dugouts "canoes," but they were actually as long as a European
galley and eight feet wide.13 In comparison, the three ships on
Columbus's expedition held ninety people total.
An Arawak group known as the Lucayans were active traders who
sailed to Guatemala for beads, jade, and quartz, which they used to
make pottery. The natives were also capable of smelting gold, silver, and
The natives discovered the "thunder reeds" of the newcomers, from
the wrong end of the rifle barrels. In March 1495 in Hispaniola, the
island later split between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the first
battle was pitched between the Spanish people and the native population.
The island's population would be reduced from 250,000 to 500 by
Spain's complicity in the slave trade started with Columbus bringing
slaves from the New World to Spain. At first it was a handful of Taino
natives, who were brought to Spain almost as a curiosity. By the time
of Columbus's fourth voyage, the Spanish might have brought as many
white or Moorish slaves as blacks. In 1505 fifteen black slaves were
brought to Hispaniola,15 but shortly afterward the native population
was reduced by smallpox at such an alarming rate that replacement
workers were needed. The Spanish viewed a black as being worth the
labor of four native Caribbeans and with better resistance to disease.
The early Spanish slave trade may have been half white and half black.
Jewish captives in the continuing war against Moorish cities and
Muslim slaves were sold in the Valencia market. Black Africans would
accompany the Spanish explorers both as slaves and as free men. In fact,
on the Cortes exploration of Mexico, Juan Garrido, a free black born
in Spain, was given the distinction of being the first European to plant
wheat in Mexico.16
The Native American population collapse soon opened the floodgates,
and licenses were granted even to the Catholic holy orders to
import slaves—sometimes by the hundreds. Bartolome de Las Casas,
scion of an old French family in Spain, saw firsthand the destruction of
life that Spain was causing among the natives and recommended that
blacks be put to work in America instead.17 Soon both white Europeans
and black Africans were making the dangerous crossing to work as
slaves for the new ruling class of the Americas. Two hundred and fifty
thousand white Englishmen were transported against their will to work
on the plantations of the Caribbean.18 Their treatment was as harsh;
their survival was short.
When slavery is discussed today, race is usually emphasized. But
slavery, as horrible an institution as it was, would not become a racial
issue until after the American Revolution. Prior to this time slavery
more often involved peoples who were captured or subjugated in warfare;
as such it may have taken on a cultural focus, but it was not along
the lines of color. Whites enslaved whites, blacks enslaved blacks, and the
conquering armies and navies of Islam enslaved Europeans and Africans
as opportunity allowed. The blame for slavery cannot be placed on any
one particular group, as the practice was nearly universal.
The early slave trade was an effort of the Old World as a community.
The Portuguese and then the Spanish licensed the trade. The sea
captains of Genoa bought the licenses. The banking and merchant families
from France to Flanders lent the money that paid for the licenses
and mounted the expeditions. Slavery was an equal-opportunity
exploiter; everywhere, the powerful could enslave the less powerful. The
early trade was a matter not of capturing slaves, but rather of buying
them. The Africans themselves were an integral part of the trade;
remarkably, Prince Henry's slavers even found a market for black slaves
among black chiefs, who accepted the slaves in payment for ivory and
The Wolof tribe of Senegal understood that in Africa a horse had
the value of seven men. They also understood that in Europe, Salic law
set the price of a slave as equal to one horse. The Wolof, who were rich
in slaves, soon became rich in horses, and they were no less complicit
than the Europeans who came to buy. The Songhai empire in
Senegambia was at least as sophisticated in trade, currency, and social
status as the Portuguese. Their markets were as developed and often
older than those of the traders who came to buy.
The 1520 through the 1540s saw the trade grow to heightened proportions.
Conversos, or Jewish families who claimed conversion to
escape death, found their way to the Netherlands, and then to the New
World, where some would play a large role. Jesuits too owned slaves,
traded slaves, and ran plantations. From the northern European Danes
and Dutch to the Iberians and Arabs in the south, the business was conducted
for the profit of those who could build and buy the ships and
capture, sell, or employ the slaves.
When the Americas were invaded by the Spanish conquistadors, an
early use for forced labor was in the silver mines of Peru and Cuba. The
Indians had worked these mines before but not under the harsh conditions
imposed by the Spanish. The cruelty of the conquerors led to a
much greater mortality rate among the natives. Because the slave owners
felt the Indians died too often, blacks were brought in to replace
them. The black slaves were destined to work the sugar plantations first
in Santo Domingo and then in Puerto Rico. Between 1529 and 1537
the Spanish crown granted 360 licenses to import slaves to Peru alone,
and most of these licenses went to Francisco Pizarro and his family. The
other licenses were doled out to friends of the crown, who often sold
them to bankers. Selling the licenses was as lucrative as actually buying
slaves in Africa and crossing the ocean to sell them in the New World.
Although every ethnic group and numerous countries participated
in the slave trade, perhaps most of the blame can be laid on the doorstep
of a few elite countries. Those who could afford to exploit others did,
and in whatever form possible. Often the people who could afford to
exploit others had powerful connections. The remnant crusader organizations
were still in the best position to participate in these activities.
The Portuguese ex-Templar order, the Knights of Christ, started
the trans-Mediterranean trade of Africans to finance its explorations.
They later brought the trade across the Atlantic. The Spanish crown,
acting through a host of military orders, licensed the rights to explore,
conquer, and subjugate foreign peoples and lands. Once an empire was
in place in a new region, the government took upon itself the right to
sell licenses granting others the right to buy and sell slaves. These
licenses first went to the elite families who financed and led for-profit
expeditions to the Americas.
France was separated by the destructive wars between the Catholics and
the Protestants, but both sides would soon follow in the Caribbean
sugar and molasses trade. Both Catholic and Protestant participated in
the slave trade as well, though usually from different ports. While the
French Protestants, or Huguenots, conducted business through a more
modern system that gave great power to individual mercantile leaders,
the Catholic military orders that survived acted as one great company,
like the Knights Templar had before 1307.
Saint Christopher, the first Caribbean island to be colonized by
France, was bought by the order of Saint John of Jerusalem in 1653.20
The order soon added the islands of Tortuga and Saint Barthelemy to its
holdings. The knights, however, did not enjoy the slave trade. The slave
trade was a physically dirty business and most likely less profitable than
the order's mainstay of piracy. The order soon transferred ownership of
its Caribbean islands to the French West India Company.21 After the
order paved the way for French participation in the Atlantic trade, individual
companies run by Catholics or Huguenots filled the vacuum.
France was still a Catholic country and followed the lead of the
pope in Rome in justifying the trade. Edicts beginning with those of
Alexander II in 1493 and the Code Noir of the French king Louis XIV
in 1685 instructed that slaves be baptized aboard the slave ships.
Somehow the convoluted reasoning allowed the conquerors and slave
merchants to believe they were "saving" their victims. They were either
killing the "heathen godless pagans" or converting them. But the combined
military and religious conquest had an unintended result: The
religions of the Africans, as well as their own elite "lodges," were
brought to the Americas.
While the elite European military societies played their part in buying
slaves, transporting them, and selling them to American planters, elite
African societies played another role. Secret and elite societies may have
even run the other side of the business, procuring slaves to sell to the
Europeans. In The Serpent and the Rainbow, Wade Davis describes captured
victims of the western Yoruba being brought down the Niger and
delivered into the hands of the Efik. The Efik were ideally suited at the
mouth of the river to meet the Europeans. The slave ships that anchored
at the river's mouth were required to pay a duty to the Efik chiefs in
exchange for slaves. Order was maintained by a secret society, the Egbo,
or leopard society.
The Efik chief, called an obong, often was the head of an Egbo
group that maintained discipline through fear.
The weapons of the Europeans were guns first and organized religion
second. The weapons of African societies were similar; first the victim
population was conquered and enslaved by force, and later it was
subjected to religion. Religion in early Africa was most likely grounded
in superstition, as it was in the rest of the world, but it was different in
that it utilized more drugs. One of the weapons of subjugation was the
Calabar bean, a source of datura, a psychoactively violent herb.22 The
use of such psychoactive drugs was carried to America to maintain
order. On the surface it appeared that the elite of the New World
required only their weapons and the martial powers of the military and
the military orders to maintain order. But religion did serve a purpose;
in addition to keeping order, it provided justification for the act of conquering
the American Natives. And it provided an excuse for the cruelty
of enslavement.
The slaves—blacks and Indians alike—did not, of course, simply
forget their own religious beliefs. Their religions, which were often the
products of numerous nations, regions, and languages, blended with the
Catholic iconography. The result was a multitude of new hybrid religions
built on a base of pagan beliefs. The religion of the saints became
Santeria in Cuba and Puerto Rico, obeah in Jamaica, vodun (voodoo)
in Haiti (Saint Domingue) and later in New Orleans, Curanderismo in
Mexico, and Candomble in Brazil.23
The glue that Catholicism was supposed to have provided for society
was actually supplied in a way for which the Church and the slave
owners were not prepared. The same shamans and members of secret
African societies who survived the passage brought their own cohesive
structure to the New World. On the islands of Hispaniola, Jamaica, and
Cuba these groups escaped into the mountains, led by religious leaders
and their core elite. They inspired others to escape and join, and they
roused enough fear in others that secrets were kept. Assassinations were
even conducted by group members who could move around invisibly.
The voodoo-inspired revolution that chased the likes of the Perkins
family back to Boston was as deadly as the terror of the French
The white traders and planters brought Freemasonry across the
Atlantic. Just a few years after lodges were established in the northern
colonies, they spread south. The first Caribbean lodge was established in
Jamaica in 1739. The prosperous island of Barbados had a lodge of its
own the next year, and by 1749 Saint Domingue too had its own lodge.
The French in Saint Domingue allowed blacks into their lodges at a
time when the growth of vodun was at its greatest. The rebellion that
brought whites and blacks to New Orleans from the Caribbean introduced
both the European lodge system and the vodun secret societies
into the United States. The American vodun religion, with its symbolism,
ritual clothing, and mysterious doctrines, appears to be an amalgamation
of African, Freemason, and Catholic influences.
The black slave insurrection was led by Jean-Jacques Dessalines and
Toussaint-Louverture, both active Masons. Toussaint-Louverture had
declared independence for Saint Domingue in 1791, and although
France's emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, attempted to suppress it, there
were thirty thousand whites among 465,000 black slaves. The population
had seen an increase of forty thousand blacks in the three years
preceding the revolution. The independence movement eventually succeeded
under the leadership of Dessalines, who then renamed the
French part of the island Haiti, an Arawak name. Between 1791 and
1794 there was a reign of terror as revolutionary blacks had their own
version of Robespierre, Boukman. Boukman used a network of voodoo
priests and the mystery of voodoo ritual to incite the revolution. Under
Boukman's rule, whites were raped, tortured, and killed; plantations
were pillaged; and property was burned. In three years ten thousand
whites and an unknown number of blacks fled, mostly to Louisiana. Ten
thousand whites were killed, which was one third of the population.
As Catholic France paved the way, the Huguenot slavers and smugglers
played an even bigger role in the commercial activity of the new
American colonies. From the same ports that the Templars once held in
the fourteenth century, like La Rochelle, the sixteenth-century
Huguenots organized into secret groups from which they supported
each other against often larger enemies. These groups were organized
through a series of Masonic lodges.
Much of the English and Scottish participation in the slave trade, in
smuggling, and even in piracy was organized in lodges and cells whose
members protected one another. Masons enjoyed protection that
extended to the highest levels in power. Although slave trading today is
statutory piracy, it used to be the prerogative of the English crown. The
Duke of York organized the English monopoly of the trade, and the
largest shareholders were the members of the royal families—who were
often at the pinnacle of the secret societies.
The Protestant French did not always have the same blessing from
the royals as did their English competitors or the Catholic slavers. The
Huguenots were among the last to enter the slave trade, but they caught
up quickly. In 1691 a Huguenot in the service of the French Senegal
Company became the governor of Saint Domingue.24 At home in
France three ports—Nantes, Bordeaux, and La Rochelle—ended up in
control of 70 percent of the slave-trading business.
Nantes, which is up the Loire River from the Atlantic coast, soon
controlled 50 percent of the trade by itself, thanks to the tightly knit,
intermarried Protestant families of Michel, Luynes, Boutelhiers,
Drouins, Bertrands, Grou, and Montaudoin.25 Islands in the Loire provided
suitable harbor for importing cotton and other goods, the final
product of the trade that started with African slaves. The house of Rene
Montaudoin emerged as the single largest company, controlling the
majority of the trade in Nantes, the largest slave-trading city. The family
business outfitted 357 ships in the eighteenth century, almost double
the amount of the Luynes family, the next closest competitor.
Rene Montaudoin was a member of the Royal Academy of Science
and also a Mason. His home base, Nantes, was a Masonic stronghold
imbued with the ideas ofVoltaire and Rousseau. Montaudoin became
close friends with Benjamin Franklin and helped supply the American
cause against the British. But the rights of man had little application in
the principal business of Nantes—the buying and selling of humans.
The role of the French Masons in the slave trade is a prime example
of the divisive goals of Masonic groups and of the elite themselves. In
1789 there were more than six hundred Masonic lodges in Paris. They
ranged from the craft worker and social groups to the more restrictive
lodges with nobles, priests, and even brothers of the king. Prominent
lodges included the leaders of the Enlightenment. The Lodge of the Nine
Sisters was one such lodge; founded by the astronomer Lalande, the lodge
was joined by Condorcet, Chamfort, Houdon, Danton, and Benjamin
Franklin. They adhered to no religious doctrine outside of the deist belief
that there is a supreme architect of the universe.26 They acted against the
Catholic religion, however, and were instrumental in expelling the Jesuits
from France. They were pledged to mutual assistance and religious toleration,
which conversely allowed them to control the slave trade and force
the Catholic religion on slaves.
There were also liberal Masonic groups whose membership
included Lafayette, his in-laws the Noailles, Mirabeau, the duc de La
Rochefoucauld, and the duc d'Orleans. Lafayette worked to end slavery
and experimented by buying two Suriname plantations from the
Jesuits and educating his own slaves in preparation for their freedom.
Perhaps the greatest irony is that the Masonic-inspired revolution
backfired against the membership's nobles and elite. A decade before the
Reign of Terror would count thousands of heads lost to the guillotine,
Masonic-linked families like the Montaudoins came to the aid of the
new experiment in democracy.
Rene Montaudoins family enterprise might have provided an
example to the American captains of the slave and textile industries.
Montaudoin donated money to build the Nantes hospital and plowed
much of his wealth into factories where cotton was processed.
Members of the De Wolf family of Bristol, Rhode Island, were classic
imitators, financing the textile industry of New England with the
money earned in the slave trade.
Although the motive of the French in the slave trade was primarily
profit, their actions took on political and religious overtones. The
French Huguenots had numerous enemies, and the Catholic Church
presented the greatest threat. French Freemasons brought blacks into
the lodges as a way of keeping the groups from becoming Catholic.
When Britain went to war with American colonies, France saw an
opportunity to hurt its long-term enemy.27
The English were latecomers in the exploration of the New World.
After a very brief effort employing John Cabot to sail the coast in 1497,
the English waited more than a hundred years, until the time of Queen
Elizabeth I, before conducting further exploration. Elizabeth was surrounded
by a court of adventurers and alchemists, who advised the
queen to participate in the conquest.
Elizabeth's reign began shortly after the death of the Catholic
queen Mary I. Mary's death had ended a tense struggle between
Catholic and Protestant factions over the throne. Elizabeth's father,
Henry VIII, had an unusual propensity for marrying and then dispensing
with his wives. One of them, Anne Boleyn, was Elizabeth's mother.
Boleyn was accused of the crime of fornication and was beheaded,
making Elizabeth illegitimate. That status was not important to the family
of the Duke of Northumberland, who wanted a Protestant ruler. The
duke and his group attempted a coup to put Elizabeth on the throne
instead of Henry's other daughter, Mary. The so-called Dudley
Conspiracy ended badly for the twenty conspirators; they were sent to
the Tower, some to be executed and others to be imprisoned. Elizabeth,
however, remained physically unharmed, but the affair made her almost
A few weeks after Mary's death, on a precise day (January 15, 1559)
picked by Elizabeth's astrologer, Dr. John Dee, Elizabeth was made
queen of England. She had been drawn to the occult since childhood,
and it was one commonality she shared with her father. Her long-term
friend and rumored lover Robert Dudley introduced Elizabeth to Dee.
Dee had been hired by the Duke of Northumberland to teach science
to his two sons.
Dee's reputation as a sorcerer grew from his school days, when in
the middle of a Greek play at Cambridge he displayed an ability to levitate
a large scarab. The year he graduated, he was imprisoned as a sorcerer.
The short imprisonment did not hurt his chances at gainful
employment; he soon found himself a favorite of Elizabeth's court and
was given a home called Mortlake.
At Mortlake the cabalist, alchemist, and mathematician amassed a
library of four thousand volumes, the largest in England. Dee's library
would be used by two of England's greatest chroniclers, Hakluyt and
Holinshed. To Dee there was no divide between science and magic. He
displayed a magic mirror that mystified all but would not allow anyone
to reveal what he or she had seen. A maid reported that she had seen a
cloud of bees swarm downstairs from his chambers, plainly familiars of
the doctor.
Dee introduced Elizabeth to Francis Kelly, who claimed to be able
to transmute metals into gold. Elizabeth hired him to avoid taxing her
Dee persuaded Elizabeth that she was entitled to enormous areas in
the New World based on claims that the Saxon version of the Greek
conqueror Alexander, King Edgar, had made. Her Majesty was also a
direct heir of King Arthur, according to Dee. Dee convinced Elizabeth
that Britain had a destiny to rule as Britannia and that as an island the
country needed a great navy. He told her that the Americas were to be
the new, Greater Britannia, the virgin continent for the Virgin Queen.
Now the quest was on for the new Avalon. Having been confined to
her palace, Elizabeth lived her life vicariously—intellectually through
Dr. Dee, emotionally through the men Dee brought to her.
In 1577 Dee wrote The Perfect Art of Navigation and dedicated it to
Christopher Hatton, who financed the maritime adventures of
Elizabeth's court. Elizabeth gathered together Sir Francis Drake and Sir
Walter Raleigh. Drake changed the name of his ship to the Golden
Hind, which was the heraldic device on Hatton's family crest. Drake
was then set loose to plunder the Spanish Main and claim lands for
Elizabeth. He brought her an emerald-studded crown, a diamond cross,
and a share in the 235,000 pounds' worth of plunder from Spain. Her
share alone exceeded her annual royalties.
Drake is regarded as one of the greatest English sea captains of all
time. His exploits as a navigator brought Britain into the world-encircling
role of Britannia, the empire. Drake declared northern California to be
Nova Albion, and claimed it for Elizabeth. His exploits as a privateer—
a pirate with permission—helped finance further voyages and added to
the coffers of the English kingdom. The Virgin Queen was quick to
catch on to the ways of the world. She licensed trade, conquest, and
piracy. The risks were small, unless one includes war with Spain. The
Spanish were indignant over the raids on their shipping and encroachment
on their new lands, and so they threatened to invade England.
Elizabeth's chief conjurer, John Dee, put a hex on the Spanish Armada,
which is believed to have brought bad weather and the English victory.
Elizabeth gave licenses to Dr. Dee, who at one time had the patent to
all American lands north of 50 degrees latitude. The queen also
licensed explorers John Davis and Walter Raleigh to find a northwest
passage to China and India.
Sir Walter Raleigh was a maverick. Alternately in and out of favor
with the queen, Raleigh was renowned for his bravado, energy, and
intelligence. For Elizabeth and the glory of Britannia, Raleigh searched
South America for the legendary treasure of El Dorado. He believed
that a source of gold was not far from the Orinoco River, which he
called the River of the Red Cross, a reference to the Templars. Raleigh
believed he was meant to play the role of the Red Cross Knight, a figure
in the Faerie Queene by Edmund Spenser.28
Raleigh did go down in history as the first to briefly attempt colonization
in the New World, which failed. He at least managed to
imprint the queen's name on the New World, on the state of Virginia.
John Hawkins, a cousin of Sir Francis Drake, introduced the English
to the African slave trade. Other English captains before him had been
to Africa, violating the exclusive trade claimed by Spain and Portugal.
But Hawkins was given express permission by Queen Elizabeth to trade
for slaves. Hawkins's backers included his father-in-law, Benjamin
Gonson, the treasurer of the navy, and Sir Thomas Lodge, the Lord
Mayor of London.29
Hawkins had no qualms about capturing the slaves himself or buying
or stealing them from the Portuguese. His first voyage was a mild
success, but his subsequent voyages made great profits, and for this he
was knighted. His new crest included a female African figure.

Chapter 12


From his castle in New York, Frederick Philipse looked down the
Hudson River, his highway to riches. From New York ships owned
by the Dutch-born entrepreneur sailed around the world. Philipse had
come to America in 1647 and immediately recognized that the laws
were not brought to bear on those who held the wealth. He started by
selling gunpowder and rum to the pirates.1 Then he moved on to providing
financial backing for the pirates' voyages. Finally he graduated to
become one of the pioneers of the American slave trade. It soon
became a family business, with Philipse's son Adolph arriving in
America from Madagascar on a ship full of slaves. With the money from
piracy and the slave trade, the Philipse family bought what was once a
Yonkers plantation and established more than one mansion on the
Hudson. Despite his business interests, Frederick Philipse achieved
respectability and wealth. He held political office and was a long-standing
member of the Council of New York.
While many of the early colonists came to America seeking religious
freedom, many also sought economic opportunity. Loosening the ties
that bound society created opportunity. Not every freedom-seeking
immigrant needed to exploit others to better himself. But for every
Sam Adams there was a Caleb Cushing, and for every Thomas Jefferson
there was a Thomas Perkins. The institutions and alliances made in the
Old World prevailed in the New World. The system of an elite group
that controlled the masses had existed from feudal times, and although
it was altered by mercantilism the system still predominated. Men like
Abraham Lincoln would carry the banner for equality and individual
rights while others would perpetuate the status quo.
There is no dividing line to say where English slave trading ended
and the American trade began. Tracing the start of slavery in what
would become the United States, Hugh Thomas, author of The Slave
Trade, found a letter from the Reverend George Downing of Harvard
that was written to his cousin John Winthrop, governor of Connecticut.
The letter suggested importing slaves into New England and held
British-owned Barbados as an example of the profits of slavery. George
Downing's father, Emmanuel Downing, of Salem, also wrote to
Winthrop suggesting the same. New England merchants had discovered
that the trade was a lucrative business, even though the area itself had
little need for imported labor. Massachusetts had only about a hundred
slaves in the seventeenth century. But ships owned by Massachusetts
firms would move tens of thousands of slaves for profit.
The most successful American slave traders had relationships in
Europe. As the slave trade grew in Europe, the English port of Liverpool
went from a fishing village to a first-rate seaport. Four families dominated
the trade; the wealthiest was Foster Cunliffe, who had four ships
that sailed for Africa each year. His wealth grew from the trade and he
was elected mayor. The American headquarters of the Cunliffe trading
business was at Oxford, Maryland, where Cunliffe's American agent was
the father of Robert Morris, the chief financier of the American
Just as many American fortunes are founded on the slave trade, opium
running, and smuggling, so are many of England's. The slave trade grew
in leaps and bounds in Britain and two cities, Bristol and Liverpool,
became hot spots for the trade. Bristol had become an important seaport
during the Crusades, and Templar ships controlled the industry there.
When the slave trade exploded as an economic opportunity, Bristol's
business increased, with her merchants responsible for the yearly transport
of seventy thousand slaves. Liverpool's history was shorter; it evolved into
a seaport as a result of the slave trade. Prior to Liverpool's entry into the
trading business, its population numbered five thousand. After entering
the cotton, sugar, and slave-trade triangle, businesses such as shipbuilders,
textile mills, and supporting industries enlarged the tiny port
and its surrounding towns to nearly one million people.
Prominent English families who controlled the trade included the
Leylands, Ingrams, Cunliffes, Tarletons, Claytons, Bolds, Kennions, and
Banastres. These families started the city's banks and industries, many of
which survive today.2 Not much was done to conceal the ugly business;
even the Liverpool city exchange building depicted African heads and
New England's first slave-trading ship came from the seaport city of
Marblehead, but it was built in Salem and was registered there. The
Desire did not pioneer the trade to Africa but simply sailed to the West
Indies and returned with slaves for sale in Connecticut.3 Marblehead
and Salem were capitals of a sea-trading empire that spanned the seven
seas. Those who took part in the trade were firmly connected by the
Masonic lodge system. In fact, a Marblehead lodge carried American
Masonry to China, where in the heyday of opium trading
Massachusetts had a beachhead.
The lodges of the Massachusetts seamen were often fraternal and
would admit shipowners and common laborers, but as the owners
became wealthy, they often gravitated to more prestigious lodges.
Within a generation or two they frequently moved to Boston. Colonial
Masonry rose above the divisive factors such as religion and color, but
it reinforced the barrier between the rich and the poor.4
Boston's first families soon entered the trade. Peter Faneuil, a Mason
and a Huguenot, was an active trader. He was joined by the Belchers,
the Cabots, and the Waldos. While the customers of the slave trade were
the southern plantations, the shippers were New Englanders. Modern
Boston tries to downplay its role in the slave trade, with Massachusetts
historians pointing the finger at its neighbor Rhode Island. Historian
Samuel Morison claims, "The 'Guinea trade' had never been an important
line of commerce in Massachusetts,"5 yet at the same time he
admits that Salem had a regular trade with Africa, selling rum and fish
for gold dust, palm oil, and ivory. "It would be surprising if the occasional
shipmaster did not yield to the temptation," notes the author.6
Morison, who was from a prominent Brahmin family, equally warned
readers against exaggerating the opium trafficking.7 But there is no
denying that the bedrock of New England's wealth, including that of
many of today's most successful corporations, was funded with the proceeds
of both the slave trade and the opium trade.
Despite Massachusetts's claims to the contrary, it was involved in the
trade almost as far back as Virginia was. Samuel Vassall, one of the
colony's first promoters, is on record complaining about the monopoly
of the Guinea Company, an English institution, in the lucrative trade in
1649.8 A 1724 letter from Irish merchant Thomas Amory suggests that
the shippers of the slave trade were predominantly from New England.
Other historians also conclude that the slave trade's contribution to the
industry of New England is much greater than most will concede. The
authors of New England and the Sea claim that 30 percent of the traffic
in blacks was done on New England ships. Furthermore, the tobacco
and rice plantations, fueled by slave labor, were the biggest customers
for New England's exports: timber, rum, and fish. As the authors put it,
"The coffers of some of New England's proudest families were filled
with profits from this trade."9
Massachusetts might have been the first New England state to get
involved in the trade, but as it devoted its attention to China, the state's
slavery business was soon eclipsed by that of its neighbor Rhode Island.
New Englanders like to claim the slave trade was centered in Rhode
Island, and they are not completely incorrect in assigning the blame.10
Rhode Islanders, in turn, like to point the finger at the Jews, which is
also in part correct. In 1654 a handful of Portuguese Sephardic families
fearing a new Inquisition left their country for the Netherlands. After a
brief time they came to America. Rhode Island, founded by Roger
Williams, offered religious freedom. It also offered something even
more revolutionary to a small group of families: economic freedom.
This handful of closely related families learned quickly, and soon
came to represent most of the slave-trading business of the tiny colony.
Sephardic families including those of Aaron Lopez, Abraham Redwood,
Abraham Pereira Mendes, Jacob Riveras, Jacob Polock, and the De Wolfs
joined English colonists like William Ellery, Henry Collins, Samuel
Vernon, John Canning, and Joseph Wanton, who also made money from
the trade. The slave trade was not the province of Jews, Episcopalians,
or Huguenots. It did, however, pay to band together and operate in
secrecy. Christian or Jewish, the slave traders had to be connected, at
least to each other. Religious affiliation was often the tie that bound.
But not every slave trader was from a persecuted sect.
For this reason it was very important to be accepted into a lodge.
The lodge system, which was composed of the elite shipowners, made
navigating the treacherous waters of both the Atlantic Ocean and New
England political life easier. The Newport Lodge was founded by a
merchant from Boston, and once it was established it was populated
mostly by Jews from Portugal and the Caribbean. Moses Seixas served
as grand master for Rhode Island from 1791 to 1800"; he went on to
become one of the founders of the Bank of Rhode Island.
Intermarriage among Newport's first families tightened the bonds,
as it did among the Boston merchant elite. But intermarriage did not
mean marrying within one's race or religion; it meant marrying within
one's caste. A Protestant could marry a Jew as long as they were both
from the same station in life. Shipowner, sea captain, and merchant were
three titles within the higher caste of Rhode Island life.
In America, Jews in general did not suffer the degree of hostility
that they encountered in Europe. While in many countries Masonry
rejected Jews, and at least one still does, in America Masonry welcomed
them. Moses Michael Hay, a Portuguese Sephardic Jew, was instrumental
in bringing Scottish Rite Masonry to America, and Paul Revere, a
Huguenot, was his deputy grand master. Hay was also instrumental in
founding the Bank of Boston.
Not all of the men who were instrumental in fomenting rebellion
were Masons. Sam Adams, for example, used the taverns where lodges
met as a means of getting mob support. He was very much against the
slave trade and refused the gift of a slave. John Adams, too, declared that
any slave who entered his house was a free man. He was against the
trade and was an outspoken critic of Masonry; the cronyism it bred
allowed many to be above the law.
Among Rhode Island's Jewish merchants, Aaron Lopez was possibly
the most famous, with thirty ships to his credit. After fleeing a new
wave of inquisitorial zeal in Portugal, Lopez arrived in Newport in the
1750s with a second group of Sephardic Jews. He made contacts rapidly
in Boston, Charleston, New York, and Jamaica, and began trading
rum, furniture, candles, and slaves. In 1775 he was the single biggest taxpayer
in the state and had an estate in British Antigua as well. This was
Newport's golden age of trade, and Lopez was Newport's most successful
merchant. His family takes credit for building Newport's famed
Touro Synagogue and for introducing the sperm-oil industry to
America. Before his ships went to Africa in search of black slaves, his
fleet plied the oceans hunting for whales. A collection of his papers,
including ship's manifests, receipt books, and various records, fills 147
volumes and is preserved today.
Rhode Island has been called an American Venice, a tiny area
unsuitable for farming but by nature a trading mecca. The state's industry
would benefit from the slave trade in other ways. It may have been
the center of the rum business, with thirty rum distilleries depending
on the triangular trade that depended on African slaves. The rum, sugar,
and slave businesses all evolved around each other, which kept Rhode
Island prominent in the slave trade. Author Jay Coughtry in his book
The Notorious Triangle estimates that a hundred thousand Africans were
taken aboard more than nine hundred ships registered to Rhode Island
Many families descended from slave traders would later destroy
family documents and alter others to absolve the family from guilt.
Their wealth and power were never diluted, and many prominent
names built their fame on the triangle trade. Traders included the
Wanton family, whose Joseph Wanton would be remembered as the
fourth governor of Rhode Island; Abraham Redwood, benefactor of
the Redwood Library; John Bannister, owner of Bannister's Wharf;
Samuel and William Vernon; Philip Wilkinson; and Stephen d'Ayrault.
One family that was extremely wealthy and prominent because of
the trade and thus could not erase the past was the De Wolfs. They came
to Rhode Island through the Caribbean. Marc Antoine De Wolf, whose
migration started in Portugal and proceeded to Holland, Guadeloupe,
and finally Bristol, Rhode Island, married the English immigrant
Abigail Potter. Bristol was the namesake of England's largest slave port,
and there De Wolf was introduced to the trade as a captain on the ship
of his brother-in-law, Simeon Potter. Potter traded slaves and rum in the
Caribbean, and De Wolf learned quickly.
With his eight sons following De Wolf into the slave business, his
extended family may have been responsible for a quarter of Rhode
Island's slaving expeditions. Not everyone in his family was happy with
the business, however; his youngest son, Levi, was so disgusted after one
slaving voyage that he resigned from the family firm. But others showed
no signs of dissension. One of Levi's brothers was famous for throwing
a slave who had smallpox into the ocean.
Rhode Island had attempted to stop the trade and took several
actions against the De Wolf and Brown clans. When a slave ship was
confiscated, the slavers united to help the owner to buy it at a rigged
auction. When the government sent agents to correct the abuses, they
were hauled away or beaten. When the federal government sent a special
prosecutor, John Leonard, to try a slave trade case against James
De Wolf, a Rhode Island jury failed to convict the trader. Winning the
case was not enough, though, and De Wolf sent his own agents to
Washington, D.C., to deliver a message. They beat Leonard on the
courthouse steps.
The Bristol and Newport trade went on long after it was illegal.
James De Wolf quit in 1808, but his brother George continued until
1820, twelve years after the national ban. James married the daughter of
William Bradford, who owned a rum distillery and served in the U.S.
Senate. He put his slave trade profits into textile mills and became
owner of the Arkwright Manufacturing Company, which survived into
modern times and is currently part of a Dutch company.
The De Wolf family would also be remembered for founding one
of the first New England insurance firms. The firm insured both the
slave ships and the "cargo." Today the De Wolfs' imposing mansion,
Linden Place in Bristol, is a tourist attraction. It was built in 1810 by
General George De Wolf, who moved his headquarters to Cuba and
continued growing his fortune in plantations, the slave trade, and West
Indian piracy. In 1825, when the sugar crop failed in Cuba, George
abandoned his mansion and skipped out of Rhode Island ahead of his
The family home changed hands several times, but each time to a
different De Wolf. Theodora De Wolf married Christopher Colt, the
brother of the famous handgun manufacturer, and had six children with
him. After Theodora's death, Samuel Colt bought out his brother's
interest and remained in the house. Samuel Colt is also credited with
founding the Industrial Trust Company, which merged with Fleet
National Bank, now called Fleet Boston Financial, one of the largest
banks in New England. Samuel P. Colt, Samuel Colt's nephew and
Theodora's son, became a prosperous lawyer in New England and handled
the Vanderbilt estate. He is also remembered for merging small
rubber companies to create U.S. Rubber, which later became Uniroyal.
Rhode Island remained a closed society long after the slave trade
was history. Membership in a Masonic lodge appears to have been a
requirement for political office in the state. Governors David Russell
Brown, Norman Case, Robert Livingston Beeckman, William Gregory,
Charles Kimball, Herbert Warren Ladd, and Frank Licht were all
Masons, as were and are numerous Rhode Island senators, congressmen,
and other officeholders.
It is often said that New England was the core of the Revolution. Those
hurt by the restrictive trade covenants of the mother country were the
merchants and traders. The early stages of rebellion are traced to the
Stamp Act and other mercantile edicts. In 1764, when Britain tried to
raise the price of sugar and molasses, the merchants and shipowners of
Massachusetts banded together to oppose the action. Such commodities
were essential to the slave trade, which was vital to New England
commerce. Colonial shipping employed four thousand seamen in New
England and was responsible for thousands of peripheral occupations.
The Cabot and Russell families of Boston were two of the largest shippers.
George Cabot was an Anglophile and a staunch Federalist whose
family wealth was built on merchant shipping. He served as a senator
from Massachusetts and was appointed the first secretary of the navy but
declined the post. Although many of those who sought independence
for the colonies were made wealthy through the slave trade, others were
opposed to it.
The success of the Revolution may have depended on the money
and connections of the merchants, but its ideals were not dependent on
the merchants whose politics would carefully straddle the proverbial
fence until a decision was forced.
The numbers of slave ships sailing from New York were small compared
to those of the New England states. But the wealth of the New Yorkers
who prospered through the trade is at least as great. The trade was
restricted to the elite families that had often been among the feudal
overlords from the colony's earliest days. The intermarried elite core
that brought the Scottish Livingston family together with their Dutch
neighbors the Schuylers was joined by the Philipses, Thomas Francis
Lewis, the Beeckmans, the Marstons, the Van Homes, the van Cortlandts,
and the Walters. Until the American Revolution, the wealth of the
philipse family might have put them among the top ten in the colonies.
Frederick Philipse had arrived with Peter Stuyvesant as a master
builder for the West India Company. Philipse exploited the valuations
of native wampum, bought land, and invested in trade from the beginning.
His backing of pirate voyages may have been among his greatest
ventures, and he would even marry the widow of another transatlantic
trader. Philipse's slave trade was just one part of his vast operation. By
1693 the Philipse lands stretched twenty-one miles along the Hudson,
for a total of ninety-two thousand acres.
Philip Philipse, an heir to Frederick's fortune, married Margaret
Marston, thus linking another powerful family to his own. The
Marstons owned land on Wall Street as well as the huge Prospect Farm,
a country estate near what is now Eighty-fifth Street. The Marstons too
were a mercantile family, and as slave traders they would keep slaves on
their Manhattan estate. Margaret's father, Nathaniel, was active in the
Anglican Church and is buried in the family vault in Trinity Church, a
Manhattan landmark. His portrait in the Museum of the City of New
York depicts him with his ledger book, a reference to his participation
in the China trade.
Although the volume of ships owned by New Yorkers was less than
that of New Englanders, their role might have been just as great. Even
after slavery was made illegal, ships owned by New Yorkers were found
conducting an Africa-to-Cuba business. In 1859 eighty-five ships from
New York City were supposedly working in the Cuban slave trade. The
proceeds were used to add "to the treasuries of political organizations"
and "carry elections" in nearby states.12
Only a few of those in the trade owned slaves themselves. Robert
Livingston was one of these people. As the elected speaker of the New
York provincial assembly in 1718, business kept Livingston in Albany
while his wife, Alida, managed their plantation. One letter Robert
received from Alida requested that he find old shoes for the Palatines
and slaves, who were barefoot. Robert Livingston is one of the few
New Yorkers who actually tried farming with black slaves, and when
the experiment did not work the Livingstons kept the slaves as servants.
Another letter shows Robert buying a Negro girl for his son Philip.13
As early as 1690 Robert Livingston had an interest in a Dutch ship
that sailed to Madagascar, then Barbados, and finally Virginia. In the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries, there was still prejudice against the
Scots, even in the melting pot of New York. In order to rise above one's
station, the ticket was to marry into a Dutch family, comprising the
aristocracy of New York. At the peak of the slave-trading business
owned by Philip Livingston, Robert's son, the merchant endowed Yale's
first professor's chair.
Alexander Hamilton, the illegitimate son of a Scottish plantation
owner in the Caribbean, followed Livingston's road to fame and fortune
by marrying a Dutch woman, Elizabeth Schuyler. He became a
Freemason for the connections it offered. After the war the fact of his
low birth was completely forgotten, as he became a member of the elite
Society of Cincinnati.
Hamilton became the antithesis of what Thomas Jefferson held as a
role model for the country-in-formation. Like Jefferson, Hamilton
owned slaves and called for their freedom; unlike Jefferson, who targeted
New York as a city of money-grubbers, Hamilton's lifetime ambition
was to found a bank. Hamilton understood that he who controls
the money has the most power. George Washington appointed
Hamilton the first secretary of the treasury. His first act was to
announce that the debts of the new country were to be paid. It was
ostensibly a noble idea, but one that was built on an early version of
insider trading. Hamilton and his cohorts bought up as much of the war
debt as possible at a rate of pennies on the dollar. They were made
wealthy when these were paid. Many cried foul at this action, yet
Hamilton was a proponent of power without limitation and despised
the checks-and-balances system.
Hamilton then founded New York's first bank, the Bank of New
York, in 1784 and brought in three other Scots to fill the board.
Another early New York bank, the Manhattan Company, was founded
by Aaron Burr, who promptly loaned himself a fortune. The Manhattan
Company was seized in a hostile takeover by Hamilton's allies—the
Livingstons—who ousted Burr. A war between Hamilton and Burr
ended in the infamous duel that left Hamilton dead, Burr a fugitive, and
the Stock Exchange (the Tontine Coffee House, at that time) closed for
a day. The bank survived the scandal and is still alive and well today
under the new name Chase Manhattan.
America's Scottish immigrants were tightly knit through Masonry
and other connections and were particularly adept at using these connections
to organize syndicates, companies, and institutions. Another
Scotsman and merchant, Archibald Gracie, started the first savings bank
in New York. He had emigrated from Dumfries in 1784, and within
two decades the sea trade made him one of New York's wealthiest citizens.
Gracie is described as fabulously wealthy, and there were probably
fewer than five men in New York whose fortunes could rival his.
Today the Gracie mansion serves as the home of New York City's mayors.
Neighbor of the Astors, Rhinelanders, Crugers, and
Schermerhorns, Gracie's parties were legend, and the New York glitterati,
including Alexander Hamilton, James Fenimore Cooper, and
Washington Irving, were frequent guests. In addition, Gracie is often
given credit for developing New York as a seaport.
Scotsmen played a key role in establishing banks in Europe as well.
The Bank of England was founded in 1694 by William Paterson, a
farm-born Scotsman who had a vision of a world banking system controlled
by central banks. That system is in place today. Paterson is also
remembered as the promoter of the ill-fated Darien scheme, in which
many Scotsmen died (see chapter 4), which Livingston would find himself
connected to by marriage. Another son of Scotland, John Law, was
born around the same time as Paterson and left his homeland for
France, where he started the Banque Generale. The bank brought prosperity
to France as it made trade more viable. Law, however, lost his
proverbial shirt in his own American adventure. He combined the bank
with the Mississippi Company, which he established to develop the
Louisiana territories in America. The venture ended in bankruptcy and
with Law fleeing for his life.
Scots even brought the word dollar into the English language. King
James VI introduced a thirty-shilling coin that became known as the
sword dollar because of the design. The Scots used the term dollar to
distinguish their currency from that of their overbearing neighbor to
the south. The word took on an anti-English, independent connotation
which the Scots brought with them to the Americas.
The first Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, one of the
colonies' most important port cities. The meeting was attended by
many in the slave trade. While Pennsylvania was not a plantation state
and Philadelphia was not as active in the trade as some colonies, its merchants
did participate. Thomas Willing, of the Willing and Morris firm,
was one of the merchants in attendance. His partner, Morris, represented
one of Europe's largest slave merchants, Foster Cunliffe. Philip
Livingston, whose slave ship the Wolf plied the Atlantic, also attended.
Present from the South were plantation owners including future president
Madison, George Mason of Virginia, and Henry Laurens of South
Philadelphia's Society of Friends, also called the Quakers, did not
approve of the trafficking of human lives. However, some individual
Quakers did make profits from the trade. Friends involved in slave trading
included William Frampton, who carried the first slaves to
Philadelphia, as well as James Claypole, Jonathan Dickinson, and Isaac
Norris. Even the always-industrious Benjamin Franklin, who was a
friend to the Montaudoin family, considered entering the slave trade.
He also entertained the idea to breed slaves, rather than import them,
in Florida.
The City of Brotherly Love was founded by William Penn, whose
Quaker beliefs earned him the enmity of his own father. In England
Penn fought for religious toleration and was imprisoned in the Tower
of London. There he penned his text No Cross, No Crown and advised
his jailers they had better issue his death sentence, as he would not
change his philosophy. After his release, Penn continued his fight and
was jailed several times. He finally petitioned the king for a charter to
start a colony in the New World. The king, no doubt relieved to be getting
rid of the trouble-stirring Penn, granted the man's wish.
Penn was a paragon of religious toleration and envisioned a land
where all were free to practice their faith. Voltaire, Ben Franklin's
brother in the Masonic Nine Sisters Lodge, called Penn the one who
could boast of bringing a new Golden Age to earth. From his
Pennsylvania paradise Penn wrote that men were "born with a title to
perfect freedom." Sadly, followers of this paragon of toleration and freedom
were silent on the issue of slavery, although the Quakers would
later be counted among the first abolitionists.
Virginia was a planter state, and as such the state's aristocracy was made
up of people who had great expanses of land and slaves to maintain the
plantations. Its history starts with the chartering of the Virginia Company
in 1606 to London's leading merchants, including Richard Hakluyt and
Sir Thomas Smith, the son of one of Raleigh's financial backers.
From the earliest days, life in Virginia was tough and the actions of
the powerful handful that constituted the authority might shock those
who accept religious freedom as the reason for the colonization of the
Americas. Blasphemy and sacrilege were crimes that were subject to the
death penalty, as was the crime of killing a chicken.14 For stealing oatmeal,
one man had a needle driven through his tongue and was then
chained to a tree and left to die of starvation.15 But the white colonists'
inhuman treatment of each other for the pettiest of crimes did not
extend to the elite members of the colony.
The Virginia Company charter included the island of Bermuda,
which allowed Virginia's founders, like Lord Robert Rich, to make a
fortune in piracy as they sailed from safe harbor in Virginia to safe harbor
in Bermuda. Slave labor would simply replace one cruel system,
servitude, with another. Men earned transatlantic passage by agreeing to
work for the planter families, often for an indefinite period of time.The
planters took advantage of the system and extended the length of service.
London's poor and troublesome were disposed of by workhouses
prisons, the gallows, the military, and this new option, Virginia.
Black slave labor came to replace the indefinite servitude of the
whites. A head of cattle worth five pounds in Virginia was worth
twenty-five pounds in Barbados, and that island would be a great source
of slaves for the Virginia plantations. Unlike the sugar industry, in which
the way to profits was working one's slaves to death, the tobacco business
featured easier work, and slave families were imported to maintain
the plantations for a longer term.
Despite the nature of tobacco planting, which was easier than that
of the sugar industry, life was still dangerous for people who had no
legal recourse. In 1669 the Virginia assembly passed a law allowing the
murder of a slave as discipline for bad behavior. When Robert Carter
applied to the court in order to be allowed to dismember two disobedient
slaves, his application was granted.16
Virginia s first families, like the Ludwells, the Byrds, the Carters, and
the Spencers, shared the spoils of office and a series of well-placed marriages
to become a new aristocracy. They built huge mansions on their
landed estates: The Harrisons built Berkeley; the Lees built Stratford; the
Carters built Sabine Hall, Nomini Hall, and Carter's Grove; the Byrds
built Westover; the Randolphs built Tuckahoe; and the Washingtons
built Mount Vernon.
Masonry united the Virginia aristocrats, and important members of
high society were lodge members as well. Although lodge records often
did not survive the centuries, the membership of George Washington,
George Whyte, and George Mason is without doubt. There is evidence
that future presidents Monroe and Madison were also Masons, and the
Masons do not claim only one of Virginia's aristocracy, Benjamin
Harrison, as a lodge brother.
James Madison, a scion of the planter aristocracy, played an active
role in the Constitutional Convention. Like fellow planter George
Washington, Madison had doubts about the concept of slavery and
worked toward sending the black slaves back to Africa.
Benjamin Harrison, the ancestor of Presidents William Henry
Harrison and Benjamin Harrison, and a cosigner of the Declaration of
Independence, was the descendant of still another Benjamin Harrison,
who was most likely a Bermuda planter.17 The Tucker clan started with
William Tucker, a sea captain who arrived in Virginia before 1620. He
was entrusted with trading on behalf of the colony. In doing so he concluded
a treaty with the Pamunkey Indians by killing two hundred of
their tribe with poisoned wine.18 The Tuckers also had one foot in
Bermuda, with plantations there and in Virginia dating to the early days
of the Virginia Company.
North Carolina had a plantation-driven economy, although only one
Constitutional Convention member from that state, William Blount,
was a plantation owner. Like several other signers, he was a lawyer and
a Freemason. Blount was also a Revolutionary War hero who earned
the respect of many in battle.
Blount started anew after the Revolution as a land speculator. His
threatened finances, however, induced him to take a subversive role
designed to lead the country back into war. He wanted to see the new
country defeat the Spanish and open the West. For this reason Blount
became part of a conspiracy that attempted to turn over Florida to the
British. He was booted from the Senate as a result. Blount had many
friends, including fellow Mason Andrew Jackson, whom he had named
attorney general of the Tennessee Territory. These friends in high places
and important lodges prevented Blount's impeachment from hindering
his family's political dynasty, which would prosper into the next
In South Carolina the elite caste, which built its fortunes in the
slave trade and plantation industry, was all-powerful and ran the colony
in much the same way as the Caribbean states were run. The first governor
of South Carolina was Sir John Yeamans, a Barbados planter who
founded Charleston and introduced slaves to clear his own plantation.
A hundred years later the planter aristocracy was in full control of the
state, even though the country was at the doorstep of democracy.
Henry Laurens, who was at the Philadelphia Convention, was a
partner in the firm of Austin and Laurens. The company was the largest
of twelve firms in Charleston, capturing 25 percent of the slave trade.19
Laurens held some of the largest plantations in the colony and was one
of the biggest merchants, handling rice, indigo, rum, beer, and wine.
Slave traders usually earned a commission of 10 percent of the sale price
of their trades, and the slave trade was big enough that the greatest mansions
of Charleston were owned by the merchants and slave traders.
Henry's father, John Laurens, was a Huguenot from La Rochelle in
France. He was part of the Huguenot wave of immigration that fled
Catholic France because of religious war and persecution. John would
send his son Henry to England in 1744 to be trained as a merchant.
Henry's education was furthered in South Carolina by making the
right friends. He became a member of the Solomon's Lodge and was
trained in the craft by another wealthy Charleston merchant, James
Crokatt.20 Membership in the lodge was very important in being
accepted by other merchants and businessmen. Stephen Girard of
Philadelphia had also joined Masonry through this influential lodge.
Henry Laurens started the family trade, importing rum and other
tropical goods from the West Indies, bringing manufactured goods from
England, exporting rice and indigo, and buying slaves from British
traders and then selling them to South Carolina planters. He was soon
sending his own ships to Africa to eliminate the British middlemen. The
profits from his trade were invested in land, and by the Revolution he
owned eight plantations. He also entered politics, first at the local level
and later in increasingly important positions. In 1770, with his fortune
made, Henry brought his son to England to arrange for his son's education.
There Henry became involved with the American contingent
protesting grievances to Parliament. Once he returned to South
Carolina, he withdrew from the merchant life and from the slave trade.
This did not stop him from keeping his own slaves, however, who numbered
three hundred.
While on a mission to Europe to arrange a loan from the
Netherlands, Henry Laurens was captured by the British and spent fifteen
months in the Tower of London. He returned to South Carolina
to find his business ravaged by the Revolution, so he resigned from
public life. When asked to join the Constitutional Convention as a representative
of South Carolina, he declined, instead sending his new sonin-
After the battle of Yorktown, when England's willingness to support
the protracted war was over, Laurens's English connection, Richard
Oswald, was sent to negotiate the peace. Oswald, a Scottish slave trader
who had appointed Laurens as his American agent, was sent by Lord
Shelburne to Paris to meet with Benjamin Franklin. As the merchant
caste was an elite minority, it was in its best interest to keep the group
exclusive. From New England to the Carolinas intermarriage was the
norm of the times. Charles Pinckney was the son of Colonel Charles
Pinckney, a wealthy plantation owner, a lawyer, and a prominent
Mason. Young Charles followed in his father's footsteps but did himself
one better: He married Mary Eleanor Laurens. Shortly after Pinckney's
marriage, his career and his wealth soared. He became the governor of
South Carolina, and along with his cousin Charles Cotesworth
Pinckney he represented the state at the Constitutional Convention.
Cousin Charles was also the son of a plantation owner and was trained
as a merchant and a lawyer. He too was in Washington's elite Society of
Cincinnati. South Carolina's third and fourth delegates were also
planters and lawyers.
Pierce Butler was the son of a member of Parliament. He came to
America because of the institution of primogeniture, which did not
allow him to inherit the family estates as he wasn't the eldest son. In
1771 he married Mary Middleton, the daughter of a wealthy plantation
owner. They moved south, with Butler resigning his military commission
in the British army. He was outspoken in making sure the interests
of the slave owner in South Carolina were represented and served in
both the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention.
John Rutledge was born in Charleston and was sent to London to
study law at the Middle Temple. He returned to amass a fortune in
plantations and slaves. He served as governor of his state, and after the
war he was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Senate rejected
his appointment because of what was perceived as declining mental
health and an anti-Federalist position.
James Oglethorpe, the man who founded Georgia, started his career
with the Royal African Company. He became a director of the company,
whose charter gave it the right to import gold into England and
black slaves into the Americas—for a thousand years. Oglethorpe's
company included some powerful gentlemen, such as James, the Duke
of York, who was the largest shareholder, Lord Shaftesbury, Lord
Craven, Sir George Carteret, and Sir John Colleton. All were involved
in the plantation business in one way or another; Colleton was a
landowner in Barbados before he bought land in the Carolinas. Smaller
shareholders included John Locke, the philosopher whose call for liberty
obviously did not include all.
Oglethorpe was a Mason in England, and he organized the first
lodge in Georgia in 1733 without the benefit of a charter for the first
two years. The Grand Lodge soon came around and warranted his
lodge, even assisting it financially. Most of Oglethorpe's family were
Jacobins and supporters of the Stuart cause. Oglethorpe was placed in
an awkward position in 1745; as a military commander for the English
he was supposed to help put down the rebellion led by Bonnie Prince
Charlie. His lack of concern earned him a court-martial, although he
was eventually acquitted.21
Florida still belonged to Spain during the American Revolution. When
the state was admitted to the Union, it had a unique status among the
slave states in that it allowed blacks many of the same rights as whites.
The polarization of early-nineteenth-century politics would eliminate
those rights.
The first black slaves were brought from Spain, not Africa, where
they were employed in mines and in agriculture. Spanish slaves had
unique rights; they were able to hold property, buy and sell goods, and
initiate legal suits. These rights added up to the ability to gain their freedom.
Free blacks sailed with the Spanish to America and were part of
slaving expeditions against the Taino Indians. After 150 years of being
part of Spanish Florida, black militias and black fortresses made up of
free blacks developed. Members gained status by serving in the militia,
and this gave them the ability to acquire titles and privileges.
Many blacks, including Prince Witten, used such activities to
achieve a high degree of status in Florida. He and his wife, Judy, fielded
a large amount of requests to act as godparents to children in the community,
and they evolved into a sort of royalty, with Judy having a slave
of her own. The slave revolt in Saint Domingue was led by Jorge
Biassou, who commanded an army of forty thousand. Biassou's brotherin-
law, Jorge Jacobo, married Prince Witten's daughter Polly, Unking a
leading Florida family with a leading Haitian family.
Juan Bautista Collins was another northern Florida black whose
achievements stand out among both the free black community and the
white Florida colony. He became a merchant and built a mercantile
firm in Saint Augustine that developed trading links in South Carolina,
Saint Domingue, Havana, New Orleans, and central and western
Florida. Collins's agents were able to trade among the Seminole nation,
which became an amalgamation of the Creek Indians and the runaway
blacks. Collins raised cattle, bought and sold livestock, owned property,
and, like the upper-caste Spanish, kept the Catholic faith and served in
the militia.
In 1763 the British took Florida from the Spanish. British colonies,
especially the neighboring Carolinas, felt threatened by armed blacks so
close to home, and the rights and status enjoyed by free blacks became
threatened. King George III gave his favorite prime minister, the
Scottish Earl of Bute, the charge of picking Florida's first British governors;
both were aristocratic Scots. The first, James Grant, conceived of
a colony where massive plantations, owned by absentee Scottish aristocrats
like him, would employ black slave labor to raise cash crops such
as indigo. Grant's own plantation was created in 1774, three years after
his retirement from the governorship, and produced one quarter of the
entire state's indigo production.
In 1763 American and British investors united to form a slavebreeding
experiment. Richard Oswald, a Caithness-born trader who
started his career in Glasgow and later became a member of London's
slave-trading community, teamed up with Henry Laurens and
Benjamin Franklin to import and breed Africans. Oswald owned an
island in the Gambia Paver, married into the Scottish Ramsay family
(who brought estates in Jamaica into his portfolio), started his own
holdings in Virginia near the James River, and by 1764 had a huge
home built for himself in Ayr, Scotland.
Britain's designs on Florida did not last long, as the 1783 Treaty of
Paris returned Florida to Spain. Freed blacks who had emigrated to the
Caribbean islands returned to Florida and went into Spanish courts to
confirm their status. Such status was attainable until the U.S. flag flew
over Florida in 1821. The years between Florida's becoming a state in
the Union and the Civil War witnessed racism become a reality.
Independent Spanish Florida did not require that economic status be
accorded by color; American Florida saw blacks as a threat, and free
blacks soon watched their status disappear. All blacks were soon
accorded the status of slaves.
The institution of slavery was not inflicted on the world because of
white Europeans, black Africans, or Islamic traders. It was not the exclusive
province of Freemasons, Huguenots, Jews, or Muslims. The blame
for any institution that allows the rights of one class to be taken away
by another class can rarely be assigned to any group or religion, but as
an organization religion can lead the way to elitism. The handful who
believed they had the right to profit from slavery caused many others
to feel that handful was an abomination in a land built on individual
freedom. Ultimately the blame lies in the ability of the elite class to
dominate through the institutions it could manipulate and control.
Although most American dockworkers and shipwrights were not
smugglers or slave traders, their livelihood depended on those who
were. As a lodge, union, or congregation, the rank and file went along
with whatever they needed to in order to ensure their own incomes, to
advance the greater good of the group, or simply to remain a part of the
status quo. Thus the world begets blacks trading in black slaves, signers
of the Bill of Rights owning slaves, and freedom fighters willing to
enslave others.
Still, the worst was yet to come. Many who fought for an American
nation, an experiment in individual liberties, a refuge from the tyranny
of royalty and religious leaders, would commit to criminal conspiracies
to tear apart the nation. Assassination, murder, conspiracy, and a backlash
of racial hatred were unleashed upon America because of the
manipulations of a few people. This led to America's most deadly war
and to the murder of American presidents.
Chapter 13
In 1826 the New York Freemason William Morgan decided to go
public with the secrets of the order. Morgan's "brothers" had him
arrested on bogus charges, imprisoned, and taken by force to a Masonic
lodge, where he was murdered. Prosecutors brought charges against a
handful of the conspirators. The jury was packed with Masons, however,
and the accused were acquitted. After a special prosecutor was brought
in, a few of the Mason murderers were actually convicted, but the
longest sentence was thirty months. As an anti-Mason backlash swept
the country, membership was lost and lodges disbanded.
The conspiracy that the American public had feared had simply
gone underground. Prominent Freemasons controlled the slave trade,
the plantations, and the cotton industry, and through their wealth they
controlled American politics—from the North to the Deep South.
The history books tell us that the issues of slavery and states' rights
led the United States down the path to Civil War. But most Americans
did not own or trade slaves, or even own the plantations that required
the work of slaves. The average citizen also did not own the textile mills
that processed the cotton produced on the slave plantations. A handful
of elite and wealthy people did, and they stirred the public to racial
hatred and the Civil War.
The southern United States was one of the few remaining areas that
still practiced slavery, as did Portuguese Brazil and Spanish Cuba. As the
causes of the war are studied, it appears that the "free" states of the
North were opposed to the "slave" states of the South. The lines were
not always geographical. An abolitionist movement did exist in the
North, especially in states that enjoyed no commercial benefits from
slavery. The abolitionist movement existed in the South and the West as
In the North some people did benefit from the slave trade, and as a
result they formed some odd alliances that fought against the tide of
emancipation in the twenty years prior to the war. One such alliance
was that of Northerner Caleb Cushing and two Southerners, John
Anthony Quitman (the governor of Mississippi) and Jefferson Davis.
Although Cushing was an active and high-ranking Mason, his mentor,
Daniel Webster, advised him to move out of his Newburyport,
Massachusetts, home because of his unpopularity. But the thirty-thirddegree
Mason controlled the plantation trade and the opium trade from
his mansion and had friends in high places.
Cushing's coconspirator John Anthony Quitman was born in the
Roosevelt territory of Rhinebeck, New York, but moved to Mississippi
to become grand master of that state's Masonic hierarchy. He was the
grand master for seventeen years. His power in the lodge and the capitol
building of Mississippi gave him unbridled ambition, and he was
very active in determining the fate of Texas. Quitman, who was against
the admission of any new states as "free" states, proposed raising an army
and marching west to conquer the new territory that had been taken
from Mexico. It was an act of treason that caused Quitman to be
brought up on charges of violating American neutrality laws. The other
coconspirator, Jefferson Davis, would later become president of the
Confederate states.
The three conspirators joined forces to get General Franklin Pierce
into the White House. The enemy of this alliance was President
Zachary Taylor, who had assumed the presidency in March 1849.
Taylor, a slaveholder, had wanted the southwestern states to be admitted
as free states. In February 1850 the new president called a meeting
of Southern leaders and told them he would hang secessionists who
took arms against the Union "with less reluctance than he had hanged
deserters and spies in Mexico." It wasn't the last time he threatened
hanging. Taylor again publicly spoke out against those who committed
acts of treason. He specifically referred to Quitman and his cabal, threatening
to see them hanged for their deeds.
The very next day, July 4, 1850, the president took ill. The day was
to be a celebration of both the independence of the country and the
consecration of the almost finished Washington Monument. It was very
much a Masonic celebration, as was everything surrounding the erection
of the obelisk. When work was started two years before, the architect
wore George Washington's Masonic apron. The stone was quarried
from a quarry owned by a Mason. Twenty-one lodges were in attendance
at the monument's dedication.
President Taylor, who was surrounded by enemies, did not realize
his days were numbered. Later some would insist that the general who
had blazed through Mexico in much greater heat to win a war could
not handle the climate of Washington. His death, it was said, was
brought on because Taylor drank too much cold milk and ate a large
quantity of cherries during the celebration, which allegedly causes a
stomach inflammation.
Many believe that Taylor was the victim of a plot. Numerous people
survived the July 4th picnic. Investigative techniques may not have
been as developed back then as they are today, but arsenic was a wellknown
poison in the nineteenth century. The symptoms of arsenic
poisoning include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
Taylor exhibited these symptoms, yet somehow the diagnosis was an
overdose of cherries and cold milk. Arsenic can be easily discovered in
the body, as it is deposited in the fingernails and hair. When the body
of the president was exhumed in 1991 to test for arsenic, the poison
was detected, although not in a large enough quantity to kill him. The
test was done 140 years after Taylor's death, however, rendering the
results inconclusive.
John Quitman and his cohorts were not hanged as Zachary Taylor
had threatened. Instead Quitman was elected to Congress, and the conspirators
succeeded in getting their man into the White House. When
Franklin Pierce was sworn in, Caleb Cushing was rewarded with the
post of attorney general and Jefferson Davis became secretary of war.
Governor Quitman was exonerated of criminal charges.
In those critical years, the Whig party of the North relied on the leadership
of the aristocrat Robert C. Winthrop, who was not concerned
with the slavery issue. Although the antislavery movement was strong
among the common voters, the people in Winthrop's class—the shippers,
merchants, insurers, and railroad builders—relied on cheap labor.
But instead of relying on blacks for labor, Northerners exploited the
immigrants and the average citizens. The Whig ties with the plantations
of the Deep South and the English banking establishment, which
financed the cotton trade, were strong.
Georgia planter and Mason Howell Cobb led the Southern
Democrats. Cobb was an aristocrat who owned more than a thousand
slaves. Between Cobb and Winthrop there was an attempt to maintain
the status quo. The spoiler was a party called the Free-Soilers, an antislavery
group that had a poor showing in the presidential election but
was riding a groundswell of abolitionist opinion.
The fateful ten years between Pierce and Lincoln witnessed the
destruction of the Whig party, as it became obvious that the group was
playing to the Southern elite. As the antislavery movement grew, the
Republican party replaced the Whig party, and the antislavery movement
finally had a candidate: Abraham Lincoln.
As the movement against slavery grew, the opposition to it became
more violent and secretive. The Knights of the Golden Circle, which
was founded by Dr. George W L. Bickley in Ohio, had secret passwords,
handshakes, temples, sworn oaths, and supreme councils. It drew its
membership from Masonic lodges. The Knights of the Golden Circle
attempted to create one huge slave state, and its largest membership
came from Texas, where Governor Sam Houston was a member.
With its funding from England and its push toward secession, the
group would be, in the eyes of Abraham Lincoln, the greatest threat to
the United States. Lincoln had thirteen thousand members arrested for
disloyalty, with Bickley himself being charged with spying.1 The
Knights of the Golden Circle were then led by General Albert Pike, a
thirty-third-degree Mason. He too recruited among Masonic lodges
often in the border states and Ohio. Pike also recruited among the
Native American tribes. In the spring of 1860 Pike raised to thirty-second
degree Peter Pitchlyn, the chief of the Choctaw Nation; Holmes
Colbert, national secretary of the Chickasaw; and Elias Boudinot of the
Before the war, Pike was a member of the Democratic American
party, which is commonly known as the Know-Nothings. He joined
the Confederacy and was among the numerous Masons picked by fellow
Mason Jefferson Davis to run the Confederate states. After the Civil
War, Pike was the driving force of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, in
which he was the chief justice. This organization also recruited among
Masonic lodges, and in some areas the local Klan membership was limited
to Masons. Though the Klan was started in 1866, it was officially
disbanded after three years as the wave of violence and riots incited by
the organization created a backlash.
In 1905 Walter L. Fleming wrote a pro-Klan book featuring the late
Pike on the cover. The organization started up once more, again drawing
its membership from Masonic lodges. Somehow Pike, who had
been charged with treason for his role in the Civil War, has been honored
with a statue in Judiciary Square in Washington. While there have
been modern protests against the statue's presence, there is an equally
strong movement to keep it there.
The Civil War did not just end with the surrender at Appomattox. The
final act of the war took place at Ford's Theater, where the president was
killed by an assassin who was part of a very large conspiracy. John Wilkes
Booth, the shooter, was a Mason and a member of the Knights of the
Golden Circle. The conspiracy, of course, was much larger than Booth.
Four members of the organization were hanged for their roles and several
others went to prison, but still a wider circle provided financial support.
The conspiracy in the Lincoln assassination had as many mysteries
as the Kennedy assassination would a hundred years later.
After Lincoln's death, Congress formed an Assassination
Committee to determine if Andrew Johnson had played a role in the
murder. Booth had visited Johnson's residence hours before the shooting.
The assassin reportedly met with the future president in 1864 and
even earlier, when he was the military governor of Tennessee. Johnson
was one of three presidents to come from Tennessee; all three were
Masons. He was the first president to receive the Scottish Rite degrees.
Johnson was also the target of anti-Masons, and because the clergy had
spoken out against him, he later requested that no clergy be present at
his funeral.
Lincoln had basically ignored Johnson since the president's
Inauguration Day, and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, wrote a letter to a
friend claiming that Johnson had a hand in her husband's murder.
Congress, however, was no more able to find evidence of a conspiracy
than it was a hundred years later when President Kennedy was removed
from office by a bullet.
Years after the Warren Commission determined that a lone assassin
managed to kill President Kennedy with an antique rifle, a new theory
emerged: Kennedy had attempted to have Fidel Castro eliminated, and
Kennedy's assassination was the retaliation. Coincidentally, Lincoln
actually did instigate a plot to attack the Confederate capitol at
Richmond and kill the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, and his
Colonel Ulrich Dahlgren was handpicked by Lincoln to lead the
attack. Dahlgren was killed in the attempt, and papers found on his
body pointed to the plot's origin in Washington. In retaliation, the plot
to kill Lincoln was hatched by none other than Davis and his secretary
of state, Judah Benjamin.
Benjamin was a unique individual who started in the Confederate
government as attorney general and later became the secretary of state.
Born in the British West Indies of Sephardic Jewish parents, he was part
of a large and active Jewish community that thrived in the Southern
pre—Civil War states. Benjamin's mentor in the pre-Civil War period
was John Slidell, an influential New Yorker who became a transplanted
Southerner. Because it was in the interest of slave traders to expand the
slave states, both Democrat Slidell and Whig leader Caleb Cushing
pushed first to declare war on and then to attempt to annex Mexico.
Slidell's connections were very much tied to Europe, where his daughter
married into the prestigious French-Jewish banking house Erlanger
et Cie. Slidell's niece married August Belmont, who represented the
even more prestigious Rothschild Bank. The friendships of Slidell
helped Benjamin develop connections in Europe that benefited the
South during the war. One of these benefits was the floating of a war
bond by Erlanger in Europe to raise funds for the Confederate states.
Benjamin also became the head of the Confederate intelligence. He
established operations in Canada, where the South had hoped to bring
in an ally against the Union. This failed, but the Canada connection was
useful in getting money and in running operations. More than one million
dollars was held in Canada for the attempt to attack the White
House and kill or kidnap the president. Two weeks before the Lincoln
assassination, Benjamin dispatched John Surratt to Canada. While there
is little indication that Benjamin knew Surratt would play a role in the
conspiracy, the Confederate secretary of state helped destroy any evidence
by burning all his papers and fleeing to England, where he practiced
law. Benjamin was the only member of the Confederate
government never to return to the United States.
The murder of Lincoln was most likely planned from at least the
time of his second inauguration, when five of the coconspirators—
Lewis Paine, George Atzerodt, David Herold, John Surratt, and Ned
Spangler—were photographed together. Booth was a guest of the inauguration
courtesy of Lucy Hale, the daughter of a senator from New
Hampshire and Booth's fiancee.
Just what precautions, if any, were taken to protect the president
prior to the assassination is unknown. There was no Secret Service
detail, although Lincoln had a bodyguard, John Parker, a member of the
Washington Metropolitan Police. Apparently not very diligent, Parker
showed up late and took his seat outside the president's box at the theater.
Since Parker could not see the play, he decided to find a better vantage
point and simply left his post. Parker then invited two other
Lincoln employees, his footman and coachman, to join the bodyguard
for a drink in a nearby tavern. Investigators have never discovered
where Parker actually was when the president was killed.
There was no question where John Kennedy's security detail was
many years later in the hours leading up to his assassination. Nine of
them spent the previous night in a nightclub run by a friend of Jack
Ruby, Pat Kirkwood. Ruby sent over strippers from his Carousel Club
to entertain the Secret Service men, who were still drinking at 3:30
A.M.2 A telexed warning that the president would be assassinated in
Dallas was ignored, and the parade route was changed at the last minute
and not secured. The driver of the president's car hit the brakes after the
first shot and moved again only after the third.3 Like Lincoln's security
detail, Kennedy's much larger Secret Service was not held accountable
for his death.
Mortally wounded, President Lincoln was brought to the home of
William Peterson, where several doctors, including Charles C.Taft, were
present. Dr. Taft wasn't able to save the president, but he reportedly
saved some of his hair, which ended up in a locket worn by Teddy
Roosevelt at his inauguration. What went on at Peterson's house is lost
to history, but another mysterious death occurred shortly after: William
Peterson later committed suicide.
The mortally wounded John Kennedy was brought to Parkland
Hospital and later to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland. The
Parkland doctors completely disagreed with the inexperienced Bethesda
doctors about the wounds and the directions of the bullets' entries and
exits.4 Yet the Dulles-controlled Warren Commission ignored the discrepancy,
5 instead claiming that the Bethesda doctors were right and the
Parkland doctors had agreed with Bethesda's findings.
The killers of both presidents were soon found and killed. There
were persistent rumors that Booth actually survived his shooting, while
the body of a patsy was used to give the illusion of Booth going to the
grave. Other guests of the Lincolns at Ford's Theater also met with
gruesome deaths. For example, Henry Rathbone's wife, Clara, was
reportedly stabbed to death by her husband before he tried to end his
own life. He would be placed in an insane asylum.
Ten years later Mary Todd Lincoln would also find herself committed
to an asylum. Her son Robert was in the White House when his
father was shot, with President Garfield in 1881 when he was shot, and
in Buffalo when President McKinley was shot in in 1901. For a while
Robert Lincoln had been business partners with some of the people
connected to his father's death. Later Robert was shocked to discover
documents implicating others who survived the plot. He is said to have
destroyed the papers.
The conspirators of Lincoln's assassination fled the scene, first to
find help for Booth, who was wounded. The group, which included the
soldier Boston Corbett, was caught. Corbett shot Booth, and was later
declared insane and sent to an asylum.
Mary Surratt, another arrested conspirator, was the first American
woman condemned to death by hanging. Just before Mary's death her
daughter, Anna Surratt, attempted to see President Andrew Johnson to
get clemency for her mother. Two men, both onetime senators, stopped
Anna Surratt. Senator Preston King would not see the year's end; he
committed suicide by tying a bag of bullets around his neck and jumping
off a ferry. Senator James Lane shot himself months later. While
there was evidence that the Lincoln conspiracy included his secretary
of war, Edwin Stanton, Stanton was involved in the investigation,
which would proceed only after those who benefited from its conclusions
were in control.
The list of suspicious deaths surrounding the Kennedy murder is
even lengthier and has been the focus of several books.
Allen Dulles, the former head of the CIA, was chosen to investigate
the assassination of the man who fired him. Kennedy had threatened to
dismantle the CIA. Dulles's right-hand man, Charles Cabell, the deputy
director of the CIA, was the brother of the mayor of Dallas, where the
assassination was staged.6 The commission that investigated Kennedy's
death was named after a thirty-third-degree Mason and Supreme Court
justice, Earl Warren. Senator Richard Russell, a Mason from Georgia,
and Gerald Ford, another thirty-third-degree Mason, joined the commission.
The Warren Commission basically rubber-stamped the findings
of the FBI, whose investigation concluded faster than one could fill out
a job application. The FBI, of course, was headed by another Mason, J.
Edgar Hoover. With the detractors quickly becoming victims and a
favorable media system in place, the conclusion of the Warren
Commission was allowed to stand—despite its glaring inaccuracy and
the sentiment of the public.
The role of secret societies such as the Knights of the Golden Circle did
not end with the defeat of the secessionist South. The damage to the
United States was already staggering: More than six hundred thousand
men had been killed in a population of only thirty million. The national
debt rose 2,500 percent. And the divisive politics that existed before the
war did not cease. The North generated further hatred through the
harsh punitive politics of Reconstruction. In the South and in states like
Ohio that sympathized with the South, a new group of secret societies
thrived. The Ku Klux Klan became a resurrected version of the Knights
of the Golden Circle.7 Members fostered racial hatred even in areas of
the country that were not previously divided by race. As a secret society,
the Ku Klux Klan claimed kinship to Masonry and recruited among
the ancient order's members. This time the policy of the elite was
preached loud enough to become the voice of the mob.
Chapter 14
The use of the drug opium had already been around for thousands
of years when crusading Templars were introduced to it by the
Arabs. Opium had been cultivated from 6000 B.C.E. in Europe and was
found in neolithic burials in southern Spain dating to 4200 B.C.E. The
culture we recognize as the world's first higher civilization, Sumeria,
had a name for opium, hul-gil, or "joy plant," a name that was in use up
to 5,400 years ago. An Egyptian medical text dating to 1550 B.C.E. listed
a long list of ailments opium would relieve. The Greeks, whose mystic
cults used opium in religious rituals, prescribed it for problems such as
headaches, epilepsy, coughs, and kidney stones. At the same time, they
understood it was addictive. Homer refers to opium as the drug of forgetfulness.
The Romans used it as a painkiller and as a poison, putting
large amounts of the drug in the wine of the intended victim.
From the Mediterranean cultures of Galen and Pliny, the drug
spread east to Arabic physicians. Muslim peoples not only inherited the
medicinal uses of the drug from these ancient societies but also held the
drug in high recreational esteem; in a land that prohibited alcohol,
opium was a good substitute. Opium traveled east with the Muslim
traders who preceded Marco Polo on land and crossed the Indian
Ocean by ship.
During the Crusades, the secretive sect known as the Assassins used
the drug hashish to experience the pleasures of heaven. Such enlightenment
prepared them for their missions, as they were no longer afraid
to die for their faith. The Knights Templar were soon aware of the
Assassins and hashish, as well as of opium. The knights returned with
tales of the usefulness of these new drugs, to give courage, as opium did,
and to motivate men in battle, as did hashish.
Opium use in Europe had declined after the fall of the Roman
Empire, only to increase again after Crusaders reintroduced the drug.
After the demise of the Templars in 1307, there is little written on the
subject, but opium remained in demand and explorers from Vasco
da Gama, a member of the Knights of Christ, to Columbus and Cabot
were instructed to obtain the magic elixir.1 The medieval alchemist
Paracelsus called it "the stone of immortality."
During his travels on the Indian Ocean, Afonso de Albuquerque
was acquainted with the usefulness of opium and advised the
Portuguese king about the potential profit that existed in buying and
reselling the drug. In a letter to his king, who was the grand master of
the Knights of Christ, Albuquerque wrote, "I would order poppies . . .
to be sown in all the fields of Portugal."2 It was a lesson that the
Europeans failed to take to heart. It was easier to buy Turkish or Indian
The Pilgrims understood the benefit of the drug and took it with them
on their travels to America in 1620. Laudanum was the name given to
the Pilgrims' mixture of opium, wine, saffron, cinnamon, and cloves.
The Pilgrims brought a second opium-based concoction, paregoric, in
which the drug was mixed with licorice, honey, benzoic acid, camphor,
and anise oil.
Dr. Benjamin Rush, a signer of the Declaration of Independence
and a member of the Continental Congress, was the surgeon general of
the Continental army. He did much to advance the use of medicines
and his "heroic therapy," which incorporated opium. In fact, this therapy
later provided a name for opium's favored derivative, heroin. Rush
prescribed opium for cholera, for relief of intestinal spasms, and as part
of a mixture for enemas.
Like all drugs, opium had its downside. Physicians who prescribed
it for a period of four days or less best understood the power of the
poppy. An opium dependence goes beyond a habit; the opium becomes
as fundamental as food and water, as the user's body is actually altered
chemically and cannot function without the drug.3 If one maintains a
healthy lifestyle and uses opium properly, the drug can be part of daily
existence; many prominent and not-so-prominent people have survived
decades-long drug habits. But the nature of opium is not conducive to
a healthy lifestyle. Addicts experience physical deterioration, such as
gastric and circulatory disorders. The mental effects exhibit themselves
in a loss of interest in both personal hygiene and anyone except one's
source of the drug. The body appears to feed on itself, becoming emaciated
from lack of food. From hepatitis and liver damage to skin disease
and respiratory disease, the body begins a descent matched only by
the mind's descent. Forgetfulness, lethargy, and irritability are the daily
range of emotions suffered by the opium addict.
Today's modern "improvement" of the opium-based group, which
includes morphine and heroin, renders the deadly effects of addiction
within days. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the opium
smoker started on a slower road that led to the final impact: death.
Although these effects were fully known, as they are today, knowledge
of them did not stop the trade; it continues to this day.
The cornerstone of colonial trade was the supercommodity. The commodity
for Portugal had been the black slave; the commodity that grew
Spain's empire was silver. The Dutch would lead the way into the spice
trade, creating huge demand for pepper and other herbs back home in
Europe. Britain and France discovered the commodities that were
referred to as food-drugs: sugar, tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages such
as rum. Colonizing America was not just about finding places to dump
the undesirable populations of Europe; it was also about making a
Getting England addicted to Chinese tea was easy; keeping a trade
balance became more difficult. In 1700 the British East India Company
imported twenty thousand pounds of tea. Six years later that figure
grew 400 percent to a hundred thousand pounds. By 1766 the cost of
tea imports was becoming impossible to meet with silver. When the figure
hit six million pounds, it became clear that tea would drain England
of silver unless something was done.
Up until the eighteenth century, drug use in the world was never
described as an epidemic or plague, but the British would change that.
The Chinese had discovered the pleasure of smoking opium, first mixed
with tobacco, which was brought by the Dutch, then in a pure form.
The British East India Company cornered the opium-producing market
and sold its drugs to willing Asians. In every southeast Asian country
where Britain's empire was active, the government was forced to
admit Indian opium. The Chinese had the most money to spend, and
their extravagance easily spread opium use. Opium was expensive to
bring to market, but China had such a large wealthy ruling class that
there were enough customers who could afford to buy and use the drug
on a regular basis. The British East India Company had found a way to
correct the tea trade imbalance.
Today we often dismiss the crimes of the past as simply being "the
way things were." The British and American traders, however, should
not be dismissed so lightly. "They were not ignorant of what sort of
substance they were selling. They knew it was a poison. They knew it
was addictive."4
By 1836 China imported enough opium to make the drug the
largest revenue-producing commodity in the world. It enriched a handful
while destroying the social and political structure of China. By this
time the drug merchants included Americans. The great motivator, greed,
was as powerful to Boston's blue bloods as it was to the English. This
greed is the reason the drug trade continues today, and why the Western
world, specifically America and Europe, is experiencing a drug epidemic.
Ironically, it is the former victims of American and European colonialism
that are now exporting the drugs to their ex-colonial overlords.
The British and American traders who took part in what was called
the China trade often had little the Chinese were willing to buy. The
Chinese wanted silver and raw Indian cotton, and America and Europe
wanted tea. An exception to the rule was ginseng; America's ginseng,
produced in New England and the Appalachian region, was regarded as
an aphrodisiac in China. But the market for ginseng was too small to
balance America's demand for tea. There were two alternatives. The first
was opium. The Chinese were already consumers of opium for almost
a thousand years, but they had brewed it into tea. Like many other natural
drugs, the opium tea did not cause the debilitating effects that
opium smoking and opium derivatives caused. Similarly, the effect of
chewing coca leaves on the Andean population of South America had
some negative side effects, but nothing like the damage caused by
addiction to the refined version of the plant, cocaine. In both cases the
refinement of a natural plant created a substance that caused addiction.
The Europeans created the opium addiction. Shortly after discovering
the pleasures of tobacco in the American colonies, the Dutch
brought the new commodity to China; the Dutch most likely introduced
both tobacco and opium smoking. The horrors of addiction
quickly became known to the Chinese. In 1729 Chinese Emperor Yung
Cheng prohibited the sale and use of opium in his country as anything
but medicine. When the British East India Company assumed control
over Bengal and Bihar, the opium-producing districts of India, it greatly
expanded the trade. By 1767 the company was importing two thousand
chests, each filled with 170 pounds of pure opium, each year.
As in America, the British established trade monopolies. The Indian
growers, by law, had to sell to the British East India Company. But the
British love of profit was no match for the Chinese edict, and the company
could no longer sell to China. Instead, the British East India
Company became the middleman that bought the opium from the
Indian producers and sold to English and American merchants who
were willing to run the risk of shipping the product.
In 1799 the Chinese emperor Kia King made all opium trade illegal.
This very act most likely served to increase the profits that were
made in the trade, as both the price of opium and the amount consumed
increased. The British Levant Company, another nationally chartered
business syndicate, purchased half the Turkish opium crop and
brought it to Europe, where it was sold as medicine.
British and American ships participated in the trade by carrying
goods that were attractive to Turkey and India, like tin, lead, and wool.
They carried the opium to China, where thousands of pounds of the
drug filled chests that were exchanged for tea, spices, and exotic goods.
Another product the Chinese wanted was fur. This provided a lever
for the Americans to lift the British monopoly on the China trade. John
Jacob Astor's ships were among the first to sail to the Pacific Northwest,
where they harvested the coats of seals and otters. Although the Native
tribes had hunted the wildlife for centuries, it took only a few years for
the hunting to drive the populations to the point of near extinction.
This, in turn, made the hunt more expensive.
America as a nation did not sanction the buying and selling of
opium, but it did not forbid it either. The American participants in this
trade did nothing illegal as far as their own country was concerned. They
were, however, breaking Chinese law, as it was illegal to distribute opium
there. Like the British, the Americans could rely on their country to
invoke protective policy when China attempted to enforce its law. Both
Britain and the United States maintained a naval presence to protect their
commerce. China, which had no navy, was unable to enforce its laws on
its coastline. British and American traders took advantage by occupying
Asian islands, where they kept warehouses. Without ships or a coast guard,
China could not approach the islands. Just in case of the unlikely inspection
by a Chinese mandarin assigned to customs duty, the opium was
usually kept aboard floating warehouses—ships that would not make voyages
but simply float off the coasts of the occupied islands. From these
warehouse ships Chinese merchants bought opium and smuggled it into
Canton or the interior of China.
Remarkably, the opium trade was officially prohibited by the British
government, but the prohibition was ignored as the governmentchartered
British East India Company profited from the trade. The
partners of the company were the elite of a nation that could simply
outlaw competition and disregard the country's own laws. Henry
Dundas, the Viscount Melville, was a political boss in Scotland, and his
number one goal was to enrich the aristocrats. In Scotland he restored
the lands of the nobles. In the United Kingdom he started the Scottish
control over the British East India Company, which had no Scottish
directors prior to the eighteenth century. Dundas served as president of
the company's board from 1793 to 1801. Outside the British Isles he
interfered with business from America to Asia. He wrote the blueprint
for opium trade with China, and in 1809 was the head of the Board of
Control of India. He stocked the Indian subcontinent with friends, all
Scots who governed Britain's crown jewel. The Chinese laws could not
be changed but they could be rendered insignificant by circumventing
the restrictions. Dundas's cronies used "country ships" carrying opium
bought from British India, which were accompanied and protected by
British East India Company ships. The company would buy tea with
the proceeds from the opium sales. The company allowed Americans
into the marketplace, and English bankers often assisted them in financing
the voyages.
The Dundas family was steeped in Masonry, and the tradition carries
into later times. Thomas Dundas, the second Earl of Zetland,
became grand master in 1844 and remained in that post until 1870. The
Dundas clan brought Masonry to Hong Kong, and the first lodge in
that city, chartered in 1846, was named for their lodge in England: the
Zetland Lodge No. 525.
At the same time that England defended its right to distribute opium
in China, it took to restricting the drug business at home. The government
began monitoring the pharmaceutical houses that were expanding
the use of opium in Europe. England went to war twice to protect
the illegal trade conducted by the country's elite; the 1,000 percent
profit was enough to entice the country to protect the illegal trade. In
the nineteenth century the drug lords of Britain were the Jardines, the
Mathesons, and the Sutherlands—all Scots ushered into prosperity
thanks to Dundas. These families built dynasties that are still in power
today, while millions of Chinese became addicted to opium.5
The first families of the opium trade joined together in small partnerships.
William Jardine and James Matheson formed the opium-trading
firm of Jardine and Matheson while still in their twenties. Opium was
their prime business, and they published regular newsletters called the
Opium Circulars, which gave information about the drug's markets and
prices. A Brit posted in East Asia could pick up a newspaper anywhere
from Patna to Singapore to get the current opium prices for Bengal and
Patna opium. In this way Britain could claim to be adhering to Chinese
policy, and Jardine and Matheson replaced the British East India
Company as the largest trading firm in the empire. But they were fully
aware of the horrors addiction brought to China. David Matheson, a
young partner, assured of nearly unlimited wealth at an early age, chose
to resign rather than to profit from the drug trade.
Jardine and Matheson's early success was the result of working in
close cooperation with the British East India Company. The British
East India Company had a monopoly on tea, which was legal until
1833. When Britain officially agreed not to ship opium, Jardine and
Matheson—headquartered in Hong Kong—provide the loophole by
bringing in the drug. The British East India Company was provided
with tea, but its ships did not actually carry the opium. The drug was
still packaged with company seals to ensure its quality, however.
Jardine and Matheson was controlled by family and Masonic relationships,
and like their American counterparts they wore their family
names like a badge. James Matheson, cofounder of Jardine and
Matheson, had a nephew, Hugh, who would invest opium profits in
mining. Hugh Matheson founded Rio Tinto Zinc Company, which is
still in operation today. Alliances with the key banks Schroeder's and
Barings provided the ability to move on a global scale.
The Barings, who later were instrumental in founding the
Peninsula and Oriental Steamship lines, were already a force in
international trade when they began financing the opium trade. James
Matheson's mother's family, the MacKays, who held the title of Earl of
Inchcape, until recently controlled the board of the steamer lines.
Before steam was the power of choice, opium was carried by clipper
ships, which were built for speed. Two of the first opium clippers were
the Alexander Baring and the Falcon. The Barings financed many
American firms in various businesses, including the Binghams and
Stephen Girard. Girard, like Astor, was an early pioneer of the China
trade, but he was quickly eclipsed by New England merchants.
The British had the early lead in the importation of opium and
were often the target of Chinese legislation and activity. This is why the
British allowed American ships to enter the trade and often financed
them. In this way the British were not directly breaking China's prohibition,
but the British lenders and shippers would make money from
their investments in the American ships.
The British families had been benefiting from the trade for a century,
but the Americans caught up quickly. To the chagrin of the British, the
Americans went to Turkey to buy lower-grade opium that competed
with the better British-grown Indian grades. Americans proved themselves
adept at smuggling and grew wealthy from the trade.
A recent book called The Wealthy 100 created a unique ranking of
Americans by wealth and the proportion of that wealth in relation to
the gross national product. John Jacob Astor, born in 1763, ranked third;
Stephen Girard, born in 1750, was fourth; Elias Hasket Derby, born in
1739, was number 38; smuggler John Hancock, born in 1737, was number
54; and the not as well known Thomas Handasyd Perkins, born in
1764, was ranked number 78.6 While opium traders Astor and Girard
ranked much higher, Thomas Perkins was even more influential, as he
brought scores of American blue bloods into the trade.
Thomas Perkins deserves credit for being one of America's first and
foremost opium dealers, as well as one of the greatest drug smugglers in
history. His amazing fortune places him ahead, in comparable dollars, of
even the computer billionaires of the 1990s. Perkins's wealth made him
a very influential man in American politics and the power behind the
Boston Brahmin class. Old reports state that the first families of Boston
were from Salem, which implies they made their fortunes in shipping.
What is not often understood is that these first families all made their
start in the opium trade. The Appletons, Cabots, Endicotts, Hoopers,
Higginsons, Jacksons, Lowells, Lawrences, Phillipses, and Saltonstalls
made their money by being related to Thomas Perkins or by riding on
the coattails of the mercantile prince.
Not only did these families create wealth, but also they then created
industries that survived and prospered for decades to come. One
industry was insurance. The Perkinses understood the value of spreading
risk; they would often be financed in part by the first families of
New England, who wanted their share of the area's most lucrative trade,
and in part by insurance.
Marine insurance is regarded as the grandfather of all modern
forms of insurance in America, and it got its start in New England
insuring cargo from basic commodities to slaves and opium.
Connecticut was home to some of America's first insurance companies.
Many have survived intact or as parts of larger companies, though few
realize their foundation was insuring the drug and slave traders in the
early nineteenth century.
Born in 1764, Thomas Perkins decided early that Harvard was not
where he would seek his fortune. Instead he apprenticed with shipping
merchants and his older brother, James, who was in the Santo
Domingo—New England part of the triangle trade. Thomas married Sarah
Elliot, whose father was a British tobacco trader, and through his new family
connections made his start in business aboard one of Elias Derby's ships.
Derby was Salem's most important merchant, and the shipping
business made him very rich. Today he is regarded as America's first millionaire
and a trailblazer of global commerce. Derby's father started
their business importing sugar from the West Indies. Because this was
made illegal by Britain's restrictive trade acts, it was a fine sort of
revenge that led Derby into privateering against British cargo ships during
the Revolution. While many succumbed to the risks, Derby prospered.
In the postwar period his ships sailed around the world, and his
Grand Turk was the first New England ship to reach the Chinese port
of Canton, in 1785. Thomas Perkins sailed as the supercargo, the person
responsible for transacting the ship's business, with the ship commanded
by Captain James Magee, who was related to Derby's wife.
Perkins was responsible for obtaining a good price for the cargo on
board the ship. He would then take the proceeds, in whatever form, and
invest them in a suitable cargo to bring home. The trade was not always
direct, which made the job of the supercargo even more important.
Often the supercargo would receive instructions to buy and sell in any
way deemed necessary to ensure the owner's profit. On slave ships the
captain and supercargo often conspired to abandon some of the crew in
order to increase the share of the profits for those who remained.
The Perkins family had little problem with the morality—or lack
of morality—of the trade, as its previous business was the slave and sugar
trade in Santo Domingo. In 1792 a slave insurrection in that country
ruined the Perkinses' business, so James and Thomas formed a new partnership
as J. and T. H. Perkins. It did not take more than one successful
voyage to become wealthy, and the many successful Perkins voyages
made Thomas both wealthy and powerful.
For the crew who traveled on a Perkins ship, life was not as comfortable
or as lucrative. In 1814 Charles Tyng was a thirteen-year-old
who had run away from school. Colonel Thomas Perkins, who received
his title by serving in the Massachusetts militia, took the boy aboard a
China-bound ship; Thomas's brother had married the boy's aunt. If the
four-foot eight-inch teenager had expected any benefits from being
related to the wealthy shipowner, he soon found out the opposite was
true. His uncle John Higginson was supercargo aboard the ship, and the
first words young Charles heard from him were instructions to the carpenter
to beat the boy. Tyng was beaten daily for minor infractions, for
not knowing his way about the ship, and for the amusement of those in
charge. He was thrown in the hog pen as punishment. Tyng was even
denied adequate clothing for the passage around Cape Horn, and he
was handed over to three unusually obese women, wives of a Hawaiian
king, for their sexual amusement. Charles Tyng survived his brief stint
working for his uncles, and after being twice cheated by them later, he
left their employ. Tyng left his memoirs preserving the tales of the
opium trade and of the Perkinses' role.7
The other men aboard the Perkinses' ship fared better, but the ship
was underprovisioned and ran out of food on the way to Canton. This
also happened on the return trip. The ship's owners netted four hundred
thousand dollars for their efforts, or lack thereof, as they sat home
in New England.
While today the memoirs of New England's first families and the
museums dedicated to those clans downplay the role of opium and
black slaves in building New England's fortunes, their involvement in
those trades is undeniable. Shippers could fare well carrying tobacco
and cotton to Rotterdam and London, but fortunes were built on trading
opium for tea in China. Salem's wives had grown fond of Chinese
lacquer furniture and Eastern silk gowns,8 and when the East India
Marine Hall opened, Asian dress was the order of the evening.
Smuggling opium had its rewards, and both T H. Perkins and opium
kingpin Joseph Russell became extremely prominent merchants as a
result of their shipping businesses. Their wealth gave them power and
access to government. Perkins and Russell traveled to France to carry
out their ventures and to act on behalf of their country during the
Monroe administration. During the War of 1812, Russell was made
charge d'affaires of the United States at the Court of Saint James's.
Perkins was a principal member of the Federalist party and was
elected to the Senate eight times. He was also the president of the
Boston branch of the United States Bank (in which post he was succeeded
by a Cabot). Perkins made his money from the opium trade
before the drug business led to open war in China, and invested the
profits into sawmills, gristmills, textiles, and the railroad business—
including the Boston and Lowell, the Boston and Providence, and other
railroads farther west. With his combined interests, Perkins was soon
considered the wealthiest man in New England. Many New England
family fortunes began with investments in the Perkins China ventures.
As a community leader, Perkins did what many slave traders, drug
smugglers, and robber barons would do: He became a philanthropist.
His charities included the Perkins Institute for the Blind and
Massachusetts General Hospital.9
As Thomas Perkins devoted himself to European affairs and his
business interests in New England, he turned over the day-to-day
responsibilities of opium trafficking to his relatives. His children also
made connections through marriage, wedding Cabots, Gardiners,
Higginsons, Forbeses, and Cushings.
While relationships to the Perkins business and family were the start of
many fortunes, they were also the start of several political careers. One
of the most powerful political families that had ties to the Perkinses
were the Cushings.
In China the Boston-based Cushing family soon became responsible
for operating the Perkins family business. Thomas Cushing was
already an active merchant during the eighteenth century. As a businessman,
Cushing would sometimes collect intelligence on the Tories,
but he was reluctant to share it. He was against the Revolution, as he
feared it would interfere with his shipping business. But Cushing overcame
his fears when he found that he could make a fortune overcharging
both the Americans and the French for supplies. Such excessive
profiteering was shared by Otis and Gerry, and even smaller merchants
did not consider it wrong to gouge the military.
Chief among a cadre of Thomas Cushings nephews was John
Perkins Cushing, who started out as the head of the American hong, or
house of foreign trade, in Canton. John Cushing's mother was Ann
Perkins, and her connections would allow him access to wealth known
to very few. After the early death of his mother, young Cushing was
raised by T. H. Perkins.
John Cushing started his career in the countinghouse of the Perkins
home office, but was sent to Canton at age seventeen to further his education.
A year later he was in charge of the Canton branch, the epicenter
of Perkins's profit machine. Cushing developed an early friendship
with one of China's most powerful merchants, Houqua, who was head
of the Cohong, the community of Chinese merchants. The friendship
of Houqua meant everything for a foreign merchant. Soon Cushing was
regarded as the most influential American in Canton.
Cushing stayed in Canton for twenty-five years and increased his
personal wealth by buying ships and shares in ships. In 1830 he retired
from the China trade and sold his own interests. He returned to New
England, where he married Louisa Gardiner and built city mansions
and country estates for himself. But he never fully retired, as he made
investments in the Chinese voyages of others. Cushing's family wealth
was earned entirely in drug trafficking with China, and his descendants
ensured that the trade did not end.
Caleb Cushing was the heir apparent. A graduate of Harvard at the
age of seventeen, Caleb Cushing became a lawyer and represented the
family's interests. He also became a thirty-third-degree Mason.
Caleb Cushing's political career started in the House of
Representatives, and after the suspicious death of William Henry
Harrison in 1843, Cushing was sent by the new president Tyler to
China as U.S. Commissioner. In China, Cushing did more to represent
the Perkins-Cushing interests in the opium-smuggling business than
the interests of his country. China, beaten by the British navy in the
war, lacked the ability to stand up to the threats of Cushing. The country
granted American ships the use of five ports.
Cushing went on to promote war against Mexico, plot with secessionists,
and conspire against Zachary Taylor. The death of Taylor
elevated Cushing to attorney general of the United States.
At the same time that John Perkins Cushing was beginning his career
in the opium trade, another Perkins relative was also achieving success.
The Sturgises were one of the first families of Massachusetts, claiming
descent from Edward Sturgis, who arrived in 1630. The family started
in farming, but the marriage of Russell Sturgis to Elizabeth Perkins,
Thomas's sister, ensured the Sturgis family's fortune in the shipping
business. Thomas Perkins would invest with Russell Sturgis in the Hope,
and Sturgis set sail for China.
Meanwhile, one of Russell's sons, James Perkins Sturgis, was sent to
the island of Lintin, just outside of Hong Kong, to manage the storage
facilities for all the opium traders. Because opium importing was illegal,
Lintin served as what might be called a drop house—a large terminal
for all the ships carrying opium.
As the Sturgis family wealth grew, Nathaniel Russell Sturgis teamed
up with George Robert Russell, who started Russell and Company, the
most important opium-trafficking firm of the 1830s. A Russell Sturgis
headed Barings Bank, which financed the opium trade. The women in
the Sturgis clan did their part as well. Elizabeth Perkins Sturgis married
Henry Grew, and their daughter, Jane, married J. P. Morgan's only son,
John Pierpont Morgan.
As the China trade expanded in the 1830s, the most important shipping
family was Samuel Russell's. A latecomer to the business, Samuel
Russell founded Russell and Company in 1823. He directed the company's
ships to Smyrna in Turkey to buy opium; the ships then brought
the opium to China. The company grew by hiring the right people and
by buying out their competitors.
Russell's chief of operations in Canton was Warren Delano Jr., the
grandfather of future president Franklin Roosevelt. Russell partners
who contributed funds to mount his overseas ventures included John
Cleve Green, who financed Princeton, and Abiel Abbot Low, who
financed construction at Columbia University in New York.10
The Russell family had a tremendous influence at Yale, and their
relationship continues to the present day. Yale was originally called the
Collegiate School. In early colonial times Elihu Yale served with the
British East India Company. He made a fortune with the company and
became governor of Madras in India in 1687. Later in life Yale gave
away much of his wealth, and Cotton Mather renamed the Collegiate
School in Yale's honor in 1718.
Joseph Coolidge was another Russell investor, as were members of
the Perkins, Sturgis, and Forbes families. The Perkinses and Russells
were soon united in a merger. Coolidge's son organized United Fruit,
which kept the colonial interests of many of New England's influential
families tied together. His grandson, Archibald C. Coolidge, was a
founder of the Council on Foreign Relations.11
Samuel Russell's cousin William Huntington Russell set up a trust
a Yale that created a unique organization of elite families under the
name of the Skull and Bones. Russell's cofounder was Alfonso Taft. The
Skull and Bones is a very secretive order that admits only fifteen new
members each year. Prominent families that have been part of this
organization include the Harrimans, Bushes, Kerrys, Tafts, Whitneys,
Bundys, Weyerhaeusers, Pinchots, Goodyears, Sloanes, Stimsons,
Phelpses, Pillsburys, Kelloggs,Vanderbilts, and Lovetts.
While the Russell shipping empire became one of the greatest and
most far-reaching, there is still one more New England family that
played a significant role in the trade.
When the Cushings left China, the Forbes family took over operations.
The Forbeses were not the first in the opium trade with China, but they
brought drug smuggling to its highest level of profitability and left a
legacy that extends into modern times.
The Forbes family roots reach well back into Scotland, where they
can be traced to at least the thirteenth century. Sir Alexander Forbes, the
first Lord Forbes, was granted lands in 1423 and was made a lord of
Parliament in 1445. Incessant warfare in both Scodand and England made
loyalty to the king precarious. Well before the massive Scottish immigration
after Culloden in 1745, the Forbeses, who were Protestants (and
therefore not Jacobites), were already situated in Massachusetts and connected
with the families that would become American "aristocracy." As
with the Gardiners and others illicit traders, the fortune accumulated by
the Forbeses in opium trading was invested in land and industry. John and
Robert Forbes would lead the way to the family fortune.
John Murray Forbes (1813-1898), the son of Ralph Bennet Forbes
and Margaret Perkins Forbes, started his business career at age fifteen in
the Boston countinghouse of bis uncles James and Thomas Perkins. John
Forbes was soon allowed to travel to Canton to represent the Perkins syndicate,
and he stayed for seven years. In 1837, at the age of twenty-four,
Forbes returned from Canton so wealthy that he could finance the construction
of several railroads, including the Michigan Central Railroad,
which he bought unfinished and extended to Lake Michigan and Chicago.
Forbes became a prime mover, leading a group of capitalists who
could raise millions to complete acquisitions of companies. Many had
previously invested with Forbes in the China trade, and they remained
grateful for and loyal because of the fortunes they had reaped. Forbes
continued to extend the Michigan Central's service, to Detroit and into
Canada, and he built other railways including the Hannibal and Saint
Joseph Railroad in Missouri and the Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy
Railroad, of which he served as president.
Following the lesson of Gardiner, John Forbes bought an island where
he could conduct business isolated from the prying eyes of neighbors.
Like Gardiner's Island, the island of Naushon, just south of the Woods
Hole area of Cape Cod, served as a protectorate for smugglers for as
long as Massachusetts was a colony. The shifting sandbars and the isola
tion from the active ports of the New England coast protected many
lawbreaking merchants.
The island first belonged to one of Massachusetts's most elite families,
the Winthrops. There is little evidence that they were involved in
the merchant trade. John Winthrop, the leader of seven hundred
Puritans, was the first of the family who came to America. John
Winthrops idea of religion was that it was something to be imposed on
others. The Taliban form of Islam is an apt comparison to the religious
vision of John Winthrop. Puritans made it a crime to miss church, to
dance, to sing, and to celebrate Christmas; likewise, the Taliban made it
a crime to miss prayers, to dance, to sing, and to celebrate (as opposed
to observe) Islamic festival days. Both fundamentalist groups punished
their people with torture and humiliation.
As governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop opposed
democracy as well, believing his colony should be governed by a handful
of pious leaders. Fleeing religious persecution apparently did not
mean that Winthrop would hesitate to persecute others, and in
America's first incidence of religious persecution, he banished Anne
Hutchinson from the colony. Such elitism pervaded the thinking of the
rulers of Massachusetts up to—and even after—the American
The second family to own the island was the Bowditches. They
would never enjoy the power of the Winthrops or the wealth of the
Forbeses, but the Bowditches were industrious seafarers and the family
was very well connected with Massachusetts blue bloods. William
Bowditch sailed to America in the seventeenth century, when the family
began making its living from the sea. Habakkuk Bowditch, a son
who began a career at sea in the mid-eighteenth century, lost two ships
and two sons to the sea and had taken up the cooper trade when his
fourth son, Nathaniel, achieved long-lasting fame. Born in 1773 in
Salem, Nathaniel enjoyed mathematics more than anything else, and
this skill would revive the family's status. Even while in his teens,
Nathaniel was renowned for his knowledge of mathematics and languages,
to the point that others brought him books to further his
education. He spoke French, Spanish, and German and understood
Latin, and he even studied two dozen other languages. Remarkably, he
found an error in Newton's Principia.
During the Revolution a privateer from Beverly captured a ship
carrying the library of a noted Irish scholar. A group of merchants
bought the books and housed them in the Philosophical Library, where
Nathaniel Bowditch could continue his mostly self-taught education.
Despite his widespread reputation, he still had to go to sea to make his
fortune. Bowditch worked as a supercargo and made five voyages and a
huge fortune, while at the same time making lunar calculations to navigate
without the use of a chronometer. Legendary status came when
Bowditch navigated into Salem Harbor during a blinding snowstorm.12
He combined his book knowledge and practical experience to enhance
the ability of American merchants to navigate their own country.
Bowditch rewrote the American Coastal Pilot and then later produced his
own book, The New American Practical Navigator, which served as a tool
for navigating treacherous American waters until the government took
over the responsibility fifty years later.13 Bowditch's premier work is
simply referred to as "Bowditch" by sailors; it remains a classic in the
field. Since 1802 it has been reprinted in seventy editions.
Bowditch, who married his cousin Mary Ingersoll, refused mathematics
chairs at several universities, including Harvard, the University of
Virginia, and West Point, instead preferring his position as president of
the Essex Fire and Marine Insurance Company.14
At the entrance to Buzzards Bay, Naushon, the Bowditches' private
island, was more of an island kingdom than a summer home. When
Kidd rushed around planting his treasure, Naushon's Tarpaulin Cove
and Gardiner's Island were his last stops. In the years preceding the
Revolution, the cove served as a hiding place where smugglers could
wait to unload their merchandise.
A lighthouse was built on Naushon just before the Revolutionary
War to protect the ships navigating the shoals. During the Revolution
it served as a meeting place for privateers. James Bowditch, Nathaniel's
brother, fought the government's efforts to improve the lighthouse, as
guests were unwanted. When James died in 1817, an improved lighthouse
was erected. At this point the Bowditch family, which had owned
Naushon for more than a century, sold the island to the Forbeses. Since
then the "kingdom" has been in the hands of various Forbes family
members and trusts.
John Murray Forbes married into another first family of New England
when he wed Sarah Hathaway of New Bedford. Their five children
included William Hathaway Forbes, who married Edith Emerson (a relative
of Ralph Waldo Emerson's) and became president of the newly
formed Bell Telephone, John Malcolm Forbes, and Mary Hathaway
Forbes, who married a Russell.
The Hathaway, Forbes, and Perkins families were united in a merger
with Russell and Company even before John and Sarah Forbes were
united in marriage. Money from the opium trade and later investments
ensured the prominence of the family for generations to come. The
grandson of John Murray Forbes, William Cameron Forbes, was
appointed by Teddy Roosevelt as governor general of the Philippines,
and was later appointed to a post in Asia by President Harding.
John Forbes's brother was Robert Bennet Forbes (1804-1889), who
was known as "Black Ben" Forbes. His historical biography notes his
exploits as a sea captain in the China trade but ignores his involvement
in the opium business. At age thirteen Robert Forbes sailed for his uncles
to China, and at age twenty-four, when Perkins and Russell merged their
companies to form the most powerful American house in China, young
Robert secured the lucrative post of running the Lintin operation.
Forbes left China in 1834 to marry Rose Green Smith, and he
almost lost his fortune in the Panic of 1837. Seeking to rebuild his
wealth, Forbes went back to China and played a prominent role in the
outbreak of the Opium War, during which Russell and Company prospered.
Forbes was made the head of the company, replacing John C.
Green. By 1850 Forbes owned interests in more than sixty ships and
was the American vice-consul to China and France. In his later life
Forbes was noted for his contribution to the U.S. Navy during the Civil
War, and he became the first commodore of the Boston Yacht Club.
The early shipping business was unusually risky and the loss of a single
ship was a disaster to some companies. Often the way to spread the risk
was to "syndicate" the business so that merchants took shares in one
another's companies. In addition to the Perkins and Russell syndicates,
a third syndicate drew in some important personages.
Augustine Heard was an Ipswich merchant whose father participated
in the often illegal molasses and sugar trade. He too relished the
thought of getting revenge on the harsh and restrictive trade laws that
favored the home country at the expense of the colonies, so he became
a privateer. Heard started his career in the countinghouse and then
became a supercargo. In 1807 he sailed to Smyrna aboard the Betsy.15
The Heard Company started by selling ginseng and otter skins but soon
joined the opium trade. Heard's partners included John Forbes, John
Green, and Joseph Coolidge.
The American base of the opium trade moved south from the ports of
New England to New York. Families who were prominent in
Connecticut became equally important in New York. Ultimately, the
drug-smuggling families would attain the White House.

Chapter 15


During the glory years of the China trade, New York succeeded
Boston as the center of American shipping. Ships and warehouses
lined South Street's three-mile-long stretch of piers a few short
blocks from Wall Street's Tontine Coffee House, which served as the
center of the growing financial industry. The waterfront was so busy
that spectators came to watch the hustle of dockworkers, shipbuilders,
and auctioneers. Hammers clanged, barrels rolled, auctioneers shouted,
and thousands worked hard building and loading ships. Skilled labor
was so in demand that a sail maker was paid a previously unheard of
four dollars a day.
Ships sailed from New York to all ports. Similar to New England's
Brahmin families, many New York families achieved great wealth in the
drug trade. American shippers had as many excuses for involvement in
the trade as their British counterparts. And like the British, the
Americans had less to offer as exports, and the new country became the
dumping ground for British wares. The American families brought to
China ginseng, furs, and opium, their only valued goods.
It should be noted that the trade was not illegal in the United
States. What has become labeled the "China trade," which included tea
and opium, furs, and furniture, reduces the stigma that might be perceived
in modern times. Not all of the China traders carried opium,
and their activity was not considered criminal. The laws that were
broken were only those of another nation's, a common enough attitude
in colonial expansionist times. Although the morality of the opium
trade was questioned by a handful, both the British and American governments
had no quarrel with any aspects of the China trade.
America's richest opium smuggler was possibly John Jacob Astor. In
1800 Astor was worth $250,000 when the average American family had
an income of $750. When he died in 1848 his wealth was equal to
almost 1 percent of the entire country's gross national product.1
Astor's wealth was made in numerous ways, but his opium fortune
was a direct result of the British East India Company's granting him a
license to sell furs to China and to engage in the opium trade. The fur
business was soon abandoned in all but name. In 1816 Astor's American
Fur Company actually sailed directly to Turkey to buy ten tons of
opium, which was then sold illegally in Canton.
Astor's rapid rise to great wealth is an unlikely story. The son of a
German butcher, Astor came to America in 1784 at age twenty-one. He
reportedly spoke very little English, although he had lived for a short
time in London. He is described as having no grace, charm, or wit; he
is even said to have once wiped his hands on the table linens at a dinner
party. Yet Astor's gruff manners and poor English did not stop him
from rapidly entering society. He quickly married into wealth and
breeding in the form of Sarah Todd of New York's Breevort family.2
This connection most likely prompted his invitation to join New York's
most prestigious Masonic lodge, the Holland No. 8. Here he mingled
with Archibald Russell, the Livingstons, De Witt Clinton and George
Clinton, and members of New York's other first families.
The Holland No. 8 Lodge was founded in 1787 after negotiating
with the Masons to be allowed to hold meetings in the Low Dutch language.
At first the new lodge admitted only eight members. The numOpium:
ber 8 is significant to elite Masonry: There were eight original Templar
knights, there are eight points on the Masonic cross, and there were
eight prominent and wealthy New Yorkers in the new lodge.
From his new connections Astor discovered the lucrative fur pelt
business. Pelts that could be bought for a dollar from a New York Indian
could fetch six times the price in London.3 Astor typically cheated the
Indians by getting them drunk and then overcharging for the liquor.4
He cheated his own workers with low-paying contracts, although his
own records show he was more generous in bribes: He once made a
thirty-five-thousand-dollar payment to Michigan Governor Lewis
Cass.5 In short, Astor prospered in the fur business.
Astor's proceeds from the fur trade were invested into New York
City real estate during the year Washington was elected president and
New York was in recession. And Astor instinctively knew how to take
advantage of people. For example, when Aaron Burr shot Alexander
Hamilton in a duel, Burr had to flee the country and so Astor bought
Burr's Greenwich Village home for cash. In 1825 Astor bought land
from the U.S. government and immediately evicted seven hundred
Astor's China connections were made through his fur business, as
the Chinese bought beaver pelts that Astor's trappers and traders took
from New York and the Oregon territory. He was the first New York
merchant to join the China trade, and soon he replaced the furs with
In 1807 New York City entered another recession as the Embargo
Act stopped shipping. A letter from Punqua Wingchong, a visiting
Chinese merchant and a mandarin connected to the ruling family in
China, claimed the embargo had stranded him in New York City and
requested permission from President Jefferson to be allowed to sail
home. Jefferson made an exception and asked on what ship he intended
to sail. Punqua Wingchong requested the Beaver, an Astor ship. The ship
left New York with Punqua Wingchong and a hull full of furs. When it
returned Jefferson discovered that Punqua Wingchong was not a merchant
but a dockhand, and the voyage was a ruse created by Astor. The
Beaver made a two-hundred-thousand-dollar profit from the trip.
The profit was put into still another farm, which extended from
Broadway to the Hudson in midtown New York.6 But the American
government got even when it went to war with Britain. Astor lost his
fur capital in Astoria, Oregon, which was worth eight hundred thousand
Nevetheless, Astor's drug business grew unhindered. In writing he
requested that a Constantinople merchant "please send returns in
opium" for a consignment of 1,500 red fox furs.7 With three separate
fleets sailing the world, Astor made enough drug and pelt money to dip
into an immense amount of real estate. By 1826 the German immigrant
who made his fortune in America was buying the mortgages of Irish
immigrants and foreclosing on them to add to his holdings at lower
In 1847 Moses Yale Beach compiled a list of the wealthiest New
Yorkers. Some had a million or two; Astor towered above them.9 Astor
stopped at nothing to increase his fortune. In 1848 he was eighty-four
years old and extremely wealthy, yet he still demanded rent even from
widows. He died in March of that year, and his second son, William
Backhouse Astor, inherited most of his father's twenty-million-dollar
John Jacob Astor's son learned well. In the 1860s, when workingclass
New Yorkers were going through a severe economic depression,
officers of a Russian fleet docked in New York raised $4,760 to buy fuel
for the poor. William Astor, however, raised rents 30 percent.10 When he
died in 1875, he owned seven hundred buildings and houses—most of
them crammed with poor tenants. His legacy is the multitude of slums
where the poor starved. Yet the Astor name still graces communities
from Queens in New York to Oregon.
Astor receives the credit for launching New York City into the opium
trade, but others soon followed. Many were New Englanders who
moved operations to New York. Prominent families included the
Griswolds from Old Lyme, Connecticut; the Lows from Salem; and the
Grinnells from New Bedford.11
The Griswold Family
Nathaniel Griswold and George Griswold III built the family fortune
through their ownership of a large fleet of trading ships that called on
ports all over the world. Originally based in East Lyme, a small port on
the Long Island Sound coast of Connecticut, the Griswold brothers ran
an empire. Their black-and-white-checkered flag was seen in China, the
West Indies, and South America. Although the Griswolds have not
become a household name in subsequent centuries, many family members
achieved prominence as a result of trading in the eighteenth century.
The Griswolds' agent in Canton was Russell and Company, in
which a Griswold relative was a partner.
Nathaniel Griswold was content to be a merchant, but his brother
George had greater ambitions. George was a director of Columbia
Insurance, was involved in the Bank of America, and dabbled in other
ventures including gold mining. Other family members also made the
merchant connection. For example, Nathaniel's daughter Catherine
married Peter Lorillard, New York's first tobacco merchant.
The Griswolds played a role in early American politics, as Matthew
Griswold was brought to the position of Federalist governor of
Connecticut through family money. Future Griswolds served in the
U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate as politicians for
Connecticut and Pennsylvania. John D. Lodge, the great-great-grandson
of sea trader George Griswold III, was Connecticut's governor from
1951 to 1955. Still other Griswolds became captains of industry, bishops,
and college professors.
John Cleve Green
One Griswold employee who later achieved prominence on his own
was John Cleve Green, who is usually remembered as one of the major
benefactors of Princeton University. Born in Lawrenceville, New Jersey,
in 1800 to an elder of the Presbyterian Church, Green began his career
in the counting room of N. L. Griswold of New York City. He was
soon promoted to a supercargo and traveled to South America, Spain,
and finally China at the height of the opium trade. Green married the
boss's daughter, Sarah Griswold. Green's connections and his knack for
being in the right place at the right time landed him a position with
Russell and Company. After six years in Canton working for the preeminent
opium house, Green returned to New York. He continued in
the China trade and also advanced his career as director of the Bank of
Commerce and other banks, railroads, and New York Hospital.
The Low Family
The Low family was a group of Massachusetts merchants that moved to
New York. Seth Low was born on Cape Ann in 1782. He moved at an
early age to Salem, where he earned his living as a trader and a merchant.
In Tall Ships to Cathay Helen Augur mentions that Seth Low
married Mary Porter, which connected the Lows with the prominent
Lord family. Seth had twelve children, and as the Salem area was losing
its importance, he moved his family to New York. There Seth and his
brother William Henry Low, a senior partner in Russell and Company,
helped expand the American role in the trade that Russell inherited
from the Perkins syndicate.
Several of Seth Low's children were involved in the China trade, but
his son Abiel Abbot Low achieved the greatest fame. Abiel Low joined
Russell and Company as a clerk just a short time before the Opium
Wars started. He took over the Forbeses' position of personal secretary
and agent for Houqua, which helped to expand his wealth and power.
After acquiring work experience and connections, Abiel decided to go
out on his own. He returned to New York and commissioned the fastest
clipper ships money could buy; only the Forbes ships could compete
with his. His A. A. Low and Brothers remained in the forefront and continued
trading with China and Japan even when most other companies
had left the trade.
Profits from his Abiel Low's Asia business were invested in the first
Atlantic cable and the building of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.
His son Seth graduated from Columbia University in 1870 and went
on to become mayor of Brooklyn and then the first mayor of New York
City after it consolidated in 1898. Seth Low the younger is famous for
donating a million dollars, supposedly one third of his fortune, to build
the Low Library at Columbia.
Abiel Low, who married Ellen Almira Dow, had a daughter also
named Ellen, who in 1869 married into the Pierrepont family—which
would later be known as the Pierpont family. The Pierpont and Morgan
families were eventually united and played a significant role in the
development of American finance.
The House of Morgan was actually started by China trader George
Peabody. Described as a solitary miser, Peabody nevertheless joined forces
with Barings Bank to get American states to pay on their bond debts,
much of which was in British hands. Barings went as far as to bribe famed
statesman Daniel Webster to make speeches on the issue. Peabody bought
the bonds for pennies on the dollar and reaped a fortune when they were
finally repaid. Like other Salem merchants, he amassed great wealth in the
China trade and invested in railroads. Because he was heirless, Peabody
gave his money to philanthropic causes, including a library in Salem, and
he turned over his company to young Junius Spencer Morgan. Junius
Morgan's heir was son J. Pierpont Morgan, whose stamp on Barings Bank
would last for more than a century.12
The Grinnell Family
The Grinnells are another China-trading family whose origins are
sketchy, but they most likely possess a Huguenot background. Cornelius
Grinnell was an American sea captain who became a privateer during
the American Revolution. He married Sylvia Howland, which established
the Grinnells among New England's first families. Other
Grinnells married into Rhode Island's Brown dynasty and into the
Russell family.
Joseph Grinnell, son of Cornelius, cultivated the family wealth in
the shipping and whaling businesses. Grinnell collaborated with a man
by the name of Preserved Fish and Joseph's brother Henry to establish
the firm of Fish, Grinnell, and Company. Over time Fish was dropped
from the name and the business became Grinnell, Minturn, and
Company. The company would become one of New York City's largest
shipping firms.
The Grinnell family roots were in New Bedford, where the first of
the Greek Revival mansions was built for Joseph. His profits, like those
of many other merchants, were put into the textile trade, and he
founded the still-in-operation Wamsutta Mills. Various Grinnells later
financed polar explorations and rescue missions, pioneered real-estate
development in Key West, and even found a town—Grinnell, Iowa—
and its local college (Grinnell College).
Howland and Aspinwall
Another company that moved from New England to New York during
the golden years of the opium trade was Howland and Aspinwall. This
merger of two founding families spawned great wealth for generations
to come.
John Howland was the first of the clan to travel to America, where
he married a fellow Mayflower passenger. John's son, Joseph Howland,
started in the whaling business in Connecticut. Joseph's sons also considered
the sea to be a road to wealth and went into shipping. Howland
shipping would take part in the sugar and slave trade in the Caribbean
and in ventures in Cuba, Mexico, and the Mediterranean before discovering
the China trade. The Howland children made good matches,
with one daughter marrying James Roosevelt and another marrying
James Brown of Brown Brothers Harriman.
The most significant Howland marriage was a business merger with
the Aspinwall family. Like the Howlands, the Aspinwalls were in the
shipping business prior to the American Revolution. Around the turn
of the nineteenth century, John Aspinwall married Susan Howland. The
new Howland and Aspinwall firm generated great profits in the China
trade, and in 1837 William Henry Aspinwalls fortune was estimated to
be greater than Cornelius Vanderbilt's. Post-China trade ventures
included building America's oldest steamship line and several railroads,
and, like most other China traders, participating in philanthropy.
Aspinwall was considered both an honest and a pious man, and has
been referred to as a visionary. He was a cofounder of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York and led America in new adventures
around the world while he lived quietly in New York.
Aspinwall claimed that his Panama Railroad, which was erected
before the famous canal, could be built in six months. Not having traveled
there himself, he didn't realize that the first thirteen miles went
through dense jungles and impenetrable swamps filled with poisonous
insects and snakes. From mosquitoes and sand flies to alligators and
other hazards, the area was know as a pesthole from the days of Spanish
exploration. General Grant, who visited the construction site, described
the conditions of the rainy season as "beyond belief."13
The conditions took their toll on the workers, who often toiled in
mud up to their necks, fighting off the swarming insects from sunrise
to sunset. Sickness and disease—including cholera, yellow fever, smallpox,
and dysentery—claimed many lives, as did harsh treatment similar
to what was enacted on slaves. A commonly told story holds that there
was a dead Irishman for every railroad tie. Howland and Aspinwall
declared the death toll at one thousand, but estimates actually run up to
six thousand. Chinese workers, called coolies, who did hard labor for
low wages, were imported. Eight hundred arrived; two hundred survived.
Many committed suicide by hanging themselves, paying companions
to stab or shoot them, or simply drowning themselves in the
ocean. Aspinwall was in New York at the time, where, ironically to
modern sensibilities, he helped created the Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals.
Like their Boston counterparts, New York's first families used marriage
to ensure that their wealth and prominence would remain intact.
Harriet Howland married James Roosevelt, President Franklin
Roosevelt's great-grandfather, and Mary Aspinwall married Isaac
Roosevelt, the same president's grandfather. The son of Mary Aspinwall
and Isaac Roosevelt, James Roosevelt, married Rebecca Howland.
The Roosevelts and the Delanos were among America's first Dutch
families. Claes Martenszen van Roosevelt arrived in America before
1649 and died in 1660. Like John Jacob Astor, Roosevelt's only son,
Nicholas, got his start in the fur business. He in turn had two sons who
split the family into two lines: the Oyster Bay, New York line, from
which President Teddy Roosevelt was born, and the Hyde Park New
York line of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The Oyster Bay branch got
most of its wealth from the merchant business; the Hyde Park branch
invested primarily in real estate.
Membership in the elite societies of their day, including Masonry,
and intermarriage increased the Roosevelt family fortune. Isaac
Roosevelt married into a sugar-trading family, which often implied the
triangular trade of sugar, molasses, and slaves. After the Molasses Act of
1733, anyone who wouldn't smuggle couldn't survive. The Roosevelts
survived and prospered,14 and Isaac's brother James joined the business.
Isaac became close with William Walton, and both were involved in
founding the Bank of New York. James would also make a connection
to the Waltons when he married Maria Walton.
Other Roosevelts married Howlands and Aspinwalls, which is how
they were introduced to the China trade. The Howland and Aspinwall
families were also active in building clipper ships and later in the
steamship and railroad businesses.
By the 1820s the Roosevelt clan were more than just wealthy; they
were also very well connected. James Roosevelt, son of Rebecca
Aspinwall Roosevelt, sat on boards with the Vanderbilts and J. Pierpont
Morgan. James Roosevelt's son James "Rosy" Roosevelt became
engaged to Helen Schermerhorn Astor. At their engagement party, one
of the guests in attendance was Sara Delano.
The Delanos were another of America's first families. Descendants
of a Huguenot family by the name of de la Noye, who fled Holland for
America, they arrived on the Fortune in 1621. Philip de la Noye came
to America at age nineteen and became a Massachusetts landowner. He
modified the spelling of his surname to Delano and married into the
family of John and Priscilla Alden. Philip's son, Thomas Delano, married
the Alden's daughter, also named Priscilla, although the couple was
fined ten pounds for engaging in intercourse before the wedding.
Farther down the family tree, Warren Delano, Franklin's grandfather,
made his fortune in the opium business, starting through the
Grinnell firm. Warren's daughter Sara Delano became the mother of
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Sara's sister Dora married a
Forbes, and their sister Annie married Fred Hitch, a Russell and
Company associate in Shanghai.
The Delano family seemed to gravitate toward the sea and the trading
business. Warren Delano was an associate of James Roosevelt's father
and was a partner in Russell, Sturgis, and Company (also known as
Russell and Company at various stages). Warren was the China representative
and owned a mansion in Macao. For a while he retired from
opium trading and sank his fortune into New York real estate and coal
and copper mines in Pennsylvania and Tennessee.
In August 1857 the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust
started a domino effect that wiped out many banks. All but one bank in
New York suspended specie payment. By the end of the year, five thousand
businesses had failed, tens of thousands of workers had lost their
homes and jobs, and people starved and froze to death both in the cities
and in the coal towns. While his workers died, Warren lived in Algonac,
his estate, complete with high-ceilinged rooms with rosewood furniture,
teakwood screens, potted plants, and Buddhist bells.
Although Warren Delano suffered no loss of creature comforts, his
net worth suffered dearly. He was desperate to keep his status and
decided to go back to China and the drug-smuggling business; it was
the simplest way to rebuild his fortune. "It would be denied in these
later years that the opium he bought and shipped was intended for the
tremendously profitable market provided by addicts," writes Kenneth
Davis, who mentions specifically that it was opium, and not tea, that
brought wealth along with a touch of notoriety.15 By this time the New
England drug smugglers were bringing the drug to American addicts.
The family later claimed that the opium Warren brought to America
was for the relief of the Civil War wounded, but he returned to China
in 1859, which predated the Civil War by two years.
The future President Franklin Roosevelt announced his engagement
to Eleanor in grandfather Warren's room, surrounded by Chinatrade
regalia. More prominent than his cousin Teddy was, Franklin took
his role in Masonry seriously, becoming active in the Holland No. 8
Lodge in New York City and a Scottish Rite Temple in Albany.
Theodore Roosevelt is famous, of course, as a U.S. president and for
leading the charge on San Juan Hill. Roosevelt's public persona depicts
him as a "trustbuster," fighting the giant Standard Oil and mediating
mining strikes. Despite his Masonic membership, however, he was far
from egalitarian. He was also closely tied to big business, and was able
to raise the necessary corporate donations for his candidacy; his trustbusting
activities, though, would leave him at odds with the Rockefeller
and Carnegie interests.
The twenty-sixth president of the United States is on record as
being a racial elitist with an attitude that bordered on favoring ethnic
cleansing. He has been quoted as saying, "Some day we will realize that
the prime duty, the inescapable duty of the good citizen of the right
type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world; and that we
have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong
type." He also said, "I wish very much that the wrong people could be
prevented entirely from breeding... Criminals should be sterilized and
feebleminded persons forbidden to leave offspring."16
While Teddy was crying out against the unwashed masses, the
country was gripped by a fear of anyone who was foreign—Chinese,
African, Italian, or Eastern European. The Eugenics Records Office
(ERO) was created and funded by the wealthiest people of the day to
reduce the population of the poor. The ERO, which was funded by
John D. Rockefeller, the Carnegie Institution, George Eastman, and the
widow of E. H. Harriman, singled out specific undesirable traits, from
alcoholism to an inordinate love of the sea, and then sought to sterilize
those who exhibited such traits. The movement grew in America and
was adopted by Nazi Germany, which then showed the world the ultimate
expression of these beliefs.
President Grant and Julia Dent
The Delano family's influence continued, as Susannah Delano married
Captain Noah Grant in June 1746. They had a son Noah, also a sea captain,
who married Rachel Kelly. They also had a son Jesse, who married
Hannah Simpson. Jesse and Hannah Grant's son was Ulysses Simpson
Grant, the renowned Civil War general and U.S. president, who married
Julia Dent.
The Dent family of England ranked alongside the Jardines and
Mathesons in the opium trade,17 but the prosperity of the trade may not
have extended to the American Dents. The Memoirs of Julia Dent Grant
mentions her father as a prosperous landowner descended from a
Maryland plantation owner and her mother's father as a China trader in
the firm of Wrenshall, Peacock, and Pillon. The American
Dents were a New England family who took part in the early China
trade first by exporting ginseng to that country. Julia Dent's mother and
father came to the Midwest to trade along the Mississippi River with
Edward Tracy.
Ulysses Grant was a late bloomer who had drifted down to failure
and disgrace during his early army career. He drank to the point that
he was broke and finally resigned from the army. He failed at farming,
failed at selling real estate, and made only a modest income as a clerk
until someone convinced him to return to the military. The Civil War
saved his reputation and gained him the presidency of the United
The elite merchant families of Boston and New York grew wealthy in
the opium trade, which was inherited from England; China, however,
The Chinese rapidly became addicted in increasing numbers. The
importation of opium chests numbered five thousand in 1821 and grew
to thirty-nine thousand by 1837. This figure represents 6,630,000
pounds of opium. Soon the addiction reached the royal palace. Emperor
Tao Kwong lost three sons to drug addiction, and it was estimated that
China had four to twelve million addicts.18 The emperor conducted a
study of the effects of opium on his country. He was told that for the
first time his treasury was being drained of silver rather than being
resupplied by the tea trade. Brigandage plagued the highways. Soldiers
refused to fight, and when coerced to fight against other warlords the
soldiers were defeated. It was obvious that corruption was spreading in
the army and the civil service. Mandarins were regularly bribed to allow
the importation of illegal products. And at Canton the marketplace was
stocked with the apparatus of the opium trade.
The emperor ordered a crackdown and numerous drug users were
arrested. To drive home the emperor's point, an opium merchant was
publicly crucified in Canton. A Chinese boat was caught unloading
opium believed to have been bought from Thomas Perkins. At first
nothing was done, but then all trade came to a halt. On the day Bennett
Forbes became a partner at Russell and Company, he complained that
they could not unload a chest of opium.19 Russell and Company made
an announcement that it would cease trading opium. Its agent, John
Green, sent instructions to India to stop all opium trading. But it was
too late for them and for others. The agent of the emperor, Lin Tse-hsu,
surrounded all the British and American ships and subjected them to
house arrest. He then confiscated twenty thousand chests of opium and
staged the Chinese version of the Boston Tea Party, mixing the opium
with lime and throwing it into the water. Russell and Company lost
1,400 chests, Jardine and Matheson lost 7,000 chests, and the British
Dent and Company lost 1,700 chests.
Even after the destruction of millions of dollars' worth of drugs,
the house arrest continued. Wealthy Americans in China, including
Warren Delano, A. A. Low, and John Green, were forced to do without
servants and had to cook for themselves for the first time. The punishment
was considerably less harsh than that inflicted on their Chinese
partners in the trade, who were jailed and quickly executed.
Finally the opium debate reached Parliament. Statesmen like
William Gladstone decried the trade in opium and its effect on the
Chinese, but in the end the money was the key. The only way to compensate
the British businessmen for their loss was to declare war on
China. The brief war compelled China to sign a treaty giving the
British Hong Kong and access to its markets.
The area that would become Hong Kong replaced the tiny islands and
floating warehouses that served as the storage facilities for opium. From
Hong Kong, ships could sail up along the coast and spread opium to
even greater numbers of the Chinese population. But along with legality
came a decrease in profits. The shipping firm called the Peninsula
and Oriental Steamship line allowed Chinese buyers to place orders for
opium directly with India, eliminating the British middleman.
But some companies thrived in the new situation. For the firm of
Jardine and Matheson, the Opium War represented a new beginning.
Made famous by the James Clavell novel Noble House, Jardine and
Matheson, the house that opium built, grew and prospered as a result of
having the power of England behind it. Today Simon and Henry
Keswick, direct descendants of William Jardine, run the company, which
is not known to have broken English or Chinese rules since the Opium
War days. It has its many tentacles in shipping, the Cunard Line, trading,
auto sales, brokerage, engineering, restaurants and hotels, property
investment and management, insurance, and banking.
The power Jardine and Matheson once wielded in London is no
longer as strong, as the company was unable to persuade Margaret
Thatcher to hang on to Hong Kong. In 1984 Hong Kong was thirteen
years away from reverting back to Chinese rule. Jardine and Matheson
moved its exchange listing to Singapore, which infuriated China. The
hard feelings between the company and modern China still persist.
Jardine and Matheson is thought by many, including China, to have
played a role in getting Chris Patten appointed Hong Kong's last governor
under British rule. Patten's democratic reforms, and Henry
Keswick's criticism of China after Tiananmen Square in 1989, have kept
the relationship tenuous.20 In 1995 more than half of Jardine's profits
were still earned in China and Hong Kong.
A competing company from the Persian-English family of Sassoon
also had a major part in the China trade. Like their Scottish counterparts
the Sassoons brought opium to China, but theirs was homegrown.
Saleh Sassoon was the treasurer to the Ahmet Pasha, or governor of
Baghdad. When the pasha was overthrown, the family moved to
Bombay. Sassoon's son David became a merchant and was granted a
license to trade in Indian opium and cotton. The Opium Wars were a
brief setback, but David's son Edward Albert brought opium profits
home to England, where he increased the family fortune in the textile
trade. Being knighted by the queen was Edward's reward for his contribution
to the economy. And marrying a Rothschild was a means of
ensuring his power.
For their part in the drug business the Americans took home a lot of
money. In 1844 Caleb Cushing created the American treaty with
China, which officially allowed American ships in the China trade.
After the wars in China the drug-smuggling business became more
dangerous, as there was Asian competition and there were much faster
steamships. British and American firms started bringing drugs to safer
shores—their own. In Britain, the cities of Liverpool, Dover, Bristol,
and even London were the import drug centers. This was around the
time that the attempts to regulate opium use became serious.21 Between
pre- and post-Opium Wars the opium imports in England tripled to
280,000 pounds.22 The drug was even prescribed to children in such
concoctions as Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and unwed mothers discovered
it was an easy way to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
Opium would be regulated as a poison in 1868, but without substantial
penalty. Opium's derivative morphine was soon the cause of massive
addiction of returning Crimean War veterans, who learned to inject the
The drug trade in Europe became widespread, and it was the product
of an alliance between criminal families from various nations and
Swiss and German pharmaceutical companies. A large number of these
firms were happy to deal with the smugglers, simply shipping drugs
under deliberately misleading labels.23 For instance, German firms
shipped heroin, the latest derivative of opium, as aspirin. Turkey was the
one nation that resisted the demands of the League of Nations and
profited from its own production of opium. Turkey held out until 1931,
when it officially closed its factories. Bulgaria took up the slack.
The drug trade, of course, never stopped. More and more customers
bought the products, and as regulation grew, so did the profits from the
trade. The only part that has changed is the level of violence. When corporations
controlled the industry, they had no need to compete differently
from how they had in selling other products. When the
corporations were replaced by criminals, those who felt the need to get
rid of the competition often killed it.
In 1840 New Englanders imported twenty-four thousand pounds
of opium into the United States. This garnered much attention, but the
U.S. reaction was to slap a duty on the product. Drug importers, once
dependent on a small group of addicts in their homeland, soon had
thousands as the Civil War saw an increase in prescribed opium and
opium abuse. Horace Day wrote The Opium Habit, blaming the Civil
War for the massive spread of addiction.
Chapter 16

New England always had an elite class. Some of the early families
were wealthy or at least titled in England, while others were
prominent in their respective churches. For nearly four hundred years
status was accorded by just how far back the family name could be
traced. There were two classes of people who came to early
Massachusetts: the original blue bloods, the religious dissenters from the
East Anglia district north of London, and a more geographically varied
group of "others."
The blue bloods became Massachusetts's first and original upper
class. They were Puritans led by John Winthrop of the East Anglia town
of Groton. Winthrop was likened to the biblical Nehemiah, who led his
people out of Babylonian captivity. In England the Puritans might have
made up 20 percent of the population; in East Anglia it was closer to
40 percent. The map of New England provides the evidence of the
Puritan infiltration: Boston, Ipswich, Lynn, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex
are among the many town names brought to seventeenth-century New
England from the mother country. Puritans were in and out of favor
and risked persecution as the kings of England came and went, married,
or converted. The New World, they hoped, would provide relief and the
Puritan version of religious freedom.
The second group was from a much wider geographic range. This
included Huguenots who fled Catholic persecution in France and were
not always welcome in other countries. In 1585 the Edict of Nantes
gave them religious freedom, but it was later rescinded. Troops in
Catholic France supervised the reconversion. This prompted many families,
including the Faneuils, Bowdoins, Reveres, and Olivers, to relocate
to New England. It brought the Jays and Bayards to New York.1 The
Huguenots were merchants first, and because of the precarious nature
of their existence and survival in Europe, they were possibly a much
more adaptable people.
Prestige was brought from Europe, achieved with the money accumulated
in the New World, or acquired by marriage. By the late seventeenth
century distinctions among European brands of Protestantism
were blurred and the struggles pitted the English Protestants against the
Scottish and Irish Catholics. The English favored Parliamentary rule
while the Catholic Irish and Scots often favored the king, especially if
it was a Stuart king.
Boston was a microcosm of this old society, where the top tier of a
class system was built on status in Europe and in the church and was
later joined by those who made their fortunes in the New World.
Members of this class were bent on self-preservation and accomplished
this in many ways: intermarriage, dominance in business and politics,
and endowment of public institutions. Cabots married Lowells,
Roosevelts married Astors, and Paines married Whitneys. Such names
were like tribal tattoos; they indicated royal lineage and thus prestige.
Names also served to exclude certain groups, and pressure was put on
individual family members to marry within their station.
Fortunes amassed in real estate, privateering, merchanting, or smuggling
were reinvested in railroads, textile mills, insurance companies, and
banks, allowing the elite class to control the economy. Money bought
politicians and elected those who chose to brave the political waters.
Money—often from opium trading, smuggling, and slave trading—was
used as an endowment to build educational institutions and buy professorial
chairs that would then control just who would be approved to
enter the elite and how history would be viewed.
The universities and museums determined how the history books
would be written. They could color the past to suit themselves or others.
The opium clippers were referred to as "tea clippers."The slave trade
became the "sugar and molasses trade." Wartime profiteering and price
gouging were simply not discussed. Slave traders who were now bank
presidents were "prominent businessmen." And many people whose
fortunes were built on opium and slave trading became those prominent
The Appletons' fortune began to accumulate almost upon their landing
in the New World in the seventeenth century, but it was later enhanced
by association with the China trade and with cronyism. The family lived
at the pinnacle of Boston society, which was referred to as the Boston
Associates,2 a tight-knit group that included two Appletons, a Cabot-
Lowell, two Jacksons, and a handful of others who would lay the foundation
of New England industry.
The Appleton family can be traced to the sixteenth century in
England. Samuel Appleton (1766-1853) fought in King Philip's War
and was a member of the first provincial council and a Connecticut
judge. He also owned a sawmill and invested in an early ironworks in
Massachusetts. An Appleton married a Perkins in 1701, and descendants
of the earliest settlers include Jane Means Appleton Pierce, who became
the first lady to the fourteenth president, Franklin Pierce; and Calvin
Coolidge, the thirtieth president.
Samuel Appleton started the family in the textile business and made
significant investments in real estate and railroads. He married Mary
Gore. Appleton was actively involved in the Massachusetts Historical
Society, was a trustee of Massachusetts Hospital, and was a contributor
to Dartmouth, Harvard, and the Boston Female Asylum.
Nathan Appleton (1779-1861) was a founder of the Boston
Manufacturing Company, the Waltham Cotton Factory, the Hamilton
Company, and numerous other mills. The Appletons, along with the
Lowells, Jacksons, and Thorndikes, brought to Massachusetts the first
looms that operated in the United States. As a group they are responsible
for putting both Waltham and Lawrence, Massachusetts, and
Manchester, New Hampshire, on the map as textile cities. Nathan
Appleton was one of the founders of the textile city dubbed Lowell
after John Lowell, scion of another New England first family. Appleton
served several terms in the Massachusetts state legislature and the U.S.
House of Representatives, and he also became an organizer of the
Boston Athenaeum.
Nathan owned ships, founded banks and insurance companies, and
invested in railroads and in infrastructure projects. His brother William
became president of the Boston branch of the United States Bank.
Appletons, Jacksons, and Lowells controlled the board of the Suffolk
Bank, which acted as the central bank for New England.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was lucky enough to be born into
one of New Hampshire's first families, the Wadsworths, which afforded
him the ability to travel throughout Europe and write poetry. He married
Frances Appleton, the daughter of Nathan Appleton, which substantially
increased Longfellow's wealth. The Longfellow House in
Cambridge was a gift from his father-in-law. Longfellow owned shares
in at least five textile companies that his father-in-law invested in, and
when his friend and contemporary Charles Dickens visited the mills of
Lowell, it is no small wonder he compared them favorably to England's.
Jesse Appleton was a man of principle. He served as the president
of Bowdoin College, where Longfellow had been a student and a professor.
Jesse's daughters benefited from both his station and his lessons
and developed a knack for marrying well. Daughter Frances married a
Bowdoin professor. Daughter Mary married John Aiken, a prominent
attorney and significant investor in the textile industry.
Despite the family's involvement in the China trade, Jane Appleton
had a sense of morality that seems at odds with her fortune. When she
met Franklin Pierce, who attended Bowdoin, he was studying to
become an attorney. The Appleton family discouraged the match, as
Pierce was not as prominent as the Appletons, despite the fact that his
father was the governor of New Hampshire.
Pierce entered politics early, a career that went hand in hand with
being an attorney. He was a Jacksonian, which pitted him against the
Whig class of Massachusetts's monied elite, but at the same time he was
pro-slavery. Pierce soon retired from politics to enlist as a private in the
war against Mexico. He emerged a general and a war hero. When his
war hero status raised his value as a candidate, Pierce was swept into
national politics by the same faction that had removed Taylor. Jane
Appleton Pierce did all she could to keep her husband from becoming
a presidential candidate. His getting the party nomination caused her to
faint, and for a while she fought his going to Washington, as it had a
reputation for hard drinking that to her was immoral.
Incredible tragedy struck Jane and Franklin Pierce, as their third and
only surviving son was killed on the way to the inauguration in
Washington. Jane avoided public life, and a childhood friend took her
place at White House functions.
Pierce was a one-term president who had a flair for creating divisiveness.
He was the first president to appoint a non-Protestant cabinet
member. The postmaster general was James Campbell, a Pennsylvania
Catholic whose appointment and reception of a papal delegate helped
create the backlash that would become the Know-Nothing (American
nativist) party. Pierce endorsed the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, which was the
eye of the slavery hurricane and led to the splitting of the Democratic
party and the ending of the Whig party—and the creation of the
Republican party. He brought England and America to the verge of war
for a third time over policy and further strained relations with Europe
when plans to annex Cuba were leaked to the European press.
Pierce's attorney general, Caleb Cushing, was the real power behind
the "throne." The thirty-third-degree Mason and opium trader was the
grand master to the divisive politics that threatened the nation. Pierce's
secretary of war, Jefferson Davis, completed the conspiracy, leading the
Southern states into war against the Union.
Jane Appleton's marriage to Pierce was not the only connection the
Appleton family had to the presidency. Nathan Appleton became
father-in-law to Thomas Coolidge, whose descendant would also reach
the White House. Coolidge money too had been increased in the
China trade, and Thomas Coolidge had no qualms about admitting his
devotion to the acquisition of wealth, as "money was becoming the
only real avenue to power and success both socially and in the regard
of your fellow-men."3 Coolidge money was spread at Harvard and at
the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, among other institutions. Coolidge
money would also start the United Fruit Company, which linked other
prominent New England families for a hundred years.
Samuel Eliot Morison, one of America's highest authorities on the history
of the sea trade, writes, "Seaboard Massachusetts has never known
such a thing as social democracy. . . . Inequalities of wealth have made
political democracy a sham."4 Writing on the mansions of pre-
Revolutionary New England, which include George Cabot's at
Beverly, Jonathan Jackson's at Newburyport, and John Heard's at
Ipswich, Morison points to the sea as the source of wealth. Bluntly
referring to the Revolution as an effect of George Ill's harsh maritime
policy, Morison calls Boston the headquarters of the Revolution. What
England called smuggling, he emphasizes, Americans called free trade.5
The Cabot family began the family fortune upon arrival in America,
when John Cabot emigrated from the Channel Islands to Salem in 1700.
His son Joseph became a successful merchant and married into the
Higginson family, one of the most prominent in the colony.
George Cabot was the seventh of Joseph's eleven children, and
despite his Harvard education he was shipped off as a cabin boy under
the command of two older brothers. Their father's ships were active
with the Spanish colonies in the trade of rum and fish, two staples of
the slave plantations. At age eighteen George was made captain. After
four years at sea, George married and took over a share in the distillery
business from his wife's side of the family, as well as control of his brothers'
shipping interests. George made his last voyage at age twenty-seven,
at which time he was already a captain of industry.
The Revolutionary War was great business for George as he fitted
out forty ships as privateers and shared richly in many prizes. What
Cabot and his fellow merchants had fought for, in addition to prizes,
was to make a union of the colonies in the belief that it would expand
their mercantile business. And for a while it did. In 1784 George Cabot
was already trading through the Baltic Sea, pioneering the Russian
trade with his ships Bucanier and Commerce.6 In 1787, with the war at an
end, the Cabot family established the Beverly Cotton Manufactory.
Cabots also owned fishing fleets in Beverly, which led Senator George
Cabot to draft and push through an act giving fishermen a bounty to
expand the codfishing business.
From 1789 to 1799 Alexander Hamilton had dictated the financial
and foreign policy for the nation's first two administrations. His privy
council was called the Essex Junto.7 Made up of George Cabot, Stephen
Higginson, Jonathan Jackson, John Lowell, and Thomas Pickering, the
Junto almost created a second revolution when the policies of Jefferson
were not in accord with the council's own financial interests.
The fortunes of the Essex Junto were made mostly from the sea and
from unrestricted trade. Its credit needs were met not by the infant government
in Washington but by the same facilities members had relied
on before the Revolution: the London banking houses. The Essex Junto
was actually a traitorous conspiracy, as it broke away from the United
States because of Jefferson's embargo. When home among his fellow
aristocrats, George Cabot was a pillar of the compact society; outside
New England he was an anarchist, a charge he had made against
Jefferson. The conspiracy blew over as the embargo was lifted.
Senator George Cabot, whose mother was Elizabeth Higginson,
married his first cousin, also named Elizabeth Higginson. The union
was one of many dynastic marriages among the opium families who
became the Brahmin class of Boston. George further cemented his role
in the establishment by serving as president of the Boston branch of the
United States Bank, as director of Suffolk Insurance, and as president of
Boston Marine Insurance.
The next famous Cabot was Edward (1818-1901), the third of
eleven children of Samuel Cabot and Eliza Perkins (daughter of
Thomas Handasyd Perkins). The offspring of two of the most powerful
China trading families, Edward Cabot decided to be a sheep farmer.
After losing a fortune in that business in Illinois, he returned home and
became an architect. Edward would get commissions to design Johns
Hopkins University and the Boston Athenaeum, both of which were
financed by family.
The best-known Cabot might be Henry Cabot Lodge, a Harvard
Ph.D. historian-turned-politician. A true elitist, he fought against
women's suffrage and even against the direct election of U.S. senators.
To foster these elitist politics the Cabot family endowed organizations
such as the Brookings Institute, where world leaders like James
Wolfensohn of the World Bank; Henry Schacht of Warburg, Pincus;
David Rockefeller; and Barton Biggs of Morgan Stanley bridge the
corporate-political divide and influence government policy.
A Boston elitist saying holds that the Lowells speak only to the Cabots,
and the Cabots speak only to God.
The Lowell family achieved its status in Brahmin society by its early
arrival in the colonies and its development of Newburyport as an early
center of shipbuilding and a merchant community. The early families
did everything they could to preserve their status and wealth, including
marrying into other wealthy and prestigious families.
John Lowell was part of the class of 1721 at Harvard and shared
classrooms with Hancocks, Winslows, Hutchinsons, and Woolcotts. A
great example of what the dynastic marriage can produce is the relationship
of John Lowell and Jonathan Jackson. John "Old Judge"
Lowell, a Harvard graduate in 1761, married the daughter of Stephen
Higginson, a leading merchant, and Elizabeth Cabot Higginson. As
Lowell was a lawyer, this connection maintained his status in the merchant
community, which had already been established by his family.
John's close friend Jonathan Jackson had inherited twenty thousand
pounds and married the daughter of Patrick Tracy, one of Bostons richest
merchants. The marriage increased Jackson's wealth and his status as a
merchant, and extended his connections into England—a necessary connection
for financing. For Jackson, John Lowell represented connections;
for John Lowell, Jackson meant more clients. Their partnership was
cemented by marriage between the families. John Lowell's son, Francis
Cabot Lowell, was born to his second wife, Susan Cabot. Francis Cabot
Lowell married Hannah, the daughter of Jackson and his first wife.
John and Elizabeth Lowell were New England's finest couple, and
their Boston home on High Street was next door to that of their best
friends, the Jacksons. From this power base the two men were able to
increase their fortunes, thanks to the Revolution. John represented the
business affairs of British families, handled the wills of leading patricians
in Boston, collected seven hundred separate fees related to privateer
actions, and was in charge of liquidating many Tory-owned properties
after the war. His legal machine benefited from his action in the early
politics of the new country.
John Lowell served as a member of the State Constitutional
Convention, which advocated that "all men are born free and equal,"
but it is doubtful that he personally advocated such sentiments. Both
Lowell and best friend, Jackson, were slave owners. John Lowell has the
distinction of being the last man in Boston to own a black slave.
After the war the classes were further divided in America as economic
depression and higher taxation struck home. A huge chasm
existed between the haves and the have-nots, and the Lowells were
among those who had it all. In order to have a place to keep it all,
Lowell, along with members of the Russell and Higginson families,
started the Massachusetts Bank, which became the First National Bank
of Boston.
While the Lowell family wealth was already one of the greatest and
they were one of the most powerful clans in the new country, Francis
Cabot Lowell further increased the family wealth and made an imprint
on the American textile industry
In England, Richard Arkwright launched the industrial revolution
by bringing machinery to the textile industry, which was formerly
dependent on people in their homes. Spinning, carding, and weaving
yarn on hand looms was the original cottage industry. A woman often
went to a storekeeper, bought the yarn on consignment, and returned
woven cloth to earn a profit. Women could weave at home while earning
a wage at the same time. The industrial revolution would change
the home-based industry to a factory-based one, starting with the spinning
frame, the first fully powered machine for spinning yarn.
An assistant to Richard Arkwright, Samuel Slater, memorized the
design of the spinning frame and brought it to America, where slave
trader Moses Brown financed the first cotton-spinning wheel in
Pawtucket, Rhode Island. For Brown it was a natural progression from
one type of cruel labor to another; instead of exploiting captive labor,
there was an entire new class of labor ready to be used—children. The
company Brown built was named in honor of the machine's inventor,
Francis Cabot Lowell followed Brown's example and went to
England in 1810 to get plans for his own factory. His first factory would
be a partnership with brother-in-law Tracy Jackson, as well as with Paul
Moody and Nathan Appleton. Lowell's mill combined all the operations
of making raw cotton into finished clothes. As soon as he realized it
could be done, he used his political influence to push for high duties
on imported cloth, in order to lessen his competition.
Lowell's inner circle of Boston Associates then scouted for a location
to build even larger mills. They found that the confluence of the
Concord and Merrimack Rivers was perfect for providing the waterpower
needed to power their looms. Thus the sleepy farming village of
East Chelmsford was turned into a factory village called Lowell.
Lowell was much more than a single factory; it was the first corporate
town. Several corporations were formed and scouts were sent
throughout the state to find the necessary machine operators. Children
were the best source of labor. Times were tough and children as young
as ten were in great supply. The youngest of the factory girls were "doffers,"
doffing, or taking off, the full bobbins from the spinning frames
and replacing them. These girls worked fourteen-hour days, starting at
five in the morning, for the munificent sum of two dollars a week.8
As in mining towns, unscrupulous textile operators would often
allow workers to run up charges at factory stores. The combination of
inflated prices and accumulated debt ensured that workers would stay.
The women and children brought to the factory town often could not
afford to leave, their condition reduced to something not much different
from slavery.
The elite factory owners were able to color things differently. John
Greenleaf Whittier, poet and newspaper editor, lived near Lowell and
wrote of the mill town, describing it as a "city springing up like the
enchanted palaces of Arabian Tales." These brick "palaces" ran six days a
week, fourteen hours a day, and when it was dark whale-oil lamps
extended the day. The living conditions were worse. Accommodations
were in blocks of sixteen "houses," with five hundred people forced to
use one privy. In another tenement in Lowell the tenants had to carry
their waste, human and otherwise, to Austin Avenue. In another Lowell
block the commissioners counted 396 people living in conditions
Whittier described as filthy, unsanitary, foul, and wretched. But the
women had to live there as a condition of their employment. What Mr.
Whittier and other writers who were tainted by those who paid their
salaries seemed to miss, a Massachusetts labor commissioner pointed
out: The state's laws protected horses better than people.9
Despite the conditions, the wage was higher than a teenage girl
could make outside the factory system, and children could send home
money to their families. Despite the abuses, the millworkers did not
fight for raises. Eventually they were forced to fight to keep the same
wage, as factory owners started cutting wages after competition from
other mills grew. The plight of the mill women achieved national attention
many decades later when seventy-three-year-old Mary Jones
marched with several hundred textile workers, half of them under the
age of sixteen, from Philadelphia to New York to visit President Teddy
Roosevelt. By this time American mills and mines employed two million
children. Marching in rags, many of the women missing fingers
from machine accidents, the group attempted to call on a New York
senator first and then on Teddy Roosevelt at his mansion. Both men
avoided the demonstration, but the public outcry created by the march
finally led to child protection laws.
Although many of New England's elite kept their family money
and power intact, it was the Cabot name that remained a political force.
Henry Cabot Lodge served in Congress and the Senate from 1893 to
1924 and was even nominated for president by Teddy Roosevelt at the
1916 Republican Convention. Lodge's grandson Henry Cabot Lodge
was John F. Kennedy's ambassador to South Vietnam, and was involved
heavily in the secret negotiations that led to the assassination of South
Vietnam's president, Ngo Dinh Diem.
After the first Opium War, the California gold rush diverted attention
from the opium trade in China. The great rush to reach the West meant
there was more money to be made shipping goods to California than
to China. The eastern magnates, made wealthy by the opium trade, were
the driving force behind the rush to build a transcontinental railroad.
With slavery banned, the next best labor was imported and cheap. The
railroad owners turned to China, where coolies, or unskilled laborers,
could be carried over on ships along with opium.
Many Chinese desired to leave their country as famine and taxes
hurt farming. Many of the immigrants came from the same coastal
provinces where the opium business had thrived. The means of getting
out of China was as harsh as the immigration on the death ships from
Ireland—sometimes worse. Dubbed the pig trade, the immigrants were
treated like slaves as they got on the transport ships, which were often
managed by Americans. The Chinese were marked with the letter C for
their destination, California. They commited themselves to an indenture
period that many did not understand. Thousands would be
"relieved" of their obligation, as the death rate was a startling 40 percent,
higher than that of the African slave trade.
Most of the immigrants whose passage was paid—at the price of
indenture—were men who were destined to work on the railroads. To
service the men, Chinese overseers bring them drugs and occasionally
prostitutes. Many of the women brought to serve as prostitutes were
sold by their families or kidnapped; some were as young as eight years
Emigration from China spread the use of opium to Australia and
Peru, two other common destinations, as well as to California. In
America the nation was discovering the negatives of drug addiction, but
there was no public outcry until opium became associated with the
While in the grips of a new hysteria against immigration and the
poor, the attitudes of Americans changed. One could buy heroin in the
Sears catalog or at the grocery store and cannabis at the drugstore, but
now the American government and the Hearst media sought to convince
Americans that such evils were being foisted upon the country by
foreigners. The Chinese brought the opium, the Mexicans brought the
marijuana, and the blacks brought the cocaine. The head of the Federal
Bureau of Narcotics, Harry J. Anslinger, and the Hearst newspapers
spoke out against anything that was associated with people of these heritages,
including their music. Even the labor unions, threatened by the
large numbers of hardworking Asians, called the Chinese drug smugglers.
The editorial opinion of the Hearst organization mirrored the position
of the Ku Klux Klan in seeking 100 percent "Americanism."
Thomas Edison's first films were on the Chinese and their alleged proclivity
for opium. Americans soon got the message. It was one thing
when old women drifted off to sleep after sniffing an opium pipe; it was
another when strangers were using the drug.
At the turn of the century, Roosevelt relied on the word to suppress
Asian opium. Although it was ironic that the nineteenth-century
Roosevelts and Delanos had built a family fortune on addicting
Chinese to opium, the tide had turned. America was smoking more
opium each year than the six largest nations of Europe put together.
The man who might be dubbed America's first drug czar, Hamilton
Wright, claimed that the Chinese brought the problem to American
shores and that opium's use had grown beyond the Chinese workers.
He pointed out that five hundred thousand pounds of opium were used
each year, and less than 10 percent was for legitimate medicinal purposes.
Wright placed the blame on "ignorant physicians" and "law-defying
retail druggists," and called on the country to establish laws that would
curb opium use. But cocaine was also becoming popular, and Wright
claimed, "It is current knowledge . . . where large numbers of Negroes
congregate, cocaine is peddled pretty openly."12
The result of the racist hysteria was the Harrison Act, which started
the ban on drugs such as heroin. The ban had two immediate results: It
drove the price of heroin up 1,500 percent13 and it induced the use of
the syringe to help addicts get more bang for their bucks. Another longterm
effect was violence. As it was no longer a drug that was used primarily
by middle-aged women, opium and heroin found the young and
the poor to be receptive and repetitive clients. The illegal trade was the
source of wealth for those who braved the risks. A new generation of
smugglers became America's legacy. And the poor learned that you no
longer had to have a name like Cabot or Lowell to get rich in the drug
Chapter 17
One of the stranger buildings on the Yale Campus resembles a
mausoleum. Inside, a young man, one of fifteen juniors chosen
each year, lies naked in a coffin. He is not dead; he is reciting a sexual
autobiography of his life before being "tapped" for the Skull and Bones.
The ceremony is called Connubial Bliss, and it no doubt helps the
bonding process that will last a lifetime.1 Standing around are the fourteen
other initiates and the current membership, who are all seniors at
Yale. The goings-on get stranger, and it is said that if one would climb
to the top of nearby Weir Hall, one "could hear strange cries and moans
coming from the bowels of the tomb."2 Unlike a normal fraternity, no
one actually resides in the building; it only conducts rituals there. Also
unlike a fraternity, the Skull and Bones initiates emerge wealthier and
with connections that can ensure a lifetime of success.
Former president George Bush is one of those who has lain in the
coffin. He is not the only famous member; his son George W. Bush is
another. A third president, William Howard Taft, was a "Bonesman," and
his father, Alphonso Taft, was one of the founders. The odds of three
presidents coming out of the same fifteen-member-a-year fraternity are
infinitesimal. Then again, the support from fellow Bonesmen means
they have clout—enough clout to get to the White House. The membership
list of Skull and Bones is one of the greatest concentrations of
power in the United State. Names like Pillsbury, Kellogg, Weyerhaeuser,
Phelps, and Whitney abound. They rule in the business world and they
rule in the political arena.
Besides the three presidents, numerous congressmen, justices, and
military leaders have been members of the Skull and Bones. Rhode
Island Senator John Chafee is a member. Senator Robert Taft was a
member. Conservative William F. Buckley is a member, and so is his
CIA-proponent brother, James. The CIA as an employer is a virtual class
reunion of Yale; both organizations have the same statue of Nathan
Hale,3 and both are regarded as a "campus," which is not a usual designation
for the headquarters of a government intelligence unit. And
among the active Yale class reunion at Langley, membership in Skull and
Bones is regarded as a most prominent background. The director of personnel
in the early years was F. Trubee Davison, who was made a
Bonesman in 1918. When the CIA made Chile safe for the interests of
American businessmen, the deputy chief of station was Bonesman Dino
Pionzio. Bonesman Archibald MacLeish started his career in intelligence
and then moved to fellow Bonesman Henry Luce's Time magazine.
MacLeish s appointment to an intelligence position was granted by
another member of Yale's secret societies, Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis of
the Scroll and Key.4
McGeorge Bundy, the man who gave us a war in Vietnam, is a
member of the Skull and Bones. William Sloane Coffin, who went from
the CIA to protesting the war, is also a member. Russell Davenport,
founder of Fortune, is a Bonesman. Senator John Forbes Kerry, an heir
to the China trading Forbes family, is also a member.
For many, note the authors of Wise Men, Six Friends and the World
They Made, "Membership in a senior society at Yale was the capstone of
a successful career at Yale. The oldest and greatest, indeed the most legendary
... was Skull and Bones." Two of those six friends alluded to in
the book's title were Skull and Bones members William Averill
Harriman and Robert Abercrombie Lovett. When Harriman carried
secret dispatches in the First World War, he coded them 322, a code
understood only by Bonesmen. When third wife Pamela Churchill
asked Harriman about it in 1971, he told her he couldn't tell even her.5
For those who wonder what goes on inside the iron gates of this
quasi-Masonic sanctuary, there are few answers. If a Bonesman is in a
room and the subject of the organization comes up, he not only will
not reply but also he will leave the room. The oaths taken among the
bones and skulls of celebrity skeletons have never been broken. Nor has
the power.
In recent years Ron Rosenbaum and Antony Sutton, authors of
America's Secret Establishment, have shed light on the secret organization.
The Skull and Bones is the beneficiary of a trust set up by the Russell
and Company heirs. How much money from the vast China trading
fortune went into the Russell Trust Association is unknown, but each
tapped member starts with fifteen thousand dollars and countless valuable
connections. Old-money names include Adams, Bundy, Cheney,
Lord, Stimson, and Wadsworth. New-money names include Harriman,
Rockefeller, Payne, and Bush.6 Averill Harriman, of the Wall Street firm
Brown Brothers Harriman, is another member and the patron of the
Bush fortune. And Brown Brothers Harriman is the repository of the
Skull and Bones's funds.
From this remarkable base of power the heirs to the Russell Trust
maintain control as the inner circle of power. The outer circle, which
consists of organizations that exist in at least semi-daylight, include the
Trilateral Commission, the Brookings Institute, the Council on Foreign
Relations, and the Round Tables of Commerce in numerous cities.
These in turn ensure that the elite stay in control of American business,
government, universities, and the media. In fact, a revolving door of
Trilateral and Council on Foreign Relations members serve in key
positions in both government and business. They make the rules. They
allow themselves to use tax-free foundations to ensure the ideas of the
ruling class will always prevail by funding the "right" people and projects.
The elite system perpetuates itself.
Though a blanket of secrecy protects the inner workings of such
organizations, the secrecy has been under attack. In April 2001 the New
York Observer and Ron Rosenbaum actually filmed the secret rites of
the Skull and Bones' initiation. Using high-tech night-vision video
equipment, the organization—whose members gave birth to the OSS
and the CIA, filled numerous secretary of state posts, and served as
national security advisers—were spied on themselves. While the vulgar
scene need not be retold in these pages, it would have been a much
greater embarrassment if other media had carried the story further.
Is there a Skull and Bones agenda? Bonesmen "believe in the
notion of 'constructive chaos,' which justifies covert action," writes Joel
Bainerman in Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA and Israel's Mossad.
The foreign policy of the Bonesmen is almost always carried out
through a secret agenda.7 Alphonso Taft was secretary of war when he
pressured McKinley to declare war on Spain. After McKinley was assassinated,
Teddy Roosevelt took over and brought in Bonesman William
Howard Taft. Others of the order who have held warrior posts include
Henry Stimson, secretary of state under Hoover; Robert Lovett, secretary
of defense at the height of the Cold War; General George Marshall,
who became Truman's secretary of state; McGeorge Bundy, Kennedy's
national security adviser; and Averell Harriman, ambassador-at-large for
southeast Asia during Vietnam. Following the Stimson doctrine that
there should be regular periodic wars to divert discontent and rally the
nation to a single purpose, Bonesmen George Bush and George W.
Bush would uphold the tradition with brief military excursions in Asia
and Latin America.
Just how much clout has the order of the Skull and Bones exerted
on twentieth-century history? In Asia, American policy started with the
policy of the New England opium families. After reaping their fortunes
in Asia, the families turned their attention homeward to railroads, mills,
and mines. An American presence remained in China as missionaries
then tried to "reform" the Chinese to further accept Western ways.
Henry Luce was the son of a missionary to China. He was sent to Yale
for an education and was tapped for the Skull and Bones. In Whiteout:
The CIA, Drugs and the Press, Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
write, "Tap Day was a critical turning point for Luce. He yearned to be
tapped for Skull and Bones, the supreme society at Yale, the ultimate
honor."8 With eighty-six thousand dollars borrowed mostly from other
Yalies and family friends, Luce, with the help of Yale students serving
as assistants, started Time magazine, which would later be Life magazine.
Luce married Clare Boothe Brokaw, who took as much of an interest
in China as he did. Together they acted on behalf of the China
Institute of America to bring Chinese students to the United States.
Luce and his wife were very close to the ruling Chinese Soong family,
whose corrupt activities helped the rise of Communism. When Chiang
Kai-shek's army was defeated, Luce's China Lobby united John Foster
and Allen Dulles, the Rockefeller family, Thomas Lamont, and Cardinal
Spellman to push for American assistance. Chiang lost credibility as his
army was defeated in one battle after another and he and his family
looted three hundred million dollars of American funds. But Chiang
would not lose the support of Luce, who was still rabid that Mao Tsetung
had beaten Chiang. Time magazine would constantly play up the
Nationalist cause.
Mao Tse-tung was a Yale student, perhaps as a result of Luce's China
efforts. The Yale Divinity School had established a number of "branch"
schools in China, and Mao was their most famous student. Although he
was not tapped for the Skull and Bones, just about every recent ambassador
to China was a Bonesman: George Bush, Winston Lord, and James
Lilley, all alumni of the Skull and Bones, all served as ambassador to
With the outspoken Luce leading the way, America was rallied to
take up the French battle in Vietnam as a means of curtailing further
Communist expansion. The result was a long, drawn-out, and expensive
war that took tens of thousands of lives and wreaked havoc on America
by bringing heroin addiction to eighty thousand returning war veterans.9
The China Lobby and the Skull and Bones were firmly behind the
Vietnam War, and they were unfortunately in position to ensure that
the war continued. The so-called best and the brightest, like Bonesmen
McGeorge Bundy, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Dean Acheson (whose son
is a Bonesman), gave bad advice to one president after another, while
Americans wondered how many lives the country would be forced to
sacrifice twelve thousand miles away. The issue, however, was greater
than the war itself. The Yale-driven CIA had never stopped fighting and
then supporting the KMT army of Chiang Kai-shek, and soon the war
became a turf battle for blue-chip corporations and drug traffickers
alike.10 The conflict in Vietnam was a source of profits for the corporations
that received the greatest amount of business from the war:
Textron's Bell Helicopter Company, chemical firms including Dow
Chemical and Monsanto, which produced Agent Orange and other
defoliants, and construction company Brown and Root, a key backer of
President Johnson.
Just as the debate on Vietnam was decided by a handful, so too would
relations with Latin America be decided by a few. When the opium
business lost its luster, the Russell partners found opportunity elsewhere.
Joseph Coolidge, a Russell partner, turned over the marine trade
heritage to his son Thomas Coolidge, who organized United Fruit. The
company started as a banana importer but soon became master of the
so-called banana republics it controlled, owning their railroads and
communications systems.
The Yale blue bloods and their CIA were firmly in control of the
company, which was also doing business with New Orleans mobsters.
Joe Macheca, the reputed boss of organized crime in New Orleans,
merged his shipping line into United Fruit in 1900. His underworld
successor, Charles Matranga, stayed close to United Fruit throughout
his life, and at his funeral United Fruit executives paid their respects.11
The New Orleans mob was then controlled by Carlos Marcello, during
which time it imported morphine and cocaine from Honduras. In the
same year that Marcello took control, the board of directors bought out
its greatest rival, Samuel Zemurray, with stock in its company. A few
years later, when Zemurray became a nuisance as a board of directors
member, Thomas Cabot sacked him.
Later a new challenge emerged. Jacob Arbenz, the democratically
elected president of Guatemala, decided the land should be given back
to the people, and so he had the audacity to buy United Fruit's land at
the value the company had stated it was worth.12 United Fruit shareholder
John Foster Dulles said the country was under "a Communisttype
reign of terror" and that America must act.13 Massachusetts
Congressman John McCormack assailed the Guatemalan government
for its attack on his constituents' investment, declaring that 90 percent
of New England's foreign investments were in Latin America.14 Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge, whose family owned stock, led the attack15 and
was joined by Thomas Cabot and his brother John Moors Cabot, assistant
secretary of state.
The United Fruit story was fed to the media and trumped in
Congress, and finally a top executive made the case to the Council on
Foreign Relations. The council hired a lobbyist, Thomas Corcoran, to
act as liaison to the CIA. Tommy the Cork, as he was called, was friends
with Walter Bedell "Beetle" Smith, the CIA director. Corcoran had
served as the legal representative to the CIA's "airline" in Laos and
Vietnam.16 The American intelligence agency actually had a proprietary
airline first called CAT, Civil Air Transport and later dubbed Air
America, that would be the subject of a 1990 movie by the same title.
In 1954 the CIA used Honduras to topple the government of
Guatemala. A series of graft and drug scandals in Honduras brought
down the leadership in the 1970s, but the CIA ensured that Honduras
would be a main staging point for actions in nearby Guatemala and
Nicaragua. When the showdown came with the DEA, which was making
the CIA uncomfortable, it was the DEA office that closed.17 Despite
the so-called War on Drugs, the drug-free plan was much less important
than the agenda of United Fruit, its shareholders, and the CIA.
George Bush's best-known He about taxes eclipses his other great He:
"Take my word, this scourge will stop," which was part of his inauguration
speech. The amount of American heroin addicts, which dropped
from five hundred thousand to two hundred thousand in the years after
Vietnam, rose sharply again after America—through the CIA—lent
assistance to Afghanistan. The CIA backing of the opium growers
fooled few. The president's Strategic Council on Drug Abuse was frustrated
enough by the CIA's silence on the issue that it pointed out in a
New York Times editorial that drug use would rise just as it did with the
CIA adventures in Laos. The prediction was correct, as the addict census
grew to 450,000 and heroin deaths in New York rose 77 percent.18
A creative form of the Skull and Bones constructive chaos had the
government spending billions to fight a war on drugs and billions more
to jail users, while making the world safe for drug lords from the Afghan
hills to the Golden Triangle of southeast Asia and the Honduran coast.
The Bush tradition in the Skull and Bones began with George's father,
Prescott, who was a Bonesman and served in Army intelligence. At the
wedding of Prescott Bush and Dorothy Walker, five Bonesmen served
as ushers. Bush family members were close to the Rockefellers and
Harrimans and served on numerous corporation boards. George
Herbert Walker Bush was born and raised in Greenwich, Connecticut,
and schooled at Andover and Yale. With money from the owner of the
Washington Post and connections from family and his Bones cabal,
George headed to Texas to make his fortune.
Bonesman Henry Neil Mallon, one of four Mallons in the group,
gave George the chance to learn the oil business through his company,
Dresser Industries, which had been bought from its founding family by
Mallon with Harriman money. After George's apprenticeship at Dresser
he started his own company, Zapata Oil, with two partners. Zapata Oil
drilled in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The company's island base in the
Cay Sal Bank would be used for CIA operations against Castro. The Bay
of Pigs invasion in 1961 was actually known as Operation Zapata. Two
vessels used in the operation were Barbara and Houston, the names of
George's new wife and newly adopted home base.19 While it is
generally denied, George's CIA career began at this time, and he was
still active in the organization in 1963. He later became director of the
George W. Bush's career went according to the same game plan as
his father's with the exception of CIA involvement. George W. went to
Yale, was a member of the Skull and Bones, worked in the oil business,
and then moved into politics. In the 2000 presidential race he picked
Richard Bruce Cheney as his running mate. Although the soon-to-be
vice president was not a Bonesman, there are nine Cheneys in the
membership list of the Skull and Bones. The Cheney ancestor who
came to America in 1667 landed in Massachusetts, entitling the family
to be counted among the blue bloods. Like George H.W. Bush, Cheney
was connected to military intelligence, and he was a strong supporter of
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North. Cheney was even George's secretary
of defense during Operation Desert Storm. Cheney too went to Texas,
where he became the head of Halliburton, an oil-drilling company that
bought Dresser Industries in 1998 under his tenure as boss. The company's
Brown and Root subsidiary remains an important campaign
donor, now to Republican candidates rather than to Democrats, and a
beneficiary of large government contracts.
In November 1980 President Jimmy Carter, who had so far survived
two assassination attempts and the intrigues of a powerful machine he
could not fully comprehend, lost the presidential election. The powers
that were had thrown their weight behind the charismatic Ronald
Reagan and Bonesman George Bush. But what the Republicans feared
the most was that the hostage situation in Iran would end just before
the election. Despite the constant mismanagement by the Carter White
House, a last-minute release of the American hostages, the "October
Surprise," could spike Carter's popularity enough to carry the election.
The conspiracy theory covered in numerous books tells the story
of George Bush, fellow Bonesman Senator John Heinz HI, and a handThe
ful of intelligence operatives flying to Spain to meet with members of
Iran's government. The deal was that Iran would hold the hostages until
after the election in exchange for arms. This deal would also start the
strange Oliver North-Iran-Contra Affair that was unearthed years later.
After the election, a series of murders and strange deaths began that
included Reagan's campaign manager and spymaster William Casey;
Amaram Nir, an Israeli officer; arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi20; and
broadcast journalist Jessica Savitch. In a remarkable coincidence,
Senators John Heinz and John Tower were killed in separate plane
crashes within hours of each other, in April 1991. Both were allegedly
connected to the October Surprise. And both were powerful men in
the Senate.
The father of Senator Heinz was John Heinz II, who was a Skull
and Bones member in 1931. John III, prince of the Heinz ketchup
company fortune, married Teresa Simoes Ferreira, who was born of a
Portuguese family in Mozambique, which at the time was still a colony.
Ferreira, a board member of the Carnegie Institute, a member of the
Brookings Institute, and a member of the Council on Foreign
Relations, suddenly inherited a fortune worth $860 million. She then
would marry another senator, Bonesman John Forbes Kerry. John
Kerry, whose ancestors were among the opium pioneers in China,
investigated the Iran-Contra Affair, unearthed Oliver North's private
aid network to the Contras, and exposed the Bank of Commerce and
Credit International (BCCI). He was given credit for his courage in
attacking the mainstream corruption in Washington and intelligence
drug dealing, but others say his investigation stopped short. The coincidences
The murder of President John Kennedy is a half century old, but many
believe it will never be solved. The first suspicions of foreign involvement,
given credence by J. Edgar Hoover and Clare Boothe Luce, were
quickly discredited. Luce had said an anti-Castro agent had called her
the day JFK was killed and said Oswald was a Communist.21 The next
victim of suspicion was the American right wing, as allegedly someone
named George Bush tipped off the authorities of the assassination plot.
The next suspects were organized criminals, such as the Mafia, and even
Texas oil producers. Finally, the American CIA took over as the most
likely culprit. Surveys of skeptics of the Warren Commission Report,
which Allen Dulles predicted no one would ever read, indicate that the
CIA was the power behind the conspiracy. One skeptic was Robert
Kennedy, who asked CIA Director John McCone point-blank, "Did
the CIA kill my brother?"22 McCone said no.
A motive for the murder of President Kennedy could be that he
had failed to take back Cuba, and this threatened other Caribbean
islands where United Fruit and a handful of sugar companies reaped the
rewards of exploitative capitalism. Another motive might be that
Kennedy had threatened to end the Vietnam profit center, which
brought fortunes to the numerous blue-blood investments in aviation,
particularly Textron, which owned Bell Helicopter, and the Brown and
Root construction company, which had provided Lyndon B. Johnson
with his campaign war chest. This chapter will not attempt to solve the
mystery of the Kennedy assassination, but it will try to shed light on
some of the awkward coincidences that authors of the Warren
Commission Report, such as Kennedy haters Earl Warren and Allen
Dulles, believed no one would ever read.
The conspiracy as traced by the Warren Commission may have
started when a young marine named Lee Harvey Oswald, who had
contact with the Office of Naval Intelligence, started studying Russian
while stationed in a high-security base in Japan, and then left the
marines and defected to Russia.23 In Russia the soldier was treated well,
was given an apartment and a job, and was able to get married. He also
had his picture taken with an American "tourist," Marie Hyde, who said
she became lost while on her tour, a near impossibility in the 1960s
Cold War Russia.
The defector, who had been suspected of passing information on
the U-2 flights to his Russian hosts, returned home without even a slap
on the wrist from his government. Instead he was given a loan by the
government to buy a home with his Russian bride. He then got a series
of jobs, with at least one requiring a security clearance. He also met
George DeMohrenschildt, who was connected in the oil business and
knew both George Bush and Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.
DeMohrenschildt introduced Oswald to Michael Ralph Paine and
Ruth Hyde Paine, both of whom belonged to the United World
Federalists, which was started by Cord Meyer of the CIA.
Another member of Meyer's United World Federalists was Priscilla
Johnson. Supposedly turned down for a CIA job because of her membership
in United World Federalists, Johnson nevertheless turned up in
Russia and met Oswald.24 Michael Paine's mother was Ruth Forbes
Paine, of the same family whose ships carried opium to China in the
nineteenth century. Ruth Paine's brother, William Forbes, was on the
board of United Fruit. On his father's side, Michael's ancestors include
Cabots, one of whom is a cousin who sat on the board of directors of
United Fruit. Michael's wife, also named Ruth, was the daughter of
William Avery Hyde. She was close to her husband's family, and in July
1963 went to Naushon Island, the Forbes kingdom off Woods Hole, to
visit her mother-in-law, Ruth.
Mother Ruth's best friend, Mary Bancroft, was not only in the CIA
but was also involved in a long-term relationship with Allen Dulles.
Bancroft wrote all about her twenty-year affair in her autobiography,
My Life as a Spy. Bancroft's father was elected mayor of Cambridge four
times and was president of the Boston Elevated Railway. Her stepmother's
stepfather was Clarence Walker Barron, who published Barron's
and the Wall Street Journal. Bancroft's first husband worked as chief of
United Fruit in Cuba, and her daughter married the son of Bonesman
and Senator Robert Taft.25
When Ruth Paine, wife of Michael, returned from Naushon, the
Paines took in young Lee Harvey Oswald and his Russian wife, Marina.
Ruth found her adopted defector a job in the Texas School Book
Depository. Ruth and Michael also provided a key piece of evidence
that would help convict their new friend, should the police department
protect Oswald long enough to get him to trial. In a declassified document,
an informant describes a phone call Michael made to Ruth right
after the shooting, with Michael saying he didn't believe Oswald was
involved and that "we both know who is responsible."26
Why would Robert Kennedy ask if the CIA killed his brother? The
CIA had caused the biggest blunder of John Kennedy's short presidency,
the Bay of Pigs invasion. It caused Kennedy to dump Allen
Dulles, who advised for the operation, and threaten to smash the CIA
into a million pieces. And it was also surprising when the committee set
up to investigate the murder of the president was made up of Earl
Warren, who was beholden to the Teamsters, whom Robert Kennedy
had investigated; Gerald Ford, who was also beholden to the Teamsters;
and Allen Dulles. The CIA was a natural suspect in the assassination.
The greatest piece of evidence in the Warren Commission investigation
was what became known as the Zapruder film, which was
quickly bought by Luce's Time/Life Corporation. The film showed
President Kennedy's head snap in a way that could be caused only by a
bullet from the right front. It was made to appear that the President's
head was falling forward indicating a shot from the rear, which meant
that the frames in the film were reversed.27 Later this reversal of frames
was said to be an accident.
After the Warren Commission fell out of favor with the thinking
public, other commissions were set up to investigate the CIA and the
growing amount of political assassinations in America. The newer evidence
pointed to the involvement of intelligence in the Kennedy assassination,
and forensic evidence showed the improbability of there being
a single shooter. It is more likely that a two- or three-man hit team had
been in place. Marita Lorenz testified that she was part of the operation
and named two of the CIA operatives and a number of Cubans who
were also involved. In her short and remarkable life, Lorenz had been a
lover of Fidel Castro and then part of the CIA Operation 40 plot to kill
him. At that time she was "dating" Venezuelan dictator Marcos Perez
Jimenez, whose government was so corrupt that even the Roman
Catholic Church took issue with it.28 How did Lorenz survive to testify?
Her mother was Alice June Lofland, a cousin of Henry Cabot
Lodge,29 and she worked for the NSC.30 Lorenz testified to the Select
Committee on Assassinations about the Operation 40 plot against the
president: "From the time I rejoined Operation 40 ... all I heard was
'We're going to get Kennedy.' "31 She said no one would murder her
because of her mother's "power in the National Security Agency."32
Among the series of strange deaths that took place shortly after JFK
was murdered was that of Mary Pinchot Meyer, the ex-wife of Cord
Meyer. Pinchot Meyer was murdered while walking along the
Chesapeake and Ohio towpath. Georgetown murders are rare, but this
one included some very strange circumstances and was never solved.
Cord Meyer was the Yale-educated CIA agent who was linked to
Ruth and Michael Paine through the United World Federalists, which
he had founded before Dulles brought him into the CIA. Pinchot
Meyer had been having an affair with JFK. Meyer was one of the most
influential people in the CIA. Just after Pinchot Meyer's death, the CIA
counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton entered her house "with
a key he kept to the place" and took her diary.33,34 Angleton was joined
by Ben Bradlee of the Washington Post, who was Pinchot Meyer's
Although a series of unlikely coincidences, no matter how suspicious,
cannot be conclusive evidence of a conspiracy, it does suggest
something that exists far from the eyes of the public. The coincidences
point to an elite handful of interlocking relationships that have a hold
over national affairs—a grip that most citizens could not imagine possible.
The coincidences further suggest that the media, in the hands of
such an elite, may stop far short of serious investigative reporting.
That there is a conspiracy is not in doubt; there are numerous conspiracies.
An elite class has always been in power and always will be. When
the chauffeur of a Rockefeller pays more in taxes than the man he
drives, the will of the elite is in evidence. When the House Select
Committee on Assassinations concludes that the assassinations of
Kennedy and Martin Luther King were conspiracies but nothing further
is done, this is more evidence. When officers of the DEA complain
of being told to back off because they are causing a problem for the
CIA, this gives evidence that a higher power that goes unchecked is in
The fact that a nation allows itself to be ruled by an elite class has
become old news to those being ruled, and has become a given to those
who do not need to aspire to power because it is already theirs.
The story of the night that George W Bush was tapped for entry in
the Skull and Bones is told in Bill Minutaglio's First Son. George was
not sure he wanted the rigor of meeting with fellow Bonesmen two
nights a week. He was already born into wealth and, thanks to his
father, into power. George told a fellow classmate that he would rather
join "Gin and Tonic." His father, probably anticipating his son's doubt,
knocked on his door at 8 P.M. and told young George that it was time
to do the right thing, to become a "good man." George accepted.35

Chapter 1
1. Malcolm Barber, The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple
(Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1994), pp. 267—71.
2. Charles G. Addison, The History of the Knights Templar (Kempton, 111.:
Adventures Unlimited Press, 1997), p. 83.
3. Ibid., p. 88.
4. Ibid., p. 89.
5. John Westfall Thompson and Edgar Nathaniel Johnson, An Introduction to
Medieval Europe (New York: W. W. Norton Co., 1937), p. 564.
6. Barber, p. 237.
7. Ibid., p. 241.
8. John J. Robinson, Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry (New York:
M. Evans & Co., 1989), p. 228.
9. Desmond Seward, The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders (London:
Penguin, 1972), p. 78.
10. Piers Paul Read, The Templars (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000), p. 250.
11. Seward, p. 207.
12. Read, p. 259.
13. Peter Partner, The Murdered Magicians:The Templars and Their Myth (New
Barnes & Noble, 1987), p. 60.
14. Universe Lodge No. 705 Web site,
15. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons
the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus (Boston: Element Books, 1997), p.
Chapter 2
1. From Dom Pedro Alcazar, Seakeeping, edited by Mark S. Harris, as posted on
the Web site files/TRAVEL/Seakeeping.
2. Ibid.
3. Knight and Lomas, p. 297.
4. Thompson and Johnson, p. 596.
5. Frederick Pohl, Prince Henry Sinclair (New York: Clarkson Potter, 1967), pp.
6. Ibid., p. 90.
7. Joseph R. Strayer, The Albigensian Crusades (Ann Arbor: University of
Press, 1992), pp. 61-70.
8.Will Durant, The Reformation: A History of European Civilization from
Wycliff to
Calvin 1300-1564 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957), p. 112.
9. Robinson, p. 21.
10. Seward, p. 43.
11. Ibid., pp. 230-1.
12. Seward, pp. 234-6.
13. Ibid., p. 330.
14. Ibid., p. 313.
15. Guy Patton and Robin Mackness, Web of Gold: The Secret Power of a Sacred
Treasure (London: Sidgewick & Jackson, 2000), p. 242.
Chapter 3
1. Patrick Pringle, Jolly Roger: The Story of the Great Age of Piracy (New York:
Norton, 1953), p. 22.
2. Robert C. Ritchie, Captain Kidd and the War Against the Pirates (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1986), pp. 203-227.
3. Clare Brandt, An American Aristocracy: The Livingstons (Garden City, New
Doubleday, 1986), p. 38.
4. Jan Rogozinski, Honor among Thieves: Captain Kidd, Henry Every, and the
Democracy in the Indian Ocean (Mechanicsburg, Penn.: Stackpole Books,
pp. 69-76.
5. Ritchie, p. 36.
6. Ibid.
7. Brandt, p. 21.
8. Stephen Birmingham, America's Secret Aristocracy (New York: Berkley
1987), pp. 33-4.
9. Brandt, pp. 30-6.
10. Edward Robb Ellis, The Epic of New York City (New York: Kondansha,
p. 107.
11. Ritchie, p. 26.
12. George Francis Dow and John Henry Edmonds, The Pirates of the New
Coast 1630-1730 (New York: Dover Publications, 1996), p. 77.
Chapter 4
1. Steve Wick, The Settler and the Sachem, from the Web site
Also see Bernie Bookbinder, Long Island: People and Places, Past and Present
(New York: Henry N. Abrams, Inc., 1998).
2. Robert Ellis Cahill, Pirates and Lost Treasures (Peabody, Mass.: Chandler
Publishing, 1987), p. 84.
3. David M. Fletcher, The Diplomacy of Annexation (Columbia: University of
Missouri Press, 1973), p. 71.
4. Edwin P. Hoyt, John Tyler (New York: Abelard Schuman, 1969), p. 72.
5. Fletcher, p. 135.
6. Hoyt, p. 132.
7. John Prebble, Darien: The Scottish Dream of Empire (Edinburgh: Berlinn
2000), p. 185.
8. Brandt, p. 55.
9. Ibid., p. 105.
10. Ibid., 103-8.
11. Axel Madsen, John Jacob Astor: America's First Millionaire (New York: John
2001), p. 32.
12. David Leon Chandler, The Jefferson Conspiracies (New York: William
and Company, 1994), p. 151.
13. Ibid., p. 100.
14. Louis B. Davidson and Eddie Doherty, Strange Crimes at Sea (Binghamton,
N.Y.: Vail-Ballou Press, 1954), p. 105.
15. Birmingham, pp. 100-2.
16. Dow and Edmonds, p. 89.
17. Ibid., p. 42.
18. Ritchie, pp. 113-6.
19. Birmingham, p. 203.
20. Stephen Hess, America's Political Dynasties (New York: Doubleday, 1966), p.
Part Two: Introduction
1. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, The Temple and the Lodge (New York:
Arcade Publishing, 1989), p. 174.
2. Ibid., p. 143.
3. William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (New York: Avon Books, 1989), p. 228.
4. Ibid., p. 276.
5. Steven C. Bullock, Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the
of the American Social Order 1730-1840 (Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1996), p. 46.
Chapter 5
1. A. J. Langguth, Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution (New
York: Simon & Schuster, 1988), pp. 95-7.
2. Samuel Eliot Morison, The Maritime History of Massachusetts 1783-1860
(Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1921), pp. 27-8.
3. Herbert Allen, John Hancock: Patriot in Purple (New York: Macmillan, 1948),
4. Robert Leckie, George Washington's War: The Saga of the American
(New York: HarperCollins, 1992), p. 53.
5. Michael Klepper and Robert Gunther, The Wealthy 100: From Benjamin
Franklin to Bill Gates: A Ranking of the Richest Americans, Past and Present
(Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1996), pp. 191-3.
6. Langguth, p. 179.
7. Paul Lewis, The Great Incendiary: A Biography of Samuel Adams (New York:
Press, 1973), chapter 9.
8. Ellis, p. 155.
9. Baigent and Leigh, p. 209.
10. Ibid., p. 116.
11. Langguth, p. 294.
12. Christopher Hibbert, Redcoats and Rebels (New York: W. W. Norton, 1990),
13. Bullock, p. 79.
14. Baigent and Leigh, pp. 260-2.
15. Robert Hieronimus, America's Secret Destiny: Spiritual Vision and the
Founding of
a Nation (Rochester, Vt.: Destiny Books, 1989), p. 26.
Chapter 6
1. Richard B. Morris, Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny (New York: Harper and
Row, 1973), p. 11.
2. Bullock, p. 60.
3. Ibid., p. 118.
4. Catherine Drinker Bowen, The Most Dangerous Man in America: Scenes from
Life of Benjamin Franklin (Boston: Little, Brown, 1974), p. 130.
5. Morris, p. 23.
6. Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies, Their Influence and
in World History (Rochester,Vt.: Destiny Books, 1989), p. 80.
7. Leckie, p. 29.
8. Ibid., p. 39.
9. David Schoenbrum, Triumph in Paris: The Exploits of Benjamin Franklin (New
York: Harper and Row, 1976), p. 10.
10. Howard, p. 58.
11. Hieronimus, p. 32.
12. Helen Augur, The Secret War of Independence (Boston: Little, Brown, and
Co., 1955), p. 17.
13. Kevin Phillips, The Cousins' War (New York: Basic Books, 1999), p. 147.
14. Anton Chaitkin, Treason in America (Washington, D.C.: Executive Intelligence
Review, 1984), p. 247.
15. John Dos Passos, The Shackles of Power (New York: Doubleday, 1966), pp.
16. Hess, pp. 369-85.
Chapter 7
1. Augur, pp. 70-1.
2. Ibid., p. 37.
3. Ibid., 66-9.
4. Andre Maurois, Adrienne: The Life of the Marquis de la Fayette (New York:
McGrawHill, 1961), p. 23.
5. Burke Davis, The Campaign That Won America: The Siege atYorktown (New
Dial Press, 1970), p. 113.
6. Morison, p. 7.
7. Baigent and Leigh, p. 40.
8. Augur, pp. 200-1.
9. Hess, p. 227.
10. Langguth.p. 279.
11. Ibid., p. 342.
12. Ibid., p. 32.
13. Augur, pp. 70-1.
14. Klepper and Gunther, p. 27.
15. George Wilson, Stephen Girard: The Life and Times of America's First Tycoon
(Philadelphia: Combined Books, 1995), p. 188.
Chapter 8
1. David Cordingly, Women Sailors and Sailors' Women (New York: Random
House, 2001), pp. 5-9.
2. Langguth, p. 467.
3. Ibid., pp. 473-4.
4. Barbara W Tuchman, The First Salute (New York: Ballantine Books, 1988), p.
5. Baigent and Leigh, p. 218.
6. Tuchman, p. 191.
7. From Robert A. Selig, Deux-Ponts Germans, from the Web site www.americanrevolution.
8. Seward, p. 330.
9. Tuchman, p. 229.
10. Tuchman, p. 141.
Chapter 9
1. David Ovason, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital (New York:
Collins, 1999), pp. 142-9.
2. A. Ralph Epperson, Masonry: Conspiracy against Christianity (Tucson: Publius
Press, 1997), p. 281.
3. Hieronimus, p. 39.
4. Ibid., p. 28.
5. Baigent and Leigh, p. 261.
6. Thomas Fleming, The Duel (New York: Basic Books, 1999), p. 109.
7. Bullock, p. 150.
8. Ovason, p. 85.
9. Ibid., p. 269.
10. Ibid., p. 237.
11. Howard, p. 88.
12. Fleming, p. 4.
13. Bramley, p. 226.
Chapter 10
1. Brent Staples, "How Slavery Fueled Business in the North," from the Web site (July 25, 2000), pp. 1-4.
2. Pringle,pp. 17-18.
3. Hugh Thomas, The Slave Trade: The Story of the Atlantic Slave Trade 1440-
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1997), p. 296.
4. Thomas Brosnahan, Kim Grant, and Steve Jermanok, New England (Hawthorn,
Victoria, Australia: Lonely Planet Publications, 1999), p. 346.
5. Wade Davis, The Serpent and the Rainbow (New York: Warner Books, 1985),
6. Eric Williams, From Columbus to Castro:The History of the Caribbean 1492—
(New York: Harper and Row, 1970), p. 245.
7. Davis, p. 231.
8. Thomas Handasyd Perkins, The Memoir of Thomas Handasyd Perkins (1856;
reprint, New York: Burt Franklin, 1971), p. 10.
Chapter 11
1. Jack Weatherford, The History of Money (New York: Three Pavers Press,
p. 22.
2. Seward, p. 161.
3. Elaine Sanceau, Henry the Navigator: The Story of a Great Prince and His
(New York: W W Norton, 1947), p. 255.
4. Ibid., p. 224.
5. Ibid., p. 255.
6. Sale Kirkpatrick, The Conquest of Paradise (New York: Penguin, 1991), pp. 50-
7. Benjamin Keen, trans., The Life of Admiral Christopher Columbus by His Son
Ferdinand (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1959), p. 5.
8. Gianni Granzotto, Christopher Columbus:The Dream and the Obsession,
Sartarelli, trans. (Garden City: Doubleday, 1985), pp. 39-41.
9. Keen, pp. 16-17.
10. Samuel Eliot Morison, Admiral of the Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus
(Boston: Litde, Brown and Co., 1942), p. 57.
11. Ibid., p. 93.
12. Granzotto, p. 44.
13. Ibid., pp. 594-5.
14. Samuel Eliot Morison, Christopher Columbus, Mariner (Boston: Little, Brown
and Co., 1942), pp. 127-9.
15. Thomas, p. 90.
16. Ibid., p. 96.
17.Williams, p. 34.
18. James Pope-Hennessy, Sins of the Father: A Study of the Atlantic Slave Traders
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968), p. 45.
19.Will Durant, The Reformation: The Story of Civilization VI (New York: Simon
Schuster, 1957), p. 194.
20. Thomas, p. 191.
21. Seward, p. 294.
22. Davis, pp. 36-38.
23. Rod Davis, American Voudou (Denton: University of North Texas Press,
pp. 8-9.
24. James A.Rawley, The Trans-Atlantic SlaveTrade (New York:W.W. Norton,
pp. 105-6.
25. Ibid., pp. 136-8.
26. Will Durant and Ariel Durant, Rousseau and Revolution: The Story of
Civilization X (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1967), p. 939.
27. Augur, pp. 3-27.
28. Charles Nicholl, The Creature in the Map: A Journey to El Dorado (New York:
William Morrow and Company, 1995), pp. 127, 309-11.
29. Thomas, p. 155.
Chapter 12
1. Thomas, p. 204.
2. Ibid., p. 248.
3. Ibid., p. 177.
4. Bullock, p. 59.
5. Morison, The Maritime History of Massachusetts, p. 32.
6. Ibid., p. 33.
7. Ibid., p. 278.
8. Thomas, p. 176.
9. Robert G. Albion, William A. Baker, and Benjamin W Labaree, New England
and the Sea (Mystic, Conn.: Mystic Seaport Museum, 1972), p. 37.
10. Pope-Hennessy, p. 226.
11. Bullock, p. 59.
12. Thomas, pp. 771—2
13. Brandt, pp. 68-9.
14. Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom (New York: W W
Norton, 1975), p. 77.
15. Ibid., p. 80.
16. Ibid., p. 315.
17. Ruth Harrison Jones, ed., Harrison Heritage vol. VI, no. 4 (Dec, 1986)
"Unknown Possible Ancestors of the Presidents Harrison," from the Web site
18. Morgan, p. 121.
19. Pope-Hennessy, pp. 223-4.
20. Bullock, p. 80.
21. Baigent and Leigh, p. 180.
Chapter 13
1. Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy (New York: HarperCollins, 2000), pp. 209-12.
2. John Davis, The Kennedy Contract (New York: HarperCollins, 1993), p. 81.
3. Jim Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins (New York: Warner Books, 1988),
p. 328.
4. David S. Lifton, Best Evidence (New York: Penguin, 1992) pp. 64-7.
5. Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone, High Treason (New York:
Berkley Books, 1989), p. 104.
6. Groden and Livingstone, p. 154.
7. Marrs, p. 216.
Chapter 14
1. Martin Booth, Opium: A History (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996), pp.
2. Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global
(New York: HarperCollins, 1991), p. 79.
3. Booth, pp. 82-3.
4. Carl A. Trocki, Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy (New York:
Routledge, 1999), p. 32.
5. Edward A. Gargan, "The Humbling of a Heavyweight," New York Times, 30
November 1995.
6. Klepper and Gunther, p. 11.
7. Charles Tyng, Before the Wind: The Memoir of an American Sea Captain (New
York:Viking, 1999), pp. xiii-xviii.
8. Charles Corn, The Scents of Eden: A History of the Spice Trade (New York:
Kodansha, 1999), p. 303.
9. Thomas G Cary, Memoir of Thomas Handasyd Perkins (Boston: Little, Brown
Co., 1856; reprint, New York: Burt Franklin, 1971), p. 209.
10. Fay, Peter Ward, The Opium War 1840-1842, (Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 1995), p. 140.
11.Chaitkin.p. 135.
12. Morison, The Maritime History of Massachusetts, p. 115.
13. Albion, Baker, and Labaree, p. 92.
14. Nathaniel Bowditch, Bowditch's Coastal Navigation (New York: Arco
1979), Notes.
15. Thomas N. Layton, The Voyage of the Frolic: New England Merchants and the
Opium Trade (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997), p. 25.
Chapter 15
1. Klepper and Gunther, p. 28.
2. Ibid., page 29.
3. Ellis, p. 177.
4. Lucy Kavaler, The Astors: An American Legend (New York: Dodd, Mead,
p. 30.
5. Ibid., p. 30.
6. Ellis, p. 210.
7. Ibid., p. 211.
8. Ibid., p. 244.
9. Klepper and Gunther, p. 19.
10. Ellis, p. 318.
11. Albion, Baker, and Labaree, pp. 97-100.
12. Ron Chernow, The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the
of Modern Finance (New York: Touchstone Books, 1991), pp. 8-16.
13. From the Web site
14. Kenneth Sydney Davis, FDR: The Beckoning of Destiny 1882-1928 (New
Random House, 1996) pp. 15-20.
15. Ibid., p. 42.
16. Jeremy Rifkin and Jeremy P.Tarcher, The Biotech Century (New York:
1999), p. 117.
17. Jeffrey Steinberg, (editor) et al. Dope, Inc. (Washington, D.C.: Executive
Review, 1992) p. 127.
18. Booth, p. 128.
19. Fay, p. 132
20. Gargan, "The Humbling of a Heavyweight."
21. Booth, pp. 51-66.
22. Ibid., pp. 51-74.
23. Kathryn Meyer and Terry Parssinen, Web of Smoke: Smugglers, Warlords, Spies
the History of the International Drug Trade (Lanham, Md.: Rowman and
Littlefield, 1998), p. 125.
Chapter 16
1. Phillips, p. 13.
2. Nelson W Aldrich, Old Money: The Mythology of Wealth in America (New
Allworth Press, 1996), p. 61.
3. Ibid., p. 13.
4. Morison, The Maritime History of Massachusetts, p. 23.
5. Ibid., p. 27.
6. Ibid., p. 154.
7. Ibid., p. 167.
8. Harriet H. Robinson, "Early Factory Labor in New England" (Boston: Wright
& Potter, 1883), pp. 380-92, from the Web site of the Massachusetts Bureau of
Statistics of Labor,
9. Page Smith, The Rise of Industrial America: A People's History of the Post-
Reconstruction Era (New York: Penguin, 1990), p. 221.
10. Booth, chapter 9.
11. Thom Metzger, The Birth of Heroin and the Demonization of the Dope Fiend
Townsend, Wash.: Loomponics Unlimited, 1998), p. 132.
12. Edward, Marshall, NewYork Times,"The Story of the Opium Fight," March 12,
1911, from Schaffer Library of Drug Policy Web site, http://www.druglibrary.
13. Metzger, p. 176.
Chapter 17
1. Jonathan Vankin, Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes (New York: Dell, 1992),
p. 234.
2. Ron Rosenbaum, The Secret Parts of Fortune (NewYork: HarperCollins, 2000),
3. Robin W. Winks, Cloak and Gown, Scholars in the Secret War 1939-1961
Haven: Yale University Press, 1996), p. 15.
4. Ibid., p. 96.
5. Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, Wise Men, Six Friends and the World They
Made (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986), pp. 80-2.
6. Antony Sutton, America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of
and Bones (Billings, Mont.: Liberty House Press, 1983), p. 8.
7. Joel Bainerman, Inside the Covert Operations of the CIA and Israel's Mossad
York: SPI Books, 1994), p. 164.
8. Ralph G. Martin, Henry & Clare: An Intimate Portrait of the Luces (New York:
Putnam, 1991), p. 61.
9. Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair, Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the
Press (NewYork: Verso, 1998), p. 238.
10. McCoy, pp. 162-73.
11. Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine, Politics, Drugs, Armies and
CIA in Central America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992), p. 52.
12. Stephen Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer, Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the
American Coup in Guatemala (New York: Doubleday, 1982), p. 76.
13. Ibid., p. 11.
14. Ibid., p. 72.
15. Ibid., pp. 82-4.
16. Ibid., pp. 90-2.
17. Scott and Marshall, p. 57.
18. Cockburn and St. Clair, pp. 259-61.
19. L. Fletcher Prouty, JFK, the CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate John F
Kennedy (New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1992), pp. 131-2.
20. Vankin, pp. 182-4.
21. Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press,
pp. 52-3.
22. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., Robert Kennedy and His Time, (New York:
1978), p. 665.
23. Groden and Livingstone, pp. 160-1
24. John Newman, Oswald and the CIA (New York: Carroll and Graf, 1995), pp.
25. Martin, pp. 264-5.
26. Fonzi, p. 10.
27. Fonzi, p. 217.
28. Gerard Colby with Charlotte Dennett, Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the
Amazon—Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil (New York:
Collins, 1995) p. 312.
29. Marita Lorenz, Marita (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1993), p. 33.
30. Ibid., p. 58.
31. Ibid., p. 127.
32. Ibid., p. 168.
33. Timothy Leary,"The Murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer," The Rebel (November
22, 1983).
34. Burton Hersh, The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA
York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1992), p. 358.
35. Bill Minutaglio, First Son: George W. Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty (New
York: Random House, 1999), pp. 103-5.
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